Exemplo n.º 1
_WCRTLINK void _WCI86FAR _CGRAPH _clearscreen( short area )

   This routine clears either the entire screen, the current viewport, or
   the text window depending on the parameter. */

#if defined( _DEFAULT_WINDOWS )
    _L2clearscreen( area );
    if( _GrMode ) {
        _L2clearscreen( area );
    } else {
        switch( area ) {
        case _GVIEWPORT:                            /* do nothing   */
            _ErrorStatus = _GRNOTINPROPERMODE;
        case _GWINDOW:                      /* clear current text window    */
            _TxtClear( _Tx_Row_Min, _Tx_Col_Min, _Tx_Row_Max, _Tx_Col_Max );
            _settextposition( 1, 1 );
        case _GCLEARSCREEN:                         /* clear entire screen  */
        default:                                    /* in all other cases  */
            _TxtClear( 0, 0, _CurrState->vc.numtextrows - 1,
                             _CurrState->vc.numtextcols - 1 );
            _settextposition( 1, 1 );
Exemplo n.º 2
short _SetRows( short rows )

   This function sets the number of text rows in the current mode. It only
   affects the _VGA, _EGA, and _MCGA adapters.  */

    _ErrorStatus = _GROK;
    _InitState();           // read the current machine state
    if( _GrMode ) {
        GrModeRows( rows );
    } else {
        TextModeRows( rows );
    if( _ErrorStatus != _GROK ) {
        return( 0 );
    } else {
        rows = *(char far *)_BIOS_data( ROWS ) + 1;     // 0 for Hercules
        if( rows == 1 ) rows = 25;
        _CurrState->vc.numtextrows = rows;
        if( !_GrMode ) {
            _CalcNumPages();              // update the video configuration
        _Tx_Row_Min = 0;                            // text window is now
        _Tx_Col_Min = 0;                            // the full screen
        _Tx_Row_Max = _CurrState->vc.numtextrows - 1;
        _Tx_Col_Max = _CurrState->vc.numtextcols - 1;
        _TextPos.row = 0;                           // set mode function
        _TextPos.col = 0;                           // sets position to 0,0
        _CurrVisualPage = 0;
        _CurrActivePage = 0;
        VideoInt( _BIOS_VIDEO_PAGE, 0, 0, 0 );      // set to page 0
        return( _CurrState->vc.numtextrows );
Exemplo n.º 3
_WCRTLINK short _WCI86FAR _CGRAPH _setactivepage( short pagenum )

   This routine sets the active page for graphics output. */

    short               pos;
    short               prev;

    if( _CurrState->vc.numvideopages == 1 ) {
        if( pagenum != 0 ) {
            _ErrorStatus = _GRINVALIDPARAMETER;
            return( -1 );
        } else {
            return( 0 );
    pagenum %= _CurrState->vc.numvideopages;
//    #if defined( __386__ )
        _CurrState->screen_seg = _CurrState->screen_seg_base;
        _CurrState->screen_off = _CurrState->screen_off_base +
                                 ( ( _CurrState->page_size * pagenum ) << 4 );
//    #else
//      _CurrState->screen_seg = _CurrState->screen_seg_base +
//                                  _CurrState->page_size * pagenum;
//      _CurrState->screen_off = _CurrState->screen_off_base;
//    #endif
    pos = *(short __far *)_BIOS_data( CURSOR_POSN + 2 * pagenum );
    _TextPos.row = pos >> 8;                        /* cursor position  */
    _TextPos.col = pos & 0xFF;                      /* on new page      */
    prev = _CurrActivePage;
    _CurrActivePage = pagenum;
    return( prev );
Exemplo n.º 4
short _SetRows( short rows )

    This function has no effect on Windows.  It only re-initializes
    the variable states. */
    _ErrorStatus = _GROK;
    _InitState();           // read the current machine state
    rows = rows;
    _clearscreen( _GCLEARSCREEN );
    _Tx_Row_Min = 0;                            // text window is now
    _Tx_Col_Min = 0;                            // the full screen
    _Tx_Row_Max = _CurrState->vc.numtextrows - 1;
    _Tx_Col_Max = _CurrState->vc.numtextcols - 1;
    _TextPos.row = 0;                           // set mode function
    _TextPos.col = 0;                           // sets position to 0,0
    return( 0 );