Exemplo n.º 1
/* Search for a prefix value in an environment file (pyvenv.cfg).
   If found, copy it into the provided buffer. */
_Py_FindEnvConfigValue(FILE *env_file, const wchar_t *key,
                       wchar_t *value, size_t value_size)
    int result = 0; /* meaning not found */
    char buffer[MAXPATHLEN*2+1];  /* allow extra for key, '=', etc. */

    fseek(env_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
    while (!feof(env_file)) {
        char * p = fgets(buffer, MAXPATHLEN*2, env_file);

        if (p == NULL) {

        size_t n = strlen(p);
        if (p[n - 1] != '\n') {
            /* line has overflowed - bail */
        if (p[0] == '#') {
            /* Comment - skip */

        wchar_t *tmpbuffer = _Py_DecodeUTF8_surrogateescape(buffer, n);
        if (tmpbuffer) {
            wchar_t * state;
            wchar_t * tok = wcstok(tmpbuffer, L" \t\r\n", &state);
            if ((tok != NULL) && !wcscmp(tok, key)) {
                tok = wcstok(NULL, L" \t", &state);
                if ((tok != NULL) && !wcscmp(tok, L"=")) {
                    tok = wcstok(NULL, L"\r\n", &state);
                    if (tok != NULL) {
                        wcsncpy(value, tok, MAXPATHLEN);
                        result = 1;
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Decode a byte string from the locale encoding with the
   surrogateescape error handler (undecodable bytes are decoded as characters
   in range U+DC80..U+DCFF). If a byte sequence can be decoded as a surrogate
   character, escape the bytes using the surrogateescape error handler instead
   of decoding them.

   Use _Py_wchar2char() to encode the character string back to a byte string.

   Return a pointer to a newly allocated wide character string (use
   PyMem_RawFree() to free the memory) and write the number of written wide
   characters excluding the null character into *size if size is not NULL, or
   NULL on error (decoding or memory allocation error). If size is not NULL,
   *size is set to (size_t)-1 on memory error and (size_t)-2 on decoding

   Conversion errors should never happen, unless there is a bug in the C
   library. */
_Py_char2wchar(const char* arg, size_t *size)
#ifdef __APPLE__
    wchar_t *wstr;
    wstr = _Py_DecodeUTF8_surrogateescape(arg, strlen(arg));
    if (size != NULL) {
        if (wstr != NULL)
            *size = wcslen(wstr);
            *size = (size_t)-1;
    return wstr;
    wchar_t *res;
    size_t argsize;
    size_t count;
    unsigned char *in;
    wchar_t *out;
    mbstate_t mbs;

#ifndef MS_WINDOWS
    if (force_ascii == -1)
        force_ascii = check_force_ascii();

    if (force_ascii) {
        /* force ASCII encoding to workaround mbstowcs() issue */
        res = decode_ascii_surrogateescape(arg, size);
        if (res == NULL)
            goto oom;
        return res;

    /* Some platforms have a broken implementation of
     * mbstowcs which does not count the characters that
     * would result from conversion.  Use an upper bound.
    argsize = strlen(arg);
    argsize = mbstowcs(NULL, arg, 0);
    if (argsize != (size_t)-1) {
        if (argsize == PY_SSIZE_T_MAX)
            goto oom;
        argsize += 1;
        if (argsize > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX/sizeof(wchar_t))
            goto oom;
        res = (wchar_t *)PyMem_RawMalloc(argsize*sizeof(wchar_t));
        if (!res)
            goto oom;
        count = mbstowcs(res, arg, argsize);
        if (count != (size_t)-1) {
            wchar_t *tmp;
            /* Only use the result if it contains no
               surrogate characters. */
            for (tmp = res; *tmp != 0 &&
                         !Py_UNICODE_IS_SURROGATE(*tmp); tmp++)
            if (*tmp == 0) {
                if (size != NULL)
                    *size = count;
                return res;
    /* Conversion failed. Fall back to escaping with surrogateescape. */
    /* Try conversion with mbrtwoc (C99), and escape non-decodable bytes. */

    /* Overallocate; as multi-byte characters are in the argument, the
       actual output could use less memory. */
    argsize = strlen(arg) + 1;
    if (argsize > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX/sizeof(wchar_t))
        goto oom;
    res = (wchar_t*)PyMem_RawMalloc(argsize*sizeof(wchar_t));
    if (!res)
        goto oom;
    in = (unsigned char*)arg;
    out = res;
    memset(&mbs, 0, sizeof mbs);
    while (argsize) {
        size_t converted = mbrtowc(out, (char*)in, argsize, &mbs);
        if (converted == 0)
            /* Reached end of string; null char stored. */
        if (converted == (size_t)-2) {
            /* Incomplete character. This should never happen,
               since we provide everything that we have -
               unless there is a bug in the C library, or I
               misunderstood how mbrtowc works. */
            if (size != NULL)
                *size = (size_t)-2;
            return NULL;
        if (converted == (size_t)-1) {
            /* Conversion error. Escape as UTF-8b, and start over
               in the initial shift state. */
            *out++ = 0xdc00 + *in++;
            memset(&mbs, 0, sizeof mbs);
        if (Py_UNICODE_IS_SURROGATE(*out)) {
            /* Surrogate character.  Escape the original
               byte sequence with surrogateescape. */
            argsize -= converted;
            while (converted--)
                *out++ = 0xdc00 + *in++;
        /* successfully converted some bytes */
        in += converted;
        argsize -= converted;
    if (size != NULL)
        *size = out - res;
#else   /* HAVE_MBRTOWC */
    /* Cannot use C locale for escaping; manually escape as if charset
       is ASCII (i.e. escape all bytes > 128. This will still roundtrip
       correctly in the locale's charset, which must be an ASCII superset. */
    res = decode_ascii_surrogateescape(arg, size);
    if (res == NULL)
        goto oom;
#endif   /* HAVE_MBRTOWC */
    return res;
    if (size != NULL)
        *size = (size_t)-1;
    return NULL;
#endif   /* __APPLE__ */
Exemplo n.º 3
/* search_for_exec_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than
   MAXPATHLEN bytes long.
static int
search_for_exec_prefix(const _PyCoreConfig *core_config,
                       PyCalculatePath *calculate, wchar_t *exec_prefix)
    size_t n;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (core_config->home) {
        wchar_t *delim = wcschr(core_config->home, DELIM);
        if (delim) {
            wcsncpy(exec_prefix, delim+1, MAXPATHLEN);
        else {
            wcsncpy(exec_prefix, core_config->home, MAXPATHLEN);
        exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
        joinpath(exec_prefix, calculate->lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory. "pybuilddir.txt"
       is written by setup.py and contains the relative path to the location
       of shared library modules. */
    wcsncpy(exec_prefix, calculate->argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
    exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(exec_prefix, L"pybuilddir.txt");
    if (isfile(exec_prefix)) {
        FILE *f = _Py_wfopen(exec_prefix, L"rb");
        if (f == NULL) {
            errno = 0;
        else {
            char buf[MAXPATHLEN+1];
            wchar_t *rel_builddir_path;
            n = fread(buf, 1, MAXPATHLEN, f);
            buf[n] = '\0';
            rel_builddir_path = _Py_DecodeUTF8_surrogateescape(buf, n);
            if (rel_builddir_path) {
                wcsncpy(exec_prefix, calculate->argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
                exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
                joinpath(exec_prefix, rel_builddir_path);
                PyMem_RawFree(rel_builddir_path );
                return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(exec_prefix, calculate->argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN+1);
    do {
        n = wcslen(exec_prefix);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, calculate->lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
        if (isdir(exec_prefix)) {
            return 1;
        exec_prefix[n] = L'\0';
    } while (exec_prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's EXEC_PREFIX */
    wcsncpy(exec_prefix, calculate->exec_prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
    exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(exec_prefix, calculate->lib_python);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
    if (isdir(exec_prefix)) {
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;