Exemplo n.º 1
// Append
Path::Append(const char* leaf)
	if (!leaf)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	if (fLength == 0)
		return SetTo(leaf);

	// get the leaf len
	int32 leafLen = strlen(leaf);
	if (leafLen == 0)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	// check, if we need a separator
	bool insertSeparator = (fBuffer[fLength - 1] != '/' && leaf[0] != '/');

	// compute the resulting length and resize the buffer
	int32 wholeLen = fLength + leafLen + (insertSeparator ? 1 : 0);
	status_t error = _Resize(wholeLen + 1);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;

	// insert separator
	if (insertSeparator)
		fBuffer[fLength++] = '/';

	// append leaf
	if (leafLen > 0)
		memcpy(fBuffer + fLength, leaf, leafLen + 1);

	fLength = wholeLen;
	return B_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
/*!	Makes this string writable, and resizes the buffer to \a length bytes (not
	including the terminating null).

	@param length The length of the new buffer in bytes.
	@param copy If true, the current string will be copied into the new string.
BString::_MakeWritable(int32 length, bool copy)
	char* newData = NULL;

	if (atomic_get(&_ReferenceCount()) > 1) {
		// we might share our data with someone else
		if (copy)
			newData = _Clone(fPrivateData, length);
			newData = _Allocate(length);

		if (newData == NULL)
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

		if (atomic_add(&_ReferenceCount(), -1) == 1) {
			// someone else left, we were the last owner
	} else {
		// we don't share our data with someone else
		newData = _Resize(length);

		if (newData == NULL)
			return B_NO_MEMORY;

	fPrivateData = newData;
	return B_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Resize
DataContainer::Resize(off_t newSize)
    status_t error = B_OK;
    if (newSize < 0)
        newSize = 0;
    if (newSize != fSize) {
        // Shrinking should never fail. Growing can fail, if we run out of
        // memory. Then we try to shrink back to the original size.
        off_t oldSize = fSize;
        error = _Resize(newSize);
        if (error == B_NO_MEMORY && newSize > fSize)
    return error;
Exemplo n.º 4
	bool Append(const char* toAppend, size_t length)
		size_t oldLength = fLength;
		if (!_Resize(fLength + length))
			return false;

		memcpy(fBuffer + oldLength, toAppend, length);
		return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
BString::_ShrinkAtBy(int32 offset, int32 length)
	int32 oldLength = Length();
	if (_MakeWritable() != B_OK)
		return NULL;

	memmove(fPrivateData + offset, fPrivateData + offset + length,
		oldLength - offset - length);
	return _Resize(oldLength - length);
Exemplo n.º 6
BString::_DoCharacterEscape(const char* string, const char* setOfCharsToEscape,
	char escapeChar)
	if (_MakeWritable(string_length(string), false) != B_OK)
		return *this;

	memcpy(fPrivateData, string, Length());

	PosVect positions;
	int32 length = Length();
	int32 pos;
	for (int32 offset = 0; offset < length; offset += pos + 1) {
		pos = strcspn(fPrivateData + offset, setOfCharsToEscape);
		if (pos < length - offset && !positions.Add(offset + pos))
			return *this;

	uint32 count = positions.CountItems();
	int32 newLength = length + count;
	if (!newLength) {
		return *this;

	char* newData = _Allocate(newLength);
	if (newData) {
		char* oldString = fPrivateData;
		char* newString = newData;
		int32 lastPos = 0;

		for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
			pos = positions.ItemAt(i);
			length = pos - lastPos;
			if (length > 0) {
				memcpy(newString, oldString, length);
				oldString += length;
				newString += length;
			*newString++ = escapeChar;
			*newString++ = *oldString++;
			lastPos = pos + 1;

		length = Length() + 1 - lastPos;
		if (length > 0)
			memcpy(newString, oldString, length);

		fPrivateData = newData;
	return *this;
Exemplo n.º 7
BString::UnlockBuffer(int32 length)
	if (length > 0)
		length = min_clamp0(length, Length());
		length = fPrivateData == NULL ? 0 : strlen(fPrivateData);

	if (_Resize(length) != NULL) {
		fPrivateData[length] = '\0';
		_ReferenceCount() = 1;
			// mark shareable again

	return *this;
Exemplo n.º 8
bool CTemplateManager::Register( const char* pTemplateName, CDBTemplate* pTemplate, int iDataLen )
	if (!pTemplateName || !pTemplate)
		return false;
	if (m_TemplateCount >= m_MaxTemplateCount)
		if (!_Resize())
			return true;
	m_pTemplateArray[m_TemplateCount] = *pTemplate;
	pTemplate->SetInfo(pTemplateName, iDataLen);
Exemplo n.º 9
// SetTo
Path::SetTo(const char* path, const char* leaf)
	if (!path)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	// get the base path len
	int32 len = strlen(path);
	if (len == 0)
		return B_BAD_VALUE;

	// get leaf len and check, if a separator needs to be inserted
	bool insertSeparator = false;
	int32 leafLen = 0;
	if (leaf) {
		leafLen = strlen(leaf);
		if (leafLen > 0)
			insertSeparator = (path[len - 1] != '/' && leaf[0] != '/');

	// compute the resulting length and resize the buffer
	int32 wholeLen = len + leafLen + (insertSeparator ? 1 : 0);
	status_t error = _Resize(wholeLen + 1);
	if (error != B_OK)
		return error;

	// copy path
	memcpy(fBuffer, path, len);

	// insert separator
	if (insertSeparator)
		fBuffer[len++] = '/';

	// append leaf
	if (leafLen > 0)
		memcpy(fBuffer + len, leaf, leafLen);

	// null terminate
	fBuffer[wholeLen] = '\0';
	fLength = wholeLen;
	return B_OK;
Exemplo n.º 10
BString::_ReplaceAtPositions(const PosVect* positions, int32 searchLength,
	const char* with, int32 withLength)
	int32 length = Length();
	uint32 count = positions->CountItems();
	int32 newLength = length + count * (withLength - searchLength);
	if (!newLength) {

	char* newData = _Allocate(newLength);
	if (newData == NULL)

	char* oldString = fPrivateData;
	char* newString = newData;
	int32 lastPos = 0;

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
		int32 pos = positions->ItemAt(i);
		length = pos - lastPos;
		if (length > 0) {
			memcpy(newString, oldString, length);
			oldString += length;
			newString += length;
		memcpy(newString, with, withLength);
		oldString += searchLength;
		newString += withLength;
		lastPos = pos + searchLength;

	length = Length() + 1 - lastPos;
	if (length > 0)
		memcpy(newString, oldString, length);

	fPrivateData = newData;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool CDBTemplateStruct::RegInt( BOOL Primary, const char* pName, BOOL NewColumn, int Default, 
									BOOL IsUnsigned, BOOL IsIndex, 	BOOL IsEncrypt, const char* pEnctyptKey )
	if (FindColumn(pName))
		return false;
	if (IsFull() && !_Resize())
		return false;
	ColumnInfo& ci = m_pColumnInfo[m_ColumnInfoCount];
	ci.m_Len = sizeof(int);
	ci.m_Pos = m_CurOffset;
	ci.m_Primary = Primary;
	ci.m_IsUnsigned = IsUnsigned;
	ci.m_NewColumn = NewColumn;
	ci.m_pTemplate = 0;
	ci.m_IsIndex = IsIndex;
	ci.m_IsEncrypt = IsEncrypt;

	CTools::Strcpy(ci.m_Name, pName, sizeof(ci.m_Name));
	std::string strName = pName;
	m_HashColumnInfo[strName] = &ci;
	if (IsEncrypt)
		CTools::Strcpy(ci.m_EncryptKey, pEnctyptKey, sizeof(ci.m_EncryptKey));
	ci.m_DefaultLen = sizeof(Default);
	memcpy(ci.m_Default, &Default, ci.m_DefaultLen);
	CTools::Strcpy(ci.m_ColumnDefault, DB_SQL_FORMAT_DEFAULT_INT, sizeof(ci.m_ColumnDefault));
	m_CurOffset += (int)sizeof(int);
Exemplo n.º 12
void ScreenWidget::resizeGL(int width, int height) {
    _Resize(width, height);