Exemplo n.º 1
bool djvFileInfo::stat(const QString & path)
    //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("path = " << path);

    _exists      = false;
    _type        = static_cast<TYPE>(0);
    _size        = 0;
    _user        = 0;
    _permissions = 0;
    _time        = time_t();

    _STAT info;

    djvMemory::fill<quint8>(0, &info, sizeof(_STAT));

    const QString fileName =
        djvFileInfoUtil::fixPath(path.length() ? path : _path) +
        this->fileName(-1, false);

    //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("fileName = " << fileName);

    //! \todo Try to stat multiple variations of the path name to find the
    //! correct one. Is this still necessary?

    const QString fileName2 = fileName + '/';
    const QString fileName3 = fileName.mid(0, fileName.length() - 1);

    //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("fileName2 = " << fileName2);
    //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("fileName3 = " << fileName3);

    if (0 == _STAT_FNC(fileName.toLatin1().data(), &info))
    else if (
        0 == _STAT_FNC(fileName2.toLatin1().data(), &info))
    else if (
        0 == _STAT_FNC(fileName3.toLatin1().data(), &info))
        QString err;

#if defined(DJV_WINDOWS)

        char tmp[djvStringUtil::cStringLength] = "";
        ::strerror_s(tmp, djvStringUtil::cStringLength, errno);
        err = tmp;

#endif // DJV_WINDOWS

        //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("errno = " << err);

        return false;

    _exists      = true;
    _size        = info.st_size;
    _user        = info.st_uid;
    _permissions = 0;
    _time        = info.st_mtime;
    _type        = FILE;
    _permissions = 0;

    //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("size = " << _size);

#if defined(DJV_WINDOWS)

    if (info.st_mode & _S_IFDIR)
        _type = DIRECTORY;

    _permissions |= (info.st_mode & _S_IREAD ) ? djvFileInfo::READ : 0;
    _permissions |= (info.st_mode & _S_IWRITE) ? djvFileInfo::WRITE : 0;
    _permissions |= (info.st_mode & _S_IEXEC ) ? djvFileInfo::EXEC : 0;

#else // DJV_WINDOWS

    if (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode))
        _type = DIRECTORY;

    _permissions |= (info.st_mode & S_IRUSR) ? READ  : 0;
    _permissions |= (info.st_mode & S_IWUSR) ? WRITE : 0;
    _permissions |= (info.st_mode & S_IXUSR) ? EXEC  : 0;

#endif // DJV_WINDOWS

    //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("type = " << _type);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool File::stat(const String & path)
    //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("path = " << path);

    _STAT info;
    Memory::set<uint8_t>(0, &info, sizeof(_STAT));

    const String file =
        File_Util::path_fix(path.size() ? path : _path) + get(-1, false);
    //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("file = " << file);

    //! \todo Windows stat.

    if (0 == _STAT_FNC(file.c_str(), &info))
    else if (
        0 == _STAT_FNC(String(file + File_Util::path_separator).c_str(), &info))
    else if (
        0 == _STAT_FNC(
            String(file, static_cast<int>(file.size()) - 1).c_str(), &info))
        String err;

#if defined(DJV_WINDOWS)

        //! \todo MinGW does not define strerror_s()?
        //char tmp[cstring_size] = "";
        //::strerror_s(tmp, cstring_size, errno);
        //err = tmp;
        err = ::strerror(errno);

#else // DJV_WINDOWS

        err = ::strerror(errno);

#endif // DJV_WINDOWS

        //DJV_DEBUG_PRINT("errno = " << err);

        return false;

    _size = info.st_size;
    _user = info.st_uid;
    _perm = 0;
    _time = info.st_mtime;

#if defined(DJV_WINDOWS)

    if (info.st_mode & _S_IFDIR)
        _type = DIRECTORY;

    _perm |= (info.st_mode & _S_IREAD)  ? file::READ  : 0;
    _perm |= (info.st_mode & _S_IWRITE) ? file::WRITE : 0;
    _perm |= (info.st_mode & _S_IEXEC)  ? file::EXEC  : 0;

#else // DJV_WINDOWS

    if (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode))
        _type = DIRECTORY;

    _perm |= (info.st_mode & S_IRUSR) ? READ  : 0;
    _perm |= (info.st_mode & S_IWUSR) ? WRITE : 0;
    _perm |= (info.st_mode & S_IXUSR) ? EXEC  : 0;

#endif // DJV_WINDOWS

    return true;