Exemplo n.º 1
void CPigEngine::RemoveInvokeCommands(CPigBehaviorScriptType* pType)
  // Get the collection of invoke commands for the object
  ITCStringsPtr spInvokeCommands;
  assert(NULL != spInvokeCommands);

  // Iterate through each one and erase it from the map
  long cInvokeCommands = 0;
  XLock lock(this);
  for (_variant_t i(0L); V_I4(&i) < cInvokeCommands; ++V_I4(&i))
    CComBSTR bstrCommand;
    _SVERIFYE(spInvokeCommands->get_Item(&i, &bstrCommand));
    tstring strCommand(OLE2CT(bstrCommand));
    XBehaviorMapIt it = m_mapBehaviors.find(strCommand);
    if (m_mapBehaviors.end() != it)
Exemplo n.º 2
HRESULT CPigEngine::CreatePig(BSTR bstrType, BSTR bstrCommandLine, IPig** ppPig)
  // Initialize the [out] parameter
  CLEAROUT(ppPig, (IPig*)NULL);

  // Lock the object for the following validation checks
    XLock lock(this);

    // Ensure that the scripts have been loaded

    // Ensure that the MissionServer property is not empty
    if (!m_bstrMissionServer.Length())
      return AtlReportError(CLSID_PigSession, IDS_E_NO_MISSIONSRV,
        IID_IPigSession, 0, _Module.GetResourceInstance());

    // Get the number of pigs that exist
    long cPigs = 0;
    if (m_pPigs)

    // Get the maximum number of pigs allowed
    long nMaxPigs = 0;

    // Check for maximum pigs
    if (nMaxPigs >= 0 && cPigs >= nMaxPigs)
      return AtlReportError(CLSID_PigSession, IDS_E_TOOMANYPIGS,
        IID_IPigSession, 0, _Module.GetResourceInstance());

  // bstrType is optional, so assign a default value if not specified
  CComBSTR bstrTheType(bstrType);
  if (!bstrTheType.Length())
    bstrTheType = L"Default";

  // Find the specified behavior type
  CPigBehaviorScriptType* pBehaviorType = GetBehaviorType(bstrTheType);
  if (!pBehaviorType)
    return AtlReportError(CLSID_PigSession, IDS_E_CREATE_BEHAVIOR_TYPE,
      IID_IPigSession, 0, _Module.GetResourceInstance());

  // Create a new pig thread object and it's associated pig player object
  DWORD dwGITCookie;
  RETURN_FAILED(CPig::Create(pBehaviorType, bstrCommandLine, &dwGITCookie));

  // Get an apartment-safe pointer to the pig object
  RETURN_FAILED(GetInterfaceFromGlobal(dwGITCookie, IID_IPig, (void**)ppPig));

  // Indicate success
  return S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
HRESULT CPigShip::CreateCommandWrapper(Command cmd, IAGCCommand** ppCommand)
    // Initialize the [out] parameter
    CLEAROUT(ppCommand, (IAGCCommand*)NULL);

    // Create a new AGC.Command object
    IAGCCommandPrivatePtr spCmd;

    // Get the command target and id
    ImodelIGC* pModel = GetIGC()->GetCommandTarget(cmd);
    const CommandID idCmd = GetIGC()->GetCommandID(cmd);

    // Get the strings for the command target and id
    const char* pszTarget = pModel ? GetModelName(pModel) : NULL;
    const char* pszVerb = (0 <= idCmd && idCmd < c_cidMax) ?
                          c_cdAllCommands[idCmd].szVerb : "";

    // Initialize the new object
    spCmd->Init(pszTarget, pszVerb);

    // Query for the IAGCCommand interface
    _SVERIFYE(spCmd->QueryInterface(IID_IAGCCommand, (void**)ppCommand));

    // Indicate success
    return S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 4
HRESULT CPigEngine::GetInvokeCommands(CPigBehaviorScriptType* pType,
  CPigEngine::XBehaviorMap& mapCommands)
  // Get the collection of invoke commands for the new object
  ITCStringsPtr spInvokeCommands;
  assert(NULL != spInvokeCommands);

  // Iterate through each one and add it to a local map, ignoring duplicates
  long cInvokeCommands = 0;
  for (_variant_t i(0L); V_I4(&i) < cInvokeCommands; ++V_I4(&i))
    CComBSTR bstrCommand;
    _SVERIFYE(spInvokeCommands->get_Item(&i, &bstrCommand));
    tstring strCommand(OLE2CT(bstrCommand));

    XBehaviorMapIt it = mapCommands.find(strCommand);
    if (mapCommands.end() == it)
      mapCommands.insert(std::make_pair(strCommand, pType));
  return S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 5
void CPigEngine::ScriptDirMonitor(HANDLE hevtExit)
  assert(m_hDirChange && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hDirChange);

  // Enter this thread into the MTA

  // Declare an enum and an array of objects on which to wait
  enum {e_DirChange = WAIT_OBJECT_0, e_Exit, e_Msg};
  HANDLE hObjs[] = {m_hDirChange, hevtExit};
  const int cObjs = sizeofArray(hObjs);

  // Process change notification until exit
  UINT idTimer = 0;
  DWORD dwWait = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(cObjs, hObjs, false, INFINITE,
  while (e_Exit != dwWait)
    if (e_DirChange == dwWait)
      // Reset the timer
      if (idTimer)
        KillTimer(NULL, idTimer);
      idTimer = SetTimer(NULL, 0, 2000, NULL);

      // Continue waiting for change notifications
      if (!FindNextChangeNotification(m_hDirChange))
        #ifdef _DEBUG
          DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError();
          debugf("\nCPigEngine::ScriptDirMonitor(): "
            "FindNextChangeNotification Failed : "
            "GetLastError() = 0x%08X, m_hDirChange = 0x%08X\n",
            dwLastError, m_hDirChange);
        #endif // _DEBUG
    else // (e_Msg == dwWait)
      MSG msg;
      while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
        if (WM_TIMER == msg.message)
          assert(msg.wParam == idTimer);

          // Kill the timer
          KillTimer(NULL, idTimer);
          idTimer = 0;

          // Process the files in the directory
        else if (WM_QUIT == msg.message)
          dwWait = e_Exit;

    // Continue waiting
    dwWait = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(cObjs, hObjs, false, INFINITE,

  // Remove this thread from the MTA

  // Clear the thread pointer
  InterlockedExchange((long*)&m_pth, 0);