Exemplo n.º 1
/// %Realm List command handler
bool AuthSocket::_HandleRealmList()
    DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleRealmList");
    if (ibuf.GetLength() < 5)
        return false;


    ///- Get the user id (else close the connection)
    // No SQL injection (escaped user name)

    QueryResult *result = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT id,sha_pass_hash FROM account WHERE username = '******'",_safelogin.c_str());
        sLog.outError("[ERROR] user %s tried to login and we cannot find him in the database.",_login.c_str());
        return false;

    uint32 id = (*result)[0].GetUInt32();
    std::string rI = (*result)[1].GetCppString();
    delete result;

    ///- Update realm list if need

    ///- Circle through realms in the RealmList and construct the return packet (including # of user characters in each realm)
    ByteBuffer pkt;
    pkt << (uint32) 0;
    pkt << (uint16) m_realmList.size();
    RealmList::RealmMap::const_iterator i;
    for( i = m_realmList.begin(); i != m_realmList.end(); i++ )
        uint8 AmountOfCharacters;

        // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
        result = loginDatabase.PQuery( "SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'",i->second.m_ID,id);
        if( result )
            Field *fields = result->Fetch();
            AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
            delete result;
            AmountOfCharacters = 0;

        uint8 lock = (i->second.allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel) ? 1 : 0;

        pkt << i->second.icon;                              // realm type
        pkt << lock;                                        // if 1, then realm locked
        pkt << i->second.color;                             // if 2, then realm is offline
        pkt << i->first;
        pkt << i->second.address;
        pkt << i->second.populationLevel;
        pkt << AmountOfCharacters;
        pkt << i->second.timezone;                          // realm category
        pkt << (uint8) 0x2C;                                // unk, may be realm number/id?
    pkt << (uint8) 0x10;
    pkt << (uint8) 0x00;

    ByteBuffer hdr;
    hdr << (uint8) REALM_LIST;
    hdr << (uint16)pkt.size();

    SendBuf((char const*)hdr.contents(), hdr.size());

    // Set check field before possible relogin to realm
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
/// Logon Challenge command handler
bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge()
    DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleLogonChallenge");
    if (recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C))
        return false;

    ///- Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet
    std::vector<uint8> buf;

    recv((char*)&buf[0], 4);

    uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0])->size;
    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining);

    if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (recv_len() < remaining))
        return false;

    // No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536)
    buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1);
    buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0;
    sAuthLogonChallenge_C* ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0];

    ///- Read the remaining of the packet
    recv((char*)&buf[4], remaining);
    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size);
    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I);

    // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case
    // size already converted

    ByteBuffer pkt;

    _login = (const char*)ch->I;
    _build = ch->build;
    _os = (const char*)ch->os;

    if(_os.size() > 4)
        return false;

    ///- Normalize account name
    // utf8ToUpperOnlyLatin(_login); -- client already send account in expected form

    // Escape the user login to avoid further SQL injection
    // Memory will be freed on AuthSocket object destruction
    _safelogin = _login;

    pkt << (uint8) CMD_AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE;
    pkt << (uint8) 0x00;

    ///- Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table
    // No SQL injection possible (paste the IP address as passed by the socket)
    std::string address = get_remote_address();
    QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT unbandate FROM ip_banned WHERE "
                          //    permanent                    still banned
                          "(unbandate = bandate OR unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND ip = '%s'", address.c_str());
    if (result)
        pkt << (uint8)WOW_FAIL_BANNED;
        BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Banned ip %s tries to login!", get_remote_address().c_str());
        delete result;
        ///- Get the account details from the account table
        // No SQL injection (escaped user name)

        result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT sha_pass_hash,id,locked,last_ip,gmlevel,v,s FROM account WHERE username = '******'", _safelogin.c_str());
        if (result)
            ///- If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address
            bool locked = false;
            if ((*result)[2].GetUInt8() == 1)               // if ip is locked
                DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), (*result)[3].GetString());
                DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", get_remote_address().c_str());
                if (strcmp((*result)[3].GetString(), get_remote_address().c_str()))
                    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs");
                    pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED;
                    locked = true;
                    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches");
                DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str());

            if (!locked)
                ///- If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt
                QueryResult* banresult = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE "
                                         "id = %u AND active = 1 AND (unbandate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR unbandate = bandate)", (*result)[1].GetUInt32());
                if (banresult)
                    if ((*banresult)[0].GetUInt64() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt64())
                        pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_BANNED;
                        BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Banned account %s tries to login!", _login.c_str());
                        pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED;
                        BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s tries to login!", _login.c_str());

                    delete banresult;
                    ///- Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation
                    std::string rI = (*result)[0].GetCppString();

                    ///- Don't calculate (v, s) if there are already some in the database
                    std::string databaseV = (*result)[5].GetCppString();
                    std::string databaseS = (*result)[6].GetCppString();

                    DEBUG_LOG("database authentication values: v='%s' s='%s'", databaseV.c_str(), databaseS.c_str());

                    // multiply with 2, bytes are stored as hexstring
                    if (databaseV.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2 || databaseS.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2)

                    b.SetRand(19 * 8);
                    BigNumber gmod = g.ModExp(b, N);
                    B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N;

                    MANGOS_ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32);

                    BigNumber unk3;
                    unk3.SetRand(16 * 8);

                    ///- Fill the response packet with the result
                    pkt << uint8(WOW_SUCCESS);

                    // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minimal length to 32B
                    pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32);      // 32 bytes
                    pkt << uint8(1);
                    pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1);
                    pkt << uint8(32);
                    pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(32), 32);
                    pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes());// 32 bytes
                    pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(16), 16);
                    uint8 securityFlags = 0;
                    pkt << uint8(securityFlags);            // security flags (0x0...0x04)

                    if (securityFlags & 0x01)               // PIN input
                        pkt << uint32(0);
                        pkt << uint64(0) << uint64(0);      // 16 bytes hash?

                    if (securityFlags & 0x02)               // Matrix input
                        pkt << uint8(0);
                        pkt << uint8(0);
                        pkt << uint8(0);
                        pkt << uint8(0);
                        pkt << uint64(0);

                    if (securityFlags & 0x04)               // Security token input
                        pkt << uint8(1);

                    uint8 secLevel = (*result)[4].GetUInt8();
                    _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4 - i - 1];

                    BASIC_LOG("[AuthChallenge] account %s is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", _login.c_str(), ch->country[3], ch->country[2], ch->country[1], ch->country[0], GetLocaleByName(_localizationName));
            delete result;
        else                                                // no account
            pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT;
    send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size());
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
/// Logon Challenge command handler
bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge()
    DEBUG_LOG("Entering _HandleLogonChallenge");
    if (ibuf.GetLength() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C))
        return false;

    ///- Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet
    std::vector<uint8> buf;

    ibuf.Read((char *)&buf[0], 4);

    uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size;
    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining);

    if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (ibuf.GetLength() < remaining))
        return false;

    //No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536)
    buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1);
    buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0;
    sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0];

    // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case
    // size already converted

    ///- Read the remaining of the packet
    ibuf.Read((char *)&buf[4], remaining);
    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size);
    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I);

    ByteBuffer pkt;

    _login = (const char*)ch->I;
    _build = ch->build;

    ///- Normalize account name
    //utf8ToUpperOnlyLatin(_login); -- client already send account in expected form

    //Escape the user login to avoid further SQL injection
    //Memory will be freed on AuthSocket object destruction

    pkt << (uint8) AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE;
    pkt << (uint8) 0x00;

    ///- Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table
    // No SQL injection possible (paste the IP address as passed by the socket)
    loginDatabase.Execute("DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate");

    std::string address = GetRemoteAddress();
    QueryResult *result = loginDatabase.PQuery(  "SELECT * FROM ip_banned WHERE ip = '%s'",address.c_str());
        pkt << (uint8)REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_BANNED;
        sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Banned ip %s tries to login!",GetRemoteAddress().c_str ());
        delete result;
        ///- Get the account details from the account table
        // No SQL injection (escaped user name)

        result = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT sha_pass_hash,id,locked,last_ip,gmlevel FROM account WHERE username = '******'",_safelogin.c_str ());
        if( result )
            ///- If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address
            bool locked = false;
            if((*result)[2].GetUInt8() == 1)                // if ip is locked
                DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), (*result)[3].GetString());
                DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", GetRemoteAddress().c_str());
                if ( strcmp((*result)[3].GetString(),GetRemoteAddress().c_str()) )
                    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs");
                    pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_FREEZED;
                    DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches");
                DEBUG_LOG("[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str());

            if (!locked)
                //set expired bans to inactive
                loginDatabase.Execute("UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate");
                ///- If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt
                QueryResult *banresult = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT bandate,unbandate FROM account_banned WHERE id = %u AND active = 1", (*result)[1].GetUInt32());
                    if((*banresult)[0].GetUInt64() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt64())
                        pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_BANNED;
                        sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Banned account %s tries to login!",_login.c_str ());
                        pkt << (uint8) REALM_AUTH_ACCOUNT_FREEZED;
                        sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s tries to login!",_login.c_str ());

                    delete banresult;
                    ///- Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation
                    std::string rI = (*result)[0].GetCppString();

                    b.SetRand(19 * 8);
                    BigNumber gmod=g.ModExp(b, N);
                    B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N;

                    ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32);

                    BigNumber unk3;

                    ///- Fill the response packet with the result
                    pkt << (uint8)REALM_AUTH_SUCCESS;

                    // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minimal length to 32B
                    pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32);      // 32 bytes
                    pkt << (uint8)1;
                    pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1);
                    pkt << (uint8)32;
                    pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(), 32);
                    pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes());// 32 bytes
                    pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(), 16);
                    pkt << (uint8)0;                        // security flags (0x0...0x04)

                    uint8 secLevel = (*result)[4].GetUInt8();
                    _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR;

                    for(int i = 0; i <4; ++i)
                        _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4-i-1];

                    sLog.outBasic("[AuthChallenge] account %s is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", _login.c_str (), ch->country[3],ch->country[2],ch->country[1],ch->country[0], GetLocaleByName(_localizationName));
            delete result;
        else                                                // no account
            pkt<< (uint8) REALM_AUTH_NO_MATCH;
    SendBuf((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size());
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Logon Challenge command handler
bool AuthSocket::_HandleLogonChallenge()
    TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Entering _HandleLogonChallenge");
    if (socket().recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C))
        return false;

    // Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet
    std::vector<uint8> buf;

    socket().recv((char *)&buf[0], 4);


    uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size;
    TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining);

    if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (socket().recv_len() < remaining))
        return false;

    //No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536)
    buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1);
    buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0;
    sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0];

    // Read the remaining of the packet
    socket().recv((char *)&buf[4], remaining);
    TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size);
    TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I);

    // BigEndian code, nop in little endian case
    // size already converted

    ByteBuffer pkt;

    _login = (const char*)ch->I;
    _build = ch->build;
    _expversion = uint8(AuthHelper::IsPostBCAcceptedClientBuild(_build) ? POST_BC_EXP_FLAG : (AuthHelper::IsPreBCAcceptedClientBuild(_build) ? PRE_BC_EXP_FLAG : NO_VALID_EXP_FLAG));
    _os = (const char*)ch->os;

    if (_os.size() > 4)
        return false;

    // Restore string order as its byte order is reversed
    std::reverse(_os.begin(), _os.end());

    pkt << uint8(AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE);
    pkt << uint8(0x00);

    // Verify that this IP is not in the ip_banned table

    std::string const& ip_address = socket().getRemoteAddress();
    PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_IP_BANNED);
    stmt->setString(0, ip_address);
    PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt);
    if (result)
        pkt << uint8(WOW_FAIL_BANNED);
        TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] Banned ip tries to login!", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort());
        // Get the account details from the account table
        // No SQL injection (prepared statement)
        stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_LOGONCHALLENGE);
        stmt->setString(0, _login);

        PreparedQueryResult res2 = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt);
        if (res2)
            Field* fields = res2->Fetch();

            // If the IP is 'locked', check that the player comes indeed from the correct IP address
            bool locked = false;
            if (fields[2].GetUInt8() == 1)                  // if ip is locked
                TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to IP - '%s'", _login.c_str(), fields[3].GetCString());
                TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Player address is '%s'", ip_address.c_str());

                if (strcmp(fields[4].GetCString(), ip_address.c_str()))
                    TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account IP differs");
                    pkt << (uint8) WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED;
                    locked = true;
                    TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account IP matches");
            //    TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to ip", _login.c_str());
            //    std::string accountCountry = fields[3].GetString();
            //    if (accountCountry.empty() || accountCountry == "00")
            //        TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is not locked to country", _login.c_str());
            //    else if (!accountCountry.empty())
            //    {
            //        uint32 ip = inet_addr(ip_address.c_str());
            //        EndianConvertReverse(ip);

            //        stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_LOGON_COUNTRY);
            //        stmt->setUInt32(0, ip);
            //        if (PreparedQueryResult sessionCountryQuery = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt))
            //        {
            //            std::string loginCountry = (*sessionCountryQuery)[0].GetString();
            //            TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account '%s' is locked to country: '%s' Player country is '%s'", _login.c_str(), accountCountry.c_str(), loginCountry.c_str());
            //            if (loginCountry != accountCountry)
            //            {
            //                TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account country differs.");
            //                pkt << uint8(WOW_FAIL_UNLOCKABLE_LOCK);
            //                locked = true;
            //            }
            //            else
            //                TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] Account country matches");
            //        }
            //        else
            //            TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "[AuthChallenge] IP2NATION Table empty");
            //    }

            if (!locked)
                //set expired bans to inactive

                // If the account is banned, reject the logon attempt
                stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_ACCOUNT_BANNED);
                stmt->setUInt32(0, fields[1].GetUInt32());
                PreparedQueryResult banresult = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt);
                if (banresult)
                    if ((*banresult)[0].GetUInt32() == (*banresult)[1].GetUInt32())
                        pkt << uint8(WOW_FAIL_BANNED);
                        TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] Banned account %s tried to login!", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str ());
                        pkt << uint8(WOW_FAIL_SUSPENDED);
                        TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] Temporarily banned account %s tried to login!", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str ());
                    // Get the password from the account table, upper it, and make the SRP6 calculation
                    std::string rI = fields[0].GetString();

                    // Don't calculate (v, s) if there are already some in the database
                    std::string databaseV = fields[6].GetString();
                    std::string databaseS = fields[7].GetString();

                    TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "database authentication values: v='%s' s='%s'", databaseV.c_str(), databaseS.c_str());

                    // multiply with 2 since bytes are stored as hexstring
                    if (databaseV.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2 || databaseS.size() != s_BYTE_SIZE * 2)

                    b.SetRand(19 * 8);
                    BigNumber gmod = g.ModExp(b, N);
                    B = ((v * 3) + gmod) % N;

                    ASSERT(gmod.GetNumBytes() <= 32);

                    BigNumber unk3;
                    unk3.SetRand(16 * 8);

                    // Fill the response packet with the result
                    if (AuthHelper::IsAcceptedClientBuild(_build))
                        pkt << uint8(WOW_SUCCESS);
                        pkt << uint8(WOW_FAIL_VERSION_INVALID);

                    // B may be calculated < 32B so we force minimal length to 32B
                    pkt.append(B.AsByteArray(32), 32);      // 32 bytes
                    pkt << uint8(1);
                    pkt.append(g.AsByteArray(), 1);
                    pkt << uint8(32);
                    pkt.append(N.AsByteArray(32), 32);
                    pkt.append(s.AsByteArray(), s.GetNumBytes());   // 32 bytes
                    pkt.append(unk3.AsByteArray(16), 16);
                    uint8 securityFlags = 0;
                    pkt << uint8(securityFlags);            // security flags (0x0...0x04)

                    if (securityFlags & 0x01)               // PIN input
                        pkt << uint32(0);
                        pkt << uint64(0) << uint64(0);      // 16 bytes hash?

                    if (securityFlags & 0x02)               // Matrix input
                        pkt << uint8(0);
                        pkt << uint8(0);
                        pkt << uint8(0);
                        pkt << uint8(0);
                        pkt << uint64(0);

                    if (securityFlags & 0x04)               // Security token input
                        pkt << uint8(1);

                    uint8 secLevel = fields[5].GetUInt8();
                    _accountSecurityLevel = secLevel <= SEC_ADMINISTRATOR ? AccountTypes(secLevel) : SEC_ADMINISTRATOR;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        _localizationName[i] = ch->country[4-i-1];

                    TC_LOG_DEBUG(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [AuthChallenge] account %s is using '%c%c%c%c' locale (%u)", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(),
                            _login.c_str (), ch->country[3], ch->country[2], ch->country[1], ch->country[0], GetLocaleByName(_localizationName)
        else                                                //no account
            pkt << uint8(WOW_FAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT);

    socket().send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size());
    return true;