static void cb_grabber(void *data) { if (opt.grabber) free(opt.grabber); opt.grabber = _Strdup((char *)data); return; data = NULL; }
static void apply_config(void) { /* Apply options from settings dialog */ if (opt.new_url_command) free(opt.new_url_command); opt.new_url_command = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_new_url_command)); if (opt.url_save_file) free(opt.url_save_file); opt.url_save_file = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_url_save_file)); if (opt.url_file) free(opt.url_file); opt.url_file = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_url_file)); if (opt.www_command) free(opt.www_command); opt.www_command = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_www_command)); if (opt.ftp_command) free(opt.ftp_command); opt.ftp_command = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_ftp_command)); if (opt.get_command) free(opt.get_command); opt.get_command = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_get_command)); if (opt.check_url_file) Epplet_timer(check_url_file, NULL, 1, "URLCHECK_TIMER"); return; }
/* Stick a string in the scrolly display */ static void display_string(char *string) { D(("In display_string: String -->%s<--\n", string)); if (dtext.str) free(dtext.str); dtext.str = _Strdup(string); dtext.len = strlen(string); dtext.pos = 0; Epplet_timer(scroll_string, NULL, 0.1, "SCROLL_TIMER"); Epplet_timer(reset_string, NULL, 20, "RESET_TIMER"); }
/* Stick a new url in the list. Don't rebuild the popup yet though. */ static void add_url_to_url_list(char *url) { if (num_urls == 10) num_urls = 0; D(("In add_url_to_url_list: adding = -->%s<--\n", url)); if (urllist[num_urls]) { free(urllist[num_urls]); urllist[num_urls] = NULL; } urllist[num_urls] = _Strdup(url); num_urls++; }
static void load_config(void) { /* This reloads our config. */ char *home = getenv("HOME"); char buf[1024]; opt.save_urls = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("SAVE_URLS", "1")); opt.check_url_file = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("CHECK_URL_FILE", "1")); opt.always_show_file_urls = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("ALWAYS_SHOW_FILE_URLS", "0")); opt.do_new_url_command = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("RUN_COMMAND_ON_NEW_URL", "1")); /* If reloading, free the old string before assigning a new one */ if (opt.www_command) free(opt.www_command); opt.www_command = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def ("WWW_COMMAND", "gnome-moz-remote --newwin \"%s\" &")); if (opt.ftp_command) free(opt.ftp_command); opt.ftp_command = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def ("FTP_COMMAND", "gnome-moz-remote --newwin \"%s\" &")); if (opt.get_command) free(opt.get_command); opt.get_command = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def ("GET_COMMAND", "Eterm -O -e wget \"%s\" &")); if (opt.url_save_file) free(opt.url_save_file); Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.Urls", home); opt.url_save_file = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("URL_SAVE_FILE", buf)); if (opt.url_file) free(opt.url_file); Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.te/.urls", home); opt.url_file = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("URL_CHECK_FILE", buf)); if (opt.new_url_command) free(opt.new_url_command); Esnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "esdplay %s/wooeep.wav &", Epplet_data_dir()); opt.new_url_command = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("NEW_URL_COMMAND", buf)); }
static void create_epplet_layout(void) { Epplet_gadget_show(btn_close = Epplet_create_button(NULL, NULL, 2, 2, 0, 0, "CLOSE", 0, NULL, cb_close, NULL)); Epplet_gadget_show(btn_help = Epplet_create_button(NULL, NULL, 18, 2, 0, 0, "HELP", 0, NULL, cb_help, NULL)); Epplet_gadget_show(btn_shoot = Epplet_create_button(NULL, "E-ScreenShoot_shoot.png", 23, 31, 22, 13, 0, 0, NULL, cb_shoot, NULL)); Epplet_gadget_show(tog_win = Epplet_create_togglebutton(NULL, "E-ScreenShoot_win.png", 11, 17, 10, 13, &, NULL, NULL)); Epplet_gadget_show(sldr_qual = Epplet_create_vslider(2, 17, 28, 0, 100, 1, 25, &invquality, cb_quality, NULL)); p = Epplet_create_popup(); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Don't Cloak", NULL, cb_dont_cloak, NULL); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Blank Epplet", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[0]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "RasterFire", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[1]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Radar", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[2]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "AA Radar", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[3]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "AA Triangle", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[4]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "AA Star", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[5]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Starfield", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[6]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "AA Starfield", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[7]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Mesh", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[8]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Funky Mesh", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[15]))); /* * Epplet_add_popup_entry (p, "Bendy Mesh", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, * (void *) (&(cloak_anims[16]))); */ Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Scanner", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "ColorShift", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[10]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Bouncy Ball", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[11]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Atoms", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[12]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Banner", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[13]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "SineWave", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[14]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(p, "Random", NULL, cb_cloak_anim, (void *)(&(cloak_anims[25]))); col_p = Epplet_create_popup(); Epplet_add_popup_entry(col_p, "Flame Colors", NULL, NULL, NULL); Epplet_add_popup_entry(col_p, "Funky", NULL, cb_color, (void *)(&(colors[0 * 9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(col_p, "Turquoise", NULL, cb_color, (void *)(&(colors[1 * 9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(col_p, "Fire", NULL, cb_color, (void *)(&(colors[2 * 9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(col_p, "Copper", NULL, cb_color, (void *)(&(colors[3 * 9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(col_p, "Violet", NULL, cb_color, (void *)(&(colors[4 * 9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(col_p, "Night", NULL, cb_color, (void *)(&(colors[5 * 9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(col_p, "Sunrise", NULL, cb_color, (void *)(&(colors[6 * 9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(col_p, "Sunset", NULL, cb_color, (void *)(&(colors[7 * 9]))); ctimer_p = Epplet_create_popup(); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "Cloak Delay", NULL, NULL, NULL); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "1 Sec", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[0]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "2 Sec", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[1]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "3 Sec", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[2]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "4 Sec", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[3]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "5 Sec", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[4]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "10 Sec", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[5]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "15 Sec", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[6]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "20 Sec", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[7]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "30 Sec", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[8]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "1 min", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(ctimer_p, "2 mins", NULL, cb_cloak_delay, (void *)(&(cloak_delays[10]))); stimer_p = Epplet_create_popup(); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "Shot Delay", NULL, NULL, NULL); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "No Delay", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[0]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "1 Sec", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[1]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "2 Sec", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[2]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "3 Sec", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[3]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "4 Sec", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[4]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "5 Sec", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[5]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "10 Sec", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[6]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "15 Sec", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[7]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "20 Sec", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[8]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "30 Sec", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[9]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "1 min", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[10]))); Epplet_add_popup_entry(stimer_p, "2 mins", NULL, cb_shot_delay, (void *)(&(shot_delays[11]))); grabber_p = Epplet_create_popup(); Epplet_add_popup_entry(grabber_p, "import", NULL, cb_grabber, _Strdup("import")); Epplet_add_popup_entry(grabber_p, "scrot", NULL, cb_grabber, _Strdup("scrot")); Epplet_gadget_show(btn_conf = Epplet_create_button(NULL, NULL, 34, 2, 12, 12, "CONFIGURE", 0, NULL, cb_config, NULL)); Epplet_gadget_show(btn_col = Epplet_create_popupbutton(NULL, "E-ScreenShoot_col.png", 11, 31, 10, 13, NULL, col_p)); Epplet_gadget_show(btn_ctimer = Epplet_create_popupbutton(NULL, "E-ScreenShoot_minitime.png", 23, 17, 10, 13, NULL, ctimer_p)); Epplet_gadget_show(btn_stimer = Epplet_create_popupbutton(NULL, "E-ScreenShoot_minitime2.png", 35, 17, 10, 13, NULL, stimer_p)); da = Epplet_create_drawingarea(2, 2, 44, 44); win = Epplet_get_drawingarea_window(da); buf = Epplet_make_rgb_buf(40, 40); cloaked = 0; set_flame_col(0); if (opt.do_cloak) Epplet_timer(cloak_epplet, NULL, opt.cloak_delay, "CLOAK_TIMER"); Epplet_register_mouse_enter_handler(cb_in, (void *)win); Epplet_register_mouse_leave_handler(cb_out, NULL); }
/* Amongst all the fluff, this is the bit that does the actual work. */ static void do_shot(void *data) { char *sys; char qual_buf[5]; char *filename_buf; char frame_buf[10]; char beep_buf[20]; char import_buf[50]; char *script_buf = NULL; char *view_buf = NULL; char *filename = NULL; Esnprintf(qual_buf, sizeof(qual_buf), "%d", opt.quality); filename = _Strjoin(NULL, opt.dir, opt.file_prefix, opt.file_stamp, ".", opt.file_type, NULL); filename_buf = _Strjoin(NULL, "SCRTEMP=\"", filename, "\"", NULL); if (!strcmp(opt.grabber, "import")) { if ((opt.frame) && ( Esnprintf(frame_buf, sizeof(frame_buf), "-frame"); else frame_buf[0] = '\0'; if (opt.beep) beep_buf[0] = '\0'; else Esnprintf(beep_buf, sizeof(beep_buf), "-silent"); if ( Esnprintf(import_buf, sizeof(import_buf), "import"); else Esnprintf(import_buf, sizeof(import_buf), "import -window root"); if (opt.run_script) script_buf = _Strjoin(" ", "&&", opt.script, "$SCRTEMP", NULL); else script_buf = _Strdup(" "); if (opt.view_shot) view_buf = _Strjoin(" ", "&&", opt.viewer, "$SCRTEMP", NULL); else view_buf = _Strdup(" "); sys = _Strjoin(" ", opt.do_ftp ? "" : "(", filename_buf, "&&", import_buf, beep_buf, frame_buf, "-quality", qual_buf, "$SCRTEMP", script_buf, view_buf, opt.do_ftp ? "" : ")&", NULL); } else if (!strcmp(opt.grabber, "scrot")) { char delay_buf[20]; if (opt.delay > 0) Esnprintf(delay_buf, sizeof(delay_buf), "-d %.0f", opt.delay); else delay_buf[0] = '\0'; if ((opt.frame) && ( Esnprintf(frame_buf, sizeof(frame_buf), "-b"); else frame_buf[0] = '\0'; if ( Esnprintf(import_buf, sizeof(import_buf), "scrot -s"); else Esnprintf(import_buf, sizeof(import_buf), "scrot"); if (opt.run_script) script_buf = _Strjoin(" ", "&&", opt.script, "$SCRTEMP", NULL); else script_buf = _Strdup(" "); if (opt.view_shot) view_buf = _Strjoin(" ", "&&", opt.viewer, "$SCRTEMP", NULL); else view_buf = _Strdup(" "); sys = _Strjoin(" ", opt.do_ftp ? "" : "(", filename_buf, "&&", import_buf, delay_buf, frame_buf, "--quality", qual_buf, "$SCRTEMP", script_buf, view_buf, opt.do_ftp ? "" : ")&", NULL); } else { printf("don't know how to handle grabber %s\n", opt.grabber); return; } system(sys); if (opt.do_ftp) { if (!ftp_connected) ftp_connect(opt.ftp_host, opt.ftp_user, opt.ftp_pass, opt.ftp_dir); ftp_upload(filename, opt.ftp_file, opt.ftp_temp); } free(sys); free(script_buf); free(view_buf); free(filename_buf); free(filename); return; data = NULL; }
static void apply_config(void) { if (opt.file_prefix) free(opt.file_prefix); opt.file_prefix = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_file_prefix)); if (opt.file_stamp) free(opt.file_stamp); opt.file_stamp = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_file_stamp)); if (opt.file_type) free(opt.file_type); opt.file_type = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_file_type)); if (opt.viewer) free(opt.viewer); opt.viewer = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_viewer)); if (opt.script) free(opt.script); opt.script = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_script)); if (opt.dir) free(opt.dir); opt.dir = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_dir)); if (opt.ftp_user) free(opt.ftp_user); opt.ftp_user = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_ftp_user)); if (opt.ftp_pass) free(opt.ftp_pass); opt.ftp_pass = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_ftp_pass)); if (opt.ftp_host) free(opt.ftp_host); opt.ftp_host = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_ftp_host)); if (opt.ftp_dir) free(opt.ftp_dir); opt.ftp_dir = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_ftp_dir)); if (opt.ftp_file) free(opt.ftp_file); opt.ftp_file = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_ftp_file)); if (opt.ftp_temp) free(opt.ftp_temp); opt.ftp_temp = _Strdup(Epplet_textbox_contents(txt_ftp_temp)); return; }
static void load_config(void) { opt.quality = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("QUALITY", "75")); invquality = (100 - opt.quality); = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("WIN_AREA", "0")); opt.do_ftp = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("DO_FTP", "0")); opt.ftp_passive = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("FTP_PASSIVE", "1")); opt.run_script = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("RUN_SCRIPT", "0")); opt.view_shot = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("VIEW_SHOT", "1")); opt.frame = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("WM_FRAME", "1")); opt.do_cloak = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("DO_CLOAK", "1")); opt.beep = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("BEEP", "1")); opt.cloak_anim = atoi(Epplet_query_config_def("CLOAK_ANIM", "8")); if (opt.cloak_anim == 25) { opt.rand_cloak = 1; choose_random_cloak(NULL); } else { opt.rand_cloak = 0; } opt.delay = atof(Epplet_query_config_def("SHOT_DELAY", "0")); opt.cloak_delay = atof(Epplet_query_config_def("CLOAK_DELAY", "4")); opt.rand_delay = atof(Epplet_query_config_def("RAND_DELAY", "60")); opt.draw_interval = atof(Epplet_query_config_def("DRAW_INTERVAL", "0.1")); if (opt.dir) free(opt.dir); opt.dir = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("DIRECTORY", "$HOME/")); if (opt.file_prefix) free(opt.file_prefix); opt.file_prefix = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("FILE_PREFIX", "shot_")); if (opt.file_stamp) free(opt.file_stamp); opt.file_stamp = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("FILE_STAMP", "`date +%d-%m-%y_%H%M%S`")); if (opt.file_type) free(opt.file_type); opt.file_type = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("FILE_TYPE", "jpg")); if (opt.script) free(opt.script); opt.script = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("SCRIPT_TO_RUN", "scrshot_script")); if (opt.viewer) free(opt.viewer); opt.viewer = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("SHOT_VIEWER", "ee")); if (opt.ftp_user) free(opt.ftp_user); opt.ftp_user = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("FTP_USER", "username")); if (opt.ftp_pass) free(opt.ftp_pass); opt.ftp_pass = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("FTP_PASS", "password")); if (opt.ftp_host) free(opt.ftp_host); opt.ftp_host = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("FTP_HOST", "")); if (opt.ftp_dir) free(opt.ftp_dir); opt.ftp_dir = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("FTP_DIR", "/images/")); if (opt.ftp_file) free(opt.ftp_file); opt.ftp_file = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("FTP_FILE", "shot.jpg")); if (opt.ftp_temp) free(opt.ftp_temp); opt.ftp_temp = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("FTP_TEMP", "uploading.jpg")); if (opt.grabber) free(opt.grabber); opt.grabber = _Strdup(Epplet_query_config_def("SHOT_GRABBER", "import")); }
// We've just seen a '<'. Gather up stuff to closing '>' (if buffer // ends before then, return -1). // If it's a tag, look up the name, gather the attributes, and return // the appropriate token. // Else it's either just plain data or some kind of ignorable stuff: // return Data or Comment as appropriate. // If it's not a Comment, put it in a[*pai] and bump *pai. static int gettag(TokenSource* ts, int starti, Token* a, int* pai) { int rbra; int ans; Attr* al; int nexti; int c; int ti; int afnd; int attid; int quote; Rune* val; int nv; int i; int tag; Token* tok; Rune buf[BIGBUFSIZE]; rbra = 0; nexti = ts->i; tok = &a[*pai]; tok->tag = Notfound; tok->text = nil; tok->attr = nil; tok->starti = starti; c = getchar(ts); if(c == '/') { rbra = RBRA; c = getchar(ts); } if(c < 0) goto eob_done; if(c >= 256 || !isalpha(c)) { // not a tag if(c == '!') { ans = comment(ts); if(ans != -1) return ans; goto eob_done; } else { backup(ts, nexti); tok->tag = Data; tok->text = _Strdup(L"<"); (*pai)++; return Data; } } // c starts a tagname buf[0] = c; i = 1; while(1) { c = getchar(ts); if(c < 0) goto eob_done; if(!ISNAMCHAR(c)) break; // if name is bigger than buf it won't be found anyway... if(i < BIGBUFSIZE) buf[i++] = c; } if(_lookup(tagtable, Numtags, buf, i, &tag)) tok->tag = tag + rbra; else tok->text = _Strndup(buf, i); // for warning print, in build // attribute gathering loop al = nil; while(1) { // look for "ws name" or "ws name ws = ws val" (ws=whitespace) // skip whitespace attrloop_continue: while(c < 256 && isspace(c)) { c = getchar(ts); if(c < 0) goto eob_done; } if(c == '>') goto attrloop_done; if(c == '<') { if(warn) fprint(2, "warning: unclosed tag\n"); ungetchar(ts, c); goto attrloop_done; } if(c >= 256 || !isalpha(c)) { if(warn) fprint(2, "warning: expected attribute name\n"); // skipt to next attribute name while(1) { c = getchar(ts); if(c < 0) goto eob_done; if(c < 256 && isalpha(c)) goto attrloop_continue; if(c == '<') { if(warn) fprint(2, "warning: unclosed tag\n"); ungetchar(ts, 60); goto attrloop_done; } if(c == '>') goto attrloop_done; } } // gather attribute name buf[0] = c; i = 1; while(1) { c = getchar(ts); if(c < 0) goto eob_done; if(!ISNAMCHAR(c)) break; if(i < BIGBUFSIZE-1) buf[i++] = c; } afnd = _lookup(attrtable, Numattrs, buf, i, &attid); if(warn && !afnd) { buf[i] = 0; fprint(2, "warning: unknown attribute name %S\n", buf); } // skip whitespace while(c < 256 && isspace(c)) { c = getchar(ts); if(c < 0) goto eob_done; } if(c != '=') { if(afnd) al = newattr(attid, nil, al); goto attrloop_continue; } //# c is '=' here; skip whitespace while(1) { c = getchar(ts); if(c < 0) goto eob_done; if(c >= 256 || !isspace(c)) break; } quote = 0; if(c == '\'' || c == '"') { quote = c; c = getchar(ts); if(c < 0) goto eob_done; } val = nil; nv = 0; while(1) { valloop_continue: if(c < 0) goto eob_done; if(c == '>') { if(quote) { // c might be part of string (though not good style) // but if line ends before close quote, assume // there was an unmatched quote ti = ts->i; while(1) { c = getchar(ts); if(c < 0) goto eob_done; if(c == quote) { backup(ts, ti); buf[nv++] = '>'; if(nv == BIGBUFSIZE-1) { val = buftostr(val, buf, nv); nv = 0; } c = getchar(ts); goto valloop_continue; } if(c == '\n') { if(warn) fprint(2, "warning: apparent unmatched quote\n"); backup(ts, ti); c = '>'; goto valloop_done; } } } else goto valloop_done; } if(quote) { if(c == quote) { c = getchar(ts); if(c < 0) goto eob_done; goto valloop_done; } if(c == '\r') { c = getchar(ts); goto valloop_continue; } if(c == '\t' || c == '\n') c = ' '; } else { if(c < 256 && isspace(c)) goto valloop_done; } if(c == '&') { c = ampersand(ts); if(c == -1) goto eob_done; } buf[nv++] = c; if(nv == BIGBUFSIZE-1) { val = buftostr(val, buf, nv); nv = 0; } c = getchar(ts); } valloop_done: if(afnd) { val = buftostr(val, buf, nv); al = newattr(attid, val, al); } } attrloop_done: tok->attr = al; (*pai)++; return tok->tag; eob_done: if(warn) fprint(2, "warning: incomplete tag at end of page\n"); backup(ts, nexti); tok->tag = Data; tok->text = _Strdup(L"<"); return Data; }
/* Search string for url. Fix up url if needed. */ static char * validate_url(char *url) { char *p; char *ret = NULL; static char *orig_ret = NULL; D(("In validate_url: url -->%s<--\n", url)); if (!url) return NULL; if (orig_ret) free(orig_ret); ret = orig_ret = _Strdup(url); /* First, try searching for http://, in case there is a lot of text, * with an embedded url somewhere inside... */ p = strstr(ret, "http://"); if (p) ret = p; else { /* Ok. No "http://", maybe a "www." ? */ p = strstr(ret, "http://"); if (p) ret = p; } /* Kill at end of line */ p = strchr(ret, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; /* Skip first spaces */ p = ret; while (*p == ' ') p++; ret = p; /* Kill at next space */ p = strchr(ret, ' '); if (p) *p = '\0'; /* If just www.blah, add the http:// to avoid confusing nutscrape */ if (*ret == 'w' && *(ret + 1) == 'w' && *(ret + 2) == 'w') { char *temp = _Strjoin(NULL, "http://", ret, NULL); free(orig_ret); ret = _Strdup(temp); free(temp); } D(("In validate_url: ret -->%s<--\n", ret)); /* Now some checks */ if (strlen(ret) < 1) return 0; if (*ret == '-') return 0; return ret; }