Exemplo n.º 1
cairo_surface_t *
_cairo_image_surface_scale (cairo_surface_t  *image,
			    int               scaled_width,
			    int               scaled_height,
			    scale_filter_t    filter,
			    GthAsyncTask     *task)
	int                       src_width;
	int                       src_height;
	cairo_surface_t          *scaled;
	cairo_surface_metadata_t *metadata;
	resize_filter_t          *resize_filter;
	ScaleReal                 x_factor;
	ScaleReal                 y_factor;
	cairo_surface_t          *tmp;

	src_width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (image);
	src_height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (image);

	if ((src_width == scaled_width) && (src_height == scaled_height))
		return _cairo_image_surface_copy (image);

	scaled = _cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
	_cairo_image_surface_copy_metadata (image, scaled);
	metadata = _cairo_image_surface_get_metadata (scaled);
	if (metadata->original_width <= 0) {
		metadata->original_width = src_width;
		metadata->original_height = src_height;

	if (scaled == NULL)
		return NULL;

	if (g_once_init_enter (&coefficients_initialization)) {
		initialize_coefficients (1.0, 0.0);
		g_once_init_leave (&coefficients_initialization, 1);

	resize_filter = resize_filter_create (task);
	resize_filter_set_type (resize_filter, filter);
	resize_filter->total_lines = scaled_width + scaled_height;
	resize_filter->processed_lines = 0;

	x_factor = (ScaleReal) scaled_width / src_width;
	y_factor = (ScaleReal) scaled_height / src_height;
	tmp = _cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,

	horizontal_scale_transpose (image, tmp, x_factor, resize_filter);
	horizontal_scale_transpose (tmp, scaled, y_factor, resize_filter);

	resize_filter_destroy (resize_filter);
	cairo_surface_destroy (tmp);

	return scaled;
Exemplo n.º 2
static gboolean
apply_cb (gpointer user_data)
	GthFileToolSharpen *self = user_data;
	GthImageViewer     *preview;

	if (self->priv->apply_event != 0) {
		g_source_remove (self->priv->apply_event);
		self->priv->apply_event = 0;

	preview = GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER (self->priv->preview);
	if (self->priv->show_preview) {
		SharpenData     *sharpen_data;
		int              x, y, w ,h;
		cairo_surface_t *preview_surface;
		cairo_t         *cr;

		sharpen_data = sharpen_data_new (self);
		x = MAX (gtk_adjustment_get_value (preview->hadj), 0);
		y = MAX (gtk_adjustment_get_value (preview->vadj), 0);
		w = MIN (gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (preview->hadj), cairo_image_surface_get_width (self->priv->source));
		h = MIN (gtk_adjustment_get_page_size (preview->vadj), cairo_image_surface_get_height (self->priv->source));

		if ((w < 0) || (h < 0))
			return FALSE;

		cairo_surface_destroy (self->priv->destination);
		self->priv->destination = _cairo_image_surface_copy (self->priv->source);

		/* FIXME: use a cairo sub-surface when cairo 1.10 will be requiered */

		preview_surface = _cairo_image_surface_copy_subsurface (self->priv->destination, x, y, w, h);
		_cairo_image_surface_sharpen (preview_surface,

		cr = cairo_create (self->priv->destination);
		cairo_set_source_surface (cr, preview_surface, x, y);
		cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, w, h);
		cairo_fill (cr);
		cairo_destroy (cr);

		gth_image_viewer_set_surface (preview, self->priv->destination, -1, -1);

		cairo_surface_destroy (preview_surface);
		sharpen_data_free (sharpen_data);
		gth_image_viewer_set_surface (preview, self->priv->source, -1, -1);

	return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 3
static gpointer
sharpen_exec (GthAsyncTask *task,
	      gpointer      user_data)
	SharpenData *sharpen_data = user_data;

	sharpen_data->destination = _cairo_image_surface_copy (sharpen_data->source);

	/* FIXME: set progress info and allow cancellation */

	_cairo_image_surface_sharpen (sharpen_data->destination,

	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
cairo_surface_t *
_cairo_image_surface_scale_squared (cairo_surface_t *image,
				    int              size,
				    scale_filter_t   quality,
				    GthAsyncTask    *task)
	int              width, height;
	int              scaled_width, scaled_height;
	cairo_surface_t *scaled;
	cairo_surface_t *squared;

	width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (image);
	height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (image);

	if ((width < size) && (height < size))
		return _cairo_image_surface_copy (image);

	if (width > height) {
		scaled_height = size;
		scaled_width = (int) (((double) width / height) * scaled_height);
	else {
		scaled_width = size;
		scaled_height = (int) (((double) height / width) * scaled_width);

	if ((scaled_width != width) || (scaled_height != height))
		scaled = _cairo_image_surface_scale (image, scaled_width, scaled_height, quality, task);
		scaled = cairo_surface_reference (image);

	if ((scaled_width == size) && (scaled_height == size))
		return scaled;

	squared = _cairo_image_surface_copy_subsurface (scaled,
							(scaled_width - size) / 2,
							(scaled_height - size) / 2,
	cairo_surface_destroy (scaled);

	return squared;
Exemplo n.º 5
static cairo_surface_t*
rotate (cairo_surface_t *image,
	double           angle,
	gboolean         high_quality,
	guchar           r0,
	guchar           g0,
	guchar           b0,
	guchar           a0,
	GthAsyncTask    *task)
	cairo_surface_t *image_with_background;
	cairo_surface_t *rotated;
	double           angle_rad;
	double           cos_angle, sin_angle;
	double           src_width, src_height;
	int              new_width, new_height;
	int              src_rowstride, new_rowstride;
	int              xi, yi;
	double           x, y;
	double           x2, y2;
	int              x2min, y2min;
	int              x2max, y2max;
	double           fx, fy;
	guchar          *p_src, *p_new;
	guchar          *p_src2, *p_new2;
	guchar           r00, r01, r10, r11;
	guchar           g00, g01, g10, g11;
	guchar           b00, b01, b10, b11;
	guchar           a00, a01, a10, a11;
	double           half_new_width;
	double           half_new_height;
	double           half_src_width;
	double           half_src_height;
	int              tmp;
	guchar           r, g, b, a;
	guint32          pixel;

	angle = CLAMP (angle, -90.0, 90.0);
	angle_rad = angle / 180.0 * G_PI;
	cos_angle = cos (angle_rad);
	sin_angle = sin (angle_rad);
	src_width  = cairo_image_surface_get_width  (image);
	src_height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (image);
	new_width  = GDOUBLE_ROUND_TO_INT (      cos_angle  * src_width + fabs(sin_angle) * src_height);
	new_height = GDOUBLE_ROUND_TO_INT (fabs (sin_angle) * src_width +      cos_angle  * src_height);

	if (a0 == 0xff) {
		/* pre-multiply the background color */

		image_with_background = _cairo_image_surface_copy (image);
		p_src = _cairo_image_surface_flush_and_get_data (image);
		p_new = _cairo_image_surface_flush_and_get_data (image_with_background);
		src_rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (image);
		new_rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (image_with_background);

		cairo_surface_flush (image_with_background);
		for (yi = 0; yi < src_height; yi++) {
			p_src2 = p_src;
			p_new2 = p_new;
			for (xi = 0; xi < src_width; xi++) {
				a = p_src2[CAIRO_ALPHA];
				r = p_src2[CAIRO_RED] + _cairo_multiply_alpha (r0, 0xff - a);
				g = p_src2[CAIRO_GREEN] + _cairo_multiply_alpha (g0, 0xff - a);
				b = p_src2[CAIRO_BLUE] + _cairo_multiply_alpha (b0, 0xff - a);
				pixel = CAIRO_RGBA_TO_UINT32 (r, g, b, 0xff);
				memcpy (p_new2, &pixel, sizeof (guint32));

				p_new2 += 4;
				p_src2 += 4;
			p_src += src_rowstride;
			p_new += new_rowstride;
		cairo_surface_mark_dirty (image_with_background);
		image_with_background = cairo_surface_reference (image);

	/* create the rotated image */

	rotated = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, new_width, new_height);

	p_src = _cairo_image_surface_flush_and_get_data (image_with_background);
	p_new = _cairo_image_surface_flush_and_get_data (rotated);
	src_rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (image_with_background);
	new_rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (rotated);

 * bilinear interpolation
 *            fx
 *    v00------------v01
 *    |        |      |
 * fy |--------v      |
 *    |               |
 *    |               |
 *    |               |
 *    v10------------v11
#define INTERPOLATE(v, v00, v01, v10, v11, fx, fy) \
	tmp = (1.0 - (fy)) * \
	      ((1.0 - (fx)) * (v00) + (fx) * (v01)) \
              + \
              (fy) * \
              ((1.0 - (fx)) * (v10) + (fx) * (v11)); \
	v = CLAMP (tmp, 0, 255);

#define GET_VALUES(r, g, b, a, x, y) \
	if (x >= 0 && x < src_width && y >= 0 && y < src_height) { \
		p_src2 = p_src + src_rowstride * y + 4 * x; \
		r = p_src2[CAIRO_RED]; \
		g = p_src2[CAIRO_GREEN]; \
		b = p_src2[CAIRO_BLUE]; \
		a = p_src2[CAIRO_ALPHA]; \
	} \
	else { \
		r = r0; \
		g = g0; \
		b = b0; \
		a = a0; \

	half_new_width = new_width / 2.0;
	half_new_height = new_height / 2.0;
	half_src_width = src_width / 2.0;
	half_src_height = src_height / 2.0;

	cairo_surface_flush (rotated);

	y = - half_new_height;
	for (yi = 0; yi < new_height; yi++) {
		if (task != NULL) {
			gboolean cancelled;
			double   progress;

			gth_async_task_get_data (task, NULL, &cancelled, NULL);
			if (cancelled)
				goto out;

			progress = (double) yi / new_height;
			gth_async_task_set_data (task, NULL, NULL, &progress);

		p_new2 = p_new;

		x = - half_new_width;
		for (xi = 0; xi < new_width; xi++) {
			x2 = cos_angle * x - sin_angle * y + half_src_width;
			y2 = sin_angle * x + cos_angle * y + half_src_height;

			if (high_quality) {
				/* Bilinear interpolation. */

				x2min = (int) x2;
				y2min = (int) y2;
				x2max = x2min + 1;
				y2max = y2min + 1;

				GET_VALUES (r00, g00, b00, a00, x2min, y2min);
				GET_VALUES (r01, g01, b01, a01, x2max, y2min);
				GET_VALUES (r10, g10, b10, a10, x2min, y2max);
				GET_VALUES (r11, g11, b11, a11, x2max, y2max);

				fx = x2 - x2min;
				fy = y2 - y2min;

				INTERPOLATE (r, r00, r01, r10, r11, fx, fy);
				INTERPOLATE (g, g00, g01, g10, g11, fx, fy);
				INTERPOLATE (b, b00, b01, b10, b11, fx, fy);
				INTERPOLATE (a, a00, a01, a10, a11, fx, fy);

				pixel = CAIRO_RGBA_TO_UINT32 (r, g, b, a);
				memcpy (p_new2, &pixel, sizeof (guint32));
			else {
				/* Nearest neighbor */

				x2min = GDOUBLE_ROUND_TO_INT (x2);
				y2min = GDOUBLE_ROUND_TO_INT (y2);

				GET_VALUES (p_new2[CAIRO_RED],

			p_new2 += 4;
			x += 1.0;

		p_new += new_rowstride;
		y += 1.0;


	cairo_surface_mark_dirty (rotated);
	cairo_surface_destroy (image_with_background);


	return rotated;