Real RndSmoothCircleIC::value(const Point & p) { Real value = 0.0; Real rad = 0.0; for(unsigned int i=0; i<LIBMESH_DIM; i++) rad += (p(i)-_center(i)) * (p(i)-_center(i)); rad = sqrt(rad); //Random number between 0 and 1 Real rand_num = MooseRandom::rand(); if (rad <= _radius) value = _mn_invalue + rand_num*(_range_invalue); else if (rad < 1.5*_radius) { Real av_invalue = (_mn_invalue + _mx_invalue)/2.0; Real av_outvalue = (_mn_outvalue + _mx_outvalue)/2.0; value = av_outvalue + (av_invalue-av_outvalue)*(1+cos((rad-_radius)/_radius*2.0*3.14159))/2.0; } else value = _mx_outvalue + rand_num*(_range_outvalue); return value; }
Point TriangleInterface::PolygonHole::point(const unsigned int n) const { // The nth point lies at the angle theta = 2 * pi * n / _n_points const Real theta = static_cast<Real>(n) * 2.0 * libMesh::pi / static_cast<Real>(_n_points); return Point(_center(0) + _radius*std::cos(theta), // x=r*cos(theta) _center(1) + _radius*std::sin(theta), // y=r*sin(theta) 0.); }
int main(){ Fossilizid::center::center _center("test.config", "center");; return 0; }
bool XFEMGeometricCut3D::intersectWithEdge(const Point & p1, const Point & p2, Point & pint) { bool has_intersection = false; double plane_point[3] = {_center(0), _center(1), _center(2)}; double plane_normal[3] = {_normal(0), _normal(1), _normal(2)}; double edge_point1[3] = {p1(0), p1(1), p1(2)}; double edge_point2[3] = {p2(0), p2(1), p2(2)}; double cut_point[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; if (Xfem::plane_normal_line_exp_int_3d(plane_point, plane_normal, edge_point1, edge_point2, cut_point) == 1) { Point temp_p(cut_point[0], cut_point[1], cut_point[2]); if ( isInsideCutPlane(temp_p) && isInsideEdge(p1, p2, temp_p) ) { pint = temp_p; has_intersection = true; } } return has_intersection; }
void BiotSavart::setVolume() { _meas.setSize(_theMesh->getNbElements()); _center.setSize(_theMesh->getNbElements()); size_t k=1; MeshElements(*_theMesh) { Tetra4 t(theElement); _meas(k) = t.getVolume(); _center(k++) = t.getCenter(); } }
void SubMalla::center() { Eigen::Vector3d _center(0, 0, 0); Eigen::Vector3d min, max, half; min = this->getMin(); max = this->getMax(); half = (max - min) * 0.5; this->translate(_center - (min + half)); }
void BiotSavart::setLine() { _meas.setSize(_theMesh->getNbEdges()); _center.setSize(_theMesh->getNbEdges()); size_t k=1; MeshEdges(*_theMesh) { Line2 l(theEdge); if (theEdge->getCode()==_code) { _meas(k) = l.getLength(); _center(k++) = l.getCenter(); } } }
void BiotSavart::setSurface() { _meas.setSize(_theMesh->getNbSides()); _center.setSize(_theMesh->getNbSides()); size_t k=1; MeshSides(*_theMesh) { Triang3 t(theSide); if (theSide->getCode()==_code) { _meas(k) = t.getArea(); _center(k++) = t.getCenter(); } } }
void peano::geometry::builtin::configurations::SphereConfiguration::toXML(std::ostream& result) const { result << "<" << TAG << "\n"; result << " " << ATTRIBUTE_CENTER << "=\""; for (int i=0; i<DIMENSIONS; i++ ) { result << " " << _center(i); } result << "\"\n"; result << " " << ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS << " " << "=\"" << _radius << "\"\n"; result << "/>\n"; }
RH_C_FUNCTION bool ON_RadialDimension2_CreateFromPoints(ON_RadialDimension2* pRadialDimension, ON_3DPOINT_STRUCT center, ON_3DPOINT_STRUCT arrowTip, ON_3DVECTOR_STRUCT xaxis, ON_3DVECTOR_STRUCT normal, double offset_distance) { bool rc = false; if( pRadialDimension ) { ON_3dPoint _center(center.val); ON_3dPoint _arrowtip(arrowTip.val); ON_3dVector _xaxis(xaxis.val); ON_3dVector _normal(normal.val); rc = pRadialDimension->CreateFromPoints(_center, _arrowtip, _xaxis, _normal, offset_distance); } return rc; }
RealGradient LevelSetOlssonBubble::gradient(Real /*t*/, const Point & p) { Real norm = (p - _center).size(); Real g = (norm - _radius) / _epsilon; RealGradient output; Real g_prime; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; ++i) { g_prime = (p(i) - _center(i)) / (_epsilon * norm); output(i) = (g_prime * std::exp(g)) / ((std::exp(g) + 1) * (std::exp(g) + 1)); } return output; }
CameraManager::CameraManager() : Singleton<CameraManager>(), m_AllCameras(), m_AllWinCameras() { m_AllCameras[DEFAULT_PERSPECRIVE_CAMERA_KEY] = new PerspectiveCamera(DEFAULT_PERSPECRIVE_CAMERA_KEY); m_AllCameras[DEFAULT_ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA_KEY] = new OrthoCamera(DEFAULT_ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA_KEY); m_AllWinCameras[DEFAULT_PERSPECRIVE_CAMERA_KEY] = m_AllCameras[DEFAULT_PERSPECRIVE_CAMERA_KEY]; m_AllWinCameras[DEFAULT_ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA_KEY] = m_AllCameras[DEFAULT_ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA_KEY]; vec4 _eye(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f); vec4 _center(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); vec3 _up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); m_AllCameras[DEFAULT_PERSPECRIVE_CAMERA_KEY]->LookAt(_eye, _center, _up); m_AllCameras[DEFAULT_ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA_KEY]->LookAt(_eye, _center, _up); }