char* check_absolute_path_icon(char const* app_id, char const* icon_path) { char* icon = NULL; if ((icon = _check(app_id)) == NULL) { char* basename = get_basename_without_extend_name(icon_path); if (basename != NULL) { if (g_strcmp0(app_id, basename) == 0 || (icon = _check(basename)) == NULL) icon = g_strdup(icon_path); g_free(basename); } } return icon; }
void c_galaxysrv_peers::add_peer(unique_ptr<t_peer_reference_newloop> && ref) { _check(ref.get()); _note("Adding peer: "); // TODO << *ref ); auto peer = make_unique<c_peer_connection>( std::move( *ref ) ); m_peer.push_back( std::move( peer ) ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize - Config bool CSirtAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg) { ASTRA_ASSERT(_cfg.self); ConfigStackCheck<CAlgorithm> CC("SirtAlgorithm", this, _cfg); // if already initialized, clear first if (m_bIsInitialized) { clear(); } // initialization of parent class if (!CSartAlgorithm::initialize(_cfg)) { return false; } //// init data objects and data projectors //_init(); //// Alpha //m_fAlpha = _cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("Alpha", m_fAlpha); //CC.markOptionParsed("Alpha"); // success m_bIsInitialized = _check(); return m_bIsInitialized; }
void c_galaxysrv_peers::add_peer_simplestring(const string & simple) { _clue("Adding peer from simplestring=" << simple); t_peering_reference_parse parse = parse_peer_reference(simple); // partially parsed _dbg1("Done the parse itself"); bool id_anyone=true; string id; const auto & cables = parse.second; auto reference = make_unique<t_peer_reference_newloop>(); if (parse.first.size()==1) { // there was 1 ID parsed _dbg1("There is some ID in that reference."); id_anyone=false; id =; reference->hip = c_haship_addr( c_haship_addr::tag_constr_by_addr_dot() , id); } else { _dbg1("There is NO ID in that reference (anyone?)"); id_anyone=true; _check(parse.first.size() == 0); // else there was no ID parsed reference->hip = c_haship_addr::make_empty(); // clear it to be sure } _note(join_string_sep( id_anyone?"anyone":"id" , id ) ); _note("Cables: " << cables.size()); for(const auto & cablestr : cables) { _note("Cable: " << cablestr); // cablestr like udp: unique_ptr<c_cable_base_addr> cable_addr = c_cable_base_addr::cable_make_addr( cablestr ); reference->cable_addr.push_back( std::move(cable_addr) ); } this->add_peer( std::move( reference ) ); // *** }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize( const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc, const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t gradDesc, cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t algo, size_t* sizeInBytes ) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize)( _interface.getHandle(), xDesc, dyDesc, convDesc, gradDesc, algo, sizeInBytes); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilterWorkspaceSize failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm( const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc, const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t dwDesc, cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterPreference_t preference, size_t memoryLimitInBytes, cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t* algo ) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm)( _interface.getHandle(), xDesc, dyDesc, convDesc, dwDesc, preference, memoryLimitInBytes, algo); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize - C++ bool CArtAlgorithm::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector, CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram, CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction) { // if already initialized, clear first if (m_bIsInitialized) { clear(); } // required classes m_pProjector = _pProjector; m_pSinogram = _pSinogram; m_pReconstruction = _pReconstruction; // ray order m_iCurrentRay = 0; m_iRayCount = _pProjector->getProjectionGeometry()->getDetectorCount() * _pProjector->getProjectionGeometry()->getProjectionAngleCount(); m_piProjectionOrder = new int[m_iRayCount]; m_piDetectorOrder = new int[m_iRayCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_iRayCount; i++) { m_piProjectionOrder[i] = (int)floor((float)i / _pProjector->getProjectionGeometry()->getDetectorCount()); m_piDetectorOrder[i] = i % _pProjector->getProjectionGeometry()->getDetectorCount(); } // success m_bIsInitialized = _check(); return m_bIsInitialized; }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnPoolingBackward(const cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t poolingDesc, const void* alpha, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t srcDesc, const void* srcData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t srcDiffDesc, const void* srcDiffData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t destDesc, const void* destData, const void* beta, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t destDiffDesc, void* destDiffData ) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnPoolingBackward)(_interface.getHandle(), poolingDesc, alpha, srcDesc, srcData, srcDiffDesc, srcDiffData, destDesc, destData, beta, destDiffDesc, destDiffData ); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnPoolingBackward failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnSetRNNDescriptor(cudnnRNNDescriptor_t rnnDesc, int hiddenSize, int numLayers, cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t dropoutDesc, cudnnRNNInputMode_t inputMode, cudnnDirectionMode_t direction, cudnnRNNMode_t mode, cudnnDataType_t dataType) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnSetRNNDescriptor)(rnnDesc, hiddenSize, numLayers, dropoutDesc, inputMode, direction, mode, dataType); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnSetRnnDescriptor failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams(const cudnnRNNDescriptor_t rnnDesc, const int layer, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t wDesc, const void* w, const int linLayerID, cudnnFilterDescriptor_t linLayerBiasDesc, void** linLayerBias ) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams)(_interface.getHandle(), rnnDesc, layer, xDesc, wDesc, w, linLayerID, linLayerBiasDesc, linLayerBias); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnGetRNNLinLayerBiasParams failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize, use a Config object bool CCudaProjector2D::initialize(const Config& _cfg) { assert(_cfg.self); ConfigStackCheck<CProjector2D> CC("CudaProjector2D", this, _cfg); // if already initialized, clear first if (m_bIsInitialized) { clear(); } // initialization of parent class if (!CProjector2D::initialize(_cfg)) { return false; } // TODO: Check the projection geometry is a supported type XMLNode node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("ProjectionKernel"); m_projectionKernel = ker2d_default; if (node) { std::string sProjKernel = node.getContent(); if (sProjKernel == "default") { } else { return false; } } CC.markNodeParsed("ProjectionKernel"); m_bIsInitialized = _check(); return m_bIsInitialized; }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(const void* alpha, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t srcDesc, const void* srcData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t diffDesc, const void* diffData, const cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc, cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t algo, void* workSpace, size_t workSpaceSizeInBytes, const void* beta, const cudnnFilterDescriptor_t gradDesc, void* gradData) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter)(_interface.getHandle(), alpha, srcDesc, srcData, diffDesc, diffData, convDesc, algo, workSpace, workSpaceSizeInBytes, beta, gradDesc, gradData); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize, use a Config object bool CCudaProjector3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg) { assert(_cfg.self); ConfigStackCheck<CProjector3D> CC("CudaProjector3D", this, _cfg); // if already initialized, clear first if (m_bIsInitialized) { clear(); } // initialization of parent class if (!CProjector3D::initialize(_cfg)) { return false; } XMLNode node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("ProjectionKernel"); m_projectionKernel = ker3d_default; if (node) { std::string sProjKernel = node.getContent(); if (sProjKernel == "default") { } else if (sProjKernel == "sum_square_weights") { m_projectionKernel = ker3d_sum_square_weights; } else { return false; } } CC.markNodeParsed("ProjectionKernel"); m_bIsInitialized = _check(); return m_bIsInitialized; }
// --- demo --- what_happened start_me(orders order) { int size=5; if (order == orders::do_bad_soft_input) size=99999; _try_input(size < 10); int ix=5; std::vector<float> vec(100); if (order == orders::do_bad_array_index) ix=99999; auto val =; _dbg4(val); bool file_opened=true; if (order == orders::do_bad_soft_sys) file_opened=false; _try_sys( file_opened ); // soft error, e.g. this files often file to open bool tmp_ok=true; if (order == orders::do_bad_hard_sys) tmp_ok=false; _check_sys(tmp_ok); // hard error int size_half = size/2; if (order == orders::do_bad_check) size_half *= 5; // programming error _check(size_half <= size); // assert() if (order == orders::do_our_assert) _check_abort( 2+2 == 5); // will abort here then if (order == orders::do_critical) throw example_critical_error(); if (order == orders::do_silly_throw) throw 42; return what_happened::all_fine; }
static int _watch (cherokee_fdpoll_select_t *fdp, int timeout_msecs) { int mfd; int r, idx, ridx; fdp->working_rfdset = fdp->master_rfdset; fdp->working_wfdset = fdp->master_wfdset; mfd = select_get_maxfd(fdp); if (timeout_msecs == INFTIM) { r = select (mfd + 1, &fdp->working_rfdset, &fdp->working_wfdset, NULL, NULL); } else { struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = timeout_msecs / 1000L; timeout.tv_usec = ( timeout_msecs % 1000L ) * 1000L; r = select (mfd + 1, &fdp->working_rfdset, &fdp->working_wfdset, NULL, &timeout); } if (r <= 0) { return r; } ridx = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < FDPOLL(fdp)->npollfds; ++idx) { if (_check (fdp, fdp->select_fds[idx], 0)) { fdp->select_rfdidx[ridx++] = fdp->select_fds[idx]; if (ridx == r) break; } } return ridx; /* should be equal to r */ }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnSetPooling2dDescriptor(cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t poolingDesc, cudnnPoolingMode_t mode, cudnnNanPropagation_t nan, int windowHeight, int windowWidth, int verticalPadding, int horizontalPadding, int verticalStride, int horizontalStride ) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnSetPooling2dDescriptor_v4)( poolingDesc, mode, nan, windowHeight, windowWidth, verticalPadding, horizontalPadding, verticalStride, horizontalStride ); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnSetPooling2dDescriptor failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize - Config bool CCudaFDKAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg) { ASTRA_ASSERT(_cfg.self); ConfigStackCheck<CAlgorithm> CC("CudaFDKAlgorithm3D", this, _cfg); // if already initialized, clear first if (m_bIsInitialized) { clear(); } // initialization of parent class if (!CReconstructionAlgorithm3D::initialize(_cfg)) { return false; } initializeFromProjector(); // Deprecated options m_iVoxelSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("VoxelSuperSampling", m_iVoxelSuperSampling); m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", m_iGPUIndex); m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex); CC.markOptionParsed("VoxelSuperSampling"); CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex"); if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex")) CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex"); m_bShortScan = _cfg.self.getOptionBool("ShortScan", false); CC.markOptionParsed("ShortScan"); // success m_bIsInitialized = _check(); return m_bIsInitialized; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize - Config bool CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg) { ASTRA_ASSERT(_cfg.self); ConfigStackCheck<CProjectionGeometry3D> CC("ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D", this, _cfg); XMLNode* node; // TODO: Fix up class hierarchy... this class doesn't fit very well. // initialization of parent class //CProjectionGeometry3D::initialize(_cfg); // Required: DetectorRowCount node = _cfg.self->getSingleNode("DetectorRowCount"); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D", "No DetectorRowCount tag specified."); m_iDetectorRowCount = boost::lexical_cast<int>(node->getContent()); ASTRA_DELETE(node); CC.markNodeParsed("DetectorRowCount"); // Required: DetectorColCount node = _cfg.self->getSingleNode("DetectorColCount"); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D", "No DetectorColCount tag specified."); m_iDetectorColCount = boost::lexical_cast<int>(node->getContent()); m_iDetectorTotCount = m_iDetectorRowCount * m_iDetectorColCount; ASTRA_DELETE(node); CC.markNodeParsed("DetectorColCount"); // Required: Vectors node = _cfg.self->getSingleNode("Vectors"); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D", "No Vectors tag specified."); vector<double> data = node->getContentNumericalArrayDouble(); CC.markNodeParsed("Vectors"); ASTRA_DELETE(node); ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(data.size() % 12 == 0, "ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D", "Vectors doesn't consist of 12-tuples."); m_iProjectionAngleCount = data.size() / 12; m_pProjectionAngles = new SConeProjection[m_iProjectionAngleCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_iProjectionAngleCount; ++i) { SConeProjection& p = m_pProjectionAngles[i]; p.fSrcX = data[12*i + 0]; p.fSrcY = data[12*i + 1]; p.fSrcZ = data[12*i + 2]; p.fDetUX = data[12*i + 6]; p.fDetUY = data[12*i + 7]; p.fDetUZ = data[12*i + 8]; p.fDetVX = data[12*i + 9]; p.fDetVY = data[12*i + 10]; p.fDetVZ = data[12*i + 11]; // The backend code currently expects the corner of the detector, while // the matlab interface supplies the center p.fDetSX = data[12*i + 3] - 0.5f * m_iDetectorRowCount * p.fDetVX - 0.5f * m_iDetectorColCount * p.fDetUX; p.fDetSY = data[12*i + 4] - 0.5f * m_iDetectorRowCount * p.fDetVY - 0.5f * m_iDetectorColCount * p.fDetUY; p.fDetSZ = data[12*i + 5] - 0.5f * m_iDetectorRowCount * p.fDetVZ - 0.5f * m_iDetectorColCount * p.fDetUZ; } // success m_bInitialized = _check(); return m_bInitialized; }
GError* meta0_assign_prefix_to_meta1(struct meta0_backend_s *m0, gchar *ns_name, gboolean nocheck) { // GET meta1 list from conscience GList *working_m1list = NULL; GSList *unref_m1list = NULL; GError *error; GPtrArray *new_meta1ref = NULL; GRID_INFO("START Assign prefix"); error = _initContext(m0); if (error) { goto errorLabel; } // build working list , list sorted by score error = _init_assign(ns_name,&working_m1list,&unref_m1list); if ( error ) { goto errorLabel; } if ( nocheck ) { error =_check(working_m1list); if ( error ) { goto errorLabel; } } error = _assign(working_m1list,unref_m1list); if ( error ) { goto errorLabel; } new_meta1ref = _updated_meta1ref(); error = meta0_backend_assign(m0, context->array_meta1_by_prefix, new_meta1ref,FALSE); if ( error ) { GRID_ERROR("failed to update BDD :(%d) %s", error->code, error->message); goto errorLabel; } context->lastAssignTime=g_date_time_new_now_local(); errorLabel : _resetContext(); if (new_meta1ref) { meta0_utils_array_meta1ref_clean(new_meta1ref); } if (working_m1list) { g_list_free(working_m1list); working_m1list=NULL; } if (unref_m1list) { g_slist_free(unref_m1list); unref_m1list=NULL; } GRID_INFO("END ASSIGN"); return error; }
HostAndPort ReplicaSetMonitor::getMaster() { if ( _master < 0 || !_nodes[_master].ok ) _check(); uassert( 10009 , str::stream() << "ReplicaSetMonitor no master found for set: " << _name , _master >= 0 ); scoped_lock lk( _lock ); return _nodes[_master].addr; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize - Config bool CCudaFDKAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg) { ASTRA_ASSERT(_cfg.self); ConfigStackCheck<CAlgorithm> CC("CudaFDKAlgorithm3D", this, _cfg); // if already initialized, clear first if (m_bIsInitialized) { clear(); } // initialization of parent class if (!CReconstructionAlgorithm3D::initialize(_cfg)) { return false; } initializeFromProjector(); // Deprecated options m_iVoxelSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("VoxelSuperSampling", m_iVoxelSuperSampling); m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", m_iGPUIndex); m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex); CC.markOptionParsed("VoxelSuperSampling"); CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex"); if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex")) CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex"); // filter if (_cfg.self.hasOption("FilterSinogramId")){ m_iFilterDataId = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionInt("FilterSinogramId"); const CFloat32ProjectionData2D * pFilterData = dynamic_cast<CFloat32ProjectionData2D*>(CData2DManager::getSingleton().get(m_iFilterDataId)); if (!pFilterData){ ASTRA_ERROR("Incorrect FilterSinogramId"); return false; } const CProjectionGeometry3D* projgeom = m_pSinogram->getGeometry(); const CProjectionGeometry2D* filtgeom = pFilterData->getGeometry(); int iPaddedDetCount = calcNextPowerOfTwo(2 * projgeom->getDetectorColCount()); int iHalfFFTSize = calcFFTFourierSize(iPaddedDetCount); if(filtgeom->getDetectorCount()!=iHalfFFTSize || filtgeom->getProjectionAngleCount()!=projgeom->getProjectionCount()){ ASTRA_ERROR("Filter size does not match required size (%i angles, %i detectors)",projgeom->getProjectionCount(),iHalfFFTSize); return false; } }else { m_iFilterDataId = -1; } CC.markOptionParsed("FilterSinogramId"); m_bShortScan = _cfg.self.getOptionBool("ShortScan", false); CC.markOptionParsed("ShortScan"); // success m_bIsInitialized = _check(); return m_bIsInitialized; }
achievement::achievement(const QString &name, const QString &description, const achievementCheckDelegate &check, const int &reward, const QDateTime &achieveDate) : QObject(0) { _name = name; _description = description; _check = check; _reward = reward; _achieveDate = achieveDate; _achieved = _check(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize - C++ bool CReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector, CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram, CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction) { m_pProjector = _pProjector; m_pSinogram = _pSinogram; m_pReconstruction = _pReconstruction; // return success return _check(); }
void AtlasLibrary::sgemm(const int Order, const int TransA, const int TransB, const int M, const int N, const int K, const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda, const float *B, const int ldb, const float beta, float *C, const int ldc) { _check(); (*_interface.cblas_sgemm)(Order, TransA, TransB, M, N, K, alpha, A, lda, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc); }
uint32 Connection::doExecute(sqlite3 *connection, const String &sql) { if(m_showSql) OS_LOG_NOTICE(sql); _check(connection); scoped_ptr<Result> result(OS_NEW Result(connection, m_cs)); result->execute(sql); // Restituisce il numero di records affetti return sqlite3_changes(connection); }
stacklet_handle stacklet_new(stacklet_thread_handle thrd, stacklet_run_fn run, void *run_arg) { long stackmarker; _check((char *)NULL < (char *)&stackmarker); if (thrd->g_current_stack_stop <= (char *)&stackmarker) thrd->g_current_stack_stop = ((char *)&stackmarker) + 1; thrd->g_current_stack_marker = (char *)&stackmarker; g_initialstub(thrd, run, run_arg); return thrd->g_source; }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnSetStream(void* stream) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnSetStream)(_interface.getHandle(), stream); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnSetStream failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnCreateDropoutDescriptor(cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t* dropoutDesc) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnCreateDropoutDescriptor)(dropoutDesc); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnCreateDropoutDescriptor failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }
shared_ptr<Result> Connection::doQuery(sqlite3 *connection, const String &sql) { if(m_showSql) OS_LOG_NOTICE(sql); // Nota: la bind del risultato al DataTable va loccata altrimenti si può generare un errore di tipo "Commands out of sync" (essendo la funzione chiamata da threads diversi) _check(connection); shared_ptr<Result> result(OS_NEW Result(connection, m_cs)); result->prepare(sql); return result; }
void CudnnLibrary::cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor(cudnnRNNDescriptor_t rnnDesc) { _check(); auto status = (*_interface.cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor)(rnnDesc); if(status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw std::runtime_error("cudnnDestroyRnnDescriptor failed: " + _interface.getErrorString(status)); } }