void LoadPointLineGeometry::_updateOutputData()

  std::string newSetFilter = "";
  std::string newSetName = "";
  int newSetType = 0;

  std::string filterString = _filterFld->getStringValue();

  std::string numberDelimiter = _numberDelimiterFld->getStringValue();

  if (_numberDelimiterSpaceFld->getBoolValue())
    numberDelimiter = " ";

  std::string decimalSeparator = _decimalSeparatorFld->getStringValue();

  for(StringVector::iterator it = _inputFileLinesVector.begin(); it != _inputFileLinesVector.end(); ++it) 
    std::string thisLine = *it;

    StringVector thisDataLineComponents = mlPDF::PDFTools::stringSplit(thisLine, " ", false);
    size_t thisDataLineNumComponents = thisDataLineComponents.size();

    if (thisDataLineNumComponents > 0)
      // Check if new set definition is started
      if (thisDataLineNumComponents > 1)  // Must be at least a a <Tag> <Type> {<Name>} pair/triple
        std::string firstComponent = thisDataLineComponents[0];

        if (isalpha(firstComponent[0]))
          newSetFilter = firstComponent;
          newSetType = mlPDF::stringToInt(thisDataLineComponents[1]);

          if (thisDataLineNumComponents > 2)
            newSetName = "";

            // Append all remaining fragments to the name
            for (size_t i = 2; i < thisDataLineNumComponents; i++)
              if (newSetName != "")
                newSetName += " ";

              newSetName += thisDataLineComponents[i];
            newSetName = "";


      if ((filterString == "") || (filterString == newSetFilter))
        // If it is a list of connections
        if (thisDataLineNumComponents == 2)
          // Add point (only the first 3 components)         
          int start = mlPDF::stringToInt(thisDataLineComponents[0]);
          int end = mlPDF::stringToInt(thisDataLineComponents[1]);

          IndexPair newConnection(start, end, newSetType, newSetName.c_str());
        // If it is a list of positions
        else if (thisDataLineNumComponents > 2)
          // Add point (only the first 3 components)         
          double x = mlPDF::stringToDouble(thisDataLineComponents[0]);
          double y = mlPDF::stringToDouble(thisDataLineComponents[1]);
          double z = mlPDF::stringToDouble(thisDataLineComponents[2]);

          XMarker newPosition(Vector6(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0), newSetType, newSetName.c_str());


    } // if (thisDataLineNumComponents > 0)

  } // for(StringVector::iterator it

  // Deselect items


  if (_autoAddToCacheFld->getBoolValue())

  // Set validation fields
  _positionsLoadedFld->setBoolValue(_outPositionsList.size() > 0);
  _connectionsLoadedFld->setBoolValue(_outConnectionsList.size() > 0);

  // Update output
Exemplo n.º 2
void GraphToFibers::_updateOutput()

  int nodeCount = 0;
  int edgeCount = 0;

  int  currentEdgePositionNum = 0;

  // Work on a local copy of the graph, because the smoothing will change it
  Graph* vesselGraph = NULL;
  ML_CHECK_NEW(vesselGraph, Graph(_inGraph));



  // smooth the graph
  const int numSmoothingPasses = 3;
  const float smoothingFactor = 0.7;
  //const Graph::EdgeIterator endEdge();
  for (Graph::EdgeIterator iter = vesselGraph->beginEdge(); iter != vesselGraph->endEdge(); ++iter)
    static_cast<VesselEdge*>(*iter)->smooth(numSmoothingPasses, smoothingFactor, smoothingFactor);

  // Iterate over all root nodes
  for (Graph::ConstNodeIterator iter = vesselGraph->beginRoot(); iter != vesselGraph->endRoot(); iter++)


  // Iterate over all nodes
  for (Graph::ConstNodeIterator i = vesselGraph->beginNode(); i != vesselGraph->endNode(); i++)
    const VesselNode* thisNode = *i;
    const Vector3 thisNodePos = thisNode->getPos();

    //thisNode->getDepNode(); // Get dependent node via edge with index i.

    // Add node markers
    XMarker thisNodeMarker(thisNodePos);
    std::string nodeName = "Node #" + mlPDF::intToString(nodeCount);
    thisNodeMarker.type = 0;

    // Add edge markers & connections
    const size_t thisNodeEdgesNum = thisNode->getEdgeNum(); // Get Number of edges dependent to the node.
    for (size_t e = 0; e < thisNodeEdgesNum; e++)
      const VesselEdge* thisNodeEdge = thisNode->getDepEdge(e); // Get the pointer of edge with index i. 

      if (thisNodeEdge)
        bool newBranch = true;

        const size_t numSkeletons = thisNodeEdge->numSkeletons();

        for (size_t s = 0; s < numSkeletons; s++)
          const Skeleton* thisSkeleton = thisNodeEdge->skeleton(s);

          Vector3 thisSkeletonPos = thisSkeleton->getPos(); 
          XMarker thisVesselEdgeMarker(thisSkeletonPos);
          thisVesselEdgeMarker.type = 0; // edgeCount;
          std::string edgeName = "Centerlines";
          //std::string edgeName = "Edge #" + mlPDF::intToString(edgeCount);

          if (s < numSkeletons - 1)
            IndexPair thisVesselEdgeConnection((int)s, (int)s + 1);
            thisVesselEdgeConnection.type = edgeCount;

          if (!newBranch)
            IndexPair thisVesselEdgeConnection(currentEdgePositionNum - 1, currentEdgePositionNum);
            thisVesselEdgeConnection.type = 0; 

          newBranch = false;






