Exemplo n.º 1
 *	_hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey() -- Get the bucket's buffer for the given
 *										 hashkey.
 *	Bucket pages do not move or get removed once they are allocated. This give
 *	us an opportunity to use the previously saved metapage contents to reach
 *	the target bucket buffer, instead of reading from the metapage every time.
 *	This saves one buffer access every time we want to reach the target bucket
 *	buffer, which is very helpful savings in bufmgr traffic and contention.
 *	The access type parameter (HASH_READ or HASH_WRITE) indicates whether the
 *	bucket buffer has to be locked for reading or writing.
 *	The out parameter cachedmetap is set with metapage contents used for
 *	hashkey to bucket buffer mapping. Some callers need this info to reach the
 *	old bucket in case of bucket split, see _hash_doinsert().
_hash_getbucketbuf_from_hashkey(Relation rel, uint32 hashkey, int access,
								HashMetaPage *cachedmetap)
	HashMetaPage metap;
	Buffer		buf;
	Buffer		metabuf = InvalidBuffer;
	Page		page;
	Bucket		bucket;
	BlockNumber blkno;
	HashPageOpaque opaque;

	/* We read from target bucket buffer, hence locking is must. */
	Assert(access == HASH_READ || access == HASH_WRITE);

	metap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, false);
	Assert(metap != NULL);

	 * Loop until we get a lock on the correct target bucket.
	for (;;)
		 * Compute the target bucket number, and convert to block number.
		bucket = _hash_hashkey2bucket(hashkey,

		blkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, bucket);

		/* Fetch the primary bucket page for the bucket */
		buf = _hash_getbuf(rel, blkno, access, LH_BUCKET_PAGE);
		page = BufferGetPage(buf);
		opaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		Assert(opaque->hasho_bucket == bucket);
		Assert(opaque->hasho_prevblkno != InvalidBlockNumber);

		 * If this bucket hasn't been split, we're done.
		if (opaque->hasho_prevblkno <= metap->hashm_maxbucket)

		/* Drop lock on this buffer, update cached metapage, and retry. */
		_hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
		metap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, true);
		Assert(metap != NULL);

	if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
		_hash_dropbuf(rel, metabuf);

	if (cachedmetap)
		*cachedmetap = metap;

	return buf;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Bulk deletion of all index entries pointing to a set of heap tuples.
 * The set of target tuples is specified via a callback routine that tells
 * whether any given heap tuple (identified by ItemPointer) is being deleted.
 * This function also deletes the tuples that are moved by split to other
 * bucket.
 * Result: a palloc'd struct containing statistical info for VACUUM displays.
IndexBulkDeleteResult *
hashbulkdelete(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats,
			   IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)
	Relation	rel = info->index;
	double		tuples_removed;
	double		num_index_tuples;
	double		orig_ntuples;
	Bucket		orig_maxbucket;
	Bucket		cur_maxbucket;
	Bucket		cur_bucket;
	Buffer		metabuf = InvalidBuffer;
	HashMetaPage metap;
	HashMetaPage cachedmetap;

	tuples_removed = 0;
	num_index_tuples = 0;

	 * We need a copy of the metapage so that we can use its hashm_spares[]
	 * values to compute bucket page addresses, but a cached copy should be
	 * good enough.  (If not, we'll detect that further down and refresh the
	 * cache as necessary.)
	cachedmetap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, false);
	Assert(cachedmetap != NULL);

	orig_maxbucket = cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket;
	orig_ntuples = cachedmetap->hashm_ntuples;

	/* Scan the buckets that we know exist */
	cur_bucket = 0;
	cur_maxbucket = orig_maxbucket;

	while (cur_bucket <= cur_maxbucket)
		BlockNumber bucket_blkno;
		BlockNumber blkno;
		Buffer		bucket_buf;
		Buffer		buf;
		HashPageOpaque bucket_opaque;
		Page		page;
		bool		split_cleanup = false;

		/* Get address of bucket's start page */
		bucket_blkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(cachedmetap, cur_bucket);

		blkno = bucket_blkno;

		 * We need to acquire a cleanup lock on the primary bucket page to out
		 * wait concurrent scans before deleting the dead tuples.
		buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno, RBM_NORMAL, info->strategy);
		_hash_checkpage(rel, buf, LH_BUCKET_PAGE);

		page = BufferGetPage(buf);
		bucket_opaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);

		 * If the bucket contains tuples that are moved by split, then we need
		 * to delete such tuples.  We can't delete such tuples if the split
		 * operation on bucket is not finished as those are needed by scans.
		if (!H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT(bucket_opaque) &&
			split_cleanup = true;

			 * This bucket might have been split since we last held a lock on
			 * the metapage.  If so, hashm_maxbucket, hashm_highmask and
			 * hashm_lowmask might be old enough to cause us to fail to remove
			 * tuples left behind by the most recent split.  To prevent that,
			 * now that the primary page of the target bucket has been locked
			 * (and thus can't be further split), check whether we need to
			 * update our cached metapage data.
			Assert(bucket_opaque->hasho_prevblkno != InvalidBlockNumber);
			if (bucket_opaque->hasho_prevblkno > cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket)
				cachedmetap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, true);
				Assert(cachedmetap != NULL);

		bucket_buf = buf;

		hashbucketcleanup(rel, cur_bucket, bucket_buf, blkno, info->strategy,
						  cachedmetap->hashm_lowmask, &tuples_removed,
						  &num_index_tuples, split_cleanup,
						  callback, callback_state);

		_hash_dropbuf(rel, bucket_buf);

		/* Advance to next bucket */

	if (BufferIsInvalid(metabuf))
		metabuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_NOLOCK, LH_META_PAGE);

	/* Write-lock metapage and check for split since we started */
	LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
	metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));

	if (cur_maxbucket != metap->hashm_maxbucket)
		/* There's been a split, so process the additional bucket(s) */
		LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		cachedmetap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, true);
		Assert(cachedmetap != NULL);
		cur_maxbucket = cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket;
		goto loop_top;

	/* Okay, we're really done.  Update tuple count in metapage. */

	if (orig_maxbucket == metap->hashm_maxbucket &&
		orig_ntuples == metap->hashm_ntuples)
		 * No one has split or inserted anything since start of scan, so
		 * believe our count as gospel.
		metap->hashm_ntuples = num_index_tuples;
		 * Otherwise, our count is untrustworthy since we may have
		 * double-scanned tuples in split buckets.  Proceed by dead-reckoning.
		 * (Note: we still return estimated_count = false, because using this
		 * count is better than not updating reltuples at all.)
		if (metap->hashm_ntuples > tuples_removed)
			metap->hashm_ntuples -= tuples_removed;
			metap->hashm_ntuples = 0;
		num_index_tuples = metap->hashm_ntuples;


	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
		xl_hash_update_meta_page xlrec;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;

		xlrec.ntuples = metap->hashm_ntuples;

		XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashUpdateMetaPage);

		XLogRegisterBuffer(0, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);


	_hash_relbuf(rel, metabuf);

	/* return statistics */
	if (stats == NULL)
		stats = (IndexBulkDeleteResult *) palloc0(sizeof(IndexBulkDeleteResult));
	stats->estimated_count = false;
	stats->num_index_tuples = num_index_tuples;
	stats->tuples_removed += tuples_removed;
	/* hashvacuumcleanup will fill in num_pages */

	return stats;