Exemplo n.º 1
void joystick_linux::open_joystick(const char *p_path) {

	int joy_num = get_free_joy_slot();
	int fd = open(p_path, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
	if (fd != -1 && joy_num != -1) {

		int rc = libevdev_new_from_fd(fd, &joysticks[joy_num].dev);
		if (rc < 0) {

			fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init libevdev (%s)\n", strerror(-rc));

		libevdev *dev = joysticks[joy_num].dev;

		//check if the device supports basic gamepad events, prevents certain keyboards from
		//being detected as joysticks
		if (libevdev_has_event_type(dev, EV_ABS) && libevdev_has_event_type(dev, EV_KEY) &&
				(libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_KEY, BTN_A) || libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_KEY, BTN_THUMBL) || libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_KEY, BTN_TOP))) {

			char uid[128];
			String name = libevdev_get_name(dev);
			uint16_t bus = __bswap_16(libevdev_get_id_bustype(dev));
			uint16_t vendor = __bswap_16(libevdev_get_id_vendor(dev));
			uint16_t product = __bswap_16(libevdev_get_id_product(dev));
			uint16_t version = __bswap_16(libevdev_get_id_version(dev));


			Joystick &joy = joysticks[joy_num];
			joy.fd = fd;
			joy.devpath = String(p_path);
			sprintf(uid, "%04x%04x", bus, 0);
			if (vendor && product && version) {

				sprintf(uid + String(uid).length(), "%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x", vendor,0,product,0,version,0);
				input->joy_connection_changed(joy_num, true, name, uid);
			else {
				String uidname = uid;
				int uidlen = MIN(name.length(), 11);
				for (int i=0; i<uidlen; i++) {

					uidname = uidname + _hex_str(name[i]);
				uidname += "00";
				input->joy_connection_changed(joy_num, true, name, uidname);

		else {
			//device is not a gamepad, clean up
Exemplo n.º 2
bool JoystickOSX::configure_joystick(IOHIDDeviceRef p_device_ref, joystick *p_joy) {

	CFTypeRef refCF = NULL;

	p_joy->device_ref = p_device_ref;
	/* get device name */
	String name;
	char c_name[256];
	refCF = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(p_device_ref, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey));
	if (!refCF) {
		refCF = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(p_device_ref, CFSTR(kIOHIDManufacturerKey));
	if ((!refCF) || (!CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)refCF, c_name, sizeof(c_name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8))) {
		name = "Unidentified Joystick";
	name = c_name;

	int id = input->get_unused_joy_id();
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(id == -1, false);
	p_joy->id = id;
	int vendor = 0;
	refCF = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(p_device_ref, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey));
	if (refCF) {
		CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)refCF, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &vendor);

	int product_id = 0;
	refCF = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(p_device_ref, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey));
	if (refCF) {
		CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)refCF, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &product_id);
	if (vendor && product_id) {
		char uid[128];
		sprintf(uid, "%04x%08x%04x%08x", OSSwapHostToBigInt32(vendor), 0, OSSwapHostToBigInt32(product_id), 0);
		input->joy_connection_changed(id, true, name, uid);
	} else {
		//bluetooth device
		String guid = "05000000";
		for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
			if (i < name.size())
				guid += _hex_str(name[i]);
				guid += "00";
		input->joy_connection_changed(id, true, name, guid);

	CFArrayRef array = NULL;
	array = IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(p_device_ref, NULL, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
	if (array) {
	return true;
void joystick_linux::open_joystick(const char *p_path) {

	int joy_num = get_free_joy_slot();
	int fd = open(p_path, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
	if (fd != -1 && joy_num != -1) {

		unsigned long evbit[NBITS(EV_MAX)] = { 0 };
		unsigned long keybit[NBITS(KEY_MAX)] = { 0 };
		unsigned long absbit[NBITS(ABS_MAX)] = { 0 };

		if ((ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(0, sizeof(evbit)), evbit) < 0) ||
		    (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(keybit)), keybit) < 0) ||
		    (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_ABS, sizeof(absbit)), absbit) < 0)) {

		//check if the device supports basic gamepad events, prevents certain keyboards from
		//being detected as joysticks
		if (!(test_bit(EV_KEY, evbit) && test_bit(EV_ABS, evbit) &&
		    ((test_bit(ABS_X, absbit) || test_bit(ABS_Y, absbit)) ||
		     (test_bit(BTN_A, keybit) || test_bit(BTN_THUMBL, keybit))))) {

		char uid[128];
		char namebuf[128];
		String name = "";
		input_id inpid;
		if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(namebuf)), namebuf) >= 0) {
			name = namebuf;

		if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGID, &inpid) < 0) {


		Joystick &joy = joysticks[joy_num];
		joy.fd = fd;
		joy.devpath = String(p_path);
		sprintf(uid, "%04x%04x", __bswap_16(inpid.bustype), 0);
		if (inpid.vendor && inpid.product && inpid.version) {

			uint16_t vendor = __bswap_16(inpid.vendor);
			uint16_t product = __bswap_16(inpid.product);
			uint16_t version = __bswap_16(inpid.version);

			sprintf(uid + String(uid).length(), "%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x%04x", vendor,0,product,0,version,0);
			input->joy_connection_changed(joy_num, true, name, uid);
		else {
			String uidname = uid;
			int uidlen = MIN(name.length(), 11);
			for (int i=0; i<uidlen; i++) {

				uidname = uidname + _hex_str(name[i]);
			uidname += "00";
			input->joy_connection_changed(joy_num, true, name, uidname);