	void EntityRenderer::setVisible(bool visible)

		 // Always make the nodes invisible; they are made visible in the next _updateRenderQueue() call if visible is true.
	void EntityRenderer::_prepare(ParticleTechnique* technique)
			- This renderer is a ´hacky´ solution to display geometry-based particles. It pre-creates a 
			number of SceneNodes (childs of the parent Node to which the ParticleSystem is attached) and 
			Entities and uses these pools to display the particles. There are better solutions, but 
			this one is simple and fast enough, although it has some drawbacks.
			- Future solutions should rather make use of hardware instancing to display a large number of
			geometry-based particles at once.

		// Use the given technique, although it should be the same as mParentTechnique (must be set already)
		if (!technique || mRendererInitialised)

		std::stringstream ss; 
		ss << this;
		mEntityName = mMeshName + ss.str();
		mQuota = technique->getVisualParticleQuota();
		Ogre::SceneNode* parentNode = technique->getParentSystem()->getParentSceneNode();
		Ogre::MeshPtr mesh = Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton().load(mMeshName, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
		Ogre::Mesh* meshPointer = mesh.getPointer();
		Vector3 size = meshPointer->getBounds().getSize();
		mBoxWidth = size.x == 0.0f ? 1.0f : size.x;
		mBoxHeight = size.y == 0.0f ? 1.0f : size.y;
		mBoxDepth = size.z == 0.0f ? 1.0f : size.z;

		if (parentNode)
			// Create number of VisualData objects including SceneNodes
			String sceneNodeName;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < mQuota; i++)
				sceneNodeName = "ParticleUniverse" + ss.str() + StringConverter::toString(i);
				EntityRendererVisualData* visualData = 
					PU_NEW_T(EntityRendererVisualData, MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS)(parentNode->createChildSceneNode(sceneNodeName));

				mAllVisualData.push_back(visualData); // Managed by this renderer
				mVisualData.push_back(visualData); // Used to assign to a particle

			// Create number of Entities
			Ogre::Entity* entity = technique->getParentSystem()->getSceneManager()->createEntity(mEntityName, mMeshName); // Base entity
			vector<EntityRendererVisualData*>::const_iterator it;
			vector<EntityRendererVisualData*>::const_iterator itEnd = mAllVisualData.end();
			size_t j;
			for (it = mAllVisualData.begin(), j = 0; it != itEnd; ++it, ++j)
				Ogre::Entity* clonedEntity = entity->clone(mEntityName + StringConverter::toString(j));

		mRendererInitialised = true;
	void LightRenderer::_prepare(ParticleTechnique* technique)
		if (!technique || mRendererInitialised)

		std::stringstream ss; 
		ss << this;
		mLightName = ss.str();
		mQuota = technique->getVisualParticleQuota();
		Ogre::SceneNode* parentNode = technique->getParentSystem()->getParentSceneNode();

		if (parentNode)
			// Create number of VisualData objects including SceneNodes
			String sceneNodeName;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < mQuota; i++)
				sceneNodeName = "ParticleUniverse" + ss.str() + StringConverter::toString(i);
				LightRendererVisualData* visualData = 
					PU_NEW_T(LightRendererVisualData, MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS)(parentNode->createChildSceneNode(sceneNodeName));

				mAllVisualData.push_back(visualData); // Managed by this renderer
				mVisualData.push_back(visualData); // Used to assign to a particle

			// Create number of Lights
			vector<LightRendererVisualData*>::const_iterator it;
			vector<LightRendererVisualData*>::const_iterator itEnd = mAllVisualData.end();
			size_t j;
			Ogre::Light* light;
			for (it = mAllVisualData.begin(), j = 0; it != itEnd; ++it, ++j)
				light = technique->getParentSystem()->getSceneManager()->createLight(mLightName + StringConverter::toString(j));
				light->setAttenuation(mAttenuationRange, mAttenuationConstant, mAttenuationLinear, mAttenuationQuadratic);
				light->setDiffuseColour(DEFAULT_DIFFUSE); // The light always gets the diffuse colour from the particle
				(*it)->light = light;

		_makeNodesVisible(false); // Make them invisibe, otherwise they light the scene before start
		mRendererInitialised = true;
	void EntityRenderer::_notifyAttached(Ogre::Node* parent, bool isTagPoint)
		_makeNodesVisible(parent); // If parent doesn't exist, make everything invisible