Exemplo n.º 1
 * TKGetNextToken returns the next token from the token stream as a
 * character string.  Space for the returned token should be dynamically
 * allocated.  The caller is responsible for freeing the space once it is
 * no longer needed.
 * If the function succeeds, it returns a C string (delimited by '\0')
 * containing the token.  Else it returns 0.
 * You need to fill in this function as part of your implementation.
TokenT *TKGetNextToken(TokenizerT *tk) {
    char curr = tk->inputIter[0];

    // skip all whitespace before next token
    while(isspace(curr)) {
        curr = tk->inputIter[0];

    if(curr == '\0') {
        return NULL;
    } else if(isalpha(curr) || curr == '_') {
        return _word(tk);
    } else if(curr == '0') {
        return _zero(tk);
    } else if(isdigit(curr)) {
        return _decimal(tk);
    } else if(curr == '!') { // neq
        return _neq(tk);
    } else if(curr == '"') { // double_quote
        return _double_quote(tk);
    } else if(curr == '#') {
        return _pound(tk);
    } else if(curr == '$') { // INVALID
        return _invalid(tk);
    } else if(curr == '%') { // mod, mod_eq
        return _mod(tk);
    } else if(curr == '&') { // bit_and, log_and, address (?)
        return _bit_and(tk);
    } else if(curr == '\'') { // single_quote
        return _single_quote(tk);
    } else if(curr == '(') { // open_paren
        return _open_paren(tk);
    } else if(curr == ')') { // close_paren
        return _close_paren(tk);
    } else if(curr == '*') { // mult, mult_eq, pointer (?)
        return _mult(tk);
    } else if(curr == '+') { // plus, plus_eq, inc
        return _plus(tk);
    } else if(curr == ',') { // comma
        return _comma(tk);
    } else if(curr == '-') { // minus, minus_eq, dec, struct_pointer
        return _minus(tk);
    } else if(curr == '.') { // dot
        return _dot(tk);
    } else if(curr == '/') { // div, div_eq
        return _div(tk);
    } else if(curr == ':') { // ternary_colon
        return _ternary_colon(tk);
    } else if(curr == ';') { // semicolon
        return _semicolon(tk);
    } else if(curr == '<') { // lt, lshift, lt_eq
        return _lt(tk);
    } else if(curr == '=') { // eq, assign
        return _eq(tk);
    } else if(curr == '>') { // gt, rshift, gt_eq
        return _gt(tk);
    } else if(curr == '?') { // ternary_qmark
        return _ternary_qmark(tk);
    } else if(curr == '@') { // INVALID
        return _invalid(tk);
    } else if(curr == '[') { // open_bracket
        return _open_bracket(tk);
    } else if(curr == '\\') { // backslash (?)
        return _invalid(tk);
    } else if(curr == ']') { // close_bracket
        return _close_bracket(tk);
    } else if(curr == '^') { // bit_xor
        return _bit_xor(tk);
    } else if(curr == '`') { // INVALID
        return _invalid(tk);
    } else if(curr == '{') { // open_brace
        return _open_brace(tk);
    } else if(curr == '|') { // bit_or, log_or
        return _bit_or(tk);
    } else if(curr == '}') { // close_brace
        return _close_brace(tk);
    } else if(curr == '~') { // bit_not
        return _bit_not(tk);
    } else {
        return _invalid(tk);
Exemplo n.º 2
template<> Vector < Complex > 
Matrix< Complex >::mult(const Vector < Complex > & b, Index startI, Index endI) const {
    return _mult((*this), b, startI, endI);
Exemplo n.º 3
template<> Vector < double > 
Matrix< double >::mult(const Vector < double > & b, Index startI, Index endI) const {
    return _mult((*this), b, startI, endI);
Exemplo n.º 4
template<> Vector < Complex > 
Matrix< Complex >::mult(const Vector < Complex > & b) const { return _mult((*this), b); }
Exemplo n.º 5
template<> Vector < double > 
Matrix< double >::mult(const Vector < double > & b) const { return _mult((*this), b); }
Exemplo n.º 6
int OCCEdge::createNURBS(OCCVertex *start, OCCVertex *end, std::vector<OCCStruct3d> points,
                          DVec knots, DVec weights, IVec mult)
    try {
        Standard_Boolean periodic = false;
        int vertices = 0;
        if (start != NULL && end != NULL) {
            vertices = 2;
            periodic = true;
        int nbControlPoints = points.size() + vertices;
        TColgp_Array1OfPnt  ctrlPoints(1, nbControlPoints);
        TColStd_Array1OfReal _knots(1, knots.size());
        TColStd_Array1OfReal _weights(1, weights.size());
        TColStd_Array1OfInteger  _mult(1, mult.size());
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < knots.size(); i++) {
            _knots.SetValue(i+1, knots[i]);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++) {
            _weights.SetValue(i+1, weights[i]);
        int totKnots = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < mult.size(); i++) {
            _mult.SetValue(i+1, mult[i]);   
            totKnots += mult[i];

        const int degree = totKnots - nbControlPoints - 1;

        int index = 1;
        if (!periodic) {
            ctrlPoints.SetValue(index++, gp_Pnt(start->X(), start->Y(), start->Z()));
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
            gp_Pnt aP(points[i].x,points[i].y,points[i].z);
            ctrlPoints.SetValue(index++, aP);
        if (!periodic) {
            ctrlPoints.SetValue(index++, gp_Pnt(end->X(), end->Y(), end->Z()));
        Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) NURBS = new Geom_BSplineCurve
        (ctrlPoints, _weights, _knots, _mult, degree, periodic);
        if (!periodic) {
            this->setShape(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(NURBS, start->vertex, end->vertex));
        } else {
    } catch(Standard_Failure &err) {
        Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught();
        const Standard_CString msg = e->GetMessageString();
        if (msg != NULL && strlen(msg) > 1) {
        } else {
            setErrorMessage("Failed to create nurbs");
        return 1;
    return 0;