 * 0, get hostname and create business and hostname nodes
 * 1, init all nodes in node_list
 * 2, set flag =  ZOO_EPHEMERAL only node_list
bool CLS_PROC::_init_app(){

	do {
		struct utsname utsn;
		if (uname(&utsn) == -1) {
	} while (0);

	bool ret_zkcreate = false;
	int znode = 0;

	znode = pzoo->zkNodeExists(FLAGS_business_name, 0);
	if (ZNONODE == znode){
		ret_zkcreate = pzoo->zkCreateNodePath(FLAGS_business_name, 0);
			LOG(INFO) << "create root(business)[" << FLAGS_business_name << "] fail!";
			return false;

	std::string host_node = FLAGS_business_name + "/" + m_hostname;
	znode = pzoo->zkNodeExists(host_node, 0);
	if (ZNONODE == znode){
		ret_zkcreate = pzoo->zkCreateNodePath(host_node, 0);
			LOG(INFO) << "create hostname[" << m_hostname<< "] fail!";
			return false;

	std::string data("null");
	std::string _nodes(FLAGS_node_list);
	boost::split( m_nodelist, _nodes, boost::is_any_of( "," ), boost::token_compress_on );

	for(vsit=m_nodelist.begin(); vsit!=m_nodelist.end(); ++vsit){
		std::string chr_node = host_node + "/" + *vsit;
		znode = pzoo->zkNodeExists(chr_node, 0);
		if (ZNONODE == znode){
			pzoo->zkCreateDataNode(chr_node, data, ZOO_EPHEMERAL);

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
int partition(std::vector<MyRect>& _vec, std::vector<int>& labels, float eps)
  int i, j, N = (int)_vec.size();

  MyRect* vec = &_vec[0];

  const int PARENT=0;
  const int RANK=1;

  std::vector<int> _nodes(N*2);

  int (*nodes)[2] = (int(*)[2])&_nodes[0];

  /* The first O(N) pass: create N single-vertex trees */
  for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
      nodes[i][RANK] = 0;

  /* The main O(N^2) pass: merge connected components */
  for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
      int root = i;

      /* find root */
      while( nodes[root][PARENT] >= 0 )
	root = nodes[root][PARENT];

      for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
	  if( i == j || !predicate(eps, vec[i], vec[j]))
	  int root2 = j;

	  while( nodes[root2][PARENT] >= 0 )
	    root2 = nodes[root2][PARENT];

	  if( root2 != root )
	      /* unite both trees */
	      int rank = nodes[root][RANK], rank2 = nodes[root2][RANK];
	      if( rank > rank2 )
		nodes[root2][PARENT] = root;
		  nodes[root][PARENT] = root2;
		  nodes[root2][RANK] += rank == rank2;
		  root = root2;

	      int k = j, parent;

	      /* compress the path from node2 to root */
	      while( (parent = nodes[k][PARENT]) >= 0 )
		  nodes[k][PARENT] = root;
		  k = parent;

	      /* compress the path from node to root */
	      k = i;
	      while( (parent = nodes[k][PARENT]) >= 0 )
		  nodes[k][PARENT] = root;
		  k = parent;

  /* Final O(N) pass: enumerate classes */
  int nclasses = 0;

  for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
      int root = i;
      while( nodes[root][PARENT] >= 0 )
	root = nodes[root][PARENT];
      /* re-use the rank as the class label */
      if( nodes[root][RANK] >= 0 )
	nodes[root][RANK] = ~nclasses++;
      labels[i] = ~nodes[root][RANK];

  return nclasses;
Exemplo n.º 3
// This function splits the input sequence or set into one or more equivalence classes and
// returns the vector of labels - 0-based class indexes for each element.
// predicate(a,b) returns true if the two sequence elements certainly belong to the same class.
// The algorithm is described in "Introduction to Algorithms"
// by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest, the chapter "Data structures for disjoint sets"
template<typename _Tp, class _EqPredicate> int
partition( const std::vector<_Tp>& _vec, std::vector<int>& labels,
           _EqPredicate predicate=_EqPredicate())
    int i, j, N = (int)_vec.size();
    const _Tp* vec = &_vec[0];

    const int PARENT=0;
    const int RANK=1;

    std::vector<int> _nodes(N*2);
    int (*nodes)[2] = (int(*)[2])&_nodes[0];

    // The first O(N) pass: create N single-vertex trees
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
        nodes[i][RANK] = 0;

    // The main O(N^2) pass: merge connected components
    for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        int root = i;

        // find root
        while( nodes[root][PARENT] >= 0 )
            root = nodes[root][PARENT];

        for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
            if( i == j || !predicate(vec[i], vec[j]))
            int root2 = j;

            while( nodes[root2][PARENT] >= 0 )
                root2 = nodes[root2][PARENT];

            if( root2 != root )
                // unite both trees
                int rank = nodes[root][RANK], rank2 = nodes[root2][RANK];
                if( rank > rank2 )
                    nodes[root2][PARENT] = root;
                    nodes[root][PARENT] = root2;
                    nodes[root2][RANK] += rank == rank2;
                    root = root2;
                CV_Assert( nodes[root][PARENT] < 0 );

                int k = j, parent;

                // compress the path from node2 to root
                while( (parent = nodes[k][PARENT]) >= 0 )
                    nodes[k][PARENT] = root;
                    k = parent;

                // compress the path from node to root
                k = i;
                while( (parent = nodes[k][PARENT]) >= 0 )
                    nodes[k][PARENT] = root;
                    k = parent;

    // Final O(N) pass: enumerate classes
    int nclasses = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
        int root = i;
        while( nodes[root][PARENT] >= 0 )
            root = nodes[root][PARENT];
        // re-use the rank as the class label
        if( nodes[root][RANK] >= 0 )
            nodes[root][RANK] = ~nclasses++;
        labels[i] = ~nodes[root][RANK];

    return nclasses;