Exemplo n.º 1
PFCFreezingIC::PFCFreezingIC(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : InitialCondition(parameters),
    _bottom_left(_x1, _y1, _z1),
    _top_right(_x2, _y2, _z2),
    _range(_top_right - _bottom_left),
    _val_range(_max - _min),
  _console << "MooseEnum? " << _crystal_structure << std::endl;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
    mooseAssert(_range(i) >= 0.0, "x1, y1 or z1 is not less than x2, y2 or z2");

  MooseRandom::seed(getParam<unsigned int>("seed"));

  if (_range(1) == 0.0)
    _icdim = 1;
  else if (_range(2) < 1.0e-10 * _range(0))
    _icdim = 2;
    _icdim = 3;
Exemplo n.º 2
 //Set up domain bounds with mesh tools
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
    _bottom_left(i) = _mesh.getMinInDimension(i);
    _top_right(i) = _mesh.getMaxInDimension(i);
  _range = _top_right - _bottom_left;

  if (_op_num > _grain_num)
     mooseError("ERROR in PolycrystalReducedIC: Number of order parameters (op_num) can't be larger than the number of grains (grain_num)");


  //Randomly generate the centers of the individual grains represented by the Voronoi tesselation
  std::vector<Real> distances(_grain_num);

  //Assign actual center point positions
  for (unsigned int grain = 0; grain < _grain_num; grain++)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
      _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i) * MooseRandom::rand();
    if (_columnar_3D)
      _centerpoints[grain](2) = _bottom_left(2) + _range(2) * 0.5;

  //Assign grains to specific order parameters in a way that maximizes the distance
  _assigned_op = PolycrystalICTools::assignPointsToVariables(_centerpoints, _op_num, _mesh, _var);
Exemplo n.º 3

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numbub; i++)
    //Vary circle center positions
    unsigned int num_tries = 0;

    Real rr = 0.0;
    Point newcenter = 0.0;

    while (rr < _bubspac && num_tries < _numtries)
      //Moose::out<<"num_tries: "<<num_tries<<std::endl;

      Real ran1 = _random.rand(_tid);
      Real ran2 = _random.rand(_tid);
      Real ran3 = _random.rand(_tid);

      newcenter(0) = _bottom_left(0) + ran1*_range(0);
      newcenter(1) = _bottom_left(1) + ran2*_range(1);
      newcenter(2) = _bottom_left(2) + ran3*_range(2);

      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; j++)
        if (j == 0) rr = _range.norm();

        Real tmp_rr = _mesh.minPeriodicDistance(_var.number(), _centers[j], newcenter);

        if (tmp_rr < rr) rr = tmp_rr;

      if (i == 0) rr = _range.norm();

    if (num_tries == _numtries)
      mooseError("Too many tries in MultiSmoothCircleIC");

    _centers[i] = newcenter;
Exemplo n.º 4
void TCGenBinaryTree::_range(TCBinaryTreeNode* t)
* Function:     TCGenBinaryTree::_range
* Parameters:   t   - Root of subtree to perform range search on
* Description:  Recursive routine to perform a range search on the specified
*               subtree.
    if (t != o_z) {
        if (*t < *o_low)
        else if (*t > *o_high)
        else {
Exemplo n.º 5
void TCGenBinaryTree::range(TCBinaryTreeNode* low,TCBinaryTreeNode *high,
    void (*visit)(TCBinaryTreeNode*)) const
* Function:     TCGenBinaryTree::range
* Parameters:   low     - Low value to be used in range search
*               high    - High value to be used in range search
*               visit   - Function to call for each node with the range
* Description:  Visits all the nodes with the specified range, calling the
*               visit routine for each node within the range in sorted
*               order.
    o_z = z;
    o_visit = visit;
    o_low = low;
    o_high = high;
Exemplo n.º 6
  // pad circles per side vector to size 3 (with 0)

  //Set up domain bounds with mesh tools
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
    _bottom_left(i) = _mesh.getMinInDimension(i);
    _top_right(i) = _mesh.getMaxInDimension(i);
  _range = _top_right - _bottom_left;

  //Error checks
  if (_range(0) != 0.0 && _range(1) != 0.0 && _circles_per_side[1] == 0)
    mooseError("If domain is > 1D, circles_per_side must have more than one value");

  if (_range(2) != 0.0 && _circles_per_side[2] == 0)
    mooseError("If domain is 3D, circles_per_side must have three values");

  if (_range(1) == 0.0 && _range(2) == 0.0)
    _circles_per_side[1] = 0;
    _circles_per_side[2] = 0;

  //Set _numbub
  if (_range(2) == 0.0)
    _circles_per_side[2] = 0;
    _numbub = _circles_per_side[0] * _circles_per_side[1];
    _numbub = _circles_per_side[0] * _circles_per_side[1] * _circles_per_side[2];

  switch (_radius_variation_type)
    case 2: //No variation
      if (_radius_variation > 0.0)
        mooseError("If radius_variation > 0.0, you must pass in a radius_variation_type in LatticeSmoothCircleIC");
Exemplo n.º 7
Tricrystal2CircleGrainsIC::value(const Point & p)
    Point grain_center_left;
    grain_center_left(0) = _bottom_left(0) + _range(0)/4.0;
    grain_center_left(1) = _bottom_left(1) + _range(1)/2.0;
    grain_center_left(2) = _bottom_left(2) + _range(2)/2.0;

    Point grain_center_right;
    grain_center_right(0) = _bottom_left(0) + _range(0)*3.0/4.0;
    grain_center_right(1) = _bottom_left(1) + _range(1)/2.0;
    grain_center_right(2) = _bottom_left(2) + _range(2)/2.0;

    Real radius = _range(0)/5.0;
    Real dist_left = (p - grain_center_left).size();
    Real dist_right = (p - grain_center_right).size();

    if ((dist_left <= radius && _op_index == 1) || (dist_right <= radius && _op_index == 2) || (dist_left > radius && dist_right > radius && _op_index == 0))
        return 1.0;
        return 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 8

  Real x_sep = _range(0)/_circles_per_side[0];
  Real y_sep = _range(1)/_circles_per_side[1];

  Real z_sep = 0.0;
  unsigned int z_num = 1.0;

  if (_range(2) > 0.0)
    z_sep = _range(2)/_circles_per_side[2];
    z_num = _circles_per_side[2];

  unsigned int cnt = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _circles_per_side[0]; i++)
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _circles_per_side[1]; j++)
      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < z_num; k++)
        Real xx = x_sep/2.0 + i*x_sep;
        Real yy = y_sep/2.0 + j*y_sep;
        Real zz = z_sep/2.0 + k*z_sep;

        //Vary circle position
        xx = xx + (1.0 - 2.0*MooseRandom::rand())*_lattice_variation;
        yy = yy + (1.0 - 2.0*MooseRandom::rand())*_lattice_variation;

        if (_range(2) != 0.0)
          zz = zz + (1.0 - 2.0*MooseRandom::rand())*_lattice_variation;

        //Verify not out of bounds
        if (_avoid_bounds && xx < _radii[cnt] + _int_width)
          xx = _radii[cnt] + _int_width;
        if (_avoid_bounds && xx > _range(0) - (_radii[cnt] + _int_width))
          xx = _range(0) - (_radii[cnt] + _int_width);
        if (_avoid_bounds && yy < _radii[cnt] + _int_width)
          yy = _radii[cnt] + _int_width;
        if (_avoid_bounds && yy > _range(1) - (_radii[cnt] + _int_width))
          yy = _range(1) - (_radii[cnt] + _int_width);
        if (_range(2) != 0.0)
          if (_avoid_bounds && zz < _radii[cnt] + _int_width)
            zz = _radii[cnt] + _int_width;
          if (_avoid_bounds && zz > _range(2) - (_radii[cnt] + _int_width))
            zz = _range(2) - (_radii[cnt] + _int_width);

        _centers[cnt](0) = xx;
        _centers[cnt](1) = yy;
        _centers[cnt](2) = zz;

Exemplo n.º 9
 //Set up domain bounds with mesh tools
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
    _bottom_left(i) = _mesh.getMinInDimension(i);
    _top_right(i) = _mesh.getMaxInDimension(i);
  _range = _top_right - _bottom_left;

  if (_op_num > _grain_num)
     mooseError("ERROR in PolycrystalReducedIC: Number of order parameters (op_num) can't be larger than the number of grains (grain_num)");


  //Randomly generate the centers of the individual grains represented by the Voronoi tesselation
  std::vector<Real> distances(_grain_num);

  for (unsigned int grain = 0; grain < _grain_num; grain++)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
      _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i) * MooseRandom::rand();
    if (_columnar_3D)
      _centerpoints[grain](2) = _bottom_left(2) + _range(2) * 0.5;

  if (!_advanced_op_assignment)
    //Assign grains to specific order parameters in a way that maximizes the distance
    _assigned_op = PolycrystalICTools::assignPointsToVariables(_centerpoints, _op_num, _mesh, _var);
    std::map<dof_id_type, unsigned int> entity_to_grain;

    // TODO: Add a nodal option
    if (false)
       * We first need to build a node to grain map (i.e. every node in the mesh needs to say
       * which grain it belongs to). For Voronoi, this is straightforward and we have a utility
       * already setup to handle this case.
      const MeshBase::node_iterator end = _mesh.getMesh().active_nodes_end();
      for (MeshBase::node_iterator nl = _mesh.getMesh().active_nodes_begin(); nl != end; ++nl)
        unsigned int grain_index = PolycrystalICTools::assignPointToGrain(**nl, _centerpoints, _mesh, _var, _range.norm());

        entity_to_grain.insert(std::pair<dof_id_type, unsigned int>((*nl)->id(), grain_index));
      const MeshBase::element_iterator end = _mesh.getMesh().active_elements_end();
      for (MeshBase::element_iterator el = _mesh.getMesh().active_elements_begin(); el != end; ++el)
        Point centroid = (*el)->centroid();

        unsigned int grain_index = PolycrystalICTools::assignPointToGrain(centroid, _centerpoints, _mesh, _var, _range.norm());

        entity_to_grain.insert(std::pair<dof_id_type, unsigned int>((*el)->id(), grain_index));

     * Now we need to construct a neighbor graph using our node to grain map information.
     * We have a utility for this too. This one makes no assumptions about how the
     * grain structure was built. It uses the entity_to_grain map.
    AdjacencyGraph grain_neighbor_graph = PolycrystalICTools::buildGrainAdjacencyGraph(entity_to_grain, _mesh, _grain_num, true);

     * Now we need to assign ops in some optimal fashion.
    _assigned_op = PolycrystalICTools::assignOpsToGrains(grain_neighbor_graph, _grain_num, _op_num);
Exemplo n.º 10

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numbub; i++)
    //Vary circle center positions
    unsigned int num_tries = 0;

    Real rr = 0.0;
    Point newcenter = 0.0;

    while (rr < _bubspac && num_tries < _numtries)
      //Moose::out<<"num_tries: "<<num_tries<<std::endl;

      Real ran1 = MooseRandom::rand();
      Real ran2 = MooseRandom::rand();
      Real ran3 = MooseRandom::rand();

      newcenter(0) = _bottom_left(0) + ran1*_range(0);
      newcenter(1) = _bottom_left(1) + ran2*_range(1);
      newcenter(2) = _bottom_left(2) + ran3*_range(2);

      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; j++)
        if (j == 0) rr = _range.size();

        Real tmp_rr = _mesh.minPeriodicDistance(_var.number(), _centers[j], newcenter);

        if (tmp_rr < rr) rr = tmp_rr;

      if (i == 0) rr = _range.size();
      //Verify not out of bounds
        if (_avoid_bounds && newcenter(0) < _radii[i] + _int_width)
          newcenter(0) = _radii[i] + _int_width;
        if (_avoid_bounds && newcenter(0) > _range(0) - (_radii[i] + _int_width))
          newcenter(0) = _range(0) - (_radii[i] + _int_width);
        if (_avoid_bounds && newcenter(1) < _radii[i] + _int_width)
          newcenter(1) = _radii[i] + _int_width;
        if (_avoid_bounds && newcenter(1) > _range(1) - (_radii[i] + _int_width))
          newcenter(1) = _range(1) - (_radii[i] + _int_width);
        if (_range(2) != 0.0)
          if (_avoid_bounds && newcenter(2) < _radii[i] + _int_width)
            newcenter(2) = _radii[i] + _int_width;
          if (_avoid_bounds && newcenter(2) > _range(2) - (_radii[i] + _int_width))
            newcenter(2) = _range(2) - (_radii[i] + _int_width);

    if (num_tries == _numtries)
      mooseError("Too many tries in MultiSmoothParticleIC");
     _centers[i] = newcenter;
  _centers.resize(_x_positions.size() + _npart);

  //First place the specified (large) particles from the input file
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _x_positions.size(); ++i)
    _centers[i](0) = _x_positions[i];
    _centers[i](1) = _y_positions[i];
    _centers[i](2) = _z_positions[i];

  //Next place the randomly positioned (small) particles
  for (unsigned int i = _x_positions.size(); i < _x_positions.size() + _npart; i++)
    unsigned int num_tries = 0;

    Real dsmall_min = 0.0; //minimum distance from the random particle to another random particle
    Real dlarge_max = 0.0; //minimum distance from the random particle to edge of the specified (large) particle

    Point newcenter = 0.0;

    while ((dsmall_min < _small_spac || dlarge_max < _large_spac) && num_tries < _numtries)

      Real ran1 = _random.rand(_tid);
      Real ran2 = _random.rand(_tid);
      Real ran3 = _random.rand(_tid);

      newcenter(0) = _bottom_left(0) + ran1*_range(0);
      newcenter(1) = _bottom_left(1) + ran2*_range(1);
      newcenter(2) = _bottom_left(2) + ran3*_range(2);

      //First check to make sure we are INSIDE a larger particle
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _x_positions.size(); j++)
        if (j == 0)
          dlarge_max = - _range.norm();

        //Compute the distance r1 from the center of each specified superellipsoid to its outside edge
        //along the vector between the specified superellipsoid and the current randomly
        //positioned one
        //This uses the equation for a superellipse in polar coordinates and substitutes
        //distances for sin, cos functions
        Real dist = _mesh.minPeriodicDistance(_var.number(), _centers[j], newcenter);
        Point dist_vec = _mesh.minPeriodicVector(_var.number(), _centers[j], newcenter);

        //First calculate rmn1 = r1^(-n), replacing sin, cos functions with distances
        Real rmn1 = (std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(0) / dist / _as[j]), _ns[j])
                  + std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(1) / dist / _bs[j]), _ns[j])
                  + std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(2) / dist / _cs[j]), _ns[j]) );
        //Then calculate r1 from rmn1
        Real r1 = std::pow(rmn1, (-1.0/_ns[j]));

        //Now calculate the distance r2 from the center of the randomly placed superellipsoid
        //to its outside edge in the same manner
        Real rmn2 = (std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(0) / dist / _as[i]), _ns[i])
                  + std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(1) / dist / _bs[i]), _ns[i])
                  + std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(2) / dist / _cs[i]), _ns[i]) );
        Real r2 = std::pow(rmn2, (-1.0/_ns[i]));

        //Calculate the distance between the edges for an interior particle
        Real tmp_dlarge_max = r1 - dist - r2;

        if (tmp_dlarge_max > dlarge_max)
          dlarge_max = tmp_dlarge_max;

      //Then check for collisions between the randomly placed particles
      for (unsigned int j = _x_positions.size(); j < i; j++)
        if (j == _x_positions.size())
          dsmall_min = _range.norm();

        Real dist = _mesh.minPeriodicDistance(_var.number(), _centers[j], newcenter);
        Point dist_vec = _mesh.minPeriodicVector(_var.number(), _centers[j], newcenter);

        Real rmn1 = (std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(0) / dist / _as[j]), _ns[j])
                  + std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(1) / dist / _bs[j]), _ns[j])
                  + std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(2) / dist / _cs[j]), _ns[j]) );
        Real r1 = std::pow(rmn1, (-1.0/_ns[j]));

        Real rmn2 = (std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(0) / dist / _as[i]), _ns[i])
                  + std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(1) / dist / _bs[i]), _ns[i])
                  + std::pow(std::abs(dist_vec(2) / dist / _cs[i]), _ns[i]) );
        Real r2 = std::pow(rmn2, (-1.0/_ns[i]));

        //Calculate the distance between the edges
        Real tmp_dsmall_min = dist - r1 - r2;

        if (tmp_dsmall_min < dsmall_min)
          dsmall_min = tmp_dsmall_min;
      //Cause while statement to exit for the first randomly placed particle
      if (i == _x_positions.size())
        dsmall_min = _range.norm();

    if (num_tries == _numtries)
      mooseError("Too many tries in BimodalInverseSuperellipsoidsIC");

    _centers[i] = newcenter;
Exemplo n.º 12
 //Set up domain bounds with mesh tools
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
    _bottom_left(i) = _mesh.getMinInDimension(i);
    _top_right(i) = _mesh.getMaxInDimension(i);
  _range = _top_right - _bottom_left;

  if (_op_num > _grain_num)
     mooseError("ERROR in PolycrystalReducedIC: Number of order parameters (op_num) can't be larger than the number of grains (grain_num)");

  if (_cody_test)
    if (_op_num != 5 || _grain_num != 10)
      mooseError("ERROR in PolycrystalReducedIC: Numbers aren't correct for Cody's test.");


  //Randomly generate the centers of the individual grains represented by the Voronoi tesselation
  std::vector<Real> distances(_grain_num);

  std::vector<Point> holder;

  if (_cody_test)
    holder[0] = Point(0.2, 0.99, 0.0);
    holder[1] = Point(0.5, 0.99, 0.0);
    holder[2] = Point(0.8, 0.99, 0.0);

    holder[3] = Point(0.2, 0.5, 0.0);
    holder[4] = Point(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
    holder[5] = Point(0.8, 0.5, 0.0);

    holder[6] = Point(0.1, 0.1, 0.0);
    holder[7] = Point(0.5, 0.05, 0.0);
    holder[8] = Point(0.9, 0.1, 0.0);

    holder[9] = Point(0.5, 0.1, 0.0);

  //Assign actual center point positions
  for (unsigned int grain = 0; grain < _grain_num; grain++)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
      if (_cody_test)
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i)*holder[grain](i);
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i)*MooseRandom::rand();
    if (_columnar_3D)
        _centerpoints[grain](2) = _bottom_left(2) + _range(2)*0.5;

  //Assign grains to each order parameter
  if (_cody_test)
    _assigned_op[0] = 0.0;
    _assigned_op[1] = 0.0;
    _assigned_op[2] = 0.0;
    _assigned_op[3] = 1.0;
    _assigned_op[4] = 1.0;
    _assigned_op[5] = 1.0;
    _assigned_op[6] = 2.0;
    _assigned_op[7] = 0.0;
    _assigned_op[8] = 2.0;
    _assigned_op[9] = 4.0;
    //Assign grains to specific order parameters in a way that maximizes the distance
    _assigned_op = PolycrystalICTools::assignPointsToVariables(_centerpoints,_op_num, _mesh, _var);
Exemplo n.º 13

  unsigned int root = std::floor(std::pow(_grain_num, 1.0/_mesh.dimension()));

  if (_grain_num != std::pow((float)root, (float)_mesh.dimension()))
    root++;  // Try "ceiling due to round off error
    if (_grain_num != std::pow((float)root, (float)_mesh.dimension()))
      mooseError("HexPolycrystalIC requires a square or cubic number depending on the mesh dimension");

  unsigned int third_dimension_iterations = _mesh.dimension() == 3 ? root : 1;
  Real ndist = 1.0/root;

  // Set up domain bounds with mesh tools
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
    _bottom_left(i) = _mesh.getMinInDimension(i);
    _top_right(i) = _mesh.getMaxInDimension(i);
  _range = _top_right - _bottom_left;

  if (_op_num > _grain_num)
     mooseError("ERROR in PolycrystalReducedIC: Number of order parameters (op_num) can't be larger than the number of grains (grain_num)");

  std::vector<Real> distances(_grain_num);

  std::vector<Point> holder(_grain_num);

  unsigned int count = 0;
  // Assign the relative center points positions, defining the grains according to a hexagonal pattern
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < third_dimension_iterations; ++k)
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < root; ++j)
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < root; ++i)
        // set x-coordinate
        holder[count](0) = i*ndist + (0.5*ndist*(j%2)) + _x_offset*ndist;

        // set y-coordinate
        holder[count](1) = j*ndist + (0.5*ndist*(k%2));

        // set z-coordinate
        holder[count](2) = k*ndist;

        //increment counter

  // Assign center point values
  for (unsigned int grain=0; grain < _grain_num; grain++)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
      if (_range(i) == 0)

      Real perturbation_dist = (_range(i)/root * (MooseRandom::rand()*2 - 1.0)) * _perturbation_percent;  // Perturb -100 to 100%
      _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i)*holder[grain](i) + perturbation_dist;

      if (_centerpoints[grain](i) > _top_right(i))
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _top_right(i);
      if (_centerpoints[grain](i) < _bottom_left(i))
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i);

  //Assign grains to specific order parameters in a way that maximizes the distance
  _assigned_op = PolycrystalICTools::assignPointsToVariables(_centerpoints,_op_num, _mesh, _var);
Exemplo n.º 14

  unsigned int root = std::floor(std::pow(_grain_num, 1.0/_mesh.dimension()));

  if (_grain_num != std::pow((float)root, (float)_mesh.dimension()))
    root++;  // Try "ceiling due to round off error
    if (_grain_num != std::pow((float)root, (float)_mesh.dimension()))
      mooseError("HexPolycrystalIC requires a square or cubic number depending on the mesh dimension");

  unsigned int third_dimension_iterations = _mesh.dimension() == 3 ? root : 1;
  Real ndist = 1.0/root;

  // Set up domain bounds with mesh tools
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
    _bottom_left(i) = _mesh.getMinInDimension(i);
    _top_right(i) = _mesh.getMaxInDimension(i);
  _range = _top_right - _bottom_left;

  if (_op_num > _grain_num)
     mooseError("ERROR in PolycrystalReducedIC: Number of order parameters (op_num) can't be larger than the number of grains (grain_num)");

  std::vector<Real> distances(_grain_num);

  std::vector<Point> holder(_grain_num);

  unsigned int count = 0;
  // Assign the relative center points positions, defining the grains according to a hexagonal pattern
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < third_dimension_iterations; ++k)
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < root; ++j)
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < root; ++i)
        // set x-coordinate
        holder[count](0) = i*ndist + (0.5*ndist*(j%2)) + _x_offset*ndist;

        // set y-coordinate
        holder[count](1) = j*ndist + (0.5*ndist*(k%2));

        // set z-coordinate
        holder[count](2) = k*ndist;

        //increment counter

  // Assign center point values
  for (unsigned int grain=0; grain < _grain_num; grain++)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
      if (_range(i) == 0)

      Real perturbation_dist = (_range(i)/root * (MooseRandom::rand()*2 - 1.0)) * _perturbation_percent;  // Perturb -100 to 100%
      _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i)*holder[grain](i) + perturbation_dist;

      if (_centerpoints[grain](i) > _top_right(i))
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _top_right(i);
      if (_centerpoints[grain](i) < _bottom_left(i))
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i);

  for (unsigned int grain = 0; grain < _grain_num; grain++) //Assign grains to specific order parameters in a way that maximized the distance
    std::vector<int> min_op_ind;
    std::vector<Real> min_op_dist;
    //Determine the distance to the closest center assigned to each order parameter
    if (grain >= _op_num)
      std::fill(min_op_dist.begin() , min_op_dist.end(), _range.size());
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < grain; i++)
        Real dist =  _mesh.minPeriodicDistance(_var.number(), _centerpoints[grain], _centerpoints[i]);
        if (min_op_dist[_assigned_op[i]] > dist)
          min_op_dist[_assigned_op[i]] = dist;
          min_op_ind[_assigned_op[i]] = i;

    // Assign the current center point to the order parameter that is furthest away.
    Real mx;
    if (grain < _op_num)
      _assigned_op[grain] = grain;
      mx = 0.0;
      unsigned int mx_ind = 1e6;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _op_num; i++) //Find index of max
        if (mx < min_op_dist[i])
          mx = min_op_dist[i];
          mx_ind = i;
      _assigned_op[grain] = mx_ind;

    //Moose::out << "For grain " << grain << ", center point = " << _centerpoints[grain](0) << " " << _centerpoints[grain](1) << "\n";
    //Moose::out << "Max index is " << _assigned_op[grain] << ", with a max distance of " << mx << "\n";
Exemplo n.º 15
  const unsigned int root = MathUtils::round(std::pow(_grain_num, 1.0 / _dim));

  // integer power the rounded root and check if we recover the grain number
  unsigned int grain_pow = root;
  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < _dim; ++i)
    grain_pow *= root;

  if (_grain_num != grain_pow)
        "HexPolycrystalIC requires a square or cubic number depending on the mesh dimension");

  // Set up domain bounds with mesh tools
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; ++i)
    _bottom_left(i) = _mesh.getMinInDimension(i);
    _top_right(i) = _mesh.getMaxInDimension(i);
  _range = _top_right - _bottom_left;

  if (_op_num > _grain_num)
    mooseError("ERROR in PolycrystalReducedIC: Number of order parameters (op_num) can't be larger "
               "than the number of grains (grain_num)");


  std::vector<Real> distances(_grain_num);
  std::vector<Point> holder(_grain_num);

  const Real ndist = 1.0 / root;

  // Assign the relative center points positions, defining the grains according to a hexagonal
  // pattern
  unsigned int count = 0;
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < (_dim == 3 ? root : 1); ++k)
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (_dim >= 2 ? root : 1); ++j)
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < root; ++i)
        // set x-coordinate
        holder[count](0) = i * ndist + (0.5 * ndist * (j % 2)) + _x_offset * ndist;

        // set y-coordinate
        holder[count](1) = j * ndist + (0.5 * ndist * (k % 2));

        // set z-coordinate
        holder[count](2) = k * ndist;

        // increment counter

  // Assign center point values
  for (unsigned int grain = 0; grain < _grain_num; ++grain)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; ++i)
      if (_range(i) == 0)

      Real perturbation_dist = (_range(i) / root * (_random.rand(_tid) * 2 - 1.0)) *
                               _perturbation_percent; // Perturb -100 to 100%
      _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i) * holder[grain](i) + perturbation_dist;

      if (_centerpoints[grain](i) > _top_right(i))
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _top_right(i);
      if (_centerpoints[grain](i) < _bottom_left(i))
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i);

  // Assign grains to specific order parameters in a way that maximizes the distance
  _assigned_op = PolycrystalICTools::assignPointsToVariables(_centerpoints, _op_num, _mesh, _var);
Exemplo n.º 16

  // This Code will place void center points on grain boundaries
  for (unsigned int vp = 0; vp < _numbub; ++vp)
    bool try_again;
    unsigned int num_tries = 0;

      try_again = false;

      if (num_tries > _max_num_tries)
        mooseError("Too many tries of assigning void centers in "

      Point rand_point;

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; ++i)
        rand_point(i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i) * _random.rand(_tid);

      // Allow the vectors to be sorted based on their distance from the
      // rand_point
      std::vector<PolycrystalVoronoiVoidIC::DistancePoint> diff(_grain_num);

      for (unsigned int gr = 0; gr < _grain_num; ++gr)
        diff[gr].d = _mesh.minPeriodicDistance(_var.number(), rand_point, _centerpoints[gr]);
        diff[gr].gr = gr;

      std::sort(diff.begin(), diff.end(), _customLess);

      Point closest_point = _centerpoints[diff[0].gr];
      Point next_closest_point = _centerpoints[diff[1].gr];

      // Find Slope of Line in the plane orthogonal to the diff_centerpoint
      // vector
      Point diff_centerpoints =
          _mesh.minPeriodicVector(_var.number(), closest_point, next_closest_point);
      Point diff_rand_center = _mesh.minPeriodicVector(_var.number(), closest_point, rand_point);
      Point normal_vector = diff_centerpoints.cross(diff_rand_center);
      Point slope = normal_vector.cross(diff_centerpoints);

      // Midpoint position vector between two center points
      Point midpoint = closest_point + (0.5 * diff_centerpoints);

      // Solve for the scalar multiplier solution on the line
      Real lambda = 0;
      Point mid_rand_vector = _mesh.minPeriodicVector(_var.number(), midpoint, rand_point);

      Real slope_dot = slope * slope;
      mooseAssert(slope_dot > 0, "The dot product of slope with itself is zero");
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; ++i)
        lambda += (mid_rand_vector(i) * slope(i)) / slope_dot;

      // Assigning points to vector
      _centers[vp] = slope * lambda + midpoint;

      // Checking to see if points are in the domain ONLY WORKS FOR PERIODIC
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
        if ((_centers[vp](i) > _top_right(i)) || (_centers[vp](i) < _bottom_left(i)))
          try_again = true;

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vp; ++i)
        Real dist = _mesh.minPeriodicDistance(_var.number(), _centers[vp], _centers[i]);

        if (dist < _bubspac)
          try_again = true;

      // Two algorithms are available for screening bubbles falling in grain
      // interior. They produce
      // nearly identical results.
      // Here only one is listed. The other one is available upon request.

      // Use circle center for checking whether voids are at GBs
      if (try_again == false)
        Real min_rij_1, min_rij_2, rij, rij_diff_tol;

        min_rij_1 = _range.norm();
        min_rij_2 = _range.norm();

        rij_diff_tol = 0.1 * _radius;

        for (unsigned int gr = 0; gr < _grain_num; ++gr)
          rij = _mesh.minPeriodicDistance(_var.number(), _centers[vp], _centerpoints[gr]);

          if (rij < min_rij_1)
            min_rij_2 = min_rij_1;
            min_rij_1 = rij;
          else if (rij < min_rij_2)
            min_rij_2 = rij;

        if (std::abs(min_rij_1 - min_rij_2) > rij_diff_tol)
          try_again = true;

    } while (try_again == true);
Exemplo n.º 17
 //Set up domain bounds with mesh tools
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
    _bottom_left(i) = _mesh.getMinInDimension(i);
    _top_right(i) = _mesh.getMaxInDimension(i);
  _range = _top_right - _bottom_left;

  if (_op_num > _grain_num)
     mooseError("ERROR in PolycrystalReducedIC: Number of order parameters (op_num) can't be larger than the number of grains (grain_num)");

  if (_cody_test)
    if (_op_num != 5 || _grain_num != 10)
      mooseError("ERROR in PolycrystalReducedIC: Numbers aren't correct for Cody's test.");


  //Randomly generate the centers of the individual grains represented by the Voronoi tesselation
  std::vector<Real> distances(_grain_num);

  std::vector<Point> holder;

  if (_cody_test)
    holder[0] = Point(0.2, 0.85, 0.0);
    holder[1] = Point(0.5, 0.85, 0.0);
    holder[2] = Point(0.8, 0.85, 0.0);

    holder[3] = Point(0.2, 0.5, 0.0);
    holder[4] = Point(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
    holder[5] = Point(0.8, 0.5, 0.0);

    holder[6] = Point(0.1, 0.1, 0.0);
    holder[7] = Point(0.5, 0.05, 0.0);
    holder[8] = Point(0.9, 0.1, 0.0);

    holder[9] = Point(0.5, 0.1, 0.0);

  //Assign actual center point positions
  for (unsigned int grain = 0; grain < _grain_num; grain++)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LIBMESH_DIM; i++)
      if (_cody_test)
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i)*holder[grain](i);
        _centerpoints[grain](i) = _bottom_left(i) + _range(i)*MooseRandom::rand();
    if (_columnar_3D)
        _centerpoints[grain](2) = _bottom_left(2) + _range(2)*0.5;

  //Assign grains to each order parameter
  if (_cody_test)
    _assigned_op[0] = 0.0;
    _assigned_op[1] = 0.0;
    _assigned_op[2] = 0.0;
    _assigned_op[3] = 1.0;
    _assigned_op[4] = 1.0;
    _assigned_op[5] = 1.0;
    _assigned_op[6] = 2.0;
    _assigned_op[7] = 3.0;
    _assigned_op[8] = 2.0;
    _assigned_op[9] = 4.0;
    for (unsigned int grain = 0; grain < _grain_num; grain++) //Assign grains to specific order parameters in a way that maximized the distance
      std::vector<int> min_op_ind;
      std::vector<Real> min_op_dist;
      //Determine the distance to the closest center assigned to each order parameter
      if (grain >= _op_num)
        std::fill(min_op_dist.begin() , min_op_dist.end(), _range.size());
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < grain; i++)
          Real dist = _mesh.minPeriodicDistance(_var.number(), _centerpoints[grain], _centerpoints[i]);
          if (min_op_dist[_assigned_op[i]] > dist)
            min_op_dist[_assigned_op[i]] = dist;
            min_op_ind[_assigned_op[i]] = i;

      //Assign the current center point to the order parameter that is furthest away.
      Real mx;
      if (grain < _op_num)
        _assigned_op[grain] = grain;
        mx = 0.0;
        unsigned int mx_ind = 1e6;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _op_num; i++) //Find index of max
          if (mx < min_op_dist[i])
            mx = min_op_dist[i];
            mx_ind = i;

        _assigned_op[grain] = mx_ind;
      //Moose::out << "For grain " << grain << ", center point = " << _centerpoints[grain](0) << " " << _centerpoints[grain](1) << "\n";
      //Moose::out << "Max index is " << _assigned_op[grain] << ", with a max distance of " << mx << "\n";