bool win32_debmod_t::set_debug_hook(ea_t base)
  // the debug hook for borland is located at the very beginning of
  // the program's text segment, with a clear signature before
  peheader_t pe;
  ea_t peoff = get_pe_header(base, &pe);
  if ( peoff == BADADDR )
    return false;

  ea_t text = base + pe.text_start;
  uchar buf[4096];
  if ( _read_memory(text, buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf) )
    return false;

  ssize_t bcc_hook_off = find_bcc_sign(buf, sizeof(buf));
  if ( bcc_hook_off == -1 )
    return false;

  uint32 bcc_hook;
  if ( _read_memory(text+bcc_hook_off, &bcc_hook, 4) != 4 )
    return false;

  // now the bcc_hook might be already relocated or not.
  // it seems that vista loads files without relocating them for
  // the 'open file' dialog box. This is an heuristic rule:
  if ( bcc_hook < base + pe.text_start || bcc_hook > base + pe.imagesize )
    return false;

  const uint32 active_hook = 2; // borland seems to want this number
  return _write_memory(bcc_hook, &active_hook, 4) == 4;
Exemplo n.º 2
static unsigned char save_breakpoint_data(seL4_Word addr) {
    // Read data we will write over
    unsigned char data[2];
    /*? me.from_instance.name ?*/_read_memory(addr, BREAKPOINT_INSTRUCTION_SIZE , data);
    unsigned char next_breakpoint = free_breakpoint_head;
    free_breakpoint_head = breakpoints[next_breakpoint].saved_data[0];
    memcpy(breakpoints[next_breakpoint].saved_data, data, BREAKPOINT_INSTRUCTION_SIZE);
    return next_breakpoint;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void handle_breakpoint(void) {
    unsigned char inst_data[BREAKPOINT_INSTRUCTION_SIZE];
    /*? me.from_instance.name ?*/_read_memory(reg_pc, BREAKPOINT_INSTRUCTION_SIZE,
                                              (unsigned char *) &inst_data);
        curr_breakpoint = inst_data[BREAKPOINT_NUM_INDEX];
        if (DEBUG_PRINT) printf("Breakpoint %d\n", curr_breakpoint);
bool win32_debmod_t::add_thread_areas(
  HANDLE process_handle,
  thid_t tid,
  images_t &thread_areas,
  images_t &class_areas)
  thread_info_t *ti = threads.get(tid);
  if ( ti == NULL )
    return false;

  // This structure is specific to NT, but stack related records are Win9X compatible
  _NT_TIB tib;
  ea_t ea_tib = EA_T(ti->lpThreadLocalBase);
  if ( _read_memory(ea_tib, &tib, sizeof(tib)) != sizeof(tib) ) // read the TIB
    return false;

  // additional test: we verify that TIB->Self contains the TIB's linear address
  if ( EA_T(tib.Self) != ea_tib )
    return false;

  // add TIB area
  char name[MAXSTR];
  qsnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "TIB[%08X]", tid);
  // we suppose the whole page is reserved for the TIB
  image_info_t ii_tib(this, ea_tib, system_teb_size, name);
  thread_areas.insert(std::make_pair(ii_tib.base, ii_tib));
  // add stack area - we also verify it is valid by analyzing SP
  if ( EA_T(tib.StackLimit) > ti->ctx.Esp || ti->ctx.Esp >= EA_T(tib.StackBase) )
    return false;

  asize_t size = EA_T(tib.StackBase) - EA_T(tib.StackLimit);
  qsnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "Stack[%08X]", tid);
  image_info_t ii_stack(this, EA_T(tib.StackLimit), size, name);
  thread_areas.insert(std::make_pair(ii_stack.base, ii_stack));
  ii_stack.name = "STACK";
  class_areas.insert(std::make_pair(ii_stack.base, ii_stack));
  // verify a Stack PAGE_GUARD page exists
  ea_t ea_guard = ii_stack.base - MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE;
  MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemoryBasicInformation;
  if ( VirtualQueryEx(process_handle, (LPCVOID)ea_guard,
                &MemoryBasicInformation, sizeof(MemoryBasicInformation)) )
    if ( MemoryBasicInformation.Protect & PAGE_GUARD ) // a Stack PAGE_GUARD exists
      qsnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "Stack_PAGE_GUARD[%08X]", tid);
      image_info_t ii_guard(this, ea_guard, MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE, name);
      thread_areas.insert(std::make_pair(ii_guard.base, ii_guard));
      ii_guard.name = "STACK";
      class_areas.insert(std::make_pair(ii_guard.base, ii_guard));
  return true;
// get name from export directory in PE image in debugged process
bool win32_debmod_t::get_pe_export_name_from_process(
  ea_t imagebase,
  char *name,
  size_t namesize)
  peheader_t pe;
  ea_t peoff = get_pe_header(imagebase, &pe);
  if ( peoff != BADADDR && pe.expdir.rva != 0)
    ea_t ea = imagebase + pe.expdir.rva;
    peexpdir_t expdir;
    if ( _read_memory(ea, &expdir, sizeof(expdir)) == sizeof(expdir) )
      ea = imagebase + expdir.dllname;
      name[0] = '\0';
      _read_memory(ea, name, namesize);  // don't check the return code because
      // we might have read more than necessary
      if ( name[0] != '\0' )
        return true;
  return false;
// Get PE header
// In: ea=DLL imagebase, nh=buffer to keep the answer
//     child==true:ea is an address in the child process
//     child==false:ea is an address in the the debugger itself
// Returns: offset to the headers, BADADDR means failure
ea_t win32_debmod_t::get_pe_header(ea_t ea, peheader_t *nh)
  uint32 offset = 0;
  uint32 magic;
  if ( _read_memory(ea, &magic, sizeof(magic)) != sizeof(magic) )
    return BADADDR;
  if ( ushort(magic) == MC2('M','Z') )
    if ( _read_memory(ea+PE_PTROFF, &offset, sizeof(offset)) != sizeof(offset) )
      return BADADDR;
  peheader64_t pe64;
  if ( _read_memory(ea+offset, &pe64, sizeof(pe64)) != sizeof(pe64) )
    return BADADDR;
  if ( !pe64_to_pe(*nh, pe64, true, true) )
    return BADADDR;
  if ( nh->signature != PEEXE_ID )
    return BADADDR;
#ifdef __X64__
  if ( debapp_attrs.addrsize == 8 && !pe64.is_pe_plus() )
    debapp_attrs.addrsize = 4;
  return offset;
Exemplo n.º 7
static gboolean
arv_gv_device_read_memory (ArvDevice *device, guint32 address, guint32 size, void *buffer, GError **error)
	ArvGvDevice *gv_device = ARV_GV_DEVICE (device);
	int i;
	gint32 block_size;

	for (i = 0; i < (size + ARV_GVCP_DATA_SIZE_MAX - 1) / ARV_GVCP_DATA_SIZE_MAX; i++) {
		block_size = MIN (ARV_GVCP_DATA_SIZE_MAX, size - i * ARV_GVCP_DATA_SIZE_MAX);
		if (!_read_memory (gv_device->priv->io_data,
				   address + i * ARV_GVCP_DATA_SIZE_MAX,
				   block_size, buffer + i * ARV_GVCP_DATA_SIZE_MAX, error))
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 8
static gboolean
arv_uv_device_read_memory (ArvDevice *device, guint64 address, guint32 size, void *buffer, GError **error)
	ArvUvDevice *uv_device = ARV_UV_DEVICE (device);
	int i;
	gint32 block_size;
	guint data_size_max;

	data_size_max = uv_device->priv->ack_packet_size_max - sizeof (ArvUvcpHeader);

	for (i = 0; i < (size + data_size_max - 1) / data_size_max; i++) {
		block_size = MIN (data_size_max, size - i * data_size_max);
		if (!_read_memory (uv_device,
				   address + i * data_size_max,
				   block_size, ((char *) buffer) + i * data_size_max, error))
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 9
//---------------------------------------------------------- main thread ---
void win32_debmod_t::handle_pdb_request()
  if ( pdbthread.req_kind == 1 )
    // read input file
    bytevec_t cmd;
    append_dq(cmd, pdbthread.off_ea);
    append_dd(cmd, pdbthread.count);
    void *outbuf = NULL;
    ssize_t outsize = 0;
    // send request to IDA
    int rc = send_ioctl(WIN32_IOCTL_READFILE, &cmd[0], cmd.size(), &outbuf, &outsize);
    if ( rc == 1 && outbuf != NULL )
      // OK
      size_t copylen = qmin(pdbthread.count, outsize);
      memcpy(pdbthread.buffer, outbuf, copylen);
      pdbthread.count = copylen;
      pdbthread.req_result = true;
      pdbthread.req_result = false;
    if ( outbuf != NULL )
  else if ( pdbthread.req_kind == 2 )
    // read memory
    ssize_t rc = _read_memory(ea_t(pdbthread.off_ea), pdbthread.buffer, pdbthread.count);
    if ( rc >= 0 )
      pdbthread.count = rc;
    pdbthread.req_result = rc >= 0;
    // unknown request
    pdbthread.req_result = false;
Exemplo n.º 10
// GDB read memory format:
// m[addr],[length]
static void GDB_read_memory(char *command) {
    // Get address to read from command
    char *addr_string = strtok(command, "m,");
    // Get num of bytes to read from command
    char *length_string = strtok(NULL, ",");
    // Convert strings to values
    seL4_Word addr = (seL4_Word) strtol(addr_string, NULL, HEX_STRING);
    seL4_Word length = (seL4_Word) strtol(length_string, NULL, DEC_STRING);
    // Buffer for raw data
    unsigned char data[length];
    // Buffer for data formatted as hex string
    int buf_len = CHAR_HEX_SIZE * length + 1;
    char data_string[buf_len];
    if (DEBUG_PRINT) printf("length: %d\n", length);
    // Do a read call to the GDB delegate who will read from the process on our behalf
    /*? me.from_instance.name ?*/_read_memory(addr, length, data);
    // Format the data
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      sprintf(&data_string[CHAR_HEX_SIZE * i], "%02x", data[i]);

    send_message(data_string, buf_len);