String FileUtils::resolve( const String& source ) { ASSERT_D( source.length() > 0 ); #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32) TCHAR abspath[_MAX_PATH]; return String(_tfullpath( abspath, source.c_str(), _MAX_PATH )); #else char resolvedPath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; resolvedPath[0] = '\0'; String workingStr(resolveHome(source)); ::realpath( workingStr.c_str(), resolvedPath ); if ( errno == ENOENT ) { return workingStr; } else { return String(resolvedPath); } #endif }
std::string GetExePath() { static std::string dolphin_path; if (dolphin_path.empty()) { #ifdef _WIN32 TCHAR dolphin_exe_path[2048]; TCHAR dolphin_exe_expanded_path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(nullptr, dolphin_exe_path, ARRAYSIZE(dolphin_exe_path)); if (_tfullpath(dolphin_exe_expanded_path, dolphin_exe_path, ARRAYSIZE(dolphin_exe_expanded_path)) != nullptr) dolphin_path = TStrToUTF8(dolphin_exe_expanded_path); else dolphin_path = TStrToUTF8(dolphin_exe_path); #elif defined(__APPLE__) dolphin_path = GetBundleDirectory(); dolphin_path = dolphin_path.substr(0, dolphin_path.find_last_of("")); #else char dolphin_exe_path[PATH_MAX]; ssize_t len = ::readlink("/proc/self/exe", dolphin_exe_path, sizeof(dolphin_exe_path)); if (len == -1 || len == sizeof(dolphin_exe_path)) { len = 0; } dolphin_exe_path[len] = '\0'; dolphin_path = dolphin_exe_path; #endif } return dolphin_path; }
//絶対パスの取得 bool UtilGetAbsPathName(CString &_FullPath,LPCTSTR lpszFileName) { ASSERT(lpszFileName&&_tcslen(lpszFileName)>0); if(!lpszFileName||_tcslen(lpszFileName)<=0){ TRACE(_T("ファイル名が指定されていない\n")); return false; } //---絶対パス取得 TCHAR szAbsPath[_MAX_PATH+1]={0}; { TCHAR Buffer[_MAX_PATH+1]={0}; //ルートかどうかのチェックを行う _tcsncpy_s(Buffer,lpszFileName,_MAX_PATH); PathAddBackslash(Buffer); if(PathIsRoot(Buffer)){ //ドライブ名だけが指定されている場合、 //_tfullpathはそのドライブのカレントディレクトリを取得してしまう _tcsncpy_s(szAbsPath,lpszFileName,_MAX_PATH); } else if(!_tfullpath(szAbsPath,lpszFileName,_MAX_PATH)){ TRACE(_T("絶対パス取得失敗\n")); return false; } } _FullPath=szAbsPath; return true; }
std::string& GetExeDirectory() { static std::string DolphinPath; if (DolphinPath.empty()) { #ifdef _WIN32 TCHAR Dolphin_exe_Path[2048]; TCHAR Dolphin_exe_Clean_Path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(nullptr, Dolphin_exe_Path, 2048); if (_tfullpath(Dolphin_exe_Clean_Path, Dolphin_exe_Path, MAX_PATH) != nullptr) DolphinPath = TStrToUTF8(Dolphin_exe_Clean_Path); else DolphinPath = TStrToUTF8(Dolphin_exe_Path); DolphinPath = DolphinPath.substr(0, DolphinPath.find_last_of('\\')); #else char Dolphin_exe_Path[PATH_MAX]; ssize_t len = ::readlink("/proc/self/exe", Dolphin_exe_Path, sizeof(Dolphin_exe_Path)); if (len == -1 || len == sizeof(Dolphin_exe_Path)) { len = 0; } Dolphin_exe_Path[len] = '\0'; DolphinPath = Dolphin_exe_Path; DolphinPath = DolphinPath.substr(0, DolphinPath.rfind('/')); #endif } return DolphinPath; }
int browseForFolder(std::wstring const& initial_dir_arg) { TCHAR selected_dir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR initial_dir[MAX_PATH]; if(!initial_dir_arg.empty()) { // SHBrowseForFolder doesn't like relative initial paths. _tfullpath(initial_dir, initial_dir_arg.c_str(), MAX_PATH); } else { GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, initial_dir); } BROWSEINFO br_info = { 0 }; br_info.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(initial_dir); br_info.lpfn = BrowseFolderCallback; br_info.lpszTitle = L"Please select a folder"; br_info.ulFlags = BIF_SHAREABLE | BIF_USENEWUI; LPITEMIDLIST lpItem = SHBrowseForFolder(&br_info); if(lpItem != NULL && SHGetPathFromIDList(lpItem, selected_dir)) { std::wcout << selected_dir << "\n"; return 0; } else { return 1; } }
BOOL CFileFind::FindFile(LPCTSTR pstrName /* = NULL */, DWORD dwUnused /* = 0 */) { UNUSED_ALWAYS(dwUnused); Close(); m_pNextInfo = new WIN32_FIND_DATA; m_bGotLast = FALSE; if (pstrName == NULL) pstrName = _T("*.*"); lstrcpy(((WIN32_FIND_DATA*) m_pNextInfo)->cFileName, pstrName); m_hContext = ::FindFirstFile(pstrName, (WIN32_FIND_DATA*) m_pNextInfo); if (m_hContext == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwTemp = ::GetLastError(); Close(); ::SetLastError(dwTemp); return FALSE; } LPTSTR pstrRoot = m_strRoot.GetBufferSetLength(_MAX_PATH); LPCTSTR pstr = _tfullpath(pstrRoot, pstrName, _MAX_PATH); // passed name isn't a valid path but was found by the API ASSERT(pstr != NULL); if (pstr == NULL) { m_strRoot.ReleaseBuffer(-1); Close(); ::SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_NAME); return FALSE; } else { // find the last forward or backward whack LPTSTR pstrBack = _tcsrchr(pstrRoot, '\\'); LPTSTR pstrFront = _tcsrchr(pstrRoot, '/'); if (pstrFront != NULL || pstrBack != NULL) { if (pstrFront == NULL) pstrFront = pstrRoot; if (pstrBack == NULL) pstrBack = pstrRoot; // from the start to the last whack is the root if (pstrFront >= pstrBack) *pstrFront = '\0'; else *pstrBack = '\0'; } m_strRoot.ReleaseBuffer(-1); } return TRUE; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Description: Creates a relative path name, if possible. // // Parameters: // bBeginWithDot - Prepends the relative path with the a period and // backslash. While possibly rendundant, this may be useful for some contexts // of relative pathnames. If a relative path cannot be resolved, this // parameter is ignored. // bool TCMakeRelativePath(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPCTSTR pszFrom, LPTSTR pszDest, int cchMaxDest, bool bBeginWithDot) { // Ensure that input paths are absolute TCHAR szPathCopy[_MAX_PATH], szFromCopy[_MAX_PATH]; if (!_tfullpath(szPathCopy, pszPath, sizeofArray(szPathCopy))) return false; if (!_tfullpath(szFromCopy, pszFrom, sizeofArray(szFromCopy))) return false; // Replace (in-place) forward slashes with backslashes in input paths TCReplaceText(szPathCopy, TEXT("/"), TEXT("\\"), szPathCopy, -1); TCReplaceText(szFromCopy, TEXT("/"), TEXT("\\"), szFromCopy, -1); // The From path MUST be a directory, not a filename, so append backslash if (TEXT('\\') != szFromCopy[_tcslen(szFromCopy) - 1]) _tcscat(szFromCopy, TEXT("\\")); // Use COM monikers to create a relative path HRESULT hr; IBindCtxPtr pbc; IMonikerPtr pmkFrom, pmkPath, pmkRelative; LPOLESTR pszRelative = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CreateFileMoniker(_bstr_t(szFromCopy), &pmkFrom)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = CreateFileMoniker(_bstr_t(szPathCopy), &pmkPath)) && S_OK == (hr = pmkFrom->RelativePathTo(pmkPath, &pmkRelative)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &pbc)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pmkRelative->GetDisplayName(pbc, NULL, &pszRelative))) { if (bBeginWithDot) { TC_tcscpyn(pszDest, TEXT(".\\"), cchMaxDest); cchMaxDest -= 2; pszDest += 2; } TC_tcscpyn(pszDest, _bstr_t(pszRelative), cchMaxDest); CoTaskMemFree(pszRelative); return true; } // Could not make a relative path, copy the absolute path TC_tcscpyn(pszDest, szPathCopy, cchMaxDest); return false; }
stringT pws_os::fullpath(const stringT &relpath) { stringT retval; TCHAR full[_MAX_PATH]; wmemset(full, 0, sizeof(full)/sizeof(TCHAR)); if (_tfullpath(full, relpath.c_str(), _MAX_PATH)) retval = full; return retval; }
char * MakeCanonicalFileName (const char * fileName) { char buffer [_MAX_PATH]; char * result = StrDup (_tfullpath (buffer, fileName, _MAX_PATH)); if (result != 0) { AnsiLower (result); slashToBackSlash (result); } return (result); }
std::string GetTempFilenameForAtomicWrite(const std::string &path) { std::string abs = path; #ifdef _WIN32 TCHAR absbuf[MAX_PATH]; if (_tfullpath(absbuf, UTF8ToTStr(path).c_str(), MAX_PATH) != nullptr) abs = TStrToUTF8(absbuf); #else char absbuf[PATH_MAX]; if (realpath(path.c_str(), absbuf) != nullptr) abs = absbuf; #endif return abs + ".xxx"; }
void GetProfileDirectory(TCHAR* szMirandaDir, TCHAR* szPath, int cbPath) { TCHAR szProfileDir[MAX_PATH], szExpandedProfileDir[MAX_PATH], szMirandaBootIni[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpy(szMirandaBootIni,szMirandaDir); lstrcat(szMirandaBootIni,_T("\\mirandaboot.ini")); GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Database"),_T("ProfileDir"),_T("./Profiles"),szProfileDir,SIZEOF(szProfileDir),szMirandaBootIni); ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szProfileDir,szExpandedProfileDir,SIZEOF(szExpandedProfileDir)); _tchdir(szMirandaDir); if(!_tfullpath(szPath,szExpandedProfileDir,cbPath)) lstrcpyn(szPath,szMirandaDir,cbPath); if(szPath[lstrlen(szPath)-1]=='\\') szPath[lstrlen(szPath)-1] = 0; }
CString CFileEditCtrl::GetNextPathName(POSITION &pos) { // Returns the file name at the specified position in the buffer. // The starting position is retrieved using the GetStartPosition() function. // The position is updated to point to the next file, or set to NULL if // there are no more files. ASSERT (pos); // pos must not be NULL LPTSTR str = (LPTSTR)pos; // str points to file name at pos TCHAR lpstrReturnString[_MAX_PATH]; CString szTemp; if (str[1] == ':') szTemp = str; // str contains complete path else szTemp = m_szFolder + str; // build the path _tfullpath(lpstrReturnString, szTemp, _MAX_PATH); // get absolute path from any relative paths str += _tcslen(str) + 1; // set pos to next file pos = *str ? (POSITION)str : NULL; return (CString)lpstrReturnString; }
//フルパスかつ絶対パスの取得 PATHERROR UtilGetCompletePathName(CString &_FullPath,LPCTSTR lpszFileName) { ASSERT(lpszFileName&&_tcslen(lpszFileName)>0); if(!lpszFileName||_tcslen(lpszFileName)<=0){ TRACE(_T("ファイル名が指定されていない\n")); return PATHERROR_INVALID; } //---絶対パス取得 TCHAR szAbsPath[_MAX_PATH+1]={0}; { TCHAR Buffer[_MAX_PATH+1]={0}; //ルートかどうかのチェックを行う _tcsncpy_s(Buffer,lpszFileName,_MAX_PATH); PathAddBackslash(Buffer); if(PathIsRoot(Buffer)){ //ドライブ名だけが指定されている場合、 //_tfullpathはそのドライブのカレントディレクトリを取得してしまう _tcsncpy_s(szAbsPath,lpszFileName,_MAX_PATH); } else if(!_tfullpath(szAbsPath,lpszFileName,_MAX_PATH)){ TRACE(_T("絶対パス取得失敗\n")); return PATHERROR_ABSPATH; } } if(!PathFileExists(szAbsPath)&&!PathIsDirectory(szAbsPath)){ //パスがファイルもしくはディレクトリとして存在しないなら、エラーとする TRACE(_T("ファイルが存在しない\n")); return PATHERROR_NOTFOUND; } if(!GetLongPathName(szAbsPath,szAbsPath,_MAX_PATH)){ TRACE(_T("ロングファイル名取得失敗\n")); return PATHERROR_LONGNAME; } _FullPath=szAbsPath; return PATHERROR_NONE; }
bool FileUtils::getAttributes( const String &source, FileAttributes &outAttrs ) { bool res = false; ASSERT_D( source.length() > 0 ); #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32) // get the full path of the input source and get it's attributes WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrs; TCHAR abspath[_MAX_PATH]; String properSource = FileUtils::properName( _tfullpath( abspath, source.c_str(), _MAX_PATH ) ); res = ::GetFileAttributesEx( properSource.c_str(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrs) == TRUE; if ( res ) { // parse out the file name String::size_type pos = properSource.rfind(FileUtils::PATH_SEP); if ( pos != String::npos ) { String name = properSource.substr( pos + 1 ); outAttrs.setFileName( name ); } else { outAttrs.setFileName( properSource ); } // fill out the size and time structures outAttrs.setFileSize( attrs.nFileSizeLow ); outAttrs.setFileSizeEx( attrs.nFileSizeHigh ); FILETIME localFileTime; SYSTEMTIME sysTime; struct tm tmTime; if ( ::FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &attrs.ftCreationTime, &localFileTime ) ) { if ( ::FileTimeToSystemTime( &localFileTime, &sysTime ) ) { tmTime.tm_year= sysTime.wYear - 1900; tmTime.tm_mon = sysTime.wMonth - 1; tmTime.tm_wday = sysTime.wDayOfWeek; tmTime.tm_mday = sysTime.wDay; tmTime.tm_hour = sysTime.wHour; tmTime.tm_min = sysTime.wMinute; tmTime.tm_sec = sysTime.wSecond; outAttrs.setCreateTime( tmTime ); } } if ( ::FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &attrs.ftLastWriteTime, &localFileTime ) ) { if ( ::FileTimeToSystemTime( &localFileTime, &sysTime ) ) { tmTime.tm_year= sysTime.wYear - 1900; tmTime.tm_mon = sysTime.wMonth - 1; tmTime.tm_wday = sysTime.wDayOfWeek; tmTime.tm_mday = sysTime.wDay; tmTime.tm_hour = sysTime.wHour; tmTime.tm_min = sysTime.wMinute; tmTime.tm_sec = sysTime.wSecond; outAttrs.setModifyTime( tmTime ); } } // finally, fill out the attributes outAttrs.setArchive( ( attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ); outAttrs.setCompressed( ( attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED ); outAttrs.setDirectory( ( attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ); outAttrs.setHidden( ( attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ); outAttrs.setOffline( ( attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE ); outAttrs.setReadonly( ( attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ); outAttrs.setTemp( ( attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY ); outAttrs.setSystem( ( attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ); } #else String resolvedPath = FileUtils::resolve( source ); if ( resolvedPath.length() > 0 ) { struct stat buff; res = ::stat( resolvedPath.c_str(), &buff ) == 0; if ( res ) { String theFileName; if ( StringUtils::splitBack( FileUtils::PATH_SEP, resolvedPath, NULL, &theFileName ) ) { outAttrs.setFileName( theFileName ); } else { outAttrs.setFileName( resolvedPath ); } outAttrs.setFileSize( buff.st_size ); outAttrs.setFileSizeEx(0); struct tm tmTime; tmTime = *::gmtime( &buff.st_atime ); outAttrs.setCreateTime( tmTime ); tmTime = *::gmtime( &buff.st_mtime ); outAttrs.setModifyTime( tmTime ); outAttrs.setArchive( !S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode) ); outAttrs.setDirectory( S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode) ); outAttrs.setHidden( theFileName[0] == NTEXT('.') ); outAttrs.setReadonly( ( buff.st_mode & S_IWUSR) == 0 ); outAttrs.setCompressed( false ); outAttrs.setOffline( false ); outAttrs.setTemp( false ); outAttrs.setSystem( false ); } } #endif return res; }
/* * opendir * * Returns a pointer to a DIR structure appropriately filled in to begin * searching a directory. */ _TDIR * _topendir (const _TCHAR *szPath) { _TDIR *nd; unsigned int rc; _TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; errno = 0; if (!szPath) { errno = EFAULT; return (_TDIR *) 0; } if (szPath[0] == _T('\0')) { errno = ENOTDIR; return (_TDIR *) 0; } /* Attempt to determine if the given path really is a directory. */ rc = GetFileAttributes (szPath); if (rc == (unsigned int)-1) { /* call GetLastError for more error info */ errno = ENOENT; return (_TDIR *) 0; } if (!(rc & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { /* Error, entry exists but not a directory. */ errno = ENOTDIR; return (_TDIR *) 0; } /* Make an absolute pathname. */ _tfullpath (szFullPath, szPath, MAX_PATH); /* Allocate enough space to store DIR structure and the complete * directory path given. */ nd = (_TDIR *) malloc (sizeof (_TDIR) + (_tcslen(szFullPath) + _tcslen (SLASH) + _tcslen(SUFFIX) + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR)); if (!nd) { /* Error, out of memory. */ errno = ENOMEM; return (_TDIR *) 0; } /* Create the search expression. */ _tcscpy (nd->dd_name, szFullPath); /* Add on a slash if the path does not end with one. */ if (nd->dd_name[0] != _T('\0') && nd->dd_name[_tcslen (nd->dd_name) - 1] != _T('/') && nd->dd_name[_tcslen (nd->dd_name) - 1] != _T('\\')) { _tcscat (nd->dd_name, SLASH); } /* Add on the search pattern */ _tcscat (nd->dd_name, SUFFIX); /* Initialize handle to -1 so that a premature closedir doesn't try * to call _findclose on it. */ nd->dd_handle = -1; /* Initialize the status. */ nd->dd_stat = 0; /* Initialize the dirent structure. ino and reclen are invalid under * Win32, and name simply points at the appropriate part of the * findfirst_t structure. */ nd->dd_dir.d_ino = 0; nd->dd_dir.d_reclen = 0; nd->dd_dir.d_namlen = 0; memset (nd->dd_dir.d_name, 0, FILENAME_MAX); return nd; }
int _RTLENTRY _EXPFUNC _tstati64 (const _TCHAR *pathP, struct stati64 *bufP) { WIN32_FIND_DATA ff; HANDLE hfile; /* file handle */ _TCHAR curdir[MAX_PATH]; /* current directory */ _TCHAR DriveChar; _TCHAR *full = 0; _TCHAR *ext; /* Assume it is a disk file and try to get the FindFirst info. */ memset(bufP, 0, sizeof(struct stati64)); /* Zero the structure */ bufP->st_nlink = 1; if ((hfile = FindFirstFile(pathP, &ff)) == (HANDLE)-1) { /* Check for special case of ROOT directory */ if ((_tcspbrk(pathP, _TEXT("\\/.")) != NULL) && ((full = _tfullpath(NULL, pathP, 0)) != NULL) && (_tcslen(full) == 3)) { if (GetDriveType(full) < 2) return (__NTerror()); bufP->st_mode = S_IFDIR; bufP->st_dev = bufP->st_rdev = _totupper(full[0]) - _TEXT('A') + 1; free(full); return 0; } else if (full) free (full); /* It may not be a disk file. Try to open the file for reading * so we can find out the type of the file. */ if ((hfile = CreateFile(pathP, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL)) == (HANDLE)-1) return (__NTerror()); /* Get the handle type to see if it is a character device or pipe. */ bufP->st_mode = GetFileType(hfile) == FILE_TYPE_PIPE ? S_IFIFO : S_IFCHR; CloseHandle(hfile); return (0); } /* It it a disk file, convert the NT file info to a stat structure. */ FindClose(hfile); _statcvt_i64(bufP, ff.dwFileAttributes, &ff.ftCreationTime, &ff.ftLastAccessTime, &ff.ftLastWriteTime, ff.nFileSizeHigh, ff.nFileSizeLow); /* If we're not pointing to a directory, then set the exec bit on * "executable" files. */ if ((bufP->st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0) { if ((ext = _tcsrchr(pathP, _TEXT('.'))) != NULL) { if ( _tcsicmp(ext, _TEXT(".bat")) == NULL || _tcsicmp(ext, _TEXT(".cmd")) == NULL || _tcsicmp(ext, _TEXT(".com")) == NULL || _tcsicmp(ext, _TEXT(".exe")) == NULL ) { /* Microsoft marks these file types as executable, so we will * too. */ bufP->st_mode |= S_IEXEC; } } } /* Determine the disk device by parsing the drive name. * If no drive name, assume current drive. */ if (pathP[1] == _TEXT(':')) DriveChar = pathP[0]; else { if (GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(curdir), curdir) == 0) DriveChar = _TEXT('A'); /* reasonable default if failure */ else DriveChar = curdir[0]; } if (DriveChar >= 'a' && DriveChar <= 'z') bufP->st_dev = DriveChar - 'a'; else if (DriveChar >= 'A' && DriveChar <= 'Z') bufP->st_dev = DriveChar - 'A'; bufP->st_rdev = bufP->st_dev; return (0); }
bool CGLCG::LoadShader(const TCHAR *shaderFile) { CCGShader cgShader; TCHAR shaderPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tempPath[MAX_PATH]; CGprofile vertexProfile, fragmentProfile; GLenum error; if(!fboFunctionsLoaded) { MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Your OpenGL graphics driver does not support framebuffer objects.\nYou will not be able to use CG shaders in OpenGL mode."), TEXT("CG Error"), MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return false; } vertexProfile = cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_VERTEX); fragmentProfile = cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_FRAGMENT); cgGLDisableProfile(vertexProfile); cgGLDisableProfile(fragmentProfile); ClearPasses(); if (shaderFile == NULL || *shaderFile==TEXT('\0')) return true; lstrcpy(shaderPath, shaderFile); ReduceToPath(shaderPath); SetCurrentDirectory(shaderPath); if(!cgShader.LoadShader(_tToChar(shaderFile))) return false; cgGLSetOptimalOptions(vertexProfile); cgGLSetOptimalOptions(fragmentProfile); /* insert dummy pass that will contain the original texture */ shaderPasses.push_back(shaderPass()); for(CCGShader::passVector::iterator it=cgShader.shaderPasses.begin(); it!=cgShader.shaderPasses.end();it++) { shaderPass pass; pass.scaleParams = it->scaleParams; /* if this is the last pass (the only one that can have CG_SCALE_NONE) and no filter has been set use the GUI setting */ if(pass.scaleParams.scaleTypeX==CG_SCALE_NONE && !it->filterSet) { pass.linearFilter = GUI.BilinearFilter; } else { pass.linearFilter = it->linearFilter; } pass.frameCounterMod = it->frameCounterMod; pass.floatFbo = it->floatFbo; // paths in the meta file can be relative _tfullpath(tempPath,_tFromChar(it->cgShaderFile),MAX_PATH); char *fileContents = ReadShaderFileContents(tempPath); if(!fileContents) return false; // individual shader might include files, these should be relative to shader ReduceToPath(tempPath); SetCurrentDirectory(tempPath); pass.cgVertexProgram = cgCreateProgram( cgContext, CG_SOURCE, fileContents, vertexProfile, "main_vertex", NULL); checkForCgError("Compiling vertex program"); pass.cgFragmentProgram = cgCreateProgram( cgContext, CG_SOURCE, fileContents, fragmentProfile, "main_fragment", NULL); checkForCgError("Compiling fragment program"); // set path back for next pass SetCurrentDirectory(shaderPath); delete [] fileContents; if(!pass.cgVertexProgram || !pass.cgFragmentProgram) { return false; } cgGLLoadProgram(pass.cgVertexProgram); cgGLLoadProgram(pass.cgFragmentProgram); /* generate framebuffer and texture for this pass and apply default texture settings */ glGenFramebuffers(1,&pass.fbo); glGenTextures(1,&pass.tex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,pass.tex); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); shaderPasses.push_back(pass); } for(std::vector<CCGShader::lookupTexture>::iterator it=cgShader.lookupTextures.begin();it!=cgShader.lookupTextures.end();it++) { lookupTexture tex; strcpy(,it->id); /* generate texture for the lut and apply specified filter setting */ glGenTextures(1,&tex.tex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,tex.tex); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, it->linearfilter?GL_LINEAR:GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, it->linearfilter?GL_LINEAR:GL_NEAREST); _tfullpath(tempPath,_tFromChar(it->texturePath),MAX_PATH); // simple file extension png/tga decision int strLen = strlen(it->texturePath); if(strLen>4) { if(!strcasecmp(&it->texturePath[strLen-4],".png")) { int width, height; bool hasAlpha; GLubyte *texData; if(loadPngImage(tempPath,width,height,hasAlpha,&texData)) { glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, width); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, hasAlpha ? GL_RGBA : GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texData); free(texData); } } else if(!strcasecmp(&it->texturePath[strLen-4],".tga")) { STGA stga; if(loadTGA(tempPath,stga)) { glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, stga.width); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, stga.width, stga.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,; } } } lookupTextures.push_back(tex); } /* enable texture unit 1 for the lookup textures */ glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glTexCoordPointer(2,GL_FLOAT,0,lut_coords); glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); /* generate textures and set default values for the pref-filled PREV deque. */ for(int i=0;i<prevPasses.size();i++) { glGenTextures(1,&prevPasses[i].tex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,prevPasses[i].tex); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,GL_RGB,512,512,0,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5,NULL); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0); prevPasses[i].textureSize.x = prevPasses[i].textureSize.y = prevPasses[i].textureSize.x = prevPasses[i].textureSize.y = 0; memset(prevPasses[i].texCoords,0,sizeof(prevPasses[i].texCoords)); } shaderLoaded = true; return true; }
CL_String CL_PathHelp::make_absolute( const CL_String &base_path, const CL_String &relative_path, PathType path_type) { CL_String base = normalize(base_path, path_type); CL_String relative = normalize(relative_path, path_type); if (path_type == path_type_file) { if (!is_absolute(base, path_type_file)) { // make base_path absolute using current drive and directory #ifdef WIN32 TCHAR absolute_base[MAX_PATH]; memset(absolute_base, 0, sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_PATH); if (_tfullpath(absolute_base, CL_StringHelp::utf8_to_ucs2(base).c_str(), MAX_PATH) == 0) throw CL_Exception(cl_format("Unable to make base path absolute: %1", base_path)); base = absolute_base; #else char working_dir[1024]; memset(working_dir, 0, 1024); if (getcwd(working_dir, 1024) == 0) throw CL_Exception("Unable to get current working directory!"); base = add_trailing_slash(working_dir, path_type) + base; #endif } CL_String base_location = get_location(base_path, path_type_file); CL_String relative_location = get_location(relative_path, path_type_file); if (relative_location.empty() || CL_StringHelp::compare(relative_location, base_location, true) == 0) { if (is_absolute(relative, path_type)) { if (relative_location.empty()) return base_location + relative; else return relative; } CL_String absolute = add_trailing_slash(base, path_type) + relative.substr(relative_location.length()); return normalize(absolute, path_type); } else { #ifdef WIN32 if (is_absolute(relative, path_type)) return relative; if (relative_location.length() == 2 && relative_location[1] == ':') { int drive = 0; if (relative_location[0] >= 'A' && relative_location[0] <= 'Z') drive = relative_location[0] - 'A' + 1; else if (relative_location[0] >= 'a' && relative_location[0] <= 'z') drive = relative_location[0] - 'a' + 1; else throw CL_Exception(cl_format("Invalid drive: %1", relative_location)); TCHAR working_dir[MAX_PATH]; memset(working_dir, 0, sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_PATH); if (_tgetdcwd(drive, working_dir, MAX_PATH) == 0) throw CL_Exception(cl_format("Unable to get current working directory for %1!", relative_location)); return add_trailing_slash(working_dir, path_type) + relative.substr(relative_location.length()); } else { return relative; // UNC path } #else throw CL_Exception("Error in CL_PathHelp::make_absolute"); #endif } } else { if (is_absolute(relative, path_type)) return relative; CL_String absolute = add_trailing_slash(base, path_type) + relative; return normalize(absolute, path_type); } }
bool CD3DCG::LoadShader(const TCHAR *shaderFile) { CCGShader cgShader; TCHAR shaderPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tempPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr; GLenum error; ClearPasses(); if (shaderFile == NULL || *shaderFile==TEXT('\0')) return true; lstrcpy(shaderPath,shaderFile); for(int i=lstrlen(shaderPath); i>=0; i--){ if(IS_SLASH(shaderPath[i])){ shaderPath[i]=TEXT('\0'); break; } } SetCurrentDirectory(shaderPath); if(!cgShader.LoadShader(_tToChar(shaderFile))) return false; CGprofile vertexProfile = cgD3D9GetLatestVertexProfile(); CGprofile pixelProfile = cgD3D9GetLatestPixelProfile(); const char** vertexOptions = cgD3D9GetOptimalOptions(vertexProfile); const char** pixelOptions = cgD3D9GetOptimalOptions(pixelProfile); shaderPasses.push_back(shaderPass()); for(CCGShader::passVector::iterator it=cgShader.shaderPasses.begin(); it!=cgShader.shaderPasses.end();it++) { shaderPass pass; pass.scaleParams = it->scaleParams; /* if this is the last pass (the only one that can have CG_SCALE_NONE) and no filter has been set use the GUI setting */ if(pass.scaleParams.scaleTypeX==CG_SCALE_NONE && !it->filterSet) { pass.linearFilter = GUI.BilinearFilter; } else { pass.linearFilter = it->linearFilter; } // paths in the meta file can be relative _tfullpath(tempPath,_tFromChar(it->cgShaderFile),MAX_PATH); char *fileContents = ReadShaderFileContents(tempPath); if(!fileContents) return false; pass.cgVertexProgram = cgCreateProgram( cgContext, CG_SOURCE, fileContents, vertexProfile, "main_vertex", vertexOptions); checkForCgError("Compiling vertex program"); pass.cgFragmentProgram = cgCreateProgram( cgContext, CG_SOURCE, fileContents, pixelProfile, "main_fragment", pixelOptions); checkForCgError("Compiling fragment program"); delete [] fileContents; if(!pass.cgVertexProgram || !pass.cgFragmentProgram) { return false; } if(pass.cgVertexProgram) { hr = cgD3D9LoadProgram(pass.cgVertexProgram,false,0); } checkForCgError("Loading vertex program"); if(pass.cgFragmentProgram) { hr = cgD3D9LoadProgram(pass.cgFragmentProgram,false,0); } checkForCgError("Loading fragment program"); /* generate vertex buffer */ hr = pDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(sizeof(VERTEX)*4,D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY,0,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&pass.vertexBuffer,NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) { pass.vertexBuffer = NULL; DXTRACE_ERR_MSGBOX(TEXT("Error creating vertex buffer"), hr); return false; } /* set up vertex declarations for the pass, this also creates the vertex declaration */ setupVertexDeclaration(pass); shaderPasses.push_back(pass); } for(std::vector<CCGShader::lookupTexture>::iterator it=cgShader.lookupTextures.begin();it!=cgShader.lookupTextures.end();it++) { lookupTexture tex; strcpy(,it->id); tex.linearFilter = it->linearfilter; _tfullpath(tempPath,_tFromChar(it->texturePath),MAX_PATH); hr = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx( pDevice, tempPath, D3DX_DEFAULT_NONPOW2, D3DX_DEFAULT_NONPOW2, 0, 0, D3DFMT_FROM_FILE, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, it->linearfilter?D3DX_FILTER_LINEAR:D3DX_FILTER_POINT, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, &tex.tex); if FAILED(hr){ tex.tex = NULL; } lookupTextures.push_back(tex); } shaderLoaded = true; return true; }
bool FileUtils::mkdirs( const String &path ) { bool res = false; ASSERT_D( path.length() > 0 ); #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32) TCHAR abspath[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; TCHAR dir[_MAX_DIR]; TCHAR fname[_MAX_FNAME]; TCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT]; _tsplitpath_s( _tfullpath( abspath, path.c_str(), _MAX_PATH ), drive, dir, fname, ext ); // remember the current drive int curDrive = _getdrive(); // set the current drive _chdrive( toupper(drive[0]) - 'A' + 1 ); // now start parsing out the path and create all directoried in the // heirarchy String createPath; String dirStr(dir); dirStr += fname; StringUtils::trimBoth( FileUtils::PATH_SEP_PAT, dirStr ); StringTokenizer tok(dirStr, FileUtils::PATH_SEP_PAT); while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) { createPath += FileUtils::PATH_SEP; createPath += tok.getNextToken(); res = FileUtils::mkdir( createPath ); if ( !res ) { break; } } _chdrive( curDrive ); #else // the first step is to figure out where the path // starts. If the path contains a .. or . prefix, then // we have to calculate the start of the creation path // if it does not contain such prefix, then we'll just create // the directories relative to the current working directory String rootPath; String parsePath; String::size_type startPos = path.find_first_not_of( NTEXT("/.") ); if ( startPos != 0 ) { // there was at least one of these delimiters as a prefix String prefixStr( path, 0, startPos ); rootPath = FileUtils::resolve( prefixStr ); if ( rootPath.length() > 0 ) { if ( rootPath[ rootPath.length() - 1 ] != NTEXT('/') ) { rootPath += FileUtils::PATH_SEP; } } parsePath = path.substr( startPos ); } else { // no delimiters, so just parse the path parsePath = path; } StringTokenizer tok( parsePath, FileUtils::PATH_SEP_PAT ); while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) { rootPath += tok.getNextToken(); rootPath += FileUtils::PATH_SEP; res = FileUtils::mkdir( rootPath ); if ( !res ) { break; } } #endif return res; }
void CFileEditCtrl::FillBuffers() { // initializes the m_szFolder and m_lpstrFiles member variables // these variables are used by the GetStartPosition() and // GetNextPathName() functions to retrieve the file names entered // by the user. ASSERT(IsWindow(this)); // Control window must exist #if defined FEC_NORESOURCESTRINGS m_szFolder = FEC_IDS_SEPERATOR; #else m_szFolder.LoadString(FEC_IDS_SEPERATOR); #endif TCHAR chSeperator = m_szFolder[0]; // get the character used to seperate the files m_szFolder.Empty(); // empty the buffers of old data if (m_lpstrFiles) { delete m_lpstrFiles; m_lpstrFiles = NULL; } int len = GetWindowTextLength(); if (!len) // no files entered, leave buffers empty return; LPTSTR lpstrWindow = new TCHAR[len + 1]; // working buffer GetWindowText(lpstrWindow, len + 1); LPTSTR lpstrStart = lpstrWindow; // points to the first character in a file name LPTSTR lpstrEnd = NULL; // points to the next seperator character while(*lpstrStart == chSeperator || _istspace(*lpstrStart)) lpstrStart++; // skip over leading spaces and seperator characters if (!*lpstrStart) { // no files entered, leave buffers empty delete lpstrWindow; return; } lpstrEnd = _tcschr(lpstrStart, chSeperator);// find seperator character if (lpstrEnd) // mark end of string *lpstrEnd = 0; if (!lpstrEnd || m_bFindFolder || (!m_bFindFolder && !(m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT))) // if (only one entry || find folder || (find file && find only one file)) { m_lpstrFiles = new TCHAR[_MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(m_lpstrFiles,_MAX_PATH); _tfullpath(m_lpstrFiles, lpstrStart, _MAX_PATH); // get absolute path ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // uncomment this code to add a trailing slash to folders if it is not already there // int len = _tcslen(m_lpstrFiles); // if (m_bFindFolder && m_lpstrFiles[len - 1] != 0x5c) // m_lpstrFiles[len] = 0x5c; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// delete lpstrWindow; return; } _TCHAR Drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; _TCHAR Folder[_MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR File[_MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR Ext[_MAX_PATH]; _tsplitpath(lpstrStart, Drive, Folder, File, Ext); m_szFolder = (CString)Drive + Folder; // drive and directory placed in m_szFolder m_lpstrFiles = new TCHAR[len + 1]; ZeroMemory(m_lpstrFiles, len + 1); _tcscpy(m_lpstrFiles, File); // file and extension of first file placed in m_lpstrFiles _tcscat(m_lpstrFiles, Ext); lpstrStart = lpstrEnd + 1; // reset to the start of the next string LPTSTR pointer = m_lpstrFiles + _tcslen(m_lpstrFiles) + 1; // location where next file will be placed in m_lpstrFiles while (lpstrEnd) { // add the rest of the files m_lpstrFiles as they have been typed (include any path information) while(*lpstrStart == chSeperator || _istspace(*lpstrStart)) lpstrStart++; // remove leading spaces and seperator characters if (!*lpstrStart) // last file was followed by spaces and seperator characters, break; // there are no more files entered lpstrEnd = _tcschr(lpstrStart, chSeperator); // find next seperator character if (lpstrEnd) *lpstrEnd = 0; // mark end of string _tcscpy(pointer, lpstrStart); // copy string to its location in m_lpstrFiles pointer += _tcslen(pointer) + 1; // reset pointer to accept next file if (lpstrEnd) lpstrStart = lpstrEnd + 1; // reset to the start of the next string } delete lpstrWindow; // delete working buffer }
HANDLE WINAPI EXP_NAME(OpenPlugin)(int openFrom, INT_PTR item) { PCTSTR filePath; auto_ptr<wchar_t> cmdLine; auto_ptr<PluginPanelItem> panelItem; switch(openFrom) { case OPEN_COMMANDLINE: { if(!item) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #ifdef FAR3 cmdLine.reset(_wcsdup(((OpenCommandLineInfo*)item)->CommandLine)); filePath = cmdLine.get(); #else filePath = (PCTSTR)item; #endif if(!filePath || !*filePath) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if(*filePath == '\"') { PTSTR p1 = const_cast<PTSTR>(filePath) + _tcslen(filePath) - 1; if(*p1 == '\"') *p1 = 0; memmove(const_cast<PTSTR>(filePath), filePath + 1, (p1 - filePath + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } } break; case OPEN_PLUGINSMENU: { //assert(item->) filePath = JsonPlugin::ClipboardName; /*panelItem.reset(GetCurrentItem()); panelItem->FileName; if(!filePath || !*filePath) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;*/ } break; #ifdef FAR3 case OPEN_SHORTCUT: if(!item) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; filePath = ((OpenShortcutInfo*)item)->HostFile; break; #endif default: return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } //SaveScreen ss; //PCTSTR Items[]={_T(""),GetMsg(MLoading)}; //Message(0,NULL,Items,_countof(Items),0); // These command lines are possible: // file.json // c:\dir\file.json //??? tstring sFilePath( #ifdef FAR3 openFrom == OPEN_SHORTCUT ? ((OpenShortcutInfo*)item)->HostFile : #endif filePath); tstring sSubDir; if(openFrom == OPEN_COMMANDLINE) { tstring sCommandLine(filePath); size_t colon = sCommandLine.find(':'); if(colon != tstring::npos) { tstring s1 = sCommandLine.substr(0, colon); if(GetFileAttributes(s1.c_str()) != 0xffffffff) { // file before 1st colon exists, get the rest sFilePath = s1; sSubDir = sCommandLine.substr(colon+1); } else { colon = sCommandLine.find(':', colon+1); sFilePath = sCommandLine.substr(0, colon); if(colon != tstring::npos) // second colon exists, get the rest sSubDir = sCommandLine.substr(colon+1); } } TCHAR absPath[MAX_PATH]; #ifdef UNICODE if(!wcschr(sFilePath.c_str(), ':')) // if rel path, convert it { StartupInfo.FSF->ConvertPath(CPM_FULL, sFilePath.c_str(), absPath, _countof(absPath)); #else if(GetFileAttributes(sFilePath.c_str()) != 0xffffffff) { // if local file exists, use its abs path _tfullpath(absPath, sFilePath.c_str(), _countof(absPath)); #endif sFilePath = absPath; } } JsonPlugin* plugin; try { plugin = new JsonPlugin(sFilePath.c_str()); } catch(WinExcept ex) { WinError(ex); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if(plugin->HasParseError()) { auto error = plugin->GetParseError(); auto eroffs = plugin->GetErrorOffset(); delete plugin; tstring err(GetMsg(error + MParseErrorNone - kParseErrorNone)); err += '\n'; LPCTSTR err2 = GetMsg(MParseOffset); vector<TCHAR> err3(_tcslen(err2) + 20); _sntprintf(&err3[0], err3.size()-1, err2, eroffs); err3[err3.size()-1] = 0; err += &err3[0]; WinError(err.c_str()); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if(!sSubDir.empty()) try { plugin->SetDirectory(sSubDir.c_str(),0); } catch(...) {} return plugin; } #ifdef FAR3 HANDLE WINAPI AnalyseW(const AnalyseInfo *info) { HANDLE h = OpenFilePluginW(info->FileName, (BYTE*)info->Buffer, (int)info->BufferSize, (int)info->OpMode); return h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ? NULL : h; }
// --- BOOL CAvpFileFindW::FindFile(LPCWSTR pstrName /* = NULL */, DWORD dwUnused /* = 0 */) { Close(); m_pNextInfo = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW; m_bGotLast = FALSE; if (pstrName == NULL) pstrName = L"*.*"; /* if ( (wcslen(pstrName) + 1) > _countof(((WIN32_FIND_DATAW*) m_pNextInfo)->cFileName) ) // Это ошибка, конечно. В этом случае мы все равно ничего не найдем. Но, наверное, нужно выполнять // поиск с переходом в каталог return FALSE; wcscpy(((WIN32_FIND_DATAW*) m_pNextInfo)->cFileName, pstrName); */ #if defined(_UNICODE) m_hContext = ::FindFirstFile(pstrName, (WIN32_FIND_DATAW*) m_pNextInfo); #else if ( g_bUnicodePlatform ) m_hContext = ::FindFirstFileW(pstrName, (WIN32_FIND_DATAW*) m_pNextInfo); else { WIN32_FIND_DATAA rcContext; //::WContext2AContext( (WIN32_FIND_DATAW*) m_pNextInfo, &rcContext ); CAPointer<char> pConverted = ::UnicodeToMbcs( pstrName ); m_hContext = ::FindFirstFileA( pConverted, &rcContext ); ::AContext2WContext( &rcContext, (WIN32_FIND_DATAW*) m_pNextInfo ); } #endif if (m_hContext == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwTemp = ::GetLastError(); Close(); ::SetLastError(dwTemp); return FALSE; } #if 0 // Dont use this technique - \\?\ problem LPWSTR pstrRoot = m_strRoot; LPCWSTR pstr = NULL; #if defined(_UNICODE) pstr = _tfullpath(pstrRoot, pstrName, _countof(m_strRoot)); #else if ( g_bUnicodePlatform ) pstr = _wfullpath(pstrRoot, pstrName, _countof(m_strRoot)); else { CAPointer<char> pConverted = ::UnicodeToMbcs( pstrName ); CHAR strRoot[_MAX_PATH]; LPCSTR pAStr = _fullpath(strRoot, pConverted, _countof(strRoot)); if ( pAStr ) { ::MbcsToUnicode( strRoot, pstrRoot, _countof(m_strRoot) ); pstr = pstrRoot; } } #endif // passed name isn't a valid path but was found by the API if (pstr == NULL) { Close(); ::SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_NAME); return FALSE; } else { // find the last forward or backward whack LPWSTR pstrBack = wcsrchr(pstrRoot, L'\\'); LPWSTR pstrFront = wcsrchr(pstrRoot, L'/'); if (pstrFront != NULL || pstrBack != NULL) { if (pstrFront == NULL) pstrFront = pstrRoot; if (pstrBack == NULL) pstrBack = pstrRoot; // from the start to the last whack is the root if (pstrFront >= pstrBack) *pstrFront = L'\0'; else *pstrBack = L'\0'; } } #endif return TRUE; }