Exemplo n.º 1
void CToyUtil::CalculateVisibleAreas()
	AABB aabbExpand(Vector(-m_flNeighborDistance, -m_flNeighborDistance, -m_flNeighborDistance)/2, Vector(m_flNeighborDistance, m_flNeighborDistance, m_flNeighborDistance)/2);

	// First auto-detect neighbors. Naive O(n(n-1)/2) distance check.
	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_asSceneAreas.size(); i++)
		// We can skip j <= i since we add neighbors reciprocally
		for (size_t j = i+1; j < m_asSceneAreas.size(); j++)
			// Instead of finding the actual distance, just expand each box by m_flNeighborDistance/2 in every direction and test intersection. It's easier!
			AABB aabbBounds1 = m_asSceneAreas[i].m_aabbArea + aabbExpand;
			AABB aabbBounds2 = m_asSceneAreas[j].m_aabbArea + aabbExpand;

			if (aabbBounds1.Intersects(aabbBounds2))
				AddSceneAreaNeighbor(i, j);
				AddSceneAreaNeighbor(j, i);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_asSceneAreas.size(); i++)
		for (size_t j = 0; j < m_asSceneAreas[i].m_aiNeighboringAreas.size(); j++)
			size_t iNeighbor = m_asSceneAreas[i].m_aiNeighboringAreas[j];

			// I can always see my neighbors
			AddSceneAreaVisible(i, iNeighbor);
			AddSceneAreaVisible(iNeighbor, i);

			AddVisibleNeighbors(i, iNeighbor);
Exemplo n.º 2
		uint32_t render(const float* _mtxView, const float* _eye, uint32_t _first, uint32_t _max, ParticleSort* _outSort, PosColorTexCoord0Vertex* _outVertices)
			bx::EaseFn easeRgba  = s_easeFunc[m_uniforms.m_easeRgba];
			bx::EaseFn easePos   = s_easeFunc[m_uniforms.m_easePos];
			bx::EaseFn easeBlend = s_easeFunc[m_uniforms.m_easeBlend];
			bx::EaseFn easeScale = s_easeFunc[m_uniforms.m_easeScale];

			Aabb aabb =
				{  bx::huge,  bx::huge,  bx::huge },
				{ -bx::huge, -bx::huge, -bx::huge },

			for (uint32_t jj = 0, num = m_num, current = _first
				; jj < num && current < _max
				; ++jj, ++current
				const Particle& particle = m_particles[jj];

				const float ttPos   = easePos(particle.life);
				const float ttScale = easeScale(particle.life);
				const float ttBlend = bx::fsaturate(easeBlend(particle.life) );
				const float ttRgba  = bx::fsaturate(easeRgba(particle.life) );

				float p0[3];
				bx::vec3Lerp(p0, particle.start, particle.end[0], ttPos);

				float p1[3];
				bx::vec3Lerp(p1, particle.end[0], particle.end[1], ttPos);

				float pos[3];
				bx::vec3Lerp(pos, p0, p1, ttPos);

				ParticleSort& sort = _outSort[current];
				float tmp[3];
				bx::vec3Sub(tmp, _eye, pos);
				sort.dist = bx::fsqrt(bx::vec3Dot(tmp, tmp) );
				sort.idx  = current;

				uint32_t idx = uint32_t(ttRgba*4);
				float ttmod = bx::fmod(ttRgba, 0.25f)/0.25f;
				uint32_t rgbaStart = particle.rgba[idx];
				uint32_t rgbaEnd   = particle.rgba[idx+1];

				float rr = bx::flerp( ( (uint8_t*)&rgbaStart)[0], ( (uint8_t*)&rgbaEnd)[0], ttmod)/255.0f;
				float gg = bx::flerp( ( (uint8_t*)&rgbaStart)[1], ( (uint8_t*)&rgbaEnd)[1], ttmod)/255.0f;
				float bb = bx::flerp( ( (uint8_t*)&rgbaStart)[2], ( (uint8_t*)&rgbaEnd)[2], ttmod)/255.0f;
				float aa = bx::flerp( ( (uint8_t*)&rgbaStart)[3], ( (uint8_t*)&rgbaEnd)[3], ttmod)/255.0f;

				float blend = bx::flerp(particle.blendStart, particle.blendEnd, ttBlend);
				float scale = bx::flerp(particle.scaleStart, particle.scaleEnd, ttScale);

				uint32_t abgr = toAbgr(rr, gg, bb, aa);

				float udir[3] = { _mtxView[0]*scale, _mtxView[4]*scale, _mtxView[8]*scale };
				float vdir[3] = { _mtxView[1]*scale, _mtxView[5]*scale, _mtxView[9]*scale };

				PosColorTexCoord0Vertex* vertex = &_outVertices[current*4];
				bx::vec3Sub(tmp, pos, udir);
				bx::vec3Sub(&vertex->m_x, tmp, vdir);
				aabbExpand(aabb, &vertex->m_x);
				vertex->m_abgr  = abgr;
				vertex->m_u     = 0.0f;
				vertex->m_v     = 0.0f;
				vertex->m_blend = blend;

				bx::vec3Add(tmp, pos, udir);
				bx::vec3Sub(&vertex->m_x, tmp, vdir);
				aabbExpand(aabb, &vertex->m_x);
				vertex->m_abgr  = abgr;
				vertex->m_u     = 1.0f;
				vertex->m_v     = 0.0f;
				vertex->m_blend = blend;

				bx::vec3Add(tmp, pos, udir);
				bx::vec3Add(&vertex->m_x, tmp, vdir);
				aabbExpand(aabb, &vertex->m_x);
				vertex->m_abgr  = abgr;
				vertex->m_u     = 1.0f;
				vertex->m_v     = 1.0f;
				vertex->m_blend = blend;

				bx::vec3Sub(tmp, pos, udir);
				bx::vec3Add(&vertex->m_x, tmp, vdir);
				aabbExpand(aabb, &vertex->m_x);
				vertex->m_abgr  = abgr;
				vertex->m_u     = 0.0f;
				vertex->m_v     = 1.0f;
				vertex->m_blend = blend;

			m_aabb = aabb;

			return m_num;