bool intersects(SkRect tRect, float tRot, TextDrawInfo* s) { float sRot = s->pathRotate; if (absFloat(tRot) < M_PI / 15 && absFloat(sRot) < M_PI / 15) { return SkRect::Intersects(tRect, s->bounds); } float dist = sqrt(sqr(tRect.centerX() - s->bounds.centerX()) + sqr(tRect.centerY() - s->bounds.centerY())); if(dist < 3) { return true; } SkRect sRect = s->bounds; // difference close to 90/270 degrees if(absFloat(cos(tRot-sRot)) < 0.3 ){ // rotate one rectangle to 90 degrees tRot += M_PI_2; tRect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(tRect.centerX() - tRect.height() / 2, tRect.centerY() - tRect.width() / 2, tRect.height(), tRect.width()); } // determine difference close to 180/0 degrees if(absFloat(sin(tRot-sRot)) < 0.3){ // rotate t box // (calculate offset for t center suppose we rotate around s center) float diff = atan2(tRect.centerY() - sRect.centerY(), tRect.centerX() - sRect.centerX()); diff -= sRot; float left = sRect.centerX() + dist* cos(diff) - tRect.width()/2; float top = sRect.centerY() - dist* sin(diff) - tRect.height()/2; SkRect nRect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(left, top, tRect.width(), tRect.height()); return SkRect::Intersects(nRect, sRect); } // TODO other cases not covered return SkRect::Intersects(tRect, sRect); }
// remodifier la valeur de la PWM void UpdateGrandeVoile(){ // rapports PWM pour les positions max du servo moteur float rapport_max = 0.925f; float rapport_min = 0.82f; float angle_girouette, nouveau_rapport ; angle_girouette = absFloat(GetAngle()); //Si angle_girouette compris entre 45 et 180° -> (theta - 45) / 135 //Si angle_girouette compris entre 0 et 45 -> 0 if (angle_girouette < 45.0 ){ nouveau_rapport = 0.0 ; } else { nouveau_rapport = (angle_girouette - 45.0) / 135.0; } if (nouveau_rapport > 1.0) nouveau_rapport = 1.0; nouveau_rapport = (nouveau_rapport * (rapport_max-rapport_min)) + rapport_min; //changement angle servo : modification de la période PWM update_PWM(TIM_SERVO, nouveau_rapport, voie); }
float compassDif(float one, float two) { float highVal=one+360; float lowVal=one-360; float normalDifference=absFloat(two-one); float highDifference=absFloat(two-highVal); float lowDifference=absFloat(two-lowVal); if (lowDifference<normalDifference && lowDifference<highDifference) { return lowDifference; } else if (normalDifference<highDifference) { return normalDifference; } else { return highDifference; } }
void pulse() { const signed char bitesize = 30; for (unsigned char i=0; i<NUMCH; i++) { float rnd = myRand(); speed[i] += 20*(rnd - .5); if (rnd < 0.01) { speed[i] *= 1.1; } else { speed[i] = speed[i] * 0.99; } if (rnd < 0.5 && rnd > 0.4993) { //every 10000 or so, add bias of up to 10000 buffA[i] = myRand() * 60000 - 30000; } if (rnd < 0.6 && rnd > 0.599) { speed[i] = -speed[i]; } if (absFloat(speed[i]) > SCHARMAX) { speed[i] *= 0.5; } signed char dBright = myRound(speed[i]); if (buffA[i] != 0 && dBright <= SCHARMAX-bitesize && dBright >= -SCHARMAX+bitesize) { if (buffA[i] < 0) { dBright-=10; buffA[i]+=10; } else { dBright+=10; buffA[i]-=10; } if (absFloat(buffA[i]) < 10) { buffA[i] = 0; } } signed char bndRes = boundShort(&brightness[i], &dBright); if (bndRes != 0) { speed[i] = -.5*speed[i]; } } }
float sqrtLocal(float num) { // if input num is 0, return 0 if (num == 0) return 0; /* Setup the initial estimation, refer wikipedia's Rough estimation: Suppose: sqrt(S) = sqrt(a) * 10^n sqrt(S) = { 2 * 10^n, if a < 10 6 * 10^n, if a >= 10 } Since for this assignment, we always calculate the sqrt of random number between 0 ~ 3, thus a < 10, and n = 0 Hence the initial value would be set as 2 * 10^0 = 2 */ // setup the record for last generation and current generation value float numLast = 2, numCurrent; int curGeneration = 0; while (1) { // record the loop count ++count; ++curGeneration; // apply Newton's method to calculate the sqrt value numCurrent = (numLast + (num / numLast)) / 2; // judge if the accuracy is enough, 10^-4 = 0.0001 if (absFloat(numCurrent - numLast) <= 0.0001) { if (curGeneration > maxGeneration) { // record the max generation maxGeneration = curGeneration; } return numCurrent; } // put the current value as last value to prepare for next loop numLast = numCurrent; } }
int main(void) { int i = 0; for(; i<8; i++) { sensors[i] = 0; } //Needs to be before sei.. don't ask why.. //Also needs a delay from start up.. _delay_ms(1000); InitLCD(); sei(); SETUP_SENSOR_IO(); CLEAR_BIT(DDRE, PE5);//Input pin ENABLE_EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT(INT5);//External Interrupt Request 5 INT5 enabled*/ InitServo(0); InitMotor(); SetupTachometer(); float currentDirection = 0; float targetDirection = 0; bool terminated = false; currentSpeed = 10; tachoPulsesPerSecond = 0; for (;;) { if(updateScreen) { updateScreen = false; ClearScreen(); WriteText("State:",1); WriteText_StartingFrom(status,2,7); WriteText("Lap:",3); WriteText_StartingFrom(lap,4,7); WriteText("Ticker:",5); WriteText_StartingFrom(time,6,7); WriteText("cycle:",7); WriteText_StartingFrom(cyc,8,7); } //Terminated when lapCounter > 3 if(!terminated) { float direction = GetFilteredSensorValue(); if (lapCounter > 3) { SetMotorSpeed(0); MoveServo(0); terminated = false; status = "Terminated"; updateScreen = true; driveFlag = false; lapCounter = 0; continue; } targetDirection = direction * 45.0; if (absFloat(targetDirection) >= absFloat(currentDirection)) { currentDirection = targetDirection; } else { currentDirection += (targetDirection - currentDirection); } MoveServo(currentDirection); if (driveFlag) { //Calculate new motor speed and accelerate/deccelerate float desiredPulsePerSecond = 9 + (1.0 - absFloat(direction)) * 5; float difference = desiredPulsePerSecond - tachoPulsesPerSecond; float coefficient = 0.015; if (difference < 0) { coefficient = -0.015; } currentSpeed += 20 * coefficient; if(currentSpeed>80) { currentSpeed = 80; } if(currentSpeed<0) { currentSpeed = 0; } SetMotorSpeed(currentSpeed); } } } return 0; }