Exemplo n.º 1
   /*! Updates the Animation.
   void Animation::update(Time timeStamp)
      std::cout << "Processing Animation " << m_name
                << " at time " << timeStamp << std::endl;

      if(m_elapsedTime == -1)
         m_elapsedTime = 0;
         m_startTime   = timeStamp;

      // TODO: add possibility to slow down update ratio!

      ActionStoreIter actionIter(m_actions.begin());
      ActionStoreIter end       (m_actions.end());
         Action *action = *actionIter;

         if(m_curFrame >= action->getStartFrame() &&
            m_curFrame <= action->getStartFrame() + action->getNumFrames())
      std::cout << "    Updating Action " << m_name
                << " at time " << timeStamp << std::endl;

      if(m_curFrame == m_numFrames)
         m_isActive = false;
         m_elapsedTime = -1;
         m_startTime   = -1;
         m_curFrame    =  0;

      std::cout << "Finished Animation " << m_name
                << " at time " << timeStamp << std::endl;
         m_elapsedTime = timeStamp - m_startTime;
Exemplo n.º 2
void dParserCompiler::GenerateParserCode (
	const dString& className, 
	const dString& scannerClassName, 
	const char* const outputFileName, 
	const dTree<dTokenInfo, dCRCTYPE>& symbolList, 
	dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>& stateList, 
	const dString& userCode, 
	const dString& endUserCode,
	int lastTerminalTokenEnum)
	dString templateHeader ("");
	LoadTemplateFile("dParserTemplate _cpp.txt", templateHeader);

	int position = templateHeader.Find ("$(userCode)");
	templateHeader.Replace(position, 11, userCode);

	ReplaceAllMacros (templateHeader, className, "$(className)");
	ReplaceAllMacros (templateHeader, scannerClassName, "$(scannerClass)");

	char text[256];
	sprintf (text, "%d", lastTerminalTokenEnum);
	ReplaceMacro (templateHeader, text, "&(lastTerminalToken)");

	dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE> sortedStates;
	dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>::Iterator stateIter (stateList);
	for (stateIter.Begin(); stateIter; stateIter ++) {
		dState* const state = stateIter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		sortedStates.Insert(state, state->m_number);

	dTree<int, dString> actionFilter;

	dString emptySematicAction ("");
	dString stateActionsStart ("");
	dString stateActionsCount ("");
	dString nextActionsStateList ("");
	dString sematicActions ("");
	int entriesCount = 0;

	int newLineCount = 0;
	int starAndCountIndex = 0;
	dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>::Iterator sortStateIter (sortedStates);

	const char* const caseTabs0 = "\t\t\t\t\t\t";
	//const char* const caseTabs1 = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
	for (sortStateIter.Begin(); sortStateIter; sortStateIter ++) {
		dState* const state = sortStateIter.GetNode()->GetInfo();

		int count = 0;
		dTree<dActionEntry, int> actionSort;
		dTree<dAction, dCRCTYPE>::Iterator actionIter (state->m_actions);
		for (actionIter.Begin(); actionIter; actionIter++) {
			count ++;

			dAction& action = actionIter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
			if (action.m_type == dSHIFT) {
				dCRCTYPE actionSymbol = actionIter.GetKey();
				dAssert (symbolList.Find(actionSymbol));

				dActionEntry entry;
				entry.m_stateType = char (action.m_type);
				entry.m_errorRule = state->m_hasErroItem ? 1 : 0;
				entry.m_ruleIndex = 0;
				entry.m_ruleSymbols = 0;
				entry.m_nextState = short (action.m_nextState);
				entry.m_token = short (symbolList.Find(actionSymbol)->GetInfo().m_tokenId);

				actionSort.Insert (entry, entry.m_token);

			} else if (action.m_type == dREDUCE) {

				dCRCTYPE actionSymbol = actionIter.GetKey();
				dAssert (symbolList.Find(actionSymbol));

				dRuleInfo& reduceRule = action.m_reduceRuleNode->GetInfo();
				dAssert (symbolList.Find(reduceRule.m_nameCRC));
				dAssert (symbolList.Find(reduceRule.m_nameCRC)->GetInfo().m_tokenId >= 256);

				dActionEntry entry;
				entry.m_stateType = char (action.m_type);
				entry.m_errorRule = 0; //state->m_hasErroItem ? 1 : 0;
				entry.m_ruleIndex = short (reduceRule.m_ruleNumber);
				entry.m_ruleSymbols = short (reduceRule.GetCount());
				entry.m_nextState = short (symbolList.Find(reduceRule.m_nameCRC)->GetInfo().m_tokenId - lastTerminalTokenEnum);
				entry.m_token = short (symbolList.Find(actionSymbol)->GetInfo().m_tokenId);
				actionSort.Insert (entry, entry.m_token);

				if (!reduceRule.m_ruleReduced && (reduceRule.m_semanticActionCode != emptySematicAction)) {
					// issue a sematic action code;

					reduceRule.m_ruleReduced = true;
					char text[128];
					dString userSematicAction (reduceRule.m_semanticActionCode);
					int symbolsCount = int (entry.m_ruleSymbols);
					for (int i = 0; i < symbolsCount; i ++) {

						sprintf (text, "%d", symbolsCount - i);
						dString macro ("$");
						macro += text;

						sprintf (text, "%d", symbolsCount - i - 1);
						dString macroVariable ("parameter[");
						macroVariable += text;
						macroVariable += "].m_value";
						ReplaceAllMacros (userSematicAction, macroVariable, macro);
					ReplaceAllMacros (userSematicAction, "entry.m_value", "$$");

					sprintf (text, "%d:", reduceRule.m_ruleNumber);
					sematicActions += caseTabs0;
					sematicActions += "case "; 
					sematicActions += text; 
					//sematicActions += "// rule ";
					sematicActions += "// ";
					sematicActions += reduceRule.m_name;
					sematicActions += " : ";
					for (dRuleInfo::dListNode* node = reduceRule.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
						sematicActions+= node->GetInfo().m_name;
						sematicActions += " ";
					sematicActions += "\n";
					sematicActions += userSematicAction;
					sematicActions += "\nbreak;\n\n";

			} else {
				dAssert (action.m_type == dACCEPT);

				dActionEntry entry;
				entry.m_stateType = char (action.m_type);
				entry.m_errorRule = 0; //state->m_hasErroItem ? 1 : 0;
				entry.m_ruleIndex = 0;
				entry.m_ruleSymbols = 0;
				entry.m_nextState = 0;
				entry.m_token = DACCEPTING_TOKEN;
				actionSort.Insert (entry, entry.m_token);

		int actionIndex = entriesCount;
		dString stateActions ("");
		dTree<dActionEntry, int>::Iterator iter (actionSort);
		for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
			const dActionEntry& entry = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
			sprintf (text, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, ", entry.m_token, entry.m_errorRule, entry.m_stateType, entry.m_nextState, entry.m_ruleSymbols, entry.m_ruleIndex);
			stateActions += text; 
			entriesCount ++;

		dTree<int, dString>::dTreeNode* const stateActionNode = actionFilter.Find(stateActions);
		if (stateActionNode) {
			entriesCount = actionIndex;
			actionIndex =  stateActionNode->GetInfo();
		} else {
			actionFilter.Insert(actionIndex, stateActions);

			for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
				if (newLineCount % 4 == 0) {
					nextActionsStateList += "\n\t\t\t";
				newLineCount ++;
				const dActionEntry& entry = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
				sprintf (text, "dActionEntry (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d), ", entry.m_token, entry.m_errorRule, entry.m_stateType, entry.m_nextState, entry.m_ruleSymbols, entry.m_ruleIndex);
				nextActionsStateList += text; 

		if ((starAndCountIndex % 24) == 0) {
			stateActionsStart += "\n\t\t\t";
			stateActionsCount += "\n\t\t\t";
		starAndCountIndex ++;

		sprintf (text, "%d, ", actionIndex);
		stateActionsStart += text;

		sprintf (text, "%d, ", count);
		stateActionsCount += text;
	nextActionsStateList.Replace(nextActionsStateList.Size()-2, 2, "");
	stateActionsCount.Replace(stateActionsCount.Size()-2, 2, "");
	stateActionsStart.Replace(stateActionsStart.Size()-2, 2, "");

	ReplaceMacro (templateHeader, stateActionsCount, "$(actionsCount)");
	ReplaceMacro (templateHeader, stateActionsStart, "$(actionsStart)");
	ReplaceMacro (templateHeader, nextActionsStateList, "$(actionTable)");

	ReplaceMacro (templateHeader, sematicActions, "$(semanticActionsCode)");

	dString stateGotoStart ("");
	dString stateGotoCount ("");
	dString nextGotoStateList ("");
	entriesCount = 0;
	int newLine = 0;
	int gotoStateCount = 0;
	for (sortStateIter.Begin(); sortStateIter; sortStateIter ++) {

		char text[256];
		dState* const state = sortStateIter.GetNode()->GetInfo();

		int currentEntryuCount = entriesCount;

		int count = 0;
		dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>::Iterator gotoIter (state->m_goto); 
		dTree<dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode*, int> sortGotoActions;
		for (gotoIter.Begin(); gotoIter; gotoIter++) {
			int id = symbolList.Find(gotoIter.GetKey())->GetInfo().m_tokenId;
			sortGotoActions.Insert(gotoIter.GetNode(), id);

		dTree<dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode*, int>::Iterator iter1 (sortGotoActions);
		for (iter1.Begin(); iter1; iter1++) {
			count ++;
			if ((newLine % 5) == 0) {
				nextGotoStateList += "\n\t\t\t";
			newLine ++;

			dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* const node = iter1.GetNode()->GetInfo();
			dState* const targetState = node->GetInfo();

			dGotoEntry entry;
			entry.m_nextState = short (targetState->m_number);
			entry.m_token = short(iter1.GetKey());

			sprintf (text, "dGotoEntry (%d, %d), ", entry.m_token, entry.m_nextState);
			nextGotoStateList += text;
			entriesCount ++;

		if ((gotoStateCount % 24) == 0) {
			stateGotoStart += "\n\t\t\t";
			stateGotoCount += "\n\t\t\t";
		gotoStateCount ++;

		sprintf (text, "%d, ", currentEntryuCount);
		stateGotoStart += text;

		sprintf (text, "%d, ", count);
		stateGotoCount += text;

	nextGotoStateList.Replace(nextGotoStateList.Size()-2, 2, "");
	stateGotoCount.Replace(stateGotoCount.Size()-2, 2, "");
	stateGotoStart.Replace(stateGotoStart.Size()-2, 2, "");

	ReplaceMacro (templateHeader, stateGotoCount, "$(gotoCount)");
	ReplaceMacro (templateHeader, stateGotoStart, "$(gotoStart)");
	ReplaceMacro (templateHeader, nextGotoStateList, "$(gotoTable)");

	templateHeader += endUserCode;
	SaveFile(outputFileName, ".cpp", templateHeader);