Exemplo n.º 1
void QgsComposerArrow::setArrowHeadWidth( double width )
  mArrowHeadWidth = width;
  setStartMarker( mStartMarkerFile );
  setEndMarker( mEndMarkerFile );
Exemplo n.º 2
void QgsComposerArrow::setArrowHeadOutlineWidth( const double width )
  mArrowHeadOutlineWidth = width;
  mPen.setWidthF( mArrowHeadOutlineWidth );

Exemplo n.º 3
void QgsComposerArrow::setOutlineWidth( double width )
  if ( mLineSymbol )
    mLineSymbol->setWidth( width );
  mArrowHeadOutlineWidth = width;
  mPen.setWidthF( mArrowHeadOutlineWidth );

Exemplo n.º 4
QgsComposerArrow::QgsComposerArrow( QPointF startPoint, QPointF stopPoint, QgsComposition* c )
    : QgsComposerItem( c )
    , mStartPoint( startPoint )
    , mStopPoint( stopPoint )
    , mMarkerMode( DefaultMarker )
    , mArrowHeadOutlineWidth( 1.0 )
    , mArrowHeadOutlineColor( Qt::black )
    , mArrowHeadFillColor( Qt::black )
    , mBoundsBehaviour( 24 )
    , mLineSymbol( nullptr )
  mStartXIdx = mStopPoint.x() < mStartPoint.x();
  mStartYIdx = mStopPoint.y() < mStartPoint.y();
Exemplo n.º 5
void QgsComposerArrow::setEndMarker( const QString& svgPath )
  QSvgRenderer r;
  mEndMarkerFile = svgPath;
  if ( svgPath.isEmpty() || !r.load( svgPath ) )
    mStopArrowHeadHeight = 0;
    //calculate mArrowHeadHeight from svg file and mArrowHeadWidth
    QRect viewBox = r.viewBox();
    mStopArrowHeadHeight = mArrowHeadWidth / viewBox.width() * viewBox.height();
Exemplo n.º 6
bool QgsComposerArrow::readXml( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc )
  mArrowHeadWidth = itemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "arrowHeadWidth" ), QStringLiteral( "2.0" ) ).toDouble();
  mArrowHeadFillColor = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::decodeColor( itemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "arrowHeadFillColor" ), QStringLiteral( "0,0,0,255" ) ) );
  mArrowHeadOutlineColor = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::decodeColor( itemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "arrowHeadOutlineColor" ), QStringLiteral( "0,0,0,255" ) ) );
  mArrowHeadOutlineWidth = itemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "outlineWidth" ), QStringLiteral( "1.0" ) ).toDouble();
  setStartMarker( itemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "startMarkerFile" ), QLatin1String( "" ) ) );
  setEndMarker( itemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "endMarkerFile" ), QLatin1String( "" ) ) );
  mMarkerMode = QgsComposerArrow::MarkerMode( itemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "markerMode" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt() );
  //if bounds behaviour version is not set, default to 2.2 behaviour
  mBoundsBehaviour = itemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "boundsBehaviourVersion" ), QStringLiteral( "22" ) ).toInt();

  //arrow style
  QDomElement styleElem = itemElem.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "lineStyle" ) );
  if ( !styleElem.isNull() )
    QDomElement lineStyleElem = styleElem.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "symbol" ) );
    if ( !lineStyleElem.isNull() )
      delete mLineSymbol;
      mLineSymbol = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::loadSymbol<QgsLineSymbol>( lineStyleElem );
    //old project file, read arrow width and color
    delete mLineSymbol;

    QgsStringMap properties;
    properties.insert( QStringLiteral( "width" ), itemElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "outlineWidth" ), QStringLiteral( "1.0" ) ) );

    if ( mBoundsBehaviour == 22 )
      //if arrow was created in versions prior to 2.4, use the old rendering style
      properties.insert( QStringLiteral( "capstyle" ), QStringLiteral( "flat" ) );
      properties.insert( QStringLiteral( "capstyle" ), QStringLiteral( "square" ) );
    int red = 0;
    int blue = 0;
    int green = 0;
    int alpha = 255;

    QDomNodeList arrowColorList = itemElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "ArrowColor" ) );
    if ( !arrowColorList.isEmpty() )
      QDomElement arrowColorElem = arrowColorList.at( 0 ).toElement();
      red = arrowColorElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "red" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
      green = arrowColorElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "green" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
      blue = arrowColorElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "blue" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
      alpha = arrowColorElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "alpha" ), QStringLiteral( "255" ) ).toInt();
      mArrowHeadFillColor = QColor( red, green, blue, alpha );
      mArrowHeadOutlineColor = QColor( red, green, blue, alpha );
    properties.insert( QStringLiteral( "color" ), QStringLiteral( "%1,%2,%3,%4" ).arg( red ).arg( green ).arg( blue ).arg( alpha ) );
    mLineSymbol = QgsLineSymbol::createSimple( properties );

  mPen.setColor( mArrowHeadOutlineColor );
  mPen.setWidthF( mArrowHeadOutlineWidth );
  mBrush.setColor( mArrowHeadFillColor );

  //restore general composer item properties
  //needs to be before start point / stop point because setSceneRect()
  QDomNodeList composerItemList = itemElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "ComposerItem" ) );
  if ( !composerItemList.isEmpty() )
    QDomElement composerItemElem = composerItemList.at( 0 ).toElement();
    _readXml( composerItemElem, doc );

  //start point
  QDomNodeList startPointList = itemElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "StartPoint" ) );
  if ( !startPointList.isEmpty() )
    QDomElement startPointElem = startPointList.at( 0 ).toElement();
    mStartPoint.setX( startPointElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "x" ), QStringLiteral( "0.0" ) ).toDouble() );
    mStartPoint.setY( startPointElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "y" ), QStringLiteral( "0.0" ) ).toDouble() );

  //stop point
  QDomNodeList stopPointList = itemElem.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "StopPoint" ) );
  if ( !stopPointList.isEmpty() )
    QDomElement stopPointElem = stopPointList.at( 0 ).toElement();
    mStopPoint.setX( stopPointElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "x" ), QStringLiteral( "0.0" ) ).toDouble() );
    mStopPoint.setY( stopPointElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "y" ), QStringLiteral( "0.0" ) ).toDouble() );

  mStartXIdx = mStopPoint.x() < mStartPoint.x();
  mStartYIdx = mStopPoint.y() < mStartPoint.y();

  emit itemChanged();
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
void QgsComposerArrow::setMarkerMode( MarkerMode mode )
  mMarkerMode = mode;