Exemplo n.º 1
void Mixer::addChannels(Channels* channels , Identifier channels_id)
  // add channels group to the mixer
  addChildAndSetID(channels , String(channels_id)) ; channels->toFront(true) ;

  // update mixer layout
  resized() ;
Exemplo n.º 2
        : projectName ("Project name"),
          nameLabel (String::empty, "Project Name:"),
          typeLabel (String::empty, "Project Type:"),
          fileBrowser (FileBrowserComponent::saveMode | FileBrowserComponent::canSelectDirectories,
                       getLastWizardFolder(), nullptr, nullptr),
          fileOutline (String::empty, "Project Folder:"),
          createButton ("Create..."),
          cancelButton ("Cancel")
        setOpaque (true);
        setSize (600, 500);

        addChildAndSetID (&projectName, "projectName");
        projectName.setText ("NewProject");
        projectName.setBounds ("100, 14, parent.width / 2 - 10, top + 22");
        nameLabel.attachToComponent (&projectName, true);
        projectName.addListener (this);

        addChildAndSetID (&projectType, "projectType");
        projectType.addItemList (getWizards(), 1);
        projectType.setSelectedId (1, true);
        projectType.setBounds ("100, projectName.bottom + 4, projectName.right, top + 22");
        typeLabel.attachToComponent (&projectType, true);
        projectType.addListener (this);

        addChildAndSetID (&fileOutline, "fileOutline");
        fileOutline.setColour (GroupComponent::outlineColourId, Colours::black.withAlpha (0.2f));
        fileOutline.setTextLabelPosition (Justification::centred);
        fileOutline.setBounds ("10, projectType.bottom + 20, projectType.right, parent.height - 10");

        addChildAndSetID (&fileBrowser, "fileBrowser");
        fileBrowser.setBounds ("fileOutline.left + 10, fileOutline.top + 20, fileOutline.right - 10, fileOutline.bottom - 12");
        fileBrowser.setFilenameBoxLabel ("Folder:");

        addChildAndSetID (&createButton, "createButton");
        createButton.setBounds ("right - 140, bottom - 24, parent.width - 10, parent.height - 10");
        createButton.addListener (this);

        addChildAndSetID (&cancelButton, "cancelButton");
        cancelButton.addShortcut (KeyPress (KeyPress::escapeKey));
        cancelButton.setBounds ("right - 140, createButton.top, createButton.left - 10, createButton.bottom");
        cancelButton.addListener (this);

Exemplo n.º 3
bool Channels::addChannel(ValueTree channel_store)

  // ensure GUI for this channel does not already exist
  Identifier channel_id = channel_store.getType() ;
  if (!channel_store.isValid() || getChannel(channel_id)) return false ;

  // hide stereo slave channels
  if (int(channel_store[CONFIG::STEREO_ID]) == CONFIG::STEREO_R) return false ;

  // create channel GUI
  Channel* channel = newChannel(channel_store) ;
  addChildAndSetID(channel , String(channel_id)) ;
  channel->toFront(false) ;

  // resize and shift channel slices
  resized() ;


  return true ;