KexiReportFactory::KexiReportFactory(QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList &) : KFormDesigner::WidgetFactory(parent, name) { KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo *wView = new KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo(this); wView->setPixmap("report"); wView->setClassName("KexiReportForm"); wView->setName(i18n("Report")); wView->setNamePrefix( i18n("Widget name. This string will be used to name widgets of this class. It must _not_ contain white spaces and non latin1 characters.", "report")); wView->setDescription(i18n("A report")); addClass(wView); KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo *wLabel = new KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo(this); wLabel->setPixmap("label"); wLabel->setClassName("Label"); wLabel->setName(i18n("Label")); wLabel->setNamePrefix( i18n("Widget name. This string will be used to name widgets of this class. It must _not_ contain white spaces and non latin1 characters.", "label")); wLabel->setDescription(i18n("A label to display text")); addClass(wLabel); KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo *wPicLabel = new KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo(this); wPicLabel->setPixmap("pixmaplabel"); wPicLabel->setClassName("PicLabel"); wPicLabel->setName(i18n("Picture Label")); wPicLabel->setNamePrefix( i18n("Widget name. This string will be used to name widgets of this class. It must _not_ contain white spaces and non latin1 characters.", "picture")); wPicLabel->setDescription(i18n("A label to display images or icons")); addClass(wPicLabel); KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo *wLine = new KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo(this); wLine->setPixmap("line"); wLine->setClassName("ReportLine"); wLine->setName(i18n("Line")); wLine->setNamePrefix( i18n("Widget name. This string will be used to name widgets of this class. It must _not_ contain white spaces and non latin1 characters.", "line")); wLine->setDescription(i18n("A simple line")); addClass(wLine); KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo *wSubReport = new KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo(this); wSubReport->setPixmap("report"); wSubReport->setClassName("KexiSubReport"); wSubReport->setName(i18n("Sub Report")); wSubReport->setNamePrefix( i18n("Widget name. This string will be used to name widgets of this class. It must _not_ contain white spaces and non latin1 characters.", "subReport")); wSubReport->setDescription(i18n("A report embedded in another report")); addClass(wSubReport); }
void EmptyStatement::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "EmptyStatement"); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
/** * Inserts a class into memory */ void ClassLoader::insertClass( Class* theClass ) { // allocate memory for the class // add the class to the cache addClass( theClass ); }
void DescendantInvalidationSet::combine(const DescendantInvalidationSet& other) { // No longer bother combining data structures, since the whole subtree is deemed invalid. if (wholeSubtreeInvalid()) return; if (other.wholeSubtreeInvalid()) { setWholeSubtreeInvalid(); return; } if (other.m_classes) { HashSet<AtomicString>::const_iterator end = other.m_classes->end(); for (HashSet<AtomicString>::const_iterator it = other.m_classes->begin(); it != end; ++it) addClass(*it); } if (other.m_ids) { HashSet<AtomicString>::const_iterator end = other.m_ids->end(); for (HashSet<AtomicString>::const_iterator it = other.m_ids->begin(); it != end; ++it) addId(*it); } if (other.m_tagNames) { HashSet<AtomicString>::const_iterator end = other.m_tagNames->end(); for (HashSet<AtomicString>::const_iterator it = other.m_tagNames->begin(); it != end; ++it) addTagName(*it); } }
void NotEqual::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "NotEqual"); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
void ClassDiagram::clearGraphAndAddClass(OovStringRef const className, ClassGraph::eAddNodeTypes addType, int depth, bool reposition) { mClassGraph.clearGraph(); addClass(className, addType, depth, reposition); setLastSelectedClassName(className); }
// Qualifiers are known to be appropriate for 'class' void Parser::classDefinition(int /*flags*/, Qualifier* qual) { // FIXME: pick up the methods plus all other flags somehow, these are available from the binding ribs // Maybe time to package them up conveniently (FunctionDefinition needs it too). eat(T_Class); Str* name = identifier(); Str* extends = NULL; SeqBuilder<Str*> implements(allocator); if (match(T_Extends)) { extends = identifier(); } if (match(T_Implements)) { do { implements.addAtEnd(identifier()); } while (match(T_Comma)); } eat(T_LeftBrace); pushBindingRib(RIB_Class); pushBindingRib(RIB_Instance); Seq<Stmt*>* instance_init = NULL; Seq<Stmt*>* class_init = directives(SFLAG_Class, &instance_init); popBindingRib(); popBindingRib(); eat(T_RightBrace); addClass(ALLOC(ClassDefn, (qual, name, extends, implements.get(), class_init, instance_init))); }
// ###################################################################### void RecurBayes::learn(std::vector<double> &fv, const char *name, uint fix) { //get the class id int cls = getClassId(name); if (cls == -1) //this is a new class, add it to the network cls = addClass(name); ASSERT(fv.size() == itsNumFeatures); //update the class freq ASSERT((uint)cls < itsNumClasses); itsClassFreq[cls]++; //compute the stddev and mean of each feature //This algorithm is due to Knuth (The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2: // Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd edn., p. 232. Boston: Addison-Wesley.) for (uint i=0; i<fv.size(); i++){ double val = fv[i]; double delta = val - itsMean[cls][fix][i]; itsMean[cls][fix][i] += delta/itsClassFreq[cls]; if (itsClassFreq[cls] > 3) { itsVar[cls][fix][i] = (itsVar[cls][fix][i]*(itsClassFreq[cls]-2)) + delta*(val - itsMean[cls][fix][i]); } if (itsClassFreq[cls] > 1) //watch for divide by 0 itsVar[cls][fix][i] /= double(itsClassFreq[cls]-1); } }
TEST(OOInteraction, SimpleTest) { Model::Model* model = new Model::Model(); Project* pr = nullptr; pr = addProject(model); Class* cl = nullptr; cl = addClass(model, pr); Method* divbysix = nullptr; divbysix = addDivBySix(model, cl); Model::Node* top_level = nullptr; if (pr) top_level = pr; else if (cl) top_level = cl; else top_level = divbysix; Scene* scene = new Scene(); scene->addTopLevelItem( scene->defaultRenderer()->render(nullptr, top_level) ); scene->scheduleUpdate(); scene->listenToModel(model); // Create view MainView* view = new MainView(scene); CHECK_CONDITION(view != nullptr); }
void NamedType::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "NamedType"); addMember(elem, "body", body); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
void BreakStatement::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "BreakStatement"); addMember(elem, "target", target); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc < 2) { std::cerr << "Driver must be called with the .class file to test" << std::endl; return 1; } auto cls = new Espresso::Blender::JVMClass(argv[1]); auto classdb = new Espresso::VM::ClassResolver(); classdb->addClass(new Espresso::VM::Class::DlOpen("java/lang/System")); classdb->addClass(cls); auto vmp = Espresso::Blender::VMMethodProvider(classdb); vmp.getNativeMethod(cls->name(), "test", "()V"); // use another method just to check if <clinit> is called return _called_code == 99 ? 0 : 2; }
bool CibIdMgr::loadIds(const std::string& idsFilePath) { CppParser cppparser; auto idCmp = cppparser.parseFile(idsFilePath.c_str()); if (idCmp == nullptr) return false; std::unordered_map<CibFullClassNsName, CibFullClassName> nsNameToNameMap; traverse(idCmp, [&](const CppObj* cppObj) -> bool { if (cppObj->objType_ == CppObjType::kEnum) { auto* enumObj = static_cast<const CppEnum*>(cppObj); if (!enumObj->itemList_) return false; static const std::string kClassIdName = "__zz_cib_classid"; static const std::string kMethodIdName = "__zz_cib_methodid"; static const std::string kNextClsIdName = "__zz_cib_next_class_id"; auto extractClassName = [](const CppCompound* classObj) -> std::string { if (!classObj->members().empty() && (classObj->members().front()->objType_ == CppObjType::kDocComment)) { static const std::string kClsNameCommentStart = "//#= FullClassName: "; const CppDocCommentEPtr cmnt = classObj->members().front(); auto startPos = cmnt->doc_.find(kClsNameCommentStart); if (startPos != std::string::npos) return cmnt->doc_.substr(startPos + kClsNameCommentStart.size()); } return ""; }; auto extractClassNsName = [](const CppCompound* classObj) -> std::string { return fullName(classObj).substr(11); // skip "__zz_cib_::" }; if (cppObj->owner()->name() == kMethodIdName) { auto classNsName = extractClassNsName(cppObj->owner()->owner()); auto itr = nsNameToNameMap.find(classNsName); if (itr != nsNameToNameMap.end()) loadMethodIds(itr->second, static_cast<const CppEnum*>(cppObj)); } else if (enumObj->itemList_->front()->name_ == kClassIdName) { auto clsName = extractClassName(enumObj->owner()); auto clsNsName = extractClassNsName(enumObj->owner()); auto clsId = parseIdExpression(enumObj->itemList_->front()->val_); if (clsId != 0) addClass(clsName, clsNsName, clsId); if (!clsName.empty() && !clsNsName.empty()) nsNameToNameMap[clsNsName] = clsName; } else if (enumObj->itemList_->front()->name_ == kNextClsIdName) { auto nextClsId = parseIdExpression(enumObj->itemList_->front()->val_); if (nextClassId_ < nextClsId) nextClassId_ = nextClsId; } } return false; }); return true; }
bool ClassDiagram::loadDiagram(File &file) { NameValueFile nameValFile; bool success = nameValFile.readFile(file); if(success) { CompoundValue names; names.parseString(nameValFile.getValue("Names")); CompoundValue xPositions; xPositions.parseString(nameValFile.getValue("XPositions")); CompoundValue yPositions; yPositions.parseString(nameValFile.getValue("YPositions")); std::vector<ClassNode> &nodes = getNodes(); for(size_t i=0; i<names.size(); i++) { OovString name = names[i]; if(i == 0) { // The node at index zero is the graph key, and is not stored in // the graph with a name or type. // The node at index one is the first class, which is typically the // same as the drawing name. eDiagramStorageTypes drawingType; OovString drawingName; DiagramStorage::getDrawingHeader(nameValFile, drawingType, drawingName); // This adds the key automatically as item index zero. // Call this function to set the last selected class name for the journal. clearGraphAndAddClass(drawingName, ClassGraph::AN_All, ClassDiagram::DEPTH_SINGLE_CLASS, false); int x=0; int y=0; xPositions[i].getInt(0, INT_MAX, x); yPositions[i].getInt(0, INT_MAX, y); nodes[0].setPosition(GraphPoint(x, y)); } else { // This will not add duplicates, so if the name is different // from the drawingName, it will be added. addClass(name, ClassGraph::AN_All, ClassDiagram::DEPTH_SINGLE_CLASS, false); } auto nodeIter = std::find_if(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [&name](ClassNode &node) { return(node.getType() && name == node.getType()->getName()); }); if(nodeIter != nodes.end()) { int x=0; int y=0; xPositions[i].getInt(0, INT_MAX, x); yPositions[i].getInt(0, INT_MAX, y); nodeIter->setPosition(GraphPoint(x, y)); } } } return success; }
void MaxEntTrainer::loadParams(istream& istrm) { string name; int c; istrm >> _alpha >> _threshold >> _maxIterations; istrm >> c; for (int i = 0; i<c && (istrm >> name); i++) { addClass(name); } }
void ReferenceType::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "ReferenceType"); addMember(elem, "isConst", isConst); addMember(elem, "isVolatile", isVolatile); //addMember(elem, "baseType", baseType); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
void WideCharacter::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "WideCharacter"); addMember(elem, "isConst", isConst); addMember(elem, "isSigned", isSigned); addMember(elem, "isVolatile", isVolatile); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
void DerivesFrom::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "DerivesFrom"); addMember(elem, "isVirtual", isVirtual); addMember(elem, "accessKind", accessKind); addMember(elem, "className", className); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
void BinaryExpression::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "BinaryExpression"); addMember(elem, "leftOperand", leftOperand); addMember(elem, "op", op); addMember(elem, "rightOperand", rightOperand); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Widget::QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Widget( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QgsStyleV2* style, QgsFeatureRendererV2* renderer ) : QgsRendererV2Widget( layer, style ) { // try to recognize the previous renderer // (null renderer means "no previous renderer") if ( !renderer || renderer->type() != "graduatedSymbol" ) { // we're not going to use it - so let's delete the renderer delete renderer; mRenderer = new QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2( "", QgsRangeList() ); } else { mRenderer = static_cast<QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2*>( renderer ); } // setup user interface setupUi( this ); populateColumns(); cboGraduatedColorRamp->populate( mStyle ); QStandardItemModel* mg = new QStandardItemModel( this ); QStringList labels; labels << tr( "Range" ) << tr( "Label" ); mg->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( labels ); viewGraduated->setModel( mg ); mGraduatedSymbol = QgsSymbolV2::defaultSymbol( mLayer->geometryType() ); connect( cboGraduatedColumn, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( graduatedColumnChanged() ) ); connect( viewGraduated, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( const QModelIndex & ) ), this, SLOT( rangesDoubleClicked( const QModelIndex & ) ) ); connect( viewGraduated, SIGNAL( clicked( const QModelIndex & ) ), this, SLOT( rangesClicked( const QModelIndex & ) ) ); connect( mg, SIGNAL( itemChanged( QStandardItem * ) ), this, SLOT( changeCurrentValue( QStandardItem * ) ) ); connect( btnGraduatedClassify, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( classifyGraduated() ) ); connect( btnChangeGraduatedSymbol, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeGraduatedSymbol() ) ); connect( btnGraduatedDelete, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( deleteCurrentClass() ) ); connect( btnGraduatedAdd, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addClass() ) ); // initialize from previously set renderer updateUiFromRenderer(); // menus for data-defined rotation/size QMenu* advMenu = new QMenu; mDataDefinedMenus = new QgsRendererV2DataDefinedMenus( advMenu, mLayer->pendingFields(), mRenderer->rotationField(), mRenderer->sizeScaleField() ); connect( mDataDefinedMenus, SIGNAL( rotationFieldChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( rotationFieldChanged( QString ) ) ); connect( mDataDefinedMenus, SIGNAL( sizeScaleFieldChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( sizeScaleFieldChanged( QString ) ) ); btnAdvanced->setMenu( advMenu ); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc != 2) { std::cerr << "Test must be called with the path to the test class" << std::endl; return 1; } Espresso::Log = _log; auto classdb = Espresso::VM::ClassResolver(); classdb.addClass(new Espresso::VM::Class::DlOpen("java/lang/Object")); auto cls = new Espresso::Blender::JVMClass(argv[1]); if (!*cls) { std::cerr << argv[1] << " wasn't loaded: " << cls->error() << std::endl; return 1; } classdb.addClass(cls); auto vmp = Espresso::Blender::VMMethodProvider(&classdb); int (*fn)(int, int) = (int (*)(int, int))vmp.getNativeMethod(cls->name(), "doSum", "(II)I"); if (!fn) { std::cerr << argv[1] << " does not contain sum(II)I" << std::endl; return 1; } if (fn(0, 0) != 0) { std::cerr << "sum(0, 0) - expected 0, returned " << fn(0, 0) << std::endl; return 1; } if (fn(1, 6) != 7) { std::cerr << "sum(1, 6) - expected 7, returned " << fn(1, 6) << std::endl; return 1; } if (fn(-1, 6) != 5) { std::cerr << "sum(-1, 6) - expected 5, returned " << fn(-1, 6) << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }
void QualifiedOverPointer::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "QualifiedOverPointer"); //addMember(elem, "expressionType", expressionType); addMember(elem, "name", name); addMember(elem, "member", member); addMember(elem, "qualifiers", qualifiers); //addMember(elem, "refersTo", refersTo); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
TEST_F(MgrTest, object_from_addr_basic) { CPE_HS_DEF_VAR(className, "class1"); addClass("class1", 20); gd_om_oid_t oid = obj_alloc(className); EXPECT_TRUE(oid != GD_OM_INVALID_OID); void * objData = gd_om_obj_get(m_omm, oid, t_em()); ASSERT_TRUE(objData); EXPECT_EQ(oid, gd_om_obj_id_from_addr(m_omm, objData, t_em())); }
void RangeType::dumpXml(TiXmlElement *parent) const { TiXmlElement *elem = addClass(parent, "RangeType"); addMember(elem, "isConst", isConst); addMember(elem, "isVolatile", isVolatile); //addMember(elem, "baseType", baseType); addMember(elem, "lowBound", lowBound); addMember(elem, "highBound", highBound); addMember(elem, "locFirst", locFirst); addMember(elem, "locLast", locLast); }
void QgsUniqueValueDialog::changeClassificationAttribute() { QgsDebugMsg( "called." ); QString attributeName = mClassificationComboBox->currentText(); if ( !mOldClassificationAttribute.isEmpty() && attributeName != mOldClassificationAttribute && QMessageBox::question( this, tr( "Confirm Delete" ), tr( "The classification field was changed from '%1' to '%2'.\n" "Should the existing classes be deleted before classification?" ) .arg( mOldClassificationAttribute ).arg( attributeName ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes ) { mClassListWidget->clearSelection(); deleteSelectedClasses(); } mOldClassificationAttribute = attributeName; if ( mVectorLayer ) { int nr = mClassificationComboBox->itemData( mClassificationComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt(); if ( nr == -1 ) { return; } QList<QVariant> values; mVectorLayer->uniqueValues( nr, values ); for ( int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++ ) { if ( !mValues.contains( values[i].toString() ) ) addClass( values[i].toString() ); } if ( !mValues.contains( QString::null ) ) addClass( QString::null ); } }
MapBrowserFactory::MapBrowserFactory(QObject* parent, const QVariantList& args) : KexiDBFactoryBase(parent, "mapbrowser") { Q_UNUSED(args); KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo *mapBrowser = new KFormDesigner::WidgetInfo(this); mapBrowser->setIconName(koIconName("map_browser")); mapBrowser->setClassName("MapBrowserWidget"); mapBrowser->setName(i18n("Map Browser")); mapBrowser->setNamePrefix(i18nc("This string will be used to name widgets of this class. It must _not_ contain white " "spaces and non latin1 characters.", "mapBrowser")); mapBrowser->setDescription(i18n("Displays an interactive map.")); addClass(mapBrowser); }
/** * Indicates whether the class exists by loading * the class into memory if necessary */ Class* ClassLoader::resolveClass( const char *classname ) { // locate the class Class* theClass = findClass( classname ); if( theClass != NULL ) { // if the class was found, and it to the cache if( !classes.count( classname ) ) { addClass( theClass ); } } // return the class return theClass; }
void MainWindow::setupClassViewer() { tbtnAdd_class->setAction(actionAdd_class, true); tbtnAdd_class->setText(tr("Add")); tbtnAdd_class->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)); tbtnDelete_class->setAction(actionDelete_class, true); tbtnDelete_class->setText(tr("Delete")); tbtnDelete_class->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)); tbtnAdd_student->setAction(actionAdd_student, true); tbtnAdd_student->setText(tr("Add")); tbtnAdd_student->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)); tbtnDelete_student->setAction(actionDelete_student, true); tbtnDelete_student->setText(tr("Delete")); tbtnDelete_student->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)); tbtnAdd_session->setAction(actionAdd_session, true); tbtnAdd_session->setText(tr("Add")); tbtnAdd_session->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)); tbtnDelete_session->setAction(actionDelete_session, true); tbtnDelete_session->setText(tr("Delete")); tbtnDelete_session->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)); QObject::connect(actionAdd_class, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addClass())); QObject::connect(actionDelete_class, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteClass())); QObject::connect(actionPrint_class_summary, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(printClassSummary())); QObject::connect(actionAdd_student, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addStudent())); QObject::connect(actionDelete_student, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteStudent())); QObject::connect(actionAdd_session, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addSession())); QObject::connect(actionDelete_session, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteSession())); QObject::connect(CLSCFirstYearSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), CLSCLastYearSpinBox, SLOT(setMinimum(int))); QObject::connect(CLLCListWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *)), this, SLOT(setCurrentClass(QListWidgetItem *))); QObject::connect(CLLSListWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *)), this, SLOT(setCurrentClassMember(QListWidgetItem *))); QObject::connect(CLLSSListWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *)), this, SLOT(viewSession(QListWidgetItem *))); QObject::connect(CLLSSListWidget, SIGNAL(currentIndexAvailabilityChanged(bool)), actionDelete_session, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); QObject::connect(CLLSSListWidget, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(toggleAddSessionToMemberEnabled())); QObject::connect(CLSSResultsTableWidget, SIGNAL(currentIndexAvailabilityChanged(bool)), tbtnRemoveSession, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); QObject::connect(CLSSResultsTableWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTableWidgetItem *)), this, SLOT(viewSessionAndStudent(QTableWidgetItem *))); QObject::connect(CLLCSearchLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QLineEdit *, const QString &)), CLLCListWidget, SLOT(filterItems(QLineEdit *, const QString &))); QObject::connect(CLLSSearchLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QLineEdit *, const QString &)), CLLSListWidget, SLOT(filterItems(QLineEdit *, const QString &))); QObject::connect(CLLSSSearchLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QLineEdit *, const QString &)), CLLSSListWidget, SLOT(filterItems(QLineEdit *, const QString &))); QObject::connect(tbtnApplyClassChanges, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(updateClassProperties())); QObject::connect(tbtnSaveMemberName, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(updateClassMemberName())); QObject::connect(tbtnAddSession, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(addSessionToMember())); QObject::connect(tbtnRemoveSession, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(removeSessionFromMember())); CLLCListWidget->setSortingEnabled(true); CLLSSListWidget->setSortingEnabled(true); CLSSResultsTableWidget->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); CLSSResultsTableWidget->verticalHeader()->hide(); CLSSResultsTableWidget->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); setCLSCEnabled(false); }
TEST_F(MgrTest, object_alloc_basic) { CPE_HS_DEF_VAR(className, "class1"); addClass("class1", 20); gd_om_oid_t oid = obj_alloc(className); EXPECT_TRUE(oid != GD_OM_INVALID_OID); void * objData = gd_om_obj_get(m_omm, oid, t_em()); ASSERT_TRUE(objData); gd_om_class_t cls = gd_om_obj_class(m_omm, oid, t_em()); ASSERT_TRUE(cls); EXPECT_STREQ("class1", gd_om_class_name(cls)); }
void import_element_class( CSeqEle& ele, std::list<std::string>& classes ) { std::string Type = VarType2As( ele.eleType ); if ( Type == "Number" || Type == "String" || Type == "ByteArray" ) return; if ( Type == "int" || Type == "uint" ) return; if ( Type == "Vector" || Type == "Object" ) import_element_class( *ele.eleObject.begin(), classes ); else //object addClass( Type, classes ); }