void createLevelClocks() { addClock(singleEnemyCreated); addClock(lastCmdAction); addClock(groupDelay); addClock(killAll); addClock(killSingle); }
void testClocks() { sput_fail_unless(addClock(testClock) == 1,"Valid: Adding Dummy Test Clock"); sput_fail_unless(checkUniqueClockType(testClock) == 0,"Invalid: Unique clock checker. Clocck should already exist"); sput_fail_unless(addClock(testClock) == 0,"Invalid: Adding non unique Dummy clock"); sput_fail_unless(checkClock(testClock,10) == 0,"Invalid: Cooldown of 10 has not passed"); delayGame(10); sput_fail_unless(checkClock(testClock,10) == 1,"Valid: Cooldown of 10 has passed"); sput_fail_unless(checkClock(testClock,10) == 0,"Invalid: Cooldown of 10 hasn't passed after reset of cooldown"); delayGame(10); sput_fail_unless(checkClock(testClock,10) == 1,"Valid: Cooldown of 10 has passed after reset of cooldown"); }
void ZoneClockPanel::load(TDEConfig *config) { _clocks.clear(); int num = config->readNumEntry("Clocks", 0); for (int i=0; i<num; ++i) { addClock(config->readEntry(TQString("Clock_%1_Zone").arg(i)), config->readEntry(TQString("Clock_%1_Name").arg(i))); } }
void ZoneClockPanel::addClock(const TQString &zone) { createDialog(); _dlg->ClockCaption->setText(i18n(zone.utf8()).section('/', -1)); for (int i=0; i<_dlg->ClockZone->count(); ++i) if (_dlg->ClockZone->text(i) == i18n(zone.utf8())) { _dlg->ClockZone->setCurrentItem(i); break; } if (_dlg->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { CityList cities; TQStringList timezones = cities.timezones(); TQString newzone = timezones[_dlg->ClockZone->currentItem()]; addClock(newzone, _dlg->ClockCaption->text()); update(); } }
void ZoneClock::slotAddClock() { emit addClock(_zone); }
void createLevelClocks() { addClock(singleEnemyCreated); printf("first clock\n"); addClock(lastCmdAction); addClock(groupDelay); }
/*********************************************************** synopsis: do all of the initialisation for a new game: build the screen get a random word and generate anagrams (must get less than 66 anagrams to display on screen) initialise all the game control flags inputs: head - first node in the answers list (in/out) dblHead - first node in the dictionary list screen - the SDL_Surface to display the image letters - first node in the letter sprites (in/out) outputs: n/a ***********************************************************/ static void newGame(struct node** head, struct dlb_node* dlbHead, SDL_Surface* screen, struct sprite** letters) { char guess[9]; char remain[9]; int happy = 0; /* we don't want any more than ones with 66 answers */ /* - that's all we can show... */ int i; /* show background */ strcpy(txt, language); ShowBMP(strcat(txt,"images/background.bmp"),screen, 0,0); destroyLetters(letters); assert(*letters == NULL); while (!happy) { char buffer[9]; getRandomWord(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); strcpy(guess,""); strcpy(rootWord, buffer); bigWordLen = strlen(rootWord)-1; strcpy(remain, rootWord); rootWord[bigWordLen] = '\0'; /* destroy answers list */ destroyAnswers(head); /* generate anagrams from random word */ ag(head, dlbHead, guess, remain); answersSought = Length(*head); happy = ((answersSought <= 77) && (answersSought >= 6)); #ifdef DEBUG if (!happy) { Debug("Too Many Answers! word: %s, answers: %i", rootWord, answersSought); } #endif } #ifdef DEBUG Debug("Selected word: %s, answers: %i", rootWord, answersSought); #endif /* now we have a good set of words - sort them alphabetically */ sort(head); for (i = bigWordLen; i < 7; i++){ remain[i] = SPACE_CHAR; } remain[7] = '\0'; remain[bigWordLen]='\0'; shuffleWord(remain); strcpy(shuffle, remain); strcpy(answer, SPACE_FILLED_STRING); /* build up the letter sprites */ assert(*letters == NULL && screen != NULL); buildLetters(letters, screen); addClock(letters, screen); addScore(letters, screen); /* display all answer boxes */ displayAnswerBoxes(*head, screen); gotBigWord = 0; score = 0; updateTheScore = 1; gamePaused = 0; winGame = 0; answersGot = 0; gameStart = time(0); gameTime = 0; stopTheClock = 0; }