Exemplo n.º 1
void SCH_SCREEN::SelectBlockItems()
    PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* pickedlist = &m_BlockLocate.GetItems();

    if( pickedlist->GetCount() == 0 )


    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < pickedlist->GetCount(); ii++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*) pickedlist->GetPickedItem( ii );
        item->SetFlags( SELECTED );

    if( !m_BlockLocate.IsDragging() )

    // Select all the items in the screen connected to the items in the block.
    // be sure end lines that are on the block limits are seen inside this block
    m_BlockLocate.Inflate( 1 );
    unsigned last_select_id = pickedlist->GetCount();

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < last_select_id; ii++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*)pickedlist->GetPickedItem( ii );
        item->SetFlags( IS_DRAGGED );

        if( item->Type() == SCH_LINE_T )
            item->IsSelectStateChanged( m_BlockLocate );

            if( !item->IsSelected() )
            {   // This is a special case:
                // this selected wire has no ends in block.
                // But it was selected (because it intersects the selecting area),
                // so we must keep it selected and select items connected to it
                // Note: an other option could be: remove it from drag list
                item->SetFlags( SELECTED | SKIP_STRUCT );
                std::vector< wxPoint > connections;
                item->GetConnectionPoints( connections );

                for( size_t i = 0; i < connections.size(); i++ )
                    addConnectedItemsToBlock( connections[i] );

            pickedlist->SetPickerFlags( item->GetFlags(), ii );
        else if( item->IsConnectable() )
            std::vector< wxPoint > connections;

            item->GetConnectionPoints( connections );

            for( size_t jj = 0; jj < connections.size(); jj++ )
                addConnectedItemsToBlock( connections[jj] );

    m_BlockLocate.Inflate( -1 );
Exemplo n.º 2
void SCH_SCREEN::SelectBlockItems()
    auto addConnections = [ this ]( SCH_ITEM* item ) -> void
        std::vector< wxPoint > connections;
        item->GetConnectionPoints( connections );
        for( auto conn : connections )
            addConnectedItemsToBlock( item, conn );

    PICKED_ITEMS_LIST* pickedlist = &m_BlockLocate.GetItems();

    if( pickedlist->GetCount() == 0 )


    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < pickedlist->GetCount(); ii++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*) pickedlist->GetPickedItem( ii );
        item->SetFlags( SELECTED );

    if( !m_BlockLocate.IsDragging() )

    // Select all the items in the screen connected to the items in the block.
    // be sure end lines that are on the block limits are seen inside this block
    m_BlockLocate.Inflate( 1 );
    unsigned last_select_id = pickedlist->GetCount();

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < last_select_id; ii++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*)pickedlist->GetPickedItem( ii );
        item->SetFlags( IS_DRAGGED );

        if( item->Type() == SCH_LINE_T )
            item->IsSelectStateChanged( m_BlockLocate );

            if( !item->IsSelected() )
            {   // This is a special case:
                // this selected wire has no ends in block.
                // But it was selected (because it intersects the selecting area),
                // so we must keep it selected and select items connected to it
                // Note: an other option could be: remove it from drag list
                item->SetFlags( SELECTED | SKIP_STRUCT );
                addConnections( item );

            pickedlist->SetPickerFlags( item->GetFlags(), ii );
        else if( item->IsConnectable() )
            addConnections( item );

    // Select the items that are connected to a block object that was added
    // to our selection list in the last step.
    for( unsigned ii = last_select_id; ii < pickedlist->GetCount(); ii++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*)pickedlist->GetPickedItem( ii );

        if( item->Type() == SCH_COMPONENT_T ||
                item->Type() == SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY_T ||
                item->Type() == SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY_T ||
                item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T ||
                ( item->Type() == SCH_LINE_T && !( item->GetFlags() & ( ENDPOINT | STARTPOINT ) ) ) )
            item->SetFlags( IS_DRAGGED );
            addConnections( item );

    m_BlockLocate.Inflate( -1 );