UnitsEditPage::UnitsEditPage( UnitsEditDialog *dialog, int rows, const QString &pictureFile, const QString &pictureName, const QString &htmlFile, const char *name ) : AppPage( dialog, pictureFile, pictureName, htmlFile, name ), m_dialog(dialog), m_frame(0), m_grid(0), m_editList(0) { // Hidden frame to contain a grid layout. m_frame = new QFrame( m_contentFrame, QString( "%1:Frame" ).arg( name ) ); Q_CHECK_PTR( m_frame ); m_frame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); // Create grid layout with rows+1 rows, 3 columns, 0 border, and 2 spacing. //int rows = 20; m_grid = new QGridLayout( m_frame, rows, 3, 0, 2, QString( "%1:Grid" ).arg( name ) ); Q_CHECK_PTR( m_grid ); // Create the page's UnitsEdit list m_editList = new QPtrList<UnitsEdit>(); Q_CHECK_PTR( m_editList ); // We do want to delete the UnitsEdit's when this class is destroyed. m_editList->setAutoDelete( true ); // Add captions addHeaders(); return; }
void createOutputCode(char* filename){ FILE *file = fopen(filename, "w"); if(! file){ printf("Fatal error while creating output C file.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } addHeaders(file); declareGlobalVariables(file); declareReadDFAsFunction(file); declareNoActionFunction(file); declareFillTokensFunction(file); declareFillActionsFunction(file); declareGetNextStateFunction(file); declareGetSizeOfAcceptedInputFunction(file); declareGetGreatestFunction(file); declareUpdateLexemeFunction(file); declareGetFirstNCharsFunction(file); declareGetNewInputFunction(file); declareLexerFunction(file); declareMain(file); fclose(file); }
static JSObjectRef scriptObjectForResponse(JSContextRef context, const InspectorResource* resource) { ASSERT_ARG(context, context); JSObjectRef object = JSObjectMake(context, 0, 0); addHeaders(context, object, resource->responseHeaderFields); return object; }
void CurlDownload::init(CurlDownloadListener* listener, ResourceHandle*, const ResourceRequest& request, const ResourceResponse&) { if (!listener) return; URL url(ParsedURLString, request.url()); init(listener, url); addHeaders(request); }
int DataPreprocessor::addIndicators(string fileName) { ifstream inputStream; inputStream.open(fileName); ofstream outputStream; outputStream.open(fileName + string("_preprocessed.csv")); if (inputStream.is_open() && outputStream.is_open()) { int closePriceIndex = 4; int volumeIndex = 5; int storedPricesCount = 200; closePrices = list<double>(); string token; string line; istringstream ss; int i; getline(inputStream, line); addHeaders(line, indicators, outputStream); while (getline(inputStream, line)) { ss = istringstream(line); i = 0; outputStream << line; while (getline(ss, token, ',')) { if (i == closePriceIndex) { if (closePrices.size() == storedPricesCount) { closePrices.pop_front(); } closePrices.push_back(stod(token)); } i++; } addIndicatorValues(outputStream); } return 0; } else { return -1; } }
void HttpInterface::evSubscribe(HttpRequest* req, strings& args) { // eventSubscriptions[conn] is an unordered set of strings if (args.size() == 1) eventSubscriptions[req].insert("*"); else for (strings::iterator i = args.begin()+1; i != args.end(); ++i) eventSubscriptions[req].insert(*i); strings headers; headers.push_back("Content-Type: text/event-stream"); headers.push_back("Cache-Control: no-cache"); headers.push_back("Connection: keep-alive"); addHeaders(req, headers); appendResponse(req,200,true,""); // connection must stay open! }
void Server::sendHeaders(Context *ctx) { addHeaders(ctx); ctx->response()->sendHeaders(); }