Exemplo n.º 1
void GfuiApplication::initialize(bool bLoggingEnabled, int argc, char **argv)
	// Base initialization first.
	GfApplication::initialize(bLoggingEnabled, argc, argv);
	// Register command line options.
	registerOption("m", "hardmouse", /* nHasValue = */ false);
	// Help about these options.
	addOptionsHelpExplainLine("- hardmouse : Use hardware mouse cursor");
Exemplo n.º 2
void Application::initialize(bool bLoggingEnabled, int argc, char **argv)
	// Base initialization first.
	GfApplication::initialize(bLoggingEnabled, argc, argv);
	// Specific options.
	registerOption("c", "category", /* nHasValue = */ true);
	registerOption("n", "name", /* nHasValue = */ true);
	registerOption("b", "bump", /* nHasValue = */ false);
	registerOption("B", "noborder", /* nHasValue = */ false);
	registerOption("a", "all", /* nHasValue = */ false);
	registerOption("z", "calc", /* nHasValue = */ false);
	registerOption("s", "split", /* nHasValue = */ false);
	registerOption("S", "splitall", /* nHasValue = */ false);
	registerOption("E", "saveelev", /* nHasValue = */ true);
	registerOption("H", "height4", /* nHasValue = */ true);

	// Help on specific options.
	addOptionsHelpSyntaxLine("-c|--category <cat> -n|--name <name> [-b|bump] [-B|--noborder]");
	addOptionsHelpSyntaxLine("[-a|--all] [-z|--calc] [-s|split] [-S|splitall]");
	addOptionsHelpSyntaxLine("[-E|--saveelev <#ef> [-H|height4 <#hs>]]");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("<cat>    : track category (road, speedway, dirt...)");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("<name>   : track name");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("bump     : draw bump track");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("noborder : don't use terrain border "
							  "(relief supplied int clockwise, ext CC)");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("all      : draw all (default is track only)");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("calc     : only calculate track parameters and exit");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("split    : split the track and the terrain");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("splitall : split all");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("<#ef>    : # of the elevation file to save");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("  0: all elevation files");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("  1: elevation file of terrain + track");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("  2: elevation file of terrain with track white");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("  3: track only");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("  4: track elevations with height steps");
    addOptionsHelpExplainLine("<#hs> : nb of height steps for 4th elevation file [30]");