Exemplo n.º 1
 * clauselist_selectivity -
 *	  Compute the selectivity of an implicitly-ANDed list of boolean
 *	  expression clauses.  The list can be empty, in which case 1.0
 *	  must be returned.  List elements may be either RestrictInfos
 *	  or bare expression clauses --- the former is preferred since
 *	  it allows caching of results.
 * See clause_selectivity() for the meaning of the additional parameters.
 * Our basic approach is to take the product of the selectivities of the
 * subclauses.  However, that's only right if the subclauses have independent
 * probabilities, and in reality they are often NOT independent.  So,
 * we want to be smarter where we can.

 * Currently, the only extra smarts we have is to recognize "range queries",
 * such as "x > 34 AND x < 42".  Clauses are recognized as possible range
 * query components if they are restriction opclauses whose operators have
 * scalarltsel() or scalargtsel() as their restriction selectivity estimator.
 * We pair up clauses of this form that refer to the same variable.  An
 * unpairable clause of this kind is simply multiplied into the selectivity
 * product in the normal way.  But when we find a pair, we know that the
 * selectivities represent the relative positions of the low and high bounds
 * within the column's range, so instead of figuring the selectivity as
 * hisel * losel, we can figure it as hisel + losel - 1.  (To visualize this,
 * see that hisel is the fraction of the range below the high bound, while
 * losel is the fraction above the low bound; so hisel can be interpreted
 * directly as a 0..1 value but we need to convert losel to 1-losel before
 * interpreting it as a value.  Then the available range is 1-losel to hisel.
 * However, this calculation double-excludes nulls, so really we need
 * hisel + losel + null_frac - 1.)
 * If either selectivity is exactly DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL, we forget this equation
 * and instead use DEFAULT_RANGE_INEQ_SEL.  The same applies if the equation
 * yields an impossible (negative) result.
 * A free side-effect is that we can recognize redundant inequalities such
 * as "x < 4 AND x < 5"; only the tighter constraint will be counted.
 * Of course this is all very dependent on the behavior of
 * scalarltsel/scalargtsel; perhaps some day we can generalize the approach.
clauselist_selectivity(PlannerInfo *root,
					   List *clauses,
					   int varRelid,
					   JoinType jointype,
					   SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo,
					   bool use_damping)
	Selectivity s1 = 1.0;
	Selectivity *rgsel = NULL;
	RangeQueryClause *rqlist = NULL;
	ListCell   *l;

	int pos = 0;
	int i = 0;

	/* allocate array to hold all selectivity factors */
	rgsel = (Selectivity *) palloc(sizeof(Selectivity) * list_length(clauses));

	 * If there's exactly one clause, then no use in trying to match up pairs,
	 * so just go directly to clause_selectivity().
	if (list_length(clauses) == 1)
		return clause_selectivity(root, (Node *) linitial(clauses),
								  varRelid, jointype, sjinfo, use_damping);

	 * Initial scan over clauses.  Anything that doesn't look like a potential
	 * rangequery clause gets directly added as selectivity factor. Anything that
	 * does gets inserted into an rqlist entry.
	foreach(l, clauses)
		Node	   *clause = (Node *) lfirst(l);
		RestrictInfo *rinfo;
		Selectivity s2;

		/* Always compute the selectivity using clause_selectivity */
		s2 = clause_selectivity(root, clause, varRelid, jointype, sjinfo, use_damping);

		 * Check for being passed a RestrictInfo.
		 * If it's a pseudoconstant RestrictInfo, then s2 is either 1.0 or
		 * 0.0; just use that rather than looking for range pairs.
		if (IsA(clause, RestrictInfo))
			rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) clause;
			if (rinfo->pseudoconstant)
				rgsel[pos++] = s2;
			clause = (Node *) rinfo->clause;
			rinfo = NULL;

		 * See if it looks like a restriction clause with a pseudoconstant on
		 * one side.  (Anything more complicated than that might not behave in
		 * the simple way we are expecting.)  Most of the tests here can be
		 * done more efficiently with rinfo than without.
		if (is_opclause(clause) && list_length(((OpExpr *) clause)->args) == 2)
			OpExpr	   *expr = (OpExpr *) clause;
			bool		varonleft = true;
			bool		ok;

			if (rinfo)
				ok = (bms_membership(rinfo->clause_relids) == BMS_SINGLETON) &&
													  rinfo->right_relids) ||
					 (varonleft = false,
				ok = (NumRelids(clause) == 1) &&
					(is_pseudo_constant_clause(lsecond(expr->args)) ||
					 (varonleft = false,

			if (ok)
				 * If it's not a "<" or ">" operator, just merge the
				 * selectivity in generically.  But if it's the right oprrest,
				 * add the clause to rqlist for later processing.
				switch (get_oprrest(expr->opno))
					case F_SCALARLTSEL:
						addRangeClause(&rqlist, clause,
									   varonleft, true, s2);
					case F_SCALARGTSEL:
						addRangeClause(&rqlist, clause,
									   varonleft, false, s2);
						/* Just merge the selectivity in generically */
						rgsel[pos++] = s2;
				continue;		/* drop to loop bottom */

		/* Not the right form, so treat it generically. */
		rgsel[pos++] = s2;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * clauselist_selectivity -
 *	  Compute the selectivity of an implicitly-ANDed list of boolean
 *	  expression clauses.  The list can be empty, in which case 1.0
 *	  must be returned.
 * See clause_selectivity() for the meaning of the additional parameters.
 * Our basic approach is to take the product of the selectivities of the
 * subclauses.	However, that's only right if the subclauses have independent
 * probabilities, and in reality they are often NOT independent.  So,
 * we want to be smarter where we can.

 * Currently, the only extra smarts we have is to recognize "range queries",
 * such as "x > 34 AND x < 42".  Clauses are recognized as possible range
 * query components if they are restriction opclauses whose operators have
 * scalarltsel() or scalargtsel() as their restriction selectivity estimator.
 * We pair up clauses of this form that refer to the same variable.  An
 * unpairable clause of this kind is simply multiplied into the selectivity
 * product in the normal way.  But when we find a pair, we know that the
 * selectivities represent the relative positions of the low and high bounds
 * within the column's range, so instead of figuring the selectivity as
 * hisel * losel, we can figure it as hisel + losel - 1.  (To visualize this,
 * see that hisel is the fraction of the range below the high bound, while
 * losel is the fraction above the low bound; so hisel can be interpreted
 * directly as a 0..1 value but we need to convert losel to 1-losel before
 * interpreting it as a value.	Then the available range is 1-losel to hisel.
 * However, this calculation double-excludes nulls, so really we need
 * hisel + losel + null_frac - 1.)
 * If the calculation yields zero or negative, however, we chicken out and
 * use a default estimate; that probably means that one or both
 * selectivities is a default estimate rather than an actual range value.
 * Of course this is all very dependent on the behavior of
 * scalarltsel/scalargtsel; perhaps some day we can generalize the approach.
clauselist_selectivity(Query *root,
					   List *clauses,
					   int varRelid,
					   JoinType jointype)
	Selectivity s1 = 1.0;
	RangeQueryClause *rqlist = NULL;
	List	   *clist;

	 * Initial scan over clauses.  Anything that doesn't look like a
	 * potential rangequery clause gets multiplied into s1 and forgotten.
	 * Anything that does gets inserted into an rqlist entry.
	foreach(clist, clauses)
		Node	   *clause = (Node *) lfirst(clist);
		Selectivity s2;

		 * See if it looks like a restriction clause with a pseudoconstant
		 * on one side.  (Anything more complicated than that might not
		 * behave in the simple way we are expecting.)
		 * NB: for consistency of results, this fragment of code had better
		 * match what clause_selectivity() would do in the cases it
		 * handles.
		if (is_opclause(clause) &&
			(varRelid != 0 || NumRelids(clause) == 1))
			OpExpr	   *expr = (OpExpr *) clause;

			if (length(expr->args) == 2)
				bool		varonleft = true;

				if (is_pseudo_constant_clause(lsecond(expr->args)) ||
					(varonleft = false,
					Oid			opno = expr->opno;
					RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(opno);

					s2 = restriction_selectivity(root, opno,
												 expr->args, varRelid);

					 * If we reach here, we have computed the same result
					 * that clause_selectivity would, so we can just use
					 * s2 if it's the wrong oprrest.  But if it's the
					 * right oprrest, add the clause to rqlist for later
					 * processing.
					switch (oprrest)
						case F_SCALARLTSEL:
							addRangeClause(&rqlist, clause,
										   varonleft, true, s2);
						case F_SCALARGTSEL:
							addRangeClause(&rqlist, clause,
										   varonleft, false, s2);
							/* Just merge the selectivity in generically */
							s1 = s1 * s2;
					continue;	/* drop to loop bottom */
		/* Not the right form, so treat it generically. */
		s2 = clause_selectivity(root, clause, varRelid, jointype);
		s1 = s1 * s2;