Exemplo n.º 1
/** The driver_wait function to work out if we have used more time then available to process one cycle.
    This is written once for either timespec (HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) or jack_time_t, see the unified_jack_time.h file.

    This function manages the time now and the next expected time to return. The return happens once per block of time (period_size).

    The general idea of *_driver_wait is to do the following :
    a] Mark the time now if this is the first time through or if an overrun previously happened.
    b] If an overrun is detected (we have exceeded the maximum time held in our audio buffers) then indicate.
    c] If we are late but not dangerously, then keep going.
    d] If we are early then sleep a little to allow clients enough time to process.

    The effect of 'c]' and 'd]' is to create time pumping. Theoretically we will always be either a little over or under time, and it will be difficult to match audio block
    time exactly. This doesn't matter if the time pumping is a small fraction of our block time. This means that the clients will have slightly more or less then audio block
    time to process.
static jack_nframes_t iio_driver_wait(iio_driver_t *driver, int extra_fd, int *status, float *delayed_usecs) {
	jack_nframes_t nframes = driver->period_size;
    *delayed_usecs = 0;
    *status = 0;

    timeType now; getNow(&now); // the time right now

	if (compareTimesLt(NEXT_TIME, now)) { // NEXT_TIME < now  ... this is a problem as the next time should be >= now
        //printf("iio_driver_wait NOT good\n");
        if (compareTimeZero(NEXT_TIME)) { /* first time through */
            //DebuggerLocal<<"iio_driver_first time - OK\n";
            //printf("first time through\n\n\n");
			getNow(&NEXT_TIME); // reset the next time to now, will be incremented later
        } else if (timeDiffUsComp(now, driver->next_wakeup, driver->maxDelayUSecs)) { /* xrun = (now - NEXT_TIME) > maxDelayTime */
            ////Debugger<<"NEXT_TIME "<<NEXT_TIME<<" now "<<now<<endl;
            jack_error("**** iio: xrun of %ju usec", timeDiffUs(now, NEXT_TIME));
            nframes=0; // indicated the xrun
            zeroTime(&NEXT_TIME);  // reset the next time to zero because of the overrun, we don't know when to start again.
            //*status=-1; // xruns are fatal
        } else /* late, but handled by our "buffer" */
	} else { // now sleep to ensure we give the clients enough time to process
        *status = nanoSleep(NEXT_TIME, delayed_usecs);
        //printf("iio_driver_wait all good\n");

    if (nframes!=0) // if there is no xrun, then indicate the next expected time to land in this funciton.
        NEXT_TIME=addTimes(NEXT_TIME, driver->wait_time);

	driver->last_wait_ust = driver->engine->get_microseconds ();
	driver->engine->transport_cycle_start (driver->engine, driver->last_wait_ust);

	return nframes;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main() {

	Time t1(6, 30);
	Time t2(8, 51);

	bool isGreaterThan = greaterThan(t1, t2);
	if (isGreaterThan) cout << "t1 > t2: TRUE" << endl;
	else cout << "t1 > t2: FALSE" << endl;

	bool isLessThan = lessThan(t1, t2);
	if (isLessThan) cout << "t1 < t2: TRUE" << endl;
	else cout << "t1 < t2: FALSE" << endl;

	bool isEqual = equals(t1, t2);
	if (isEqual) cout << "t1 = t2: TRUE" << endl;
	else cout << "t1 = t2: FALSE" << endl;

	Time t3 = addTimes(t1, t2);
	cout << "t3 - minutes: " << t3.getMinutes() << " seconds: " << t3.getSeconds() << endl;

	Time t4 = subtractTimes(t1, t2);
	cout << "t4 - minutes: " << t4.getMinutes() << " seconds: " << t4.getSeconds() << endl;

	return 0;
ULONGLONG CpuUsage::getProcessNonIdleTimes()
    FILETIME ftProcCreation, ftProcExit, ftProcKernel, ftProcUser;

    if (!GetProcessTimes(m_hProcess, &ftProcCreation, &ftProcExit, &ftProcKernel, &ftProcUser) && false)
        return 0;

    return addTimes(ftProcKernel, ftProcUser);
ULONGLONG CpuUsage::getSystemNonIdleTimes()
    FILETIME ftSysIdle, ftSysKernel, ftSysUser;

    if (!GetSystemTimes(&ftSysIdle, &ftSysKernel, &ftSysUser))
        return 0;

    return addTimes(ftSysKernel, ftSysUser);
Exemplo n.º 5
int main( int args, char **argc )
	int i;
	double radii[4]    =  { 1, 4.657, 10, 42 };
	int moneyValues[4] =  { 20, 79, 10, 42 };
	int times[3][2]    = {{ 1045, 345 },
			      { 800, 435 },
			      { 2300, 300 }};

	for( i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) {
		if( i%4 == 0 ) printf( "\n" );

		// Execution of part 1
		if( i < 4 ) printf( "The volume for a sphere with radius %g is %3.7f\n", radii[i], volumeForRadius( radii[i] ));
		// Execution of part 2
		if( i > 3 && i < 8 ) getChange( moneyValues[i%4]);
		// Execution of part 3
		if( i > 7 ) printf( "Start time is %d. Duration is %d. End time is %d\n", times[i%4][START], times[i%4][DURATION], addTimes( times[i%4][START], times[i%4][DURATION] )); 