int closest (struct surface *current_surface, struct leaf *lf, double pnt[3]) { int j, k, jmin, nch; double dmin; double dta[MAXPA]; double several_centers[MAXPA][3], several_radii[MAXPA]; struct cept *ex; if (lf -> type == SPHERE && lf -> shape == CONVEX) nch = 1; else if (lf -> shape == SADDLE) nch = 2; else if (lf -> type == SPHERE && lf -> shape == CONCAVE) nch = 3; else if (lf -> type == CYLINDER) nch = 2; else if (lf -> type == TORUS && lf -> shape == CONVEX) nch = 1; else { ex = new_cept (LOGIC_ERROR, NOT_FOUND, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "closest"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_long (ex, "leaf type", (long) lf -> type); add_long (ex, "leaf shape", (long) lf -> shape); return(0); } if (nch <= 1) return (lf -> atmnum[0]); if (lf -> atmnum[3] > 0) nch = 4; for (j = 0; j < nch; j++) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) several_centers[j][k] = *(current_surface -> atom_centers + 3 * (lf -> atmnum[j] - 1) + k); several_radii[j] = *(current_surface -> atom_radii + (lf -> atmnum[j] - 1)); } /* find closest atom */ for (j = 0; j < nch; j++) dta[j] = distance (pnt, several_centers[j]) - several_radii[j]; /* initialization */ dmin = 1000000.0; jmin = -1; for (j = 0; j < nch; j++) if (dta[j] < dmin) { dmin = dta[j]; jmin = j; } if (jmin < 0 || jmin >= nch) { ex = new_cept (LOGIC_ERROR, NOT_FOUND, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "closest"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_message (ex, "cannot find closest atom"); return (0); } return (lf -> atmnum[jmin]); }
Element:: Element (::XSCRT::XML::Element< wchar_t > const& e) :Base (e), regulator__ () { ::XSCRT::Parser< wchar_t > p (e); while (p.more_elements ()) { ::XSCRT::XML::Element< wchar_t > e (p.next_element ()); ::std::basic_string< wchar_t > n (::XSCRT::XML::uq_name ( ())); if (n == L"value") { ::XMLSchema::string< wchar_t >::_ptr t (new ::XMLSchema::string< wchar_t > (e)); add_value (t); } else if (n == L"long") { ::XMLSchema::long_::_ptr t (new ::XMLSchema::long_ (e)); add_long (t); } else if (n == L"el") { ::Recursive::Element::_ptr t (new ::Recursive::Element (e)); add_el (t); } else { } } }
void breakpoint_Relocation::set_target(address x) { assert(settable(), "must be settable"); jint target_bits = (jint)internal() ? scaled_offset (x) : runtime_address_to_index(x); short* p = &live_bits() + 1; add_long(p, target_bits); assert(p == instrs(), "new target must fit"); _target = x; }
static void create() { ::create(); set_race("fly"); set_name("fly"); add_long("It is flying around in circles."); scale_level(1, 3); scale_dex(8, 10); scale_ac(0, 2); scale_wc(1, 2); set_al(0); setmin("flies in"); setmout("flies"); add_property("unarmed_damage_type",({ "blunt" }));
static void create() { ::create(); set_name("skeleton"); add_long("It is tattered with dried flesh."); scale_level(14, 17); scale_hp(250, 325); scale_wc(28, 32); scale_ac(4, 7); set_al(-500); set_aggressive(1); setmin("stumbles in"); setmout("stumbles"); add_money(random(600)); add_property("unarmed_damage_type", ({ "claw", "bite" }));
void render_surface (struct msscene *ms, struct surface *current_surface) { int is_vdw, type; double fine_pixel; char message[MAXLINE]; struct face *fac; struct variety *vty; struct cept *ex; fine_pixel = ms -> pixel_width / ms -> fineness; is_vdw = (current_surface -> type == PQMS_SURFACE && current_surface -> probe_radius <= 0.0); for (fac = current_surface -> head_face; fac != NULL; fac = fac -> next) { vty = fac -> vty; if (fac -> problem) { sprintf (message,"skip problem face of atoms %5d %5d %5d %5d", vty -> atmnum[0], vty -> atmnum[1], vty -> atmnum[2], vty -> atmnum[3]); inform(message); continue; } if (is_vdw && (fac -> shape == CONCAVE || fac -> shape == SADDLE)) continue; type = (int) vty -> type; switch (type) { case SPHERE: slice_sphere (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, fac); break; case TORUS: slice_torus (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, current_surface -> probe_radius, fac); break; case CYLINDER: slice_cylinder (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, fac); break; default: ex = new_cept (ENUM_ERROR, INVALID_VALUE, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "render_surface"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_long (ex, "variety type", (long) type); return; } if (error()) return; } }
int breakpoint_Relocation::pack_data() { short* p = data(); assert(p == &live_bits(), "initializing live_bits"); *p++ = _bits; jint target_bits = (jint) internal() ? scaled_offset (_target) : runtime_address_to_index(_target); if (settable()) { // save space for set_target later add_long(p, target_bits); } else { add_int (p, target_bits); } for (int i = 0; i < instrlen(); i++) { add_short(p, (short)0x7777); // placeholder value until bytes can be saved } return p - data(); }
/* * Put a simple element (basic class) onto a dialog template in memory. * return a pointer to where the next item should be added. * * parameters: * lStyle = additional style flags * x,y = x & y positions IN DIALOG UNITS * w,h = width and height IN DIALOG UNITS * Id = ID used in messages * clss = class ID, e.g 0x80 for a button, 0x82 for a static * caption = usually text or resource name * * TODO: use the length information noted here to enable the dialog creation * routines to work out more exactly how much memory they need to alloc. */ static LPWORD add_dialog_element( LPWORD p, DWORD lStyle, WORD x, WORD y, WORD w, WORD h, WORD Id, BYTE clss, const char *caption) { lStyle = lStyle | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD; add_word(x); add_word(y); add_word(w); add_word(h); add_word(Id); add_long(lStyle); add_byte(clss); if (((lStyle & SS_ICON) != 0) && (clss == 0x82)) { /* Use resource ID */ add_byte(0xff); add_byte(*caption); } else add_string(caption); add_byte(0); //# of extra bytes following return p; }
/* create tori */ void create_tori (struct surface *this_srf) { int k; long n_pair; double root1, root2, distance12, squared_distance12; double radius1, radius2, torus_radius; double axis[3]; double *sphere1_center, *sphere2_center; char message[MAXLINE]; struct sphere *sphere1, *sphere2; struct neighbor *first_neighbor, *last_neighbor, *neighbor; struct neighbor *first_neighbor2, *last_neighbor2, *neighbor2; struct pair *pair_ptr; struct cept *ex; if (this_srf -> n_pair <= 0) return; /* initialize to tmp tor array beginning */ pair_ptr = this_srf -> pair_array; n_pair = 0; /* loop through sphere list */ for (sphere1 = (struct sphere *) (this_srf -> head_atom); sphere1 != NULL; sphere1 = sphere1 -> next) { if ((first_neighbor = sphere1 -> first_neighbor) == NULL) continue; last_neighbor = sphere1 -> last_neighbor; /* transfer info to local variables */ sphere1_center = sphere1 -> center; radius1 = sphere1 -> radius; /* loop through neighbors of this sphere */ for (neighbor = first_neighbor; neighbor <= last_neighbor; neighbor++) { sphere2 = neighbor -> sphptr; if (sphere1 >= sphere2) continue; /* no duplication */ /* transfer info to local variables */ sphere2_center = sphere2 -> center; radius2 = sphere2 -> radius; /* geometric computations for torus */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) axis[k] = *(sphere2_center + k) - *(sphere1_center + k); distance12 = norm (axis); if (distance12 <= 0.0) { ex = new_cept (GEOMETRY_ERROR, DEGENERACY, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "create_tori"); add_source (ex, "mstorus.c"); add_message (ex, "coincident atoms"); add_atom (ex, sphere1); add_atom (ex, sphere2); return; } squared_distance12 = distance12 * distance12; if (squared_distance12 <= 0.0) { ex = new_cept (GEOMETRY_ERROR, DEGENERACY, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "create_tori"); add_source (ex, "mstorus.c"); add_message (ex, "coincident atoms"); add_atom (ex, sphere1); add_atom (ex, sphere2); return; } root1 = (radius1 + radius2 + 2 * this_srf -> probe_radius) * (radius1 + radius2 + 2 * this_srf -> probe_radius) - squared_distance12; if (root1 < 0.0) continue; /* sphere too far away */ root1 = sqrt (root1); root2 = squared_distance12 - (radius1 - radius2) * (radius1 - radius2); if (root2 < 0.0) continue; /* one sphere inside other */ root2 = sqrt (root2); torus_radius = 0.5 * root1 * root2 / distance12; if (torus_radius <= 0.0) continue; /* store pointer for torus in first spheres list */ neighbor -> torptr = pair_ptr; /* store pointer for torus in second spheres list */ first_neighbor2 = sphere2 -> first_neighbor; last_neighbor2 = sphere2 -> last_neighbor; for (neighbor2 = first_neighbor2; neighbor2 <= last_neighbor2; neighbor2++) if (neighbor2 -> sphptr == sphere1) { neighbor2 -> torptr = pair_ptr; break; } pair_ptr -> free = TRUE; pair_ptr -> buried = TRUE; pair_ptr -> sph[0] = sphere1; pair_ptr -> sph[1] = sphere2; pair_ptr++; n_pair = pair_ptr - this_srf -> pair_array; if (n_pair > this_srf -> n_pair) { ex = new_cept (LOGIC_ERROR, INCONSISTENCY, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "create_tori"); add_source (ex, "mstorus.c"); add_long (ex, "before", this_srf -> n_pair); add_long (ex, "after", n_pair); add_message (ex, "inconsistent number of neighbors"); return; } } } this_srf -> n_pair = n_pair; sprintf (message, "%8ld neighbor pairs", n_pair); inform (message); return; }
/* regular saddle surfaces for this torus */ void regular_saddle (struct surface *this_srf, struct torus *torus_ptr) { int k, n_torus_arcs, arc_index; int index0, index1; struct arc *arc1, *arc2; struct circle *circle1, *circle2; double circle_points[MAX_SORT][3]; double point_vector1[3]; double point_vector2[3]; short arc_orn[MAX_SORT]; short indices[MAX_SORT]; struct arc **arc_list, **arc_hdl; double wrap_angle; struct cept *ex; /* set up circles */ circle1 = new_contact_circle (this_srf, torus_ptr, 0); if (error()) return; circle2 = new_contact_circle (this_srf, torus_ptr, 1); if (error()) return; /* count arcs belonging to torus */ n_torus_arcs = 0; for (arc1 = torus_ptr -> first_arc; arc1 != NULL; arc1 = arc1 -> next) n_torus_arcs++; if (n_torus_arcs <= 0) return; /* must be even */ if (0 != n_torus_arcs % 2) { ex = new_cept (GEOMETRY_ERROR, INCONSISTENCY, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "regular_saddle"); add_source (ex, "msface.c"); add_long (ex, "n_torus_arcs", n_torus_arcs); add_atom (ex, torus_ptr -> atm[0]); add_atom (ex, torus_ptr -> atm[1]); add_message (ex, "odd number of torus arcs"); return; } if (n_torus_arcs > MAX_SORT) { ex = new_cept (GEOMETRY_ERROR, MSOVERFLOW, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "regular_saddle"); add_source (ex, "msface.c"); add_long (ex, "n_torus_arcs", n_torus_arcs); add_long (ex, "MAX_SORT", MAX_SORT); add_atom (ex, torus_ptr -> atm[0]); add_atom (ex, torus_ptr -> atm[1]); return; } /* allocate memory */ arc_list = (struct arc **) allocate_pointers (ARC, n_torus_arcs); if (arc_list == NULL) { ex = new_cept (MEMORY_ERROR, ALLOCATION, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "regular_saddle"); add_source (ex, "msface.c"); add_atom (ex, torus_ptr -> atm[0]); add_atom (ex, torus_ptr -> atm[1]); return; } /* set up torus arc pointer list */ for (arc1 = torus_ptr -> first_arc, arc_index = 0; arc_index < n_torus_arcs; arc1 = arc1 -> next, arc_index++) { arc_hdl = arc_list + arc_index; *arc_hdl = arc1; /* pointer to arc */ } setup_torus_arcs (torus_ptr -> axis, n_torus_arcs, arc_list, circle_points, arc_orn); if (error()) return; sort_points (torus_ptr -> center, torus_ptr -> radius, torus_ptr -> axis, n_torus_arcs, circle_points, arc_orn, indices); if (error()) return; for (arc_index = 0; arc_index < n_torus_arcs; arc_index += 2) { index0 = indices[arc_index]; arc_hdl = arc_list + index0; arc1 = *arc_hdl; index1 = indices[arc_index+1]; arc_hdl = arc_list + index1; arc2 = *arc_hdl; /* compute saddle wrap angle */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { point_vector1[k] = (circle_points[index0][k] - torus_ptr -> center[k]) / torus_ptr -> radius; point_vector2[k] = (circle_points[index1][k] - torus_ptr -> center[k]) / torus_ptr -> radius; } wrap_angle = positive_angle (point_vector1, point_vector2, torus_ptr -> axis); /* create saddle face */ newsad (this_srf, arc1, arc2, circle1, circle2, torus_ptr, wrap_angle); if (error()) return; } /* free temporary memory */ free_pointers (ARC, arc_list); }
void cut_leaf (struct msscene *ms, struct surface *current_surface, double fine_pixel, struct leaf *lf) { int j, k, n, nx, nw, orn, sgn, i, used0, used1, nused; double t, xsmin, sangle, fsgn; double base[3], xpnts[2][3], vect[3]; char message[MAXLINE]; struct circle *cir; struct arc *al, *a; struct variety *vty; struct face *fac; struct leaf *lfcut; struct lax *xsptr, *xsend, *xsp; struct cycle *cyc; struct edge *edg; struct lax laxes[MAX_LAX]; struct cept *ex; fac = lf -> fac; /* count number of edges for face */ n = 2 * edges_in_face (fac); /* if toroidal, no cutting */ if (fac -> shape == SADDLE || n <= 0) { /* clip and render leaf */ clip_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf); return; } /* determine sign (plus for convex, minus for concave) */ fsgn = ((lf -> shape == CONVEX) ? 1.0 : -1.0); /* create arc for leaf */ al = leaf_to_arc (lf); vty = fac -> vty; cir = lf -> cir; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) base[k] = lf -> ends[0][k] - cir -> center[k]; normalize (base); /* determine intersection points between leaf and arcs of face */ xsptr = &(laxes[0]); for (cyc = fac -> first_cycle; cyc != NULL; cyc = cyc -> next) for (edg = cyc -> first_edge; edg != NULL; edg = edg -> next) { a = edg -> arcptr; orn = edg -> orn; sgn = 1 - 2 * orn; /* call arc-arc intersection function */ nx = arc_arc (al, a, xpnts); if (nx <= 0) continue; /* no intersections */ /* fill data into list */ for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { if (xsptr - &(laxes[0]) >= n) { ex = new_cept (ARRAY_ERROR, MSOVERFLOW, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "cut_leaf"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_long (ex, "maximum number of leaf-arc intersections", n); return; } for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { xsptr -> co[k] = xpnts[i][k]; vect[k] = fsgn * (xsptr -> co[k] - vty -> center[k]); } t = sgn * triple_product (al -> cir -> axis, a -> cir -> axis, vect); xsptr -> ent = (t < 0); xsptr -> used = 0; xsptr++; } } xsend = xsptr; /* mark end of list of intersection points */ nx = xsend - &(laxes[0]); /* compute number of intersection points */ /* intersection parity error checking */ if ((lf -> where[0] == lf -> where[1]) == (nx % 2)) { /* parity check fails, flag leaf to check accessibility of every pixel of leaf */ ms -> n_bdy_parity++; lf -> cep = 1; clip_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf); lf -> cep = 0; frearc (al); return; } /* kludge to work around undiscovered bug for quartet cusps */ if (lf -> atmnum[3] != 0) { /* flag leaf to check accessibility of every pixel of leaf */ lf -> cep = 1; clip_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf); lf -> cep = 0; frearc (al); return; } /* check for no intersection points */ if (nx == 0) { if (lf -> where[0] == INACCESSIBLE) { /* entire leaf inaccessible: nothing to render */ /* free temporary memory */ frearc (al); return; } /* entire leaf accessible: render entire leaf */ clip_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf); if (error()) return; /* free temporary memory */ frearc (al); return; } /* calculate angles for transitions between accessible and inaccessible */ for (xsptr = &(laxes[0]); xsptr < xsend; xsptr++) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) vect[k] = xsptr -> co[k] - cir -> center[k]; normalize (vect); xsptr -> angle = positive_angle (base, vect, cir -> axis); } /* initialization */ used0 = 0; used1 = 0; nused = 0; nw = 0; /* count number of accessible endpoints of originial leaf */ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) if (lf -> where[j]) nw++; /* create new leaves */ while (nused < nx + nw) { /* get starting point */ if (!used0 && lf -> where[0] == ACCESSIBLE) { /* start at original endpoint */ used0 = 1; /* first originial endpoint used */ nused++; /* increment number used */ lfcut = duplicate_leaf (lf); /* duplicate leaf */ sangle = 0.0; /* starting angle */ } else { /* look for unused cut vertex */ xsmin = 4 * PI; xsp = NULL; for (xsptr = &(laxes[0]); xsptr < xsend; xsptr++) { if (xsptr -> used) continue; if (xsptr -> angle < xsmin) { xsmin = xsptr -> angle; xsp = xsptr; } } if (xsp == NULL) { if (lf -> where[1] == INACCESSIBLE) break; ms -> n_missing_leaves++; return; } if (!xsp -> ent) { ms -> n_missing_leaves++; return; } xsp -> used = 1; /* mark as used */ nused++; /* increment number used */ sangle = xsp -> angle; /* starting angle */ lfcut = duplicate_leaf (lf); /* duplicate leaf */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) lfcut -> ends[0][k] = xsp -> co[k]; } /* get ending point */ /* initialization */ xsmin = 4 * PI; xsp = NULL; for (xsptr = &(laxes[0]); xsptr < xsend; xsptr++) { if (xsptr -> used) continue; /* already used */ if (xsptr -> angle < sangle) continue; /* end after start */ if (xsptr -> angle < xsmin) { /* best so far, save */ xsmin = xsptr -> angle; xsp = xsptr; } } if (xsp == NULL) { if (used1 || lf -> where[1] == INACCESSIBLE) { ms -> n_missing_leaves++; return; } /* use East */ used1 = 1; /* mark East original endpoint used */ nused++; /* increment number used */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) lfcut -> ends[1][k] = lf -> ends[1][k]; } else { /* use cut point */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) lfcut -> ends[1][k] = xsp -> co[k]; xsp -> used = 1; /* mark as used */ nused++; /* increment number used */ } /* we have a cut leaf; clip and render leaf */ clip_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lfcut); free_leaf (lfcut); /* free temporary memory */ } /* free temporary memory */ frearc (al); return; }
void render_polyhedron (struct msscene *ms, struct surface *phn, double fine_pixel, long interpolate) { int j, k, check, comp, hue, f, atm; int orn0, orn1, orn2; long t; long n_back, n_clipped, n_rendered; int vclipped[3], vback; double tcen[3]; double trad; double tvertices[3][3]; double tnormals[4][3]; double tvalues[3]; char message[MAXLINE]; struct phnedg *edg0, *edg1, *edg2; struct phntri *tri; struct phnvtx *vtx, *vtxs[3]; struct cept *ex; n_back = 0; n_clipped = 0; n_rendered = 0; f = (phn -> function[0]); if (phn -> phntri_handles == NULL) return; for (t = 0; t < phn -> n_phntri; t++) { tri = num2phntri (phn, t+1); if (tri == NULL) { ex = new_cept (POINTER_ERROR, NULL_POINTER, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_object (ex, PHNTRI, "tri"); add_function (ex, "render_polyhedron"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); return; } for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) tcen[k] = tri -> center[k]; trad = tri -> radius; edg0 = tri -> edg[0]; edg1 = tri -> edg[1]; edg2 = tri -> edg[2]; orn0 = tri -> orn[0]; orn1 = tri -> orn[1]; orn2 = tri -> orn[2]; vtxs[0] = edg0 -> pvt[orn0]; vtxs[1] = edg1 -> pvt[orn1]; vtxs[2] = edg2 -> pvt[orn2]; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) tnormals[3][k] = tri -> axis[k]; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { vtx = vtxs[j]; if (f == 'x') tvalues[j] = vtx -> center[0]; else if (f == 'y') tvalues[j] = vtx -> center[1]; else if (f == 'z') tvalues[j] = vtx -> center[2]; else if (f == 'u') tvalues[j] = vtx -> values[0]; else if (f == 'v') tvalues[j] = vtx -> values[1]; else if (f == 'w') tvalues[j] = vtx -> values[2]; else tvalues[j] = vtx -> center[2]; /* default */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { tvertices[j][k] = vtx -> center[k]; tnormals[j][k] = vtx -> outward[k]; } /* check back-facing for triangle vertex normal */ /* check clipping for triangle vertex */ vclipped[j] = ms -> clipping && phn -> clipping && clipped (ms, tvertices[j]); } vback = (tnormals[3][2] < 0.0); if (ms -> clipping && phn -> clipping) { /* if all three vertices are clipped, triangle is clipped */ check = (vclipped[0] || vclipped[1] || vclipped[2]); if (vclipped[0] && vclipped[1] && vclipped[2]) { n_clipped++; continue; } } else { check = 0; /* no need to check triangle for being partially clipped */ /* if back-facing, skip triangle */ if (vback) { n_back++; continue; } } comp = tri -> comp; atm = tri -> atm; if (atm <= 0) { ex = new_cept (LOGIC_ERROR, BOUNDS, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "render_polyhedron"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_long (ex, "atm", (long) atm); add_message(ex, "invalid atom number for triangle"); return; } hue = tri -> hue; render_triangle (ms, phn, fine_pixel, interpolate, tcen, trad, tvertices, tnormals, tvalues, check, comp, hue, atm); if (error()) return; n_rendered++; } if (ms -> clipping && phn -> clipping) sprintf (message,"%8ld triangles rendered, %6ld clipped", n_rendered, n_clipped); else sprintf (message,"%8ld triangles rendered, %6ld back-facing", n_rendered, n_back); inform(message); }
void slice_sphere (struct msscene *ms, struct surface *current_surface, double fine_pixel, struct face *fac) { int k, j; double yinc, y, rad, fsgn; double cir_center[3], cir_axis[3]; char message[MAXLINE]; struct leaf *lf; struct circle *cir; struct variety *vty; struct cept *ex; vty = fac -> vty; if (vty -> type != SPHERE) { ex = new_cept (ENUM_ERROR, INVALID_VALUE, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "slice_sphere"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_long (ex, "variety type", (long) vty -> type); return; } /* check versus window */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { if (vty -> center[k] + vty -> radii[0] < ms -> window[0][k]) return; if (vty -> center[k] - vty -> radii[0] > ms -> window[1][k]) return; } /* plus one for convex; minus one for concave */ fsgn = ((fac -> shape == CONVEX) ? 1.0 : -1.0); /* set up circle for leaf */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { cir_center[k] = vty -> center[k]; cir_axis[k] = ((k == 1) ? fsgn : 0.0); } cir = new_circle (cir_center, (double) 0.0, cir_axis); if (cir == NULL) { add_object (tail_cept, CIRCLE, "leaf circle"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_sphere"); return; } lf = allocate_leaf (); if (lf == NULL) { add_object (tail_cept, LEAF, "leaf"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_sphere"); return; } /* copy atom number from variety to leaf */ for (j = 0; j < MAXPA; j++) lf -> atmnum[j] = fac -> vty -> atmnum[j]; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) lf -> focus[k] = vty -> center[k]; /* set up leaf fields */ lf -> cir = cir; lf -> shape = fac -> shape; lf -> type = fac -> vty -> type; lf -> fac = fac; lf -> side = OUTSIDE; lf -> comp = fac -> comp; lf -> input_hue = fac -> input_hue; /* y increment for lines of latitude on sphere */ yinc = fine_pixel; /* one leaf per line of latitude */ for (y = vty -> center[1] - vty -> radii[0] - yinc / 2; y < vty -> center[1] + vty -> radii[0]; y += yinc) { /* change circle center */ cir -> center[1] = y; /* radius of circle of latitude */ rad = (vty -> radii[0] * vty -> radii[0]) - (y - vty -> center[1]) * (y - vty -> center[1]); if (rad <= 0.0) continue; rad = sqrt (rad); if (rad <= 0.0) continue; cir -> radius = rad; /* leaf endpoints: west and east */ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) lf -> ends[j][k] = cir -> center[k]; lf -> ends[0][0] -= rad; lf -> ends[1][0] += rad; /* determine accessibility of endpoints of leaf */ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { lf -> where[j] = point_in_face (lf -> ends[j], fac, 1); if (lf -> where[j] < 0) { ms -> n_bad_projection++; lf -> where[j] = 0; } } /* cut, clip and render (outer) leaf */ lf -> cep = 0; lf -> clip_ep = 0; cut_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf); if (error()) return; if (current_surface -> clipping) { /* cut, clip and render (inner) leaf */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) cir -> axis[k] = ((k == 1) ? -fsgn : 0.0); lf -> cep = 0; lf -> clip_ep = 0; lf -> side = INSIDE; cut_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf); if (error()) return; /* reset what we changed */ lf -> side = OUTSIDE; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) cir -> axis[k] = ((k == 1) ? fsgn : 0.0); } } free_leaf (lf); free_circle (cir); return; }
void slice_elbow (struct msscene *ms, struct surface *current_surface, double fine_pixel, struct face *fac) { char message[MAXLINE]; struct leaf *lf; struct circle *lfcir, *torcir; struct arc *torarc; struct vertex *torvtx[2]; int i, j, k, nfocus, atmnum; double anginc, bigrad; double atmcen[3], ccens[2][3], cradii[2]; double focus[3], vect[3], z_axis[3], base[3]; struct variety *vty; double *foci; struct cept *ex; vty = fac -> vty; atmnum = vty -> atmnum[0]; if (debug >= 2) { sprintf (message,"render elbow face for atom %5d", atmnum); inform(message); } for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) atmcen[k] = *(current_surface -> atom_centers + 3 * (atmnum - 1) + k); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) cradii[j] = vty -> radii[1]; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { ccens[j][k] = vty -> ccens[j][k]; } bigrad = distance (atmcen, ccens[0]) + cradii[0]; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { if (atmcen[k] + bigrad < ms -> window[0][k]) return; if (atmcen[k] - bigrad > ms -> window[1][k]) return; } /* leaf circle */ lfcir = allocate_circle (); if (lfcir == NULL) { ex = new_cept (MEMORY_ERROR, ALLOCATION, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_object (ex, CIRCLE, "leaf circle"); add_function (ex, "slice_elbow"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); return; } /* leaf */ lf = allocate_leaf (); if (lf == NULL) { add_object (tail_cept, LEAF, "leaf"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_sphere"); return; } /* torus circle radius, center, axis */ torcir = new_circle (vty -> center, vty -> radii[0], vty -> axis); if (torcir == NULL) { add_object (tail_cept, CIRCLE, "torus circle"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_elbow"); return; } /* torus arc */ torarc = allocate_arc (); if (torarc == NULL) { add_object (tail_cept, ARC, "torus arc"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_elbow"); add_source (tail_cept, "msrender.c"); return; } for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { torvtx[j] = allocate_vertex (); if (error()) { add_object (tail_cept, VERTEX, "torus vertex"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_elbow"); add_source (tail_cept, "msrender.c"); return; } } /* set up leaf fields */ for (k = 0; k < MAXPA; k++) lf -> atmnum[k] = vty -> atmnum[k]; lf -> cir = lfcir; lf -> shape = CONVEX; /* to avoid reversing normal vector */ lf -> type = vty -> type; lf -> fac = fac; lf -> cep = 0; lf -> clip_ep = 0; lf -> side = OUTSIDE; lf -> comp = fac -> comp; lf -> input_hue = fac -> input_hue; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) lf -> where[j] = ACCESSIBLE; /* setup torus central circle for subdivision */ anginc = fine_pixel / ((vty -> radii[0] + cradii[0])); torcir -> radius = vty -> radii[0]; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { torcir -> center[k] = vty -> center[k]; torcir -> axis[k] = vty -> axis[k]; } torarc -> cir = torcir; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { torarc -> vtx[j] = torvtx[j]; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) torvtx[j] -> center[k] = ccens[j][k]; } foci = (double *) NULL; nfocus = render_sub_arc (torarc, &foci, anginc); if (nfocus < 2) { ex = new_cept (LOGIC_ERROR, MSUNDERFLOW, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "slice_elbow"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_long (ex, "number of foci", (long) nfocus); return; } /* create leaves */ for (i = 0; i < nfocus; i++) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { focus[k] = (*(foci + 3 * i + k)); lfcir -> center[k] = focus[k]; lf -> focus[k] = focus[k]; } lfcir -> radius = cradii[0]; /* compute tangent to torus central circle */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) vect[k] = focus[k] - vty -> center[k]; cross (vty -> axis, vect, lfcir -> axis); normalize (lfcir -> axis); for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) z_axis[k] = ((k == 2) ? 1.0 : 0.0); cross (lfcir -> axis, z_axis, base); if (norm (base) <= 0.0) { continue; } normalize (base); for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { lf -> ends[0][k] = lfcir -> center[k] - lfcir -> radius * base[k]; lf -> ends[1][k] = lfcir -> center[k] + lfcir -> radius * base[k]; } /* clip and render leaf */ clip_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf); if (error()) return; } free_doubles (foci, 0, VERTS); free_leaf (lf); free_arc (torarc); free_circle (torcir); free_circle (lfcir); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) free_vertex (torvtx[j]); }
void slice_torus (struct msscene *ms, struct surface *current_surface, double fine_pixel, double probe_radius, struct face *fac) { int k, j, i, nfocus, near1, naif; double anginc, bigrad; double focus[3], vect1[3], vect2[3], vect[3], qvect[3]; double dtq, tcv[3]; double *foci = (double *) NULL; char message[MAXLINE]; struct leaf *lf; struct circle *cir1, *cir2, *cir3; struct circle *lfcir, *torcir; struct variety *vty, *atm1, *atm2; struct arc *a, *nxta; struct arc *torarc; struct vertex *torvtx[2]; struct vertex *qvtx; struct vertex *conevtx; struct cycle *cyc; struct edge *edg; struct cept *ex; vty = fac -> vty; if (vty -> type != TORUS) { ex = new_cept (GEOMETRY_ERROR, INCONSISTENCY, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "slice_torus"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_long (ex, "variety type", (long) vty -> type); return; } if (vty -> tube) { slice_elbow (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, fac); return; } if (debug >= 2) { sprintf (message,"render saddle face for atoms %5d %5d", vty -> atmnum[0], vty -> atmnum[1]); inform(message); } /* get pointers to atom varieties */ atm1 = *(current_surface -> variety_handles + fac -> vty -> atmnum[0] - 1); atm2 = *(current_surface -> variety_handles + fac -> vty -> atmnum[1] - 1); /* check versus window */ bigrad = distance (atm1 -> center, atm2 -> center) + atm1 -> radii[0] + atm2 -> radii[0]; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { if (vty -> center[k] + bigrad < ms -> window[0][k]) return; if (vty -> center[k] - bigrad > ms -> window[1][k]) return; } /* leaf circle */ lfcir = allocate_circle (); if (error()) { add_object (tail_cept, CIRCLE, "leaf circle"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_torus"); return; } /* leaf */ lf = allocate_leaf (); if (error()) { add_object (tail_cept, LEAF, "leaf"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_sphere"); return; } /* torus circle radius, center, axis */ torcir = new_circle (vty -> center, vty -> radii[0], vty -> axis); if (torcir == NULL) { add_object (tail_cept, CIRCLE, "torus circle"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_circle"); return; } /* torus arc */ torarc = allocate_arc (); if (error()) { add_object (tail_cept, ARC, "torus arc"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_torus"); add_source (tail_cept, "msrender.c"); return; } for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { torvtx[j] = allocate_vertex (); if (error()) { add_object (tail_cept, VERTEX, "torus vertex"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_torus"); add_source (tail_cept, "msrender.c"); return; } } torarc -> cir = torcir; /* copy atom numbers from variety to leaf */ for (k = 0; k < MAXPA; k++) lf -> atmnum[k] = fac -> vty -> atmnum[k]; /* set up leaf fields */ lf -> cir = lfcir; lf -> shape = fac -> shape; lf -> type = fac -> vty -> type; lf -> fac = fac; lf -> cep = 0; lf -> clip_ep = 0; lf -> side = OUTSIDE; lf -> comp = fac -> comp; lf -> input_hue = fac -> input_hue; /* both endpoints of saddle face leaf are always accessible */ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) lf -> where[j] = ACCESSIBLE; /* angular increment for rotation of leaf about torus axis */ anginc = fine_pixel / (vty -> radii[0]); /* next we need endpoints for torus arc */ /* get them from concave arcs bounding saddle face */ /* intialization */ cir1 = NULL; cir2 = NULL; cir3 = NULL; qvtx = NULL; conevtx = NULL; near1 = 0; /* look for concave arcs */ naif = 0; for (cyc = fac -> first_cycle; cyc != NULL; cyc = cyc -> next) for (edg = cyc -> first_edge; edg != NULL; edg = edg -> next) { naif++; a = edg -> arcptr; if (a -> shape == CONVEX) { cir3 = a -> cir; continue; } if (edg -> next == NULL) nxta = cyc -> first_edge -> arcptr; else nxta = edg -> next -> arcptr; if (along (edg, vty -> axis)) cir2 = a -> cir; else cir1 = a -> cir; /* check for cusp vertex */ if (a -> shape == CONCAVE && nxta -> shape == CONCAVE) { /* cusp point joints two concave arcs */ qvtx = a -> vtx[1-edg->orn]; } } dtq = probe_radius * probe_radius - vty -> radii[0] * vty -> radii[0]; /* later: note: check PI in bubbles */ if (naif == 1) { if (dtq <= 0.0) { ex = new_cept (GEOMETRY_ERROR, INCONSISTENCY, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "slice_torus"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_message(ex, "toroidal face with only one arc, but not cone"); return; } if (cir3 == NULL) { ex = new_cept (GEOMETRY_ERROR, INCONSISTENCY, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "slice_torus"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_message(ex, "toroidal face with only one arc, but no contact circle"); return; } /* cone */ qvtx = allocate_vertex (); if (error()) { add_object (tail_cept, VERTEX, "CUSP VERTEX"); add_function (tail_cept, "slice_torus"); add_source (tail_cept, "msrender.c"); return; } conevtx = qvtx; dtq = sqrt (dtq); for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) tcv[k] = cir3 -> center[k] - torcir -> center[k]; normalize (tcv); for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) qvtx -> center[k] = torcir -> center[k] + dtq * tcv[k]; /* hope this is enough */ } if (cir1 == NULL) informd2 ("cir1 null"); if (cir2 == NULL) informd2 ("cir2 null"); if (qvtx != NULL) informd2 ("cusp present"); /* check for cusp vertex */ if (qvtx != NULL) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) qvect[k] = qvtx -> center[k] - vty -> center[k]; near1 = (dot_product (qvect, vty -> axis) < 0.0); } /* check for hoop saddle face */ if (cir1 == NULL || cir2 == NULL) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) torarc -> vtx[j] = NULL; informd2 ("complete toroidal hoop"); } else { /* concave arc circle centers are endpoints of sphere rolling */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { torvtx[0] -> center[k] = cir1 -> center[k]; torvtx[1] -> center[k] = cir2 -> center[k]; } for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) torarc -> vtx[j] = torvtx[j]; sprintf (message, "saddle rendering (from): %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f", cir1 -> center[0], cir1 -> center[1], cir1 -> center[2]); informd2 (message); sprintf (message, "saddle rendering (to) : %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f", cir2 -> center[0], cir2 -> center[1], cir2 -> center[2]); informd2 (message); } /* the probe sphere centers are the foci of the leaves */ nfocus = render_sub_arc (torarc, &foci, anginc); if (nfocus < 2) { ex = new_cept (LOGIC_ERROR, MSUNDERFLOW, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_function (ex, "slice_torus"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); add_long (ex, "number of foci", (long) nfocus); return; } sprintf (message, "nfocus = %d", nfocus); informd2 (message); /* create leaves */ for (i = 0; i < nfocus; i++) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { focus[k] = (*(foci + 3 * i + k)); lfcir -> center[k] = focus[k]; lf -> focus[k] = focus[k]; } /* unit vectors from focus toward atoms */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { vect1[k] = atm1 -> center[k] - focus[k]; vect2[k] = atm2 -> center[k] - focus[k]; } /* correct for cusp vertex */ if (qvtx != NULL) { if (near1) for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) vect2[k] = qvtx -> center[k] - focus[k]; else for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) vect1[k] = qvtx -> center[k] - focus[k]; } /* normalize vectors to unit length */ normalize (vect1); normalize (vect2); /* leaf circle radius is probe radius */ lfcir -> radius = probe_radius; /* set up endpoints of leaf */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { lf -> ends[0][k] = focus[k] + lfcir -> radius * vect1[k]; lf -> ends[1][k] = focus[k] + lfcir -> radius * vect2[k]; } /* compute leaf circle axis */ for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) vect[k] = focus[k] - vty -> center[k]; cross (vty -> axis, vect, lfcir -> axis); normalize (lfcir -> axis); /* clip and render leaf */ clip_leaf (ms, current_surface, fine_pixel, lf); if (error()) return; } /* return temporary memory */ if (!free_doubles (foci, 0, VERTS)) { ex = new_cept (MEMORY_ERROR, FREEING, FATAL_SEVERITY); add_variable (ex, VERTS, "foci"); add_function (ex, "slice_torus"); add_source (ex, "msrender.c"); return; } free_leaf (lf); free_arc (torarc); free_circle (torcir); free_circle (lfcir); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) free_vertex (torvtx[j]); if (conevtx != NULL) free_vertex (conevtx); return; }
int gui_mch_dialog( int type, char_u *title, char_u *message, char_u *buttons, int dfltbutton, char_u *textfield, int ex_cmd) { FARPROC dp; LPWORD p, pnumitems; int numButtons; int *buttonWidths, *buttonPositions; int buttonYpos; int nchar, i; DWORD lStyle; int dlgwidth = 0; int dlgheight; int editboxheight; int horizWidth; int msgheight; char_u *pstart; char_u *pend; char_u *tbuffer; RECT rect; HWND hwnd; HDC hdc; HFONT oldFont; TEXTMETRIC fontInfo; int fontHeight; int textWidth, minButtonWidth, messageWidth; int maxDialogWidth; int vertical; int dlgPaddingX; int dlgPaddingY; HGLOBAL hglbDlgTemp; #ifndef NO_CONSOLE /* Don't output anything in silent mode ("ex -s") */ if (silent_mode) return dfltbutton; /* return default option */ #endif /* If there is no window yet, open it. */ if (s_hwnd == NULL && gui_mch_init() == FAIL) return dfltbutton; if ((type < 0) || (type > VIM_LAST_TYPE)) type = 0; /* allocate some memory for dialog template */ /* TODO should compute this really*/ hglbDlgTemp = GlobalAlloc(GHND, DLG_ALLOC_SIZE); if (hglbDlgTemp == NULL) return -1; p = (LPWORD) GlobalLock(hglbDlgTemp); if (p == NULL) return -1; /* * make a copy of 'buttons' to fiddle with it. compiler grizzles because * vim_strsave() doesn't take a const arg (why not?), so cast away the * const. */ tbuffer = vim_strsave(buttons); if (tbuffer == NULL) return -1; --dfltbutton; /* Change from one-based to zero-based */ /* Count buttons */ numButtons = 1; for (i = 0; tbuffer[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (tbuffer[i] == DLG_BUTTON_SEP) numButtons++; } if (dfltbutton >= numButtons) dfltbutton = 0; /* Allocate array to hold the width of each button */ buttonWidths = (int *) lalloc(numButtons * sizeof(int), TRUE); if (buttonWidths == NULL) return -1; /* Allocate array to hold the X position of each button */ buttonPositions = (int *) lalloc(numButtons * sizeof(int), TRUE); if (buttonPositions == NULL) return -1; /* * Calculate how big the dialog must be. */ hwnd = GetDesktopWindow(); hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd); oldFont = SelectFont(hdc, GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT)); dlgPaddingX = DLG_OLD_STYLE_PADDING_X; dlgPaddingY = DLG_OLD_STYLE_PADDING_Y; GetTextMetrics(hdc, &fontInfo); fontHeight = fontInfo.tmHeight; /* Minimum width for horizontal button */ minButtonWidth = GetTextWidth(hdc, "Cancel", 6); /* Maximum width of a dialog, if possible */ GetWindowRect(s_hwnd, &rect); maxDialogWidth = rect.right - rect.left - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME) * 2; if (maxDialogWidth < DLG_MIN_MAX_WIDTH) maxDialogWidth = DLG_MIN_MAX_WIDTH; /* Set dlgwidth to width of message */ pstart = message; messageWidth = 0; msgheight = 0; do { pend = vim_strchr(pstart, DLG_BUTTON_SEP); if (pend == NULL) pend = pstart + STRLEN(pstart); /* Last line of message. */ msgheight += fontHeight; textWidth = GetTextWidth(hdc, pstart, pend - pstart); if (textWidth > messageWidth) messageWidth = textWidth; pstart = pend + 1; } while (*pend != NUL); dlgwidth = messageWidth; /* Add width of icon to dlgwidth, and some space */ dlgwidth += DLG_ICON_WIDTH + 3 * dlgPaddingX; if (msgheight < DLG_ICON_HEIGHT) msgheight = DLG_ICON_HEIGHT; /* * Check button names. A long one will make the dialog wider. */ vertical = (vim_strchr(p_go, GO_VERTICAL) != NULL); if (!vertical) { // Place buttons horizontally if they fit. horizWidth = dlgPaddingX; pstart = tbuffer; i = 0; do { pend = vim_strchr(pstart, DLG_BUTTON_SEP); if (pend == NULL) pend = pstart + STRLEN(pstart); // Last button name. textWidth = GetTextWidth(hdc, pstart, pend - pstart); if (textWidth < minButtonWidth) textWidth = minButtonWidth; textWidth += dlgPaddingX; /* Padding within button */ buttonWidths[i] = textWidth; buttonPositions[i++] = horizWidth; horizWidth += textWidth + dlgPaddingX; /* Pad between buttons */ pstart = pend + 1; } while (*pend != NUL); if (horizWidth > maxDialogWidth) vertical = TRUE; // Too wide to fit on the screen. else if (horizWidth > dlgwidth) dlgwidth = horizWidth; } if (vertical) { // Stack buttons vertically. pstart = tbuffer; do { pend = vim_strchr(pstart, DLG_BUTTON_SEP); if (pend == NULL) pend = pstart + STRLEN(pstart); // Last button name. textWidth = GetTextWidth(hdc, pstart, pend - pstart); textWidth += dlgPaddingX; /* Padding within button */ textWidth += DLG_VERT_PADDING_X * 2; /* Padding around button */ if (textWidth > dlgwidth) dlgwidth = textWidth; pstart = pend + 1; } while (*pend != NUL); } if (dlgwidth < DLG_MIN_WIDTH) dlgwidth = DLG_MIN_WIDTH; /* Don't allow a really thin dialog!*/ /* start to fill in the dlgtemplate information. addressing by WORDs */ lStyle = DS_MODALFRAME | WS_CAPTION | WS_VISIBLE ; add_long(lStyle); pnumitems = p; /*save where the number of items must be stored*/ add_byte(0); // NumberOfItems(will change later) add_word(10); // x add_word(10); // y add_word(PixelToDialogX(dlgwidth)); // Dialog height. if (vertical) dlgheight = msgheight + 2 * dlgPaddingY + DLG_VERT_PADDING_Y + 2 * fontHeight * numButtons; else dlgheight = msgheight + 3 * dlgPaddingY + 2 * fontHeight; // Dialog needs to be taller if contains an edit box. editboxheight = fontHeight + dlgPaddingY + 4 * DLG_VERT_PADDING_Y; if (textfield != NULL) dlgheight += editboxheight; add_word(PixelToDialogY(dlgheight)); add_byte(0); //menu add_byte(0); //class /* copy the title of the dialog */ add_string(title ? title : ("Vim"VIM_VERSION_MEDIUM)); buttonYpos = msgheight + 2 * dlgPaddingY; if (textfield != NULL) buttonYpos += editboxheight; pstart = tbuffer; //dflt_text horizWidth = (dlgwidth - horizWidth) / 2; /* Now it's X offset */ for (i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { /* get end of this button. */ for ( pend = pstart; *pend && (*pend != DLG_BUTTON_SEP); pend++) ; if (*pend) *pend = '\0'; /* * NOTE: * setting the BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON style doesn't work because Windows sets * the focus to the first tab-able button and in so doing makes that * the default!! Grrr. Workaround: Make the default button the only * one with WS_TABSTOP style. Means user can't tab between buttons, but * he/she can use arrow keys. * * NOTE (Thore): Setting BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON works fine when it's the * first one, so I changed the correct button to be this style. This * is necessary because when an edit box is added, we need a button to * be default. The edit box will be the default control, and when the * user presses enter from the edit box we want the default button to * be pressed. */ if (vertical) { p = add_dialog_element(p, ((i == dfltbutton || dfltbutton < 0) && textfield != NULL ? BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON : BS_PUSHBUTTON) | WS_TABSTOP, PixelToDialogX(DLG_VERT_PADDING_X), PixelToDialogY(buttonYpos /* TBK */ + 2 * fontHeight * i), PixelToDialogX(dlgwidth - 2 * DLG_VERT_PADDING_X), (WORD)(PixelToDialogY(2 * fontHeight) - 1), (WORD)(IDCANCEL + 1 + i), (BYTE)0x80, pstart); } else { p = add_dialog_element(p, ((i == dfltbutton || dfltbutton < 0) && textfield != NULL ? BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON : BS_PUSHBUTTON) | WS_TABSTOP, PixelToDialogX(horizWidth + buttonPositions[i]), PixelToDialogY(buttonYpos), /* TBK */ PixelToDialogX(buttonWidths[i]), (WORD)(PixelToDialogY(2 * fontHeight) - 1), (WORD)(IDCANCEL + 1 + i), (BYTE)0x80, pstart); } pstart = pend + 1; /*next button*/ } *pnumitems += numButtons; /* Vim icon */ p = add_dialog_element(p, SS_ICON, PixelToDialogX(dlgPaddingX), PixelToDialogY(dlgPaddingY), PixelToDialogX(DLG_ICON_WIDTH), PixelToDialogY(DLG_ICON_HEIGHT), DLG_NONBUTTON_CONTROL + 0, (BYTE)0x82, &dlg_icons[type]); /* Dialog message */ p = add_dialog_element(p, SS_LEFT, PixelToDialogX(2 * dlgPaddingX + DLG_ICON_WIDTH), PixelToDialogY(dlgPaddingY), (WORD)(PixelToDialogX(messageWidth) + 1), PixelToDialogY(msgheight), DLG_NONBUTTON_CONTROL + 1, (BYTE)0x82, message); /* Edit box */ if (textfield != NULL) { p = add_dialog_element(p, ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER, PixelToDialogX(2 * dlgPaddingX), PixelToDialogY(2 * dlgPaddingY + msgheight), PixelToDialogX(dlgwidth - 4 * dlgPaddingX), PixelToDialogY(fontHeight + dlgPaddingY), DLG_NONBUTTON_CONTROL + 2, (BYTE)0x81, textfield); *pnumitems += 1; } *pnumitems += 2; SelectFont(hdc, oldFont); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); dp = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)dialog_callback, s_hinst); /* Let the dialog_callback() function know which button to make default * If we have an edit box, make that the default. We also need to tell * dialog_callback() if this dialog contains an edit box or not. We do * this by setting s_textfield if it does. */ if (textfield != NULL) { dialog_default_button = DLG_NONBUTTON_CONTROL + 2; s_textfield = textfield; } else { dialog_default_button = IDCANCEL + 1 + dfltbutton; s_textfield = NULL; } /*show the dialog box modally and get a return value*/ nchar = DialogBoxIndirect( s_hinst, (HGLOBAL) hglbDlgTemp, s_hwnd, (DLGPROC)dp); FreeProcInstance( dp ); GlobalUnlock(hglbDlgTemp); GlobalFree(hglbDlgTemp); vim_free(tbuffer); vim_free(buttonWidths); vim_free(buttonPositions); return nchar; }