Exemplo n.º 1
/* A common script pattern: A can have it with secret, or B can have
 * it after delay. */
u8 *bitcoin_redeem_secret_or_delay(const tal_t *ctx,
				   const struct pubkey *delayed_key,
				   u32 locktime,
				   const struct pubkey *key_if_secret_known,
				   const struct sha256 *hash_of_secret)
	struct ripemd160 ripemd;
	le32 locktime_le = cpu_to_le32(locktime);
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);

	ripemd160(&ripemd, hash_of_secret->u.u8, sizeof(hash_of_secret->u));

	/* If the secret is supplied.... */
	add_op(&script, OP_HASH160);
	add_push_bytes(&script, ripemd.u.u8, sizeof(ripemd.u.u8));
	add_op(&script, OP_EQUAL);
	add_op(&script, OP_IF);
	/* They can collect the funds. */
	add_push_key(&script, key_if_secret_known);

	add_op(&script, OP_ELSE);

	/* Other can collect after a delay. */
	add_push_bytes(&script, &locktime_le, sizeof(locktime_le));
	add_op(&script, OP_DROP);
	add_push_key(&script, delayed_key);

	add_op(&script, OP_ENDIF);
	add_op(&script, OP_CHECKSIG);

	return script;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Create a script for our HTLC output: receiving. */
u8 *scriptpubkey_htlc_recv(const tal_t *ctx,
			   const struct pubkey *ourkey,
			   const struct pubkey *theirkey,
			   uint32_t htlc_abstimeout,
			   uint32_t locktime,
			   const struct sha256 *commit_revoke,
			   const struct sha256 *rhash)
	/* R value presented: -> us.
	 * Commit revocation value presented: -> them.
	 * HTLC times out -> them. */
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);
	struct ripemd160 ripemd;

	add_op(&script, OP_HASH160);
	add_op(&script, OP_DUP);

	/* Did we supply HTLC R value? */
	ripemd160(&ripemd, rhash->u.u8, sizeof(rhash->u));
	add_push_bytes(&script, &ripemd, sizeof(ripemd));
	add_op(&script, OP_EQUAL);
	add_op(&script, OP_IF);

	add_push_le32(&script, locktime);
	/* Drop extra hash as well as locktime. */
	add_op(&script, OP_2DROP);

	add_push_key(&script, ourkey);

	add_op(&script, OP_ELSE);

	/* If they provided commit revocation, available immediately. */
	ripemd160(&ripemd, commit_revoke->u.u8, sizeof(commit_revoke->u));
	add_push_bytes(&script, &ripemd, sizeof(ripemd));
	add_op(&script, OP_EQUAL);

	add_op(&script, OP_NOTIF);

	/* Otherwise, they must wait for HTLC timeout. */
	add_push_le32(&script, htlc_abstimeout);
	add_op(&script, OP_DROP);
	add_op(&script, OP_ENDIF);

	add_push_key(&script, theirkey);
	add_op(&script, OP_ENDIF);
	add_op(&script, OP_CHECKSIG);

	return script;
Exemplo n.º 3
u8 *scriptsig_p2sh_secret(const tal_t *ctx,
			  const void *secret, size_t secret_len,
			  const struct bitcoin_signature *sig,
			  const u8 *redeemscript,
			  size_t redeem_len)
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);

	add_push_sig(&script, sig);
	add_push_bytes(&script, secret, secret_len);
	add_push_bytes(&script, redeemscript, redeem_len);

	return script;
Exemplo n.º 4
u8 *scriptsig_p2sh_revoke(const tal_t *ctx,
			  const struct sha256 *preimage,
			  const struct bitcoin_signature *sig,
			  const u8 *revocable_redeem,
			  size_t redeem_len)
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);

	add_push_sig(&script, sig);
	add_push_bytes(&script, preimage, sizeof(*preimage));
	add_push_bytes(&script, revocable_redeem, redeem_len);

	return script;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void add_push_sig(u8 **scriptp, const struct bitcoin_signature *sig)
/* Bitcoin wants DER encoding. */
	u8 der[73];
	size_t len = signature_to_der(der, &sig->sig);

	/* Append sighash type */
	der[len++] = sig->stype;
	add_push_bytes(scriptp, der, len);
#else /* Alpha uses raw encoding */
	u8 with_sighash[sizeof(sig->sig) + 1];
	memcpy(with_sighash, &sig->sig, sizeof(sig->sig));
	with_sighash[sizeof(sig->sig)] = sig->stype;
	add_push_bytes(scriptp, with_sighash, sizeof(with_sighash));
Exemplo n.º 6
/* Create a script for our HTLC output: sending. */
u8 *scriptpubkey_htlc_send(const tal_t *ctx,
			   const struct pubkey *ourkey,
			   const struct pubkey *theirkey,
			   uint32_t htlc_abstimeout,
			   uint32_t locktime,
			   const struct sha256 *commit_revoke,
			   const struct sha256 *rhash)
	/* R value presented: -> them.
	 * Commit revocation value presented: -> them.
	 * HTLC times out -> us. */
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);
	struct ripemd160 ripemd;

	add_op(&script, OP_HASH160);
	add_op(&script, OP_DUP);
	/* Did they supply HTLC R value? */
	ripemd160(&ripemd, rhash->u.u8, sizeof(rhash->u));
	add_push_bytes(&script, &ripemd, sizeof(ripemd));
	add_op(&script, OP_EQUAL);
	add_op(&script, OP_SWAP);
	/* How about commit revocation value? */
	ripemd160(&ripemd, commit_revoke->u.u8, sizeof(commit_revoke->u));
	add_push_bytes(&script, &ripemd, sizeof(ripemd));
	add_op(&script, OP_EQUAL);
	add_op(&script, OP_ADD);

	/* If either matched... */
	add_op(&script, OP_IF);
	add_push_key(&script, theirkey);

	add_op(&script, OP_ELSE);

	/* If HTLC times out, they can collect after a delay. */
	add_push_le32(&script, htlc_abstimeout);
	add_push_le32(&script, locktime);
	add_op(&script, OP_2DROP);
	add_push_key(&script, ourkey);

	add_op(&script, OP_ENDIF);
	add_op(&script, OP_CHECKSIG);

	return script;
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Assumes redeemscript contains CHECKSIG, not CHECKMULTISIG */
u8 *scriptsig_p2sh_single_sig(const tal_t *ctx,
			      const u8 *redeem_script,
			      size_t redeem_len,
			      const struct bitcoin_signature *sig)
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);

	add_push_sig(&script, sig);
	add_push_bytes(&script, redeem_script, redeem_len);
	return script;
Exemplo n.º 8
static void add_number(u8 **script, u32 num)
	if (num == 0)
		add_op(script, 0);
	else if (num <= 16)
		add_op(script, 0x50 + num);
	else {
		u8 n = num;
		/* We could handle others, but currently unnecessary. */
		assert(num < 256);
		add_push_bytes(script, &n, sizeof(n));
Exemplo n.º 9
/* Create p2sh for this redeem script. */
u8 *scriptpubkey_p2sh(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *redeemscript)
	struct sha256 h;
	struct ripemd160 redeemhash;
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);

	add_op(&script, OP_HASH160);
	sha256(&h, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript));
	ripemd160(&redeemhash, h.u.u8, sizeof(h));
	add_push_bytes(&script, redeemhash.u.u8, sizeof(redeemhash.u.u8));
	add_op(&script, OP_EQUAL);
	return script;
Exemplo n.º 10
/* Create p2sh for this redeem script. */
u8 *scriptpubkey_p2sh(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *redeemscript)
	struct sha256 h;
	u8 redeemhash[RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH];
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);

	add_op(&script, OP_HASH160);
	sha256(&h, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript));
	RIPEMD160(h.u.u8, sizeof(h), redeemhash);
	add_push_bytes(&script, redeemhash, sizeof(redeemhash));
	add_op(&script, OP_EQUAL);
	return script;
Exemplo n.º 11
/* One of:
 * mysig and relative locktime passed, OR
 * theirsig and hash preimage. */
u8 *bitcoin_redeem_revocable(const tal_t *ctx,
			     const struct pubkey *mykey,
			     u32 locktime,
			     const struct pubkey *theirkey,
			     const struct sha256 *rhash)
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);
	u8 rhash_ripemd[RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH];
	le32 locktime_le = cpu_to_le32(locktime);

	/* If there are two args: */
	add_op(&script, OP_DEPTH);
	add_op(&script, OP_1SUB);
	add_op(&script, OP_IF);

	/* Must hash to revocation_hash, and be signed by them. */
	RIPEMD160(rhash->u.u8, sizeof(rhash->u), rhash_ripemd);
	add_op(&script, OP_HASH160);
	add_push_bytes(&script, rhash_ripemd, sizeof(rhash_ripemd));
	add_op(&script, OP_EQUALVERIFY);
	add_push_key(&script, theirkey);

	/* Not two args?  Must be us using timeout. */
	add_op(&script, OP_ELSE);

	add_push_bytes(&script, &locktime_le, sizeof(locktime_le));
	add_op(&script, OP_DROP);
	add_push_key(&script, mykey);
	add_op(&script, OP_ENDIF);

	/* And check it (ither path) */
	add_op(&script, OP_CHECKSIG);

	return script;
Exemplo n.º 12
/* Bitcoin wants DER encoding. */
static void add_push_sig(u8 **scriptp, const struct bitcoin_signature *sig)
	u8 der[2 + 2 + 1 + sizeof(sig->sig.r) + 2 + 1 + sizeof(sig->sig.s) + 1];
	size_t len = 0;

	der[len++] = 0x30; /* Type */
	der[len++] = 0; /* Total length after this: fill it at end. */

	len += der_encode_val(sig->sig.r, der + len);
	len += der_encode_val(sig->sig.s, der + len);

	/* Fix up total length */
	der[1] = len - 2;

	/* Append sighash type */
	der[len++] = sig->stype;

	assert(IsValidSignatureEncoding(der, len));
	add_push_bytes(scriptp, der, len);
Exemplo n.º 13
u8 *scriptsig_p2sh_2of2(const tal_t *ctx,
			const struct bitcoin_signature *sig1,
			const struct bitcoin_signature *sig2,
			const struct pubkey *key1,
			const struct pubkey *key2)
	u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0);
	u8 *redeemscript;

	/* OP_CHECKMULTISIG has an out-by-one bug, which MBZ */
	add_number(&script, 0);
	/* sig order should match key order. */
	if (key_less(key1, key2)) {
		add_push_sig(&script, sig1);
		add_push_sig(&script, sig2);
	} else {
		add_push_sig(&script, sig2);
		add_push_sig(&script, sig1);
	redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(script, key1, key2);
	add_push_bytes(&script, redeemscript, tal_count(redeemscript));
	return script;
Exemplo n.º 14
static void add_push_key(u8 **scriptp, const struct pubkey *key)
	add_push_bytes(scriptp, key->der, pubkey_derlen(key));
Exemplo n.º 15
/* FIXME: Is this really required, not a simple add_number? */
static void add_push_le32(u8 **scriptp, u32 val)
	le32 val_le = cpu_to_le32(val);

	add_push_bytes(scriptp, &val_le, sizeof(val_le));