int GainWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(5, y, _("Level:"))); y += 20; add_tool(level = new GainLevel(gain, x, y)); show_window(); flush(); return 0; }
void DeInterlaceWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Select lines to keep"))); y += 25; add_tool(none = new DeInterlaceOption(client, this, DEINTERLACE_NONE, x, y, _("Do nothing"))); y += 25; add_tool(odd_fields = new DeInterlaceOption(client, this, DEINTERLACE_EVEN, x, y, _("Odd lines"))); y += 25; add_tool(even_fields = new DeInterlaceOption(client, this, DEINTERLACE_ODD, x, y, _("Even lines"))); y += 25; add_tool(average_fields = new DeInterlaceOption(client, this, DEINTERLACE_AVG, x, y, _("Average lines"))); y += 25; add_tool(swap_odd_fields = new DeInterlaceOption(client, this, DEINTERLACE_SWAP_ODD, x, y, _("Swap odd fields"))); y += 25; add_tool(swap_even_fields = new DeInterlaceOption(client, this, DEINTERLACE_SWAP_EVEN, x, y, _("Swap even fields"))); y += 25; add_tool(avg_even = new DeInterlaceOption(client, this, DEINTERLACE_AVG_EVEN, x, y, _("Average even lines"))); // draw_line(170, y + 5, 190, y + 5); // draw_line(190, y + 5, 190, y + 70); // draw_line(150, y + 70, 190, y + 70); y += 25; add_tool(avg_odd = new DeInterlaceOption(client, this, DEINTERLACE_AVG_ODD, x, y, _("Average odd lines"))); // draw_line(170, y + 5, 190, y + 5); // y += 30; // add_tool(adaptive = new DeInterlaceAdaptive(client, x, y)); // add_tool(threshold = new DeInterlaceThreshold(client, x + 100, y)); // y += 50; // char string[BCTEXTLEN]; // get_status_string(string, 0); // add_tool(status = new BC_Title(x, y, string)); show_window(); }
void _1080to540Window::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(odd_first = new _1080to540Option(client, this, 1, x, y, _("Odd field first"))); y += 25; add_tool(even_first = new _1080to540Option(client, this, 0, x, y, _("Even field first"))); show_window(); flush(); }
int VorbisConfigAudio::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; int x1 = 150; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; add_tool(fixed_bitrate = new VorbisFixedBitrate(x, y, this)); add_tool(variable_bitrate = new VorbisVariableBitrate(x1, y, this)); y += 30; sprintf(string, "%d", asset->vorbis_min_bitrate); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Min bitrate:"))); add_tool(new VorbisMinBitrate(x1, y, this, string)); y += 30; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Avg bitrate:"))); sprintf(string, "%d", asset->vorbis_bitrate); add_tool(new VorbisAvgBitrate(x1, y, this, string)); y += 30; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Max bitrate:"))); sprintf(string, "%d", asset->vorbis_max_bitrate); add_tool(new VorbisMaxBitrate(x1, y, this, string)); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); show_window(); flush(); return 0; }
void EditPopupTitleWindow::create_objects() { int x = 5; int y = 10; add_subwindow (new BC_Title (x, y, _("User title"))); add_subwindow (title_text = new EditPopupTitleText (this, mwindow, x, y + 20)); add_tool(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_tool(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); flush(); }
void FlipWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(flip_vertical = new FlipToggle(client, &(client->config.flip_vertical), _("Vertical"), x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(flip_horizontal = new FlipToggle(client, &(client->config.flip_horizontal), _("Horizontal"), x, y)); show_window(); flush(); }
int UIVR::add_tool_with_USL(const char *type, int argc, const char **USL) { int num = add_tool(type); if(num==-1) return FALSE; Tool *tool = tools[num]; for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) add_device_to_tool(USL[i], tool); return TRUE; }
void AC3ConfigAudio::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; int x1 = 150; lock_window("AC3ConfigAudio::create_objects"); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, "Bitrate (kbps):")); AC3ConfigAudioBitrate *bitrate; add_tool(bitrate = new AC3ConfigAudioBitrate(this, x1, y)); bitrate->create_objects(); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); show_window(1); unlock_window(); }
int ScanStatusGUI:: create_objects(const char *text) { lock_window("ScanStatusGUI::create_objects"); int x = 10, y = 10; int dy = BC_Title::calculate_h((BC_WindowBase*) sswindow-> commercials->mwindow->gui, "My") + 5; for( int i=0; i<nlines; ++i, y+=dy, text="" ) add_tool(texts[i] = new BC_Title(x, y, text)); y += 10; dy = BC_ProgressBar::calculate_h() + 5; for( int i=0; i<nbars; ++i, y+=dy ) add_tool(bars[i] = new ScanStatusBar(x, y, get_w() - 20, 100)); add_tool(new BC_CancelButton(this)); unlock_window(); return 0; }
void DeInterlaceWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Select deinterlacing mode"))); y += 25; add_tool(mode = new DeInterlaceMode(client, this, x, y)); mode->create_objects(); y += 25; optional_controls_x=x; optional_controls_y=y; y += 125; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; get_status_string(string, 0); add_tool(status = new BC_Title(x, y, string)); flash(); show_window(); set_mode(client->config.mode,0); }
void _720to480Window::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(odd_first = new _720to480Order(client, this, 1, x, y, _("Odd field first"))); y += 25; add_tool(even_first = new _720to480Order(client, this, 0, x, y, _("Even field first"))); // y += 25; // add_tool(forward = new _720to480Direction(client, this, FORWARD, x, y, _("Downsample"))); // y += 25; // add_tool(reverse = new _720to480Direction(client, this, REVERSE, x, y, _("Upsample"))); // add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); flush(); }
void BC_NewFolder::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Enter the name of the folder:"))); y += 20; add_subwindow(textbox = new BC_TextBox(x, y, 300, 1, _("Untitled"))); y += 30; add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); x = get_w() - 100; add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); }
int BrightnessWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Brightness/Contrast"))); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y,_("Brightness:"))); add_tool(brightness = new BrightnessSlider(client, &(client->config.brightness), x + 80, y, 1)); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Contrast:"))); add_tool(contrast = new BrightnessSlider(client, &(client->config.contrast), x + 80, y, 0)); y += 30; add_tool(luma = new BrightnessLuma(client, x, y)); show_window(); flush(); return 0; }
int YUVWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Y:"))); add_tool(automation[0] = new AutomatedFn(client, this, x + 80, y, 0)); y += 20; add_tool(y_slider = new YSlider(client, x, y)); y += 35; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("U:"))); add_tool(automation[1] = new AutomatedFn(client, this, x + 80, y, 1)); y += 20; add_tool(u_slider = new USlider(client, x, y)); y += 35; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("V:"))); add_tool(automation[2] = new AutomatedFn(client, this, x + 80, y, 2)); y += 20; add_tool(v_slider = new VSlider(client, x, y)); }
int IVTCWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Pattern offset:"))); y += 20; add_tool(frame_offset = new IVTCOffset(client, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(first_field = new IVTCFieldOrder(client, x, y)); // y += 30; // add_tool(automatic = new IVTCAuto(client, x, y)); y += 40; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Pattern:"))); y += 20; for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_PATTERNS; i++) { add_subwindow(pattern[i] = new IVTCPattern(client, this, i, _(pattern_text[i]), x, y)); y += 20; } if(client->config.pattern == IVTCConfig::AUTOMATIC) { frame_offset->disable(); first_field->disable(); } // y += 30; // add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Field threshold:"))); // y += 20; // add_tool(threshold = new IVTCAutoThreshold(client, x, y)); show_window(); flush(); return 0; }
void GWindowGUI::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; for(int i = 0; i < NONAUTOTOGGLES_COUNT + AUTOMATION_TOTAL; i++) { add_tool(toggles[i] = new GWindowToggle(mwindow, this, x, y, toggle_order[i])); y += toggles[i]->get_h() + 5; } }
void FreezeFrameWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(enabled = new FreezeFrameToggle(client, &client->config.enabled, x, y, _("Enabled"))); // Try using extra effect for the line double since it doesn't // change the overhead. // y += 30; // add_tool(line_double = new FreezeFrameToggle(client, // &client->config.line_double, // x, // y, // _("Line double"))); show_window(); flush(); }
void CKXDialog::device_init(char *str) { if(card_name.m_hWnd) card_name.DestroyWindow(); char tmp_str[256]; // re-instantiate device dword p[]= { 0xb0b000,0xffff00,0xb0b000,0xffffff, 0xb0b000,0xffff00,0xb0b000,0x660000 }; if(!mf.get_profile(str,"card_name",tmp_str,sizeof(tmp_str))) { kRect r;; sscanf(tmp_str,"%d %d %d %d %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x",&r.left,&,&r.right,&r.bottom, &p[0],&p[1],&p[2],&p[3],&p[4],&p[5],&p[6],&p[7]); kRect r_w; get_rect(r_w); if(r.left<0) r.left=r_w.width()+r.left; if(<0); r.right+=r.left;; card_name.create(ikx_t->get_device_name(),r,this,IDg_CARDNAME, p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5],p[6],p[7]); add_tool((char *)(LPCTSTR)mf.get_profile("locals","select_card"),&card_name,IDg_CARDNAME);; } }
int TimeAvgWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Frames to average"))); y += 20; add_tool(total_frames = new TimeAvgSlider(client, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(accum = new TimeAvgAccum(client, this, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(avg = new TimeAvgAvg(client, this, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(inclusive_or = new TimeAvgOr(client, this, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(paranoid = new TimeAvgParanoid(client, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(no_subtract = new TimeAvgNoSubtract(client, x, y)); show_window(); flush(); return 0; }
void ColorWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, init_x = 10, y = 10, init_y = 10; lock_window("ColorWindow::create_objects"); change_values(); //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1 %p\n", this); add_tool(wheel = new PaletteWheel(this, x, y)); //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); wheel->create_objects(); //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); x += 180; add_tool(wheel_value = new PaletteWheelValue(this, x, y)); //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); wheel_value->create_objects(); y += 180; x = init_x; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(output = new PaletteOutput(this, x, y)); //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); output->create_objects(); //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); x += 240; y = init_y; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Hue"), SMALLFONT)); y += 15; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1 %p\n", this); add_tool(hue = new PaletteHue(this, x, y)); y += 30; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Saturation"), SMALLFONT)); y += 15; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(saturation = new PaletteSaturation(this, x, y)); y += 30; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Value"), SMALLFONT)); y += 15; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(value = new PaletteValue(this, x, y)); y += 30; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Red"), SMALLFONT)); y += 15; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(red = new PaletteRed(this, x, y)); y += 30; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Green"), SMALLFONT)); y += 15; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(green = new PaletteGreen(this, x, y)); y += 30; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Blue"), SMALLFONT)); y += 15; //printf("ColorWindow::create_objects 1\n"); add_tool(blue = new PaletteBlue(this, x, y)); if(thread->do_alpha) { y += 30; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Alpha"), SMALLFONT)); y += 15; add_tool(alpha = new PaletteAlpha(this, x, y)); } update_display(); show_window(); flush(); unlock_window(); return; }
void TitleWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; int margin = client->get_theme()->widget_border; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; #define COLOR_W 50 #define COLOR_H 30 client->build_fonts(); client->build_previews(this); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-1")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-2")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-3")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-4")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-5")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-6")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-7")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-8")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-9")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-10")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-11")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-12")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-13")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-14")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("ISO8859-15")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("KOI8")); encodings.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("UTF-8")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("8")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("9")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("10")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("11")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("12")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("13")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("14")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("16")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("18")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("20")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("22")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("24")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("26")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("28")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("32")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("36")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("40")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("48")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("56")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("64")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("72")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("100")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("128")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("256")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("512")); sizes.append(new BC_ListBoxItem("1024")); paths.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(TitleMain::motion_to_text(NO_MOTION))); paths.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(TitleMain::motion_to_text(BOTTOM_TO_TOP))); paths.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(TitleMain::motion_to_text(TOP_TO_BOTTOM))); paths.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(TitleMain::motion_to_text(RIGHT_TO_LEFT))); paths.append(new BC_ListBoxItem(TitleMain::motion_to_text(LEFT_TO_RIGHT))); // Construct font list for(int i = 0; i < client->fonts->size(); i++) { int exists = 0; for(int j = 0; j < fonts.size(); j++) { if(!strcasecmp(fonts.get(j)->get_text(), client->fonts->get(i)->fixed_title)) { exists = 1; break; } } BC_ListBoxItem *item = 0; if(!exists) { fonts.append(item = new BC_ListBoxItem(client->fonts->get(i)->fixed_title)); if(!strcmp(client->config.font, item->get_text())) item->set_selected(1); if(client->fonts->values[i]->image) { VFrame *vframe = client->fonts->get(i)->image; BC_Pixmap *icon = new BC_Pixmap(this, vframe, PIXMAP_ALPHA); item->set_icon(icon); item->set_icon_vframe(vframe); } } } // Sort font list int done = 0; while(!done) { done = 1; for(int i = 0; i < fonts.size() - 1; i++) { if(strcmp(fonts.values[i]->get_text(), fonts.values[i + 1]->get_text()) > 0) { BC_ListBoxItem *temp = fonts.values[i + 1]; fonts.values[i + 1] = fonts.values[i]; fonts.values[i] = temp; done = 0; } } } add_tool(font_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Font:"))); font = new TitleFont(client, this, x, y + font_title->get_h()); font->create_objects(); x += font->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(font_tumbler = new TitleFontTumble(client, this, x, y + 20)); x += font_tumbler->get_w() + margin; add_tool(size_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Size:"))); sprintf(string, "%d", client->config.size); size = new TitleSize(client, this, x, y + 20, string); size->create_objects(); x += size->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(size_tumbler = new TitleSizeTumble(client, this, x, y + 20)); x += size_tumbler->get_w() + margin; add_tool(style_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Style:"))); add_tool(italic = new TitleItalic(client, this, x, y + 20)); add_tool(bold = new TitleBold(client, this, x, y + 50)); #ifdef USE_OUTLINE add_tool(stroke = new TitleStroke(client, this, x, y + 80)); #endif x += 90; add_tool(justify_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Justify:"))); add_tool(left = new TitleLeft(client, this, x, y + 20)); add_tool(center = new TitleCenter(client, this, x, y + 50)); add_tool(right = new TitleRight(client, this, x, y + 80)); x += 80; add_tool(top = new TitleTop(client, this, x, y + 20)); add_tool(mid = new TitleMid(client, this, x, y + 50)); add_tool(bottom= new TitleBottom(client, this, x, y + 80)); y += 50; x = 10; add_tool(x_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("X:"))); title_x = new TitleX(client, this, x, y + 20); title_x->create_objects(); x += 90; add_tool(y_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Y:"))); title_y = new TitleY(client, this, x, y + 20); title_y->create_objects(); x += 90; add_tool(motion_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Motion type:"))); motion = new TitleMotion(client, this, x, y + 20); motion->create_objects(); x += 150; add_tool(loop = new TitleLoop(client, x, y + 20)); x += 100; x = 10; y += 50; add_tool(dropshadow_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Drop shadow:"))); dropshadow = new TitleDropShadow(client, this, x, y + 20); dropshadow->create_objects(); x += 100; add_tool(fadein_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Fade in (sec):"))); add_tool(fade_in = new TitleFade(client, this, &client->config.fade_in, x, y + 20)); x += 100; add_tool(fadeout_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Fade out (sec):"))); add_tool(fade_out = new TitleFade(client, this, &client->config.fade_out, x, y + 20)); x += 110; add_tool(speed_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Speed:"))); speed = new TitleSpeed(client, this, x, y + 20); speed->create_objects(); x += 110; color_x = x; color_y = y + 20; x += COLOR_W + 5; add_tool(color_button = new TitleColorButton(client, this, x, y + 20, 0)); x += color_button->get_w(); color_thread = new TitleColorThread(client, this, 0); x = color_x; y += 50; outline_color_x = x; outline_color_y = y + 20; x += COLOR_W + 5; add_tool(outline_color_button = new TitleColorButton(client, this, x, y + 20, 1)); x += outline_color_button->get_w(); outline_color_thread = new TitleColorThread(client, this, 1); x = 10; // y += 50; add_tool(outline_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Outline:"))); outline = new TitleOutline(client, this, x, y + outline_title->get_h() + margin); outline->create_objects(); x += outline->get_w() + margin; #ifndef X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING add_tool(encoding_title = new BC_Title(x, y + 3, _("Encoding:"))); encoding = new TitleEncoding(client, this, x, y + encoding_title->get_h() + margin); encoding->create_objects(); x += 100; #endif y += outline_title->get_h() + margin; add_tool(timecode = new TitleTimecode(client, x, y)); x += timecode->get_w() + margin; add_tool(timecode_format = new TitleTimecodeFormat( client, x, y, Units::print_time_format(client->config.timecode_format, string))); for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(timecode_formats) / sizeof(int); i++) { timecode_format->add_item(new BC_MenuItem( Units::print_time_format(timecode_formats[i], string))); } x = 10; y += timecode_format->get_h() + margin; add_tool(text_title = new BC_Title(x, y + 3, _("Text:"))); x = 10; y += text_title->get_h() + margin; text = new TitleText(client, this, x, y, get_w() - x - 10, get_h() - y - 10); text->create_objects(); update_color(); show_window(1); }
void ReverbWindow::create_objects() { int x = 170, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(5, y + 10, _("Initial signal level:"))); add_tool(level_init = new ReverbLevelInit(reverb, x, y)); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(5, y + 10, _("ms before reflections:"))); add_tool(delay_init = new ReverbDelayInit(reverb, x + 35, y)); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(5, y + 10, _("First reflection level:"))); add_tool(ref_level1 = new ReverbRefLevel1(reverb, x, y)); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(5, y + 10, _("Last reflection level:"))); add_tool(ref_level2 = new ReverbRefLevel2(reverb, x + 35, y)); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(5, y + 10, _("Number of reflections:"))); add_tool(ref_total = new ReverbRefTotal(reverb, x, y)); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(5, y + 10, _("ms of reflections:"))); add_tool(ref_length = new ReverbRefLength(reverb, x + 35, y)); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(5, y + 10, _("Start band for lowpass:"******"End band for lowpass:"))); add_tool(lowpass2 = new ReverbLowPass2(reverb, x + 35, y)); y += 40; show_window(); flush(); }
virtual void init() { kDialog::init(); ::set_font(this,font,"setup_buffers"); set_tool_font(font); //SetClassLong(m_hWnd,GCL_STYLE,GetClassLong(m_hWnd,GCL_STYLE)|0x00020000); // CS_DROPSHADOW char tmp_str[256]; unsigned int transp_color=0x0; unsigned int alpha=90; unsigned int cc_method=0; if(mf.get_profile("setup_buffers","background",tmp_str,sizeof(tmp_str))) { tmp_str[0]=0; } gui_set_background(this,&mf,tmp_str,transp_color,alpha,cc_method,_T("mixer/settings_dlg.jpg")); set_dragging(gui_get_show_content()); SetWindowText(mf.get_profile("lang","")); if(!mf.get_profile("setup_buffers","cancel",tmp_str,sizeof(tmp_str))) { gui_create_button(this,&b_cancel,IDCANCEL,tmp_str,mf);; } kRect r;; // label if(!mf.get_profile("setup_buffers","label",tmp_str,sizeof(tmp_str))) { dword fg=0,bk=0; sscanf(tmp_str,"%d %d %d %d %x %x",&r.left,&,&r.right,&r.bottom,&fg,&bk); label.create((char *)(LPCTSTR)mf.get_profile("setup_buffers","label.text"),r.left,,r.right,r.bottom,this,fg,bk);; } int value=-1; r.left=10;; r.right=200; r.bottom=80; if(!mf.get_profile("setup_buffers","tank",tmp_str,sizeof(tmp_str))) { sscanf(tmp_str,"%d %d %d %d",&r.left,&,&r.right,&r.bottom); } b_list[0].create(r,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST/* | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL*/,1000,this); add_tool((char *)(LPCTSTR)mf.get_profile("lang","setup_buffers.tanksize"),&b_list[0],1000); if(font.get_font()) b_list[0].set_font(font); ikx_t->get_buffers(KX_TANKMEM_BUFFER,&value); b_list[0].add_string("2048 KB"); b_list[0].add_string("1024 KB"); b_list[0].add_string("512 KB"); b_list[0].add_string("256 KB"); b_list[0].add_string("128 KB"); b_list[0].add_string("64 KB"); b_list[0].add_string("32 KB"); b_list[0].add_string("16 KB"); b_list[0].add_string(mf.get_profile("lang","setup_buffers.none")); switch(value) { case 2048*1024: b_list[0].set_selection(0); break; case 1024*1024: b_list[0].set_selection(1); break; case 512*1024: b_list[0].set_selection(2); break; case 256*1024: b_list[0].set_selection(3); break; case 128*1024: b_list[0].set_selection(4); break; case 64*1024: b_list[0].set_selection(5); break; case 32*1024: b_list[0].set_selection(6); break; case 16*1024: b_list[0].set_selection(7); break; case 0: b_list[0].set_selection(8); break; default: b_list[0].set_selection(-1); break; } b_list[0].set_dropped_width(140); b_list[0].show(); r.left=10;; r.right=200; r.bottom=110; if(!mf.get_profile("setup_buffers","pb",tmp_str,sizeof(tmp_str))) { sscanf(tmp_str,"%d %d %d %d",&r.left,&,&r.right,&r.bottom); } b_list[1].create(r, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST /*| CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL*/,1001,this); add_tool((char *)(LPCTSTR)mf.get_profile("lang","setup_buffers.pb_size"),&b_list[1],1001); if(font.get_font()) b_list[1].set_font(font); ikx_t->get_buffers(KX_PLAYBACK_BUFFER,&value); b_list[1].add_string("240 bytes (~0.25 ms)"); b_list[1].add_string("504 bytes (~0.53 ms)"); b_list[1].add_string("1008 bytes (~1.05 ms)"); b_list[1].add_string("2040 bytes (~2.12 ms)"); b_list[1].add_string("4080 bytes (~4.25 ms)"); b_list[1].add_string("8184 bytes (~8.53 ms)"); b_list[1].add_string("8352 bytes (~8.70 ms)"); b_list[1].add_string("9600 bytes (~10.00 ms)"); b_list[1].add_string("16368 bytes (~17.05 ms)"); switch(value) { case 240: b_list[1].set_selection(0); break; case 504: b_list[1].set_selection(1); break; case 1008: b_list[1].set_selection(2); break; case 2040: b_list[1].set_selection(3); break; case 4080: b_list[1].set_selection(4); break; case 8184: b_list[1].set_selection(5); break; case 8352: b_list[1].set_selection(6); break; case 9600: b_list[1].set_selection(7); break; case 16368: b_list[1].set_selection(8); break; default: b_list[1].set_selection(-1); break; } b_list[1].set_dropped_width(140); b_list[1].show(); r.left=10;; r.right=200; r.bottom=130; if(!mf.get_profile("setup_buffers","rec",tmp_str,sizeof(tmp_str))) { sscanf(tmp_str,"%d %d %d %d",&r.left,&,&r.right,&r.bottom); } b_list[2].create(r,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST /*| CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL*/,1002,this); add_tool((char *)(LPCTSTR)mf.get_profile("lang","setup_buffers.rec_size"),&b_list[2],1002); if(font.get_font()) b_list[2].set_font(font); ikx_t->get_buffers(KX_RECORD_BUFFER,&value); b_list[2].add_string("384 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("448 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("512 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("640 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("768 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("896 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("1024 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("1280 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("1536 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("1792 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("2048 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("2560 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("3072 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("3584 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("4096 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("5120 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("6144 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("7168 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("8192 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("10240 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("12288 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("14366 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("16384 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("20480 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("24576 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("28672 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("32768 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("40960 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("49152 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("57344 bytes"); b_list[2].add_string("65536 bytes"); switch(value) { case 384: b_list[2].set_selection(0); break; case 448: b_list[2].set_selection(1); break; case 512: b_list[2].set_selection(2); break; case 640: b_list[2].set_selection(3); break; case 768: b_list[2].set_selection(4); break; case 896: b_list[2].set_selection(5); break; case 1024: b_list[2].set_selection(6); break; case 1280: b_list[2].set_selection(7); break; case 1536: b_list[2].set_selection(8); break; case 1792: b_list[2].set_selection(9); break; case 2048: b_list[2].set_selection(10); break; case 2560: b_list[2].set_selection(11); break; case 3072: b_list[2].set_selection(12); break; case 3584: b_list[2].set_selection(13); break; case 4096: b_list[2].set_selection(14); break; case 5120: b_list[2].set_selection(15); break; case 6144: b_list[2].set_selection(16); break; case 7168: b_list[2].set_selection(17); break; case 8192: b_list[2].set_selection(18); break; case 10240: b_list[2].set_selection(19); break; case 12288: b_list[2].set_selection(20); break; case 14366: b_list[2].set_selection(21); break; case 16384: b_list[2].set_selection(22); break; case 20480: b_list[2].set_selection(23); break; case 24576: b_list[2].set_selection(24); break; case 28672: b_list[2].set_selection(25); break; case 32768: b_list[2].set_selection(26); break; case 40960: b_list[2].set_selection(27); break; case 49152: b_list[2].set_selection(28); break; case 57344: b_list[2].set_selection(29); break; case 65536: b_list[2].set_selection(30); break; default: b_list[2].set_selection(-1); break; } b_list[2].set_dropped_width(140); b_list[2].show(); r.left=10;; r.right=200; r.bottom=155; if(!mf.get_profile("setup_buffers","ac3",tmp_str,sizeof(tmp_str))) { sscanf(tmp_str,"%d %d %d %d",&r.left,&,&r.right,&r.bottom); } b_list[3].create(r, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST /*| CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL*/, 1003, this); add_tool((char *)(LPCTSTR)mf.get_profile("lang","setup_buffers.num_ac3"),&b_list[3],1003); if(font.get_font()) b_list[3].set_font(font); b_list[3].set_dropped_width(140); b_list[3].add_string("2 buffers"); b_list[3].add_string("4 buffers"); b_list[3].add_string("6 buffers"); b_list[3].add_string("8 buffers"); b_list[3].add_string("16 buffers"); ikx_t->get_buffers(KX_AC3_BUFFERS,&value); switch(value) { case 2: b_list[3].set_selection(0); break; case 4: b_list[3].set_selection(1); break; case 6: b_list[3].set_selection(2); break; case 8: b_list[3].set_selection(3); break; case 16: b_list[3].set_selection(4); break; default: b_list[3].set_selection(-1); break; } b_list[3].ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); r.left=10;; r.right=200; r.bottom=180; if(!mf.get_profile("setup_buffers","gsif",tmp_str,sizeof(tmp_str))) { sscanf(tmp_str,"%d %d %d %d",&r.left,&,&r.right,&r.bottom); } b_list[4].create(r, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST /*| CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL*/,1004, this); add_tool((char *)(LPCTSTR)mf.get_profile("lang","setup_buffers.gsif"),&b_list[4],1004); if(font.get_font()) b_list[4].set_font(font); b_list[4].set_dropped_width(140); b_list[4].add_string("16 samples"); b_list[4].add_string("32 samples"); b_list[4].add_string("64 samples"); b_list[4].add_string("128 samples"); b_list[4].add_string("256 samples"); b_list[4].add_string("512 samples"); b_list[4].add_string("1024 samples"); b_list[4].add_string("2048 samples"); b_list[4].add_string("4096 samples"); value=-1; ikx_t->get_buffers(KX_GSIF_BUFFER,&value); switch(value) { case 16: b_list[4].set_selection(0); break; case 32: b_list[4].set_selection(1); break; case 64: b_list[4].set_selection(2); break; case 128: b_list[4].set_selection(3); break; case 256: b_list[4].set_selection(4); break; case 512: b_list[4].set_selection(5); break; case 1024: b_list[4].set_selection(6); break; case 2048: b_list[4].set_selection(7); break; case 4096: b_list[4].set_selection(8); break; default: b_list[4].set_selection(-1); break; } b_list[4].ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); CenterWindow(); };
int CDRipWindow::create_objects() { int y = 10, x = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Select the range to transfer:"))); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Track"))); x += 70; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Min"))); x += 70; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Sec"))); x += 100; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Track"))); x += 70; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Min"))); x += 70; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Sec"))); x += 100; x = 10; y += 25; add_tool(track1 = new CDRipTextValue(this, &(cdripper->track1), x, y, 50)); x += 70; add_tool(min1 = new CDRipTextValue(this, &(cdripper->min1), x, y, 50)); x += 70; add_tool(sec1 = new CDRipTextValue(this, &(cdripper->sec1), x, y, 50)); x += 100; add_tool(track2 = new CDRipTextValue(this, &(cdripper->track2), x, y, 50)); x += 70; add_tool(min2 = new CDRipTextValue(this, &(cdripper->min2), x, y, 50)); x += 70; add_tool(sec2 = new CDRipTextValue(this, &(cdripper->sec2), x, y, 50)); x = 10; y += 30; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("From"), LARGEFONT, RED)); x += 240; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("To"), LARGEFONT, RED)); x = 10; y += 35; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("CD Device:"))); x += 100; add_tool(device = new CDRipWindowDevice(this, cdripper->device, x, y, 200)); x = 10; y += 35; add_tool(new BC_OKButton(this)); x += 300; add_tool(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); flush(); return 0; }
void SelTempAvgWindow::create_objects() { int x1 = 10, x2 = 40, x3 = 80, x4 = 175, x5 = 260, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Frames to average"))); y += 20; add_tool(total_frames = new SelTempAvgSlider(client, x1, y)); y += 20; add_tool(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Use Method:"))); y += 20; add_tool(method_none = new SelTempAvgMethodRadial(client, this, x1, y, SelTempAvgConfig::METHOD_NONE, _("None "))); y += 20; add_tool(method_seltempavg = new SelTempAvgMethodRadial(client, this, x1, y, SelTempAvgConfig::METHOD_SELTEMPAVG, _("Selective Temporal Averaging: "))); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Av. Thres."))); add_tool(new BC_Title(x4, y, _("S.D. Thres."))); add_tool(new BC_Title(x5, y, _("Mask"))); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(x2, y, _("R / Y"))); add_tool(avg_threshold_RY = new SelTempAvgThreshSlider(client, x3, y, AVG_RY,client->config.avg_threshold_RY)); add_tool(std_threshold_RY = new SelTempAvgThreshSlider(client, x4, y, STD_RY,client->config.std_threshold_RY)); add_tool(mask_RY = new SelTempAvgMask(client, x5, y, MASK_RY, client->config.mask_RY)); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(x2, y, _("G / U"))); add_tool(avg_threshold_GU = new SelTempAvgThreshSlider(client, x3, y, AVG_GU,client->config.avg_threshold_GU)); add_tool(std_threshold_GU = new SelTempAvgThreshSlider(client, x4, y, STD_GU,client->config.std_threshold_GU)); add_tool(mask_GU = new SelTempAvgMask(client, x5, y, MASK_GU,client->config.mask_GU)); y += 25; add_tool(new BC_Title(x2, y, _("B / V"))); add_tool(avg_threshold_BV = new SelTempAvgThreshSlider(client, x3, y, AVG_BV,client->config.avg_threshold_BV)); add_tool(std_threshold_BV = new SelTempAvgThreshSlider(client, x4, y, STD_BV,client->config.std_threshold_BV)); add_tool(mask_BV = new SelTempAvgMask(client, x5, y, MASK_BV,client->config.mask_BV)); y += 30; add_tool(method_average = new SelTempAvgMethodRadial(client, this, x1, y, SelTempAvgConfig::METHOD_AVERAGE, _("Average"))); y += 20; add_tool(method_stddev = new SelTempAvgMethodRadial(client, this, x1, y, SelTempAvgConfig::METHOD_STDDEV, _("Standard Deviation"))); y += 35; add_tool(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("First frame in average:"))); y += 20; add_tool(offset_fixed = new SelTempAvgOffsetRadial(client, this, x1, y, SelTempAvgConfig::OFFSETMODE_FIXED, _("Fixed offset: "))); add_tool(offset_fixed_value = new SelTempAvgOffsetValue(client, x4, y)); y += 25; add_tool(offset_restartmarker = new SelTempAvgOffsetRadial(client, this, x1, y, SelTempAvgConfig::OFFSETMODE_RESTARTMARKERSYS, _("Restart marker system:"))); add_tool(offset_restartmarker_pos = new BC_TextBox(x4+20, y, 100, 1, "")); offset_restartmarker_pos->disable(); y += 20; add_tool(offset_restartmarker_keyframe = new SelTempAvgStartKeyframe(client, x2 + 10, y)); y += 35; add_tool(new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Other Options:"))); y += 20; add_tool(paranoid = new SelTempAvgParanoid(client, x1, y)); y += 25; add_tool(no_subtract = new SelTempAvgNoSubtract(client, x1, y)); y += 30; add_tool(new BC_Title(x2, y, _("Gain:"))); add_tool(gain = new SelTempAvgGainValue(client, x3, y)); show_window(); flush(); }
void TimeAvgWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; BC_Bar *bar; BC_Title *title; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Frame count:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_tool(total_frames = new TimeAvgSlider(client, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(paranoid = new TimeAvgParanoid(client, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(no_subtract = new TimeAvgNoSubtract(client, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(bar = new BC_Bar(x, y, get_w() - x * 2)); y += bar->get_h() + 5; add_tool(avg = new TimeAvgAvg(client, this, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(accum = new TimeAvgAccum(client, this, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(bar = new BC_Bar(x, y, get_w() - x * 2)); y += bar->get_h() + 5; add_tool(replace = new TimeAvgReplace(client, this, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Threshold:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_tool(threshold = new TimeThresholdSlider(client, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Border:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_tool(border = new TimeBorderSlider(client, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(bar = new BC_Bar(x, y, get_w() - x * 2)); y += bar->get_h() + 5; add_tool(greater = new TimeAvgGreater(client, this, x, y)); y += 30; add_tool(less = new TimeAvgLess(client, this, x, y)); y += 30; update_toggles(); show_window(); flush(); }
void SvgWin::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10; // add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("In X:"))); y += 20; // in_x = new SvgCoord(this, client, x, y, &client->config.in_x); // in_x->create_objects(); y += 30; // add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("In Y:"))); y += 20; // in_y = new SvgCoord(this, client, x, y, &client->config.in_y); // in_y->create_objects(); y += 30; // add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("In W:"))); y += 20; // in_w = new SvgCoord(this, client, x, y, &client->config.in_w); // in_w->create_objects(); y += 30; // add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("In H:"))); y += 20; // in_h = new SvgCoord(this, client, x, y, &client->config.in_h); // in_h->create_objects(); y += 30; x += 150; y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Out X:"))); y += 20; out_x = new SvgCoord(this, client, x, y, &client->config.out_x); out_x->create_objects(); y += 30; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Out Y:"))); y += 20; out_y = new SvgCoord(this, client, x, y, &client->config.out_y); out_y->create_objects(); y += 30; /* add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Out W:"))); y += 20; out_w = new SvgCoord(this, client, x, y, &client->config.out_w); out_w->create_objects(); y += 30; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Out H:"))); y += 20; out_h = new SvgCoord(this, client, x, y, &client->config.out_h); out_h->create_objects(); y += 30; */ x -= 150; add_tool(new_svg_button = new NewSvgButton(client, this, x, y)); add_tool(edit_svg_button = new EditSvgButton(client, this, x+190, y)); add_tool(svg_file_title = new BC_Title(x, y+26, client->config.svg_file)); x +=150; show_window(); flush(); }
void LensGUI::create_objects() { int x = 10; int y = 10; int x1; BC_Title *title; LensToggle *toggle; for(int i = 0; i < FOV_CHANNELS; i++) { switch(i) { case 0: add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("R Field of View:"))); break; case 1: add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("G Field of View:"))); break; case 2: add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("B Field of View:"))); break; case 3: add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("A Field of View:"))); break; } y += title->get_h() + 5; add_tool(fov_slider[i] = new LensSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.fov[i], x, y, 0.0001, 1.0)); x1 = x + fov_slider[i]->get_w() + 5; add_tool(fov_text[i] = new LensText(client, this, fov_slider[i], &client->config.fov[i], x1, y)); fov_slider[i]->text = fov_text[i]; y += fov_text[i]->get_h() + 5; } add_tool(toggle = new LensToggle(client, &client->lock, x, y, "Lock")); y += toggle->get_h() + 10; BC_Bar *bar; add_tool(bar = new BC_Bar(x, y, get_w() - x * 2)); y += bar->get_h() + 5; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Aspect Ratio:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_tool(aspect_slider = new LensSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.aspect, x, y, 0.333, 3.0)); x1 = x + aspect_slider->get_w() + 5; add_tool(aspect_text = new LensText(client, this, aspect_slider, &client->config.aspect, x1, y)); aspect_slider->text = aspect_text; y += aspect_text->get_h() + 5; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Radius:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_tool(radius_slider = new LensSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.radius, x, y, 0.333, 3.0)); x1 = x + radius_slider->get_w() + 5; add_tool(radius_text = new LensText(client, this, radius_slider, &client->config.radius, x1, y)); radius_slider->text = radius_text; y += radius_text->get_h() + 5; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Center X:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_tool(centerx_slider = new LensSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.center_x, x, y, 0.0, 99.0)); x1 = x + centerx_slider->get_w() + 5; add_tool(centerx_text = new LensText(client, this, centerx_slider, &client->config.center_x, x1, y)); centerx_slider->text = centerx_text; centerx_slider->set_precision(1.0); y += centerx_text->get_h() + 5; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Center Y:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_tool(centery_slider = new LensSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.center_y, x, y, 0.0, 99.0)); x1 = x + centery_slider->get_w() + 5; add_tool(centery_text = new LensText(client, this, centery_slider, &client->config.center_y, x1, y)); centery_slider->text = centery_text; centery_slider->set_precision(1.0); y += centery_text->get_h() + 10; add_tool(bar = new BC_Bar(x, y, get_w() - x * 2)); y += bar->get_h() + 5; // add_tool(reverse = new LensToggle(client, // &client->config.reverse, // x, // y, // _("Reverse"))); // y += reverse->get_h() + 5; add_tool(draw_guides = new LensToggle(client, &client->config.draw_guides, x, y, _("Draw center"))); y += draw_guides->get_h() + 5; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Mode:"))); add_tool(mode = new LensMode(client, this, x + title->get_w() + 5, y)); mode->create_objects(); y += mode->get_h() + 5; // add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Preset:"))); // add_tool(presets = new LensPresets(client, // this, // x + title->get_w() + 5, // y, // get_w() - x - title->get_w() - 50)); // presets->create_objects(); // y += presets->get_h() + 5; // // add_tool(save_preset = new LensSavePreset(client, // this, // x, // y)); // add_tool(preset_text = new LensPresetText(client, // this, // x + save_preset->get_w() + 5, // y, // get_w() - x - save_preset->get_w() - 10)); // y += preset_text->get_h() + 5; // add_tool(delete_preset = new LensDeletePreset(client, // this, // x, // y)); show_window(); flush(); }