int adns_wait_poll(adns_state ads, adns_query *query_io, adns_answer **answer_r, void **context_r) { int r, nfds, to; struct pollfd fds[MAX_POLLFDS]; adns__consistency(ads,0,cc_entex); for (;;) { r= adns__internal_check(ads,query_io,answer_r,context_r); if (r != EAGAIN) goto xit; nfds= MAX_POLLFDS; to= -1; adns_beforepoll(ads,fds,&nfds,&to,0); r= poll(fds,nfds,to); if (r == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) { if (ads->iflags & adns_if_eintr) { r= EINTR; goto xit; } } else { adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"poll failed in wait: %s",strerror(errno)); adns_globalsystemfailure(ads); } } else { assert(r >= 0); adns_afterpoll(ads,fds,nfds,0); } } xit: adns__consistency(ads,0,cc_entex); return r; }
static void addserver(adns_state ads, struct in_addr addr) { int i; struct server *ss; if(addr.s_addr == 0) addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); for (i=0; i<ads->nservers; i++) { if (ads->servers[i].addr.s_addr == addr.s_addr) { adns__debug(ads,-1,0, "duplicate nameserver %s ignored",inetntoa((char *)&addr)); return; } } if (ads->nservers>=MAXSERVERS) { adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"too many nameservers, ignoring %s",inetntoa((char *)&addr)); return; } ss= ads->servers+ads->nservers; ss->addr= addr; ads->nservers++; }
static int gl_file(adns_state ads, getline_ctx *src_io, const char *filename, int lno, char *buf, int buflen) { FILE *file= src_io->file; int c, i; char *p; p= buf; buflen--; i= 0; for (;;) { /* loop over chars */ if (i == buflen) { adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"%s:%d: line too long, ignored",filename,lno); goto x_badline; } c= getc(file); if (!c) { adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"%s:%d: line contains nul, ignored",filename,lno); goto x_badline; } else if (c == '\n') { break; } else if (c == EOF) { if (ferror(file)) { saveerr(ads,errno); adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"%s:%d: read error: %s",filename,lno,strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (!i) return -1; break; } else { *p++= c; i++; } } *p++= 0; return i; x_badline: saveerr(ads,EINVAL); while ((c= getc(file)) != EOF && c != '\n'); return -2; }
adns_status adns__findlabel_next(findlabel_state *fls, int *lablen_r, int *labstart_r) { int lablen, jumpto; const char *dgram; dgram= fls->dgram; for (;;) { if (fls->cbyte >= fls->dglen) goto x_truncated; if (fls->cbyte >= fls->max) goto x_badresponse; GET_B(fls->cbyte,lablen); if (!(lablen & 0x0c0)) break; if ((lablen & 0x0c0) != 0x0c0) return adns_s_unknownformat; if (fls->cbyte >= fls->dglen) goto x_truncated; if (fls->cbyte >= fls->max) goto x_badresponse; GET_B(fls->cbyte,jumpto); jumpto |= (lablen&0x3f)<<8; if (fls->dmend_r) *(fls->dmend_r)= fls->cbyte; fls->cbyte= jumpto; fls->dmend_r= 0; fls->max= fls->dglen+1; } if (labstart_r) *labstart_r= fls->cbyte; if (lablen) { if (fls->namelen) fls->namelen++; fls->namelen+= lablen; if (fls->namelen > DNS_MAXDOMAIN) return adns_s_answerdomaintoolong; fls->cbyte+= lablen; if (fls->cbyte > fls->dglen) goto x_truncated; if (fls->cbyte > fls->max) goto x_badresponse; } else { if (fls->dmend_r) *(fls->dmend_r)= fls->cbyte; } *lablen_r= lablen; return adns_s_ok; x_truncated: *lablen_r= -1; return adns_s_ok; x_badresponse: adns__diag(fls->ads,fls->serv,fls->qu,"label in domain runs beyond end of domain"); return adns_s_invalidresponse; }
static void readconfig(adns_state ads, const char *filename, int warnmissing) { getline_ctx gl_ctx; gl_ctx.file= fopen(filename,"r"); if (!gl_ctx.file) { if (errno == ENOENT) { if (warnmissing) adns__debug(ads,-1,0,"configuration file `%s' does not exist",filename); return; } saveerr(ads,errno); adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"cannot open configuration file `%s': %s", filename,strerror(errno)); return; } readconfiggeneric(ads,filename,gl_file,gl_ctx); fclose(gl_ctx.file); }
static int gl_text(adns_state ads, getline_ctx *src_io, const char *filename, int lno, char *buf, int buflen) { const char *cp= src_io->text; int l; if (!cp || !*cp) return -1; if (*cp == ';' || *cp == '\n') cp++; l= strcspn(cp,";\n"); src_io->text = cp+l; if (l >= buflen) { adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"%s:%d: line too long, ignored",filename,lno); saveerr(ads,EINVAL); return -2; } memcpy(buf,cp,l); buf[l]= 0; return l; }
static void ccf_options(adns_state ads, const char *fn, int lno, const char *buf) { const char *word; char *ep; unsigned long v; int l; if (!buf) return; while (nextword(&buf,&word,&l)) { if (l==5 && !memcmp(word,"debug",5)) { ads->iflags |= adns_if_debug; continue; } if (l>=6 && !memcmp(word,"ndots:",6)) { v= strtoul(word+6,&ep,10); if (l==6 || ep != word+l || v > INT_MAX) { configparseerr(ads,fn,lno,"option `%.*s' malformed or has bad value",l,word); continue; } ads->searchndots= v; continue; } if (l>=12 && !memcmp(word,"adns_checkc:",12)) { if (!strcmp(word+12,"none")) { ads->iflags &= ~adns_if_checkc_freq; ads->iflags |= adns_if_checkc_entex; } else if (!strcmp(word+12,"entex")) { ads->iflags &= ~adns_if_checkc_freq; ads->iflags |= adns_if_checkc_entex; } else if (!strcmp(word+12,"freq")) { ads->iflags |= adns_if_checkc_freq; } else { configparseerr(ads,fn,lno, "option adns_checkc has bad value `%s' " "(must be none, entex or freq", word+12); } continue; } adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"%s:%d: unknown option `%.*s'", fn,lno, l,word); } }
static void readconfiggeneric(adns_state ads, const char *filename, int (*getline)(adns_state ads, getline_ctx*, const char *filename, int lno, char *buf, int buflen), /* Returns >=0 for success, -1 for EOF or error * (error will have been reported), or -2 for * bad line was encountered, try again. */ getline_ctx gl_ctx) { char linebuf[2000], *p, *q; int lno, l, dirl; const struct configcommandinfo *ccip; for (lno=1; (l= getline(ads,&gl_ctx, filename,lno, linebuf,sizeof(linebuf))) != -1; lno++) { if (l == -2) continue; while (l>0 && ctype_whitespace(linebuf[l-1])) l--; linebuf[l]= 0; p= linebuf; while (ctype_whitespace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '#' || !*p) continue; q= p; while (*q && !ctype_whitespace(*q)) q++; dirl= q-p; for (ccip=configcommandinfos; ccip->name && !(strlen(ccip->name)==dirl && !memcmp(ccip->name,p,q-p)); ccip++); if (!ccip->name) { adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"%s:%d: unknown configuration directive `%.*s'", filename,lno,q-p,p); continue; } while (ctype_whitespace(*q)) q++; ccip->fn(ads,filename,lno,q); } }
static void ccf_sortlist(adns_state ads, const char *fn, int lno, const char *buf) { const char *word; char tbuf[200], *slash, *ep; struct in_addr base, mask; int l; unsigned long initial, baselocal; if (!buf) return; ads->nsortlist= 0; while (nextword(&buf,&word,&l)) { if (ads->nsortlist >= MAXSORTLIST) { adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"too many sortlist entries, ignoring %.*s onwards",l,word); return; } if (l >= sizeof(tbuf)) { configparseerr(ads,fn,lno,"sortlist entry `%.*s' too long",l,word); continue; } memcpy(tbuf,word,l); tbuf[l]= 0; slash= strchr(tbuf,'/'); if (slash) *slash++= 0; if (!inet_aton(tbuf,&base)) { configparseerr(ads,fn,lno,"invalid address `%s' in sortlist",tbuf); continue; } if (slash) { if (strchr(slash,'.')) { if (!inet_aton(slash,&mask)) { configparseerr(ads,fn,lno,"invalid mask `%s' in sortlist",slash); continue; } if (base.s_addr & ~mask.s_addr) { configparseerr(ads,fn,lno, "mask `%s' in sortlist overlaps address `%s'",slash,tbuf); continue; } } else { initial= strtoul(slash,&ep,10); if (*ep || initial>32) { configparseerr(ads,fn,lno,"mask length `%s' invalid",slash); continue; } mask.s_addr= htonl((0x0ffffffffUL) << (32-initial)); } } else { baselocal= ntohl(base.s_addr); if (!baselocal & 0x080000000UL) /* class A */ mask.s_addr= htonl(0x0ff000000UL); else if ((baselocal & 0x0c0000000UL) == 0x080000000UL) mask.s_addr= htonl(0x0ffff0000UL); /* class B */ else if ((baselocal & 0x0f0000000UL) == 0x0e0000000UL) mask.s_addr= htonl(0x0ff000000UL); /* class C */ else { configparseerr(ads,fn,lno, "network address `%s' in sortlist is not in classed ranges," " must specify mask explicitly", tbuf); continue; } } ads->sortlist[ads->nsortlist].base= base; ads->sortlist[ads->nsortlist].mask= mask; ads->nsortlist++; } }
void adns__procdgram(adns_state ads, const byte * dgram, int dglen, int serv, int viatcp, struct timeval now) { int cbyte, rrstart, wantedrrs, rri, foundsoa, foundns, cname_here; int id, f1, f2, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount; int flg_ra, flg_rd, flg_tc, flg_qr, opcode; int rrtype, rrclass, rdlength, rdstart; int anstart, nsstart, arstart; int ownermatched, l, nrrs; unsigned long ttl, soattl; const typeinfo *typei; adns_query qu, nqu; dns_rcode rcode; adns_status st; vbuf tempvb; byte *newquery, *rrsdata; parseinfo pai; if (dglen < DNS_HDRSIZE) { adns__diag(ads, serv, 0, "received datagram too short for message header (%d)", dglen); return; } cbyte = 0; GET_W(cbyte, id); GET_B(cbyte, f1); GET_B(cbyte, f2); GET_W(cbyte, qdcount); GET_W(cbyte, ancount); GET_W(cbyte, nscount); GET_W(cbyte, arcount); assert(cbyte == DNS_HDRSIZE); flg_qr = f1 & 0x80; opcode = (f1 & 0x78) >> 3; flg_tc = f1 & 0x02; flg_rd = f1 & 0x01; flg_ra = f2 & 0x80; rcode = (f2 & 0x0f); cname_here = 0; if (!flg_qr) { adns__diag(ads, serv, 0, "server sent us a query, not a response"); return; } if (opcode) { adns__diag(ads, serv, 0, "server sent us unknown opcode %d (wanted 0=QUERY)", opcode); return; } qu = 0; /* See if we can find the relevant query, or leave qu=0 otherwise ... */ if (qdcount == 1) { for (qu = viatcp ? ads->tcpw.head : ads->udpw.head; qu; qu = nqu) { nqu = qu->next; if (qu->id != id) continue; if (dglen < qu->query_dglen) continue; if (memcmp(qu->query_dgram + DNS_HDRSIZE, dgram + DNS_HDRSIZE, qu->query_dglen - DNS_HDRSIZE)) continue; if (viatcp) { assert(qu->state == query_tcpw); } else { assert(qu->state == query_tosend); if (!(qu->udpsent & (1 << serv))) continue; } break; } if (qu) { /* We're definitely going to do something with this query now */ if (viatcp) ALIST_UNLINK(ads->tcpw, qu); else ALIST_UNLINK(ads->udpw, qu); } } /* If we're going to ignore the packet, we return as soon as we have * failed the query (if any) and printed the warning message (if * any). */ switch (rcode) { case rcode_noerror: case rcode_nxdomain: break; case rcode_formaterror: adns__warn(ads, serv, qu, "server cannot understand our query (Format Error)"); if (qu) adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_rcodeformaterror); return; case rcode_servfail: if (qu) adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_rcodeservfail); else adns__debug(ads, serv, qu, "server failure on unidentifiable query"); return; case rcode_notimp: adns__warn(ads, serv, qu, "server claims not to implement our query"); if (qu) adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_rcodenotimplemented); return; case rcode_refused: adns__debug(ads, serv, qu, "server refused our query"); if (qu) adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_rcoderefused); return; default: adns__warn(ads, serv, qu, "server gave unknown response code %d", rcode); if (qu) adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_rcodeunknown); return; } if (!qu) { if (!qdcount) { adns__diag(ads, serv, 0, "server sent reply without quoting our question"); } else if (qdcount > 1) { adns__diag(ads, serv, 0, "server claimed to answer %d questions with one message", qdcount); } else if (ads->iflags & adns_if_debug) { adns__vbuf_init(&tempvb); adns__debug(ads, serv, 0, "reply not found, id %02x, query owner %s", id, adns__diag_domain(ads, serv, 0, &tempvb, dgram, dglen, DNS_HDRSIZE)); adns__vbuf_free(&tempvb); } return; } /* We're definitely going to do something with this packet and this query now. */ anstart = qu->query_dglen; arstart = -1; /* Now, take a look at the answer section, and see if it is complete. * If it has any CNAMEs we stuff them in the answer. */ wantedrrs = 0; cbyte = anstart; for (rri = 0; rri < ancount; rri++) { rrstart = cbyte; st = adns__findrr(qu, serv, dgram, dglen, &cbyte, &rrtype, &rrclass, &ttl, &rdlength, &rdstart, &ownermatched); if (st) { adns__query_fail(qu, st); return; } if (rrtype == -1) goto x_truncated; if (rrclass != DNS_CLASS_IN) { adns__diag(ads, serv, qu, "ignoring answer RR with wrong class %d (expected IN=%d)", rrclass, DNS_CLASS_IN); continue; } if (!ownermatched) { if (ads->iflags & adns_if_debug) { adns__debug(ads, serv, qu, "ignoring RR with an unexpected owner %s", adns__diag_domain(ads, serv, qu, &qu->vb, dgram, dglen, rrstart)); } continue; } if (rrtype == adns_r_cname && (qu->typei->type & adns__rrt_typemask) != adns_r_cname) { if (qu->flags & adns_qf_cname_forbid) { adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_prohibitedcname); return; } else if (qu->cname_dgram) { /* Ignore second and subsequent CNAME(s) */ adns__debug(ads, serv, qu, "allegedly canonical name %s is actually alias for %s", qu->answer->cname, adns__diag_domain(ads, serv, qu, &qu->vb, dgram, dglen, rdstart)); adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_prohibitedcname); return; } else if (wantedrrs) { /* Ignore CNAME(s) after RR(s). */ adns__debug(ads, serv, qu, "ignoring CNAME (to %s) coexisting with RR", adns__diag_domain(ads, serv, qu, &qu->vb, dgram, dglen, rdstart)); } else { qu->cname_begin = rdstart; qu->cname_dglen = dglen; st = adns__parse_domain(ads, serv, qu, &qu->vb, qu-> flags & adns_qf_quotefail_cname ? 0 : pdf_quoteok, dgram, dglen, &rdstart, rdstart + rdlength); if (!qu->vb.used) goto x_truncated; if (st) { adns__query_fail(qu, st); return; } l = strlen((char *)qu->vb.buf) + 1; qu->answer->cname = adns__alloc_preserved(qu, l); if (!qu->answer->cname) { adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_nomemory); return; } qu->cname_dgram = adns__alloc_mine(qu, dglen); os_memcpy(qu->cname_dgram, dgram, dglen); os_memcpy(qu->answer->cname, qu->vb.buf, l); cname_here = 1; adns__update_expires(qu, ttl, now); /* If we find the answer section truncated after this point we restart * the query at the CNAME; if beforehand then we obviously have to use * TCP. If there is no truncation we can use the whole answer if * it contains the relevant info. */ } } else if (rrtype == (qu->typei->type & adns__rrt_typemask)) { wantedrrs++; } else { adns__debug(ads, serv, qu, "ignoring answer RR with irrelevant type %d", rrtype); } } /* We defer handling truncated responses here, in case there was a CNAME * which we could use. */ if (flg_tc) goto x_truncated; nsstart = cbyte; if (!wantedrrs) { /* Oops, NODATA or NXDOMAIN or perhaps a referral (which would be a problem) */ /* RFC2308: NODATA has _either_ a SOA _or_ _no_ NS records in authority section */ foundsoa = 0; soattl = 0; foundns = 0; for (rri = 0; rri < nscount; rri++) { rrstart = cbyte; st = adns__findrr(qu, serv, dgram, dglen, &cbyte, &rrtype, &rrclass, &ttl, &rdlength, &rdstart, 0); if (st) { adns__query_fail(qu, st); return; } if (rrtype == -1) goto x_truncated; if (rrclass != DNS_CLASS_IN) { adns__diag(ads, serv, qu, "ignoring authority RR with wrong class %d (expected IN=%d)", rrclass, DNS_CLASS_IN); continue; } if (rrtype == adns_r_soa_raw) { foundsoa = 1; soattl = ttl; break; } else if (rrtype == adns_r_ns_raw) { foundns = 1; } } if (rcode == rcode_nxdomain) { /* We still wanted to look for the SOA so we could find the TTL. */ adns__update_expires(qu, soattl, now); if (qu->flags & adns_qf_search) { adns__search_next(ads, qu, now); } else { adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_nxdomain); } return; } if (foundsoa || !foundns) { /* Aha ! A NODATA response, good. */ adns__update_expires(qu, soattl, now); adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_nodata); return; } /* Now what ? No relevant answers, no SOA, and at least some NS's. * Looks like a referral. Just one last chance ... if we came across * a CNAME in this datagram then we should probably do our own CNAME * lookup now in the hope that we won't get a referral again. */ if (cname_here) goto x_restartquery; /* Bloody hell, I thought we asked for recursion ? */ if (!flg_ra) { adns__diag(ads, serv, qu, "server is not willing to do recursive lookups for us"); adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_norecurse); } else { if (!flg_rd) adns__diag(ads, serv, qu, "server thinks we didn't ask for recursive lookup"); else adns__debug(ads, serv, qu, "server claims to do recursion, but gave us a referral"); adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_invalidresponse); } return; } /* Now, we have some RRs which we wanted. */ qu->answer->rrs.untyped = adns__alloc_interim(qu, qu->typei->rrsz * wantedrrs); if (!qu->answer->rrs.untyped) { adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_nomemory); return; } typei = qu->typei; cbyte = anstart; rrsdata = qu->answer->rrs.bytes; = qu->ads; pai.qu = qu; pai.serv = serv; pai.dgram = dgram; pai.dglen = dglen; pai.nsstart = nsstart; pai.nscount = nscount; pai.arcount = arcount; = now; for (rri = 0, nrrs = 0; rri < ancount; rri++) { st = adns__findrr(qu, serv, dgram, dglen, &cbyte, &rrtype, &rrclass, &ttl, &rdlength, &rdstart, &ownermatched); assert(!st); assert(rrtype != -1); if (rrclass != DNS_CLASS_IN || rrtype != (qu->typei->type & adns__rrt_typemask) || !ownermatched) continue; adns__update_expires(qu, ttl, now); st = typei->parse(&pai, rdstart, rdstart + rdlength, rrsdata + nrrs * typei->rrsz); if (st) { adns__query_fail(qu, st); return; } if (rdstart == -1) goto x_truncated; nrrs++; } assert(nrrs == wantedrrs); qu->answer->nrrs = nrrs; /* This may have generated some child queries ... */ if (qu->children.head) { qu->state = query_childw; ALIST_LINK_TAIL(ads->childw, qu); return; } adns__query_done(qu); return; x_truncated: if (!flg_tc) { adns__diag(ads, serv, qu, "server sent datagram which points outside itself"); adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_invalidresponse); return; } qu->flags |= adns_qf_usevc; x_restartquery: if (qu->cname_dgram) { st = adns__mkquery_frdgram(qu->ads, &qu->vb, &qu->id, qu->cname_dgram, qu->cname_dglen, qu->cname_begin, qu->typei->type, qu->flags); if (st) { adns__query_fail(qu, st); return; } newquery = ns_realloc(qu->query_dgram, qu->vb.used); if (!newquery) { adns__query_fail(qu, adns_s_nomemory); return; } qu->query_dgram = newquery; qu->query_dglen = qu->vb.used; os_memcpy(newquery, qu->vb.buf, qu->vb.used); } if (qu->state == query_tcpw) qu->state = query_tosend; qu->retries = 0; adns__reset_preserved(qu); adns__query_send(qu, now); }
int adns_init(adns_state *ads_r, adns_initflags flags, FILE *diagfile) { adns_state ads; const char *res_options, *adns_res_options; int r; #ifdef ADNS_JGAA_WIN32 #define SECURE_PATH_LEN (MAX_PATH - 64) char PathBuf[MAX_PATH]; struct in_addr addr; #define ADNS_PFIXED_INFO_BLEN (2048) PFIXED_INFO network_info = (PFIXED_INFO)alloca(ADNS_PFIXED_INFO_BLEN); ULONG network_info_blen = ADNS_PFIXED_INFO_BLEN; DWORD network_info_result; PIP_ADDR_STRING pip; const char *network_err_str = ""; #endif r= init_begin(&ads, flags, diagfile ? diagfile : stderr); if (r) return r; res_options= instrum_getenv(ads,"RES_OPTIONS"); adns_res_options= instrum_getenv(ads,"ADNS_RES_OPTIONS"); ccf_options(ads,"RES_OPTIONS",-1,res_options); ccf_options(ads,"ADNS_RES_OPTIONS",-1,adns_res_options); #ifdef ADNS_JGAA_WIN32 GetWindowsDirectory(PathBuf, SECURE_PATH_LEN); strcat(PathBuf,"\\resolv.conf"); readconfig(ads,PathBuf,1); GetWindowsDirectory(PathBuf, SECURE_PATH_LEN); strcat(PathBuf,"\\resolv-adns.conf"); readconfig(ads,PathBuf,0); GetWindowsDirectory(PathBuf, SECURE_PATH_LEN); strcat(PathBuf,"\\System32\\Drivers\\etc\\resolv.conf"); readconfig(ads,PathBuf,1); GetWindowsDirectory(PathBuf, SECURE_PATH_LEN); strcat(PathBuf,"\\System32\\Drivers\\etc\\resolv-adns.conf"); readconfig(ads,PathBuf,0); network_info_result = GetNetworkParams(network_info, &network_info_blen); if (network_info_result != ERROR_SUCCESS){ switch(network_info_result) { case ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: network_err_str = "ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW"; break; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: network_err_str = "ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"; break; case ERROR_NO_DATA: network_err_str = "ERROR_NO_DATA"; break; case ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: network_err_str = "ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED"; break;} adns__diag(ads,-1,0,"GetNetworkParams() failed with error [%d] %s", network_info_result,network_err_str); } else { for(pip = &(network_info->DnsServerList); pip; pip = pip->Next) { addr.s_addr = inet_addr(pip->IpAddress.String); if ((addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) && (addr.s_addr != INADDR_NONE)) addserver(ads, addr); } } #else readconfig(ads,"/etc/resolv.conf",1); readconfig(ads,"/etc/resolv-adns.conf",0); #endif readconfigenv(ads,"RES_CONF"); readconfigenv(ads,"ADNS_RES_CONF"); readconfigenvtext(ads,"RES_CONF_TEXT"); readconfigenvtext(ads,"ADNS_RES_CONF_TEXT"); ccf_options(ads,"RES_OPTIONS",-1,res_options); ccf_options(ads,"ADNS_RES_OPTIONS",-1,adns_res_options); ccf_search(ads,"LOCALDOMAIN",-1,instrum_getenv(ads,"LOCALDOMAIN")); ccf_search(ads,"ADNS_LOCALDOMAIN",-1,instrum_getenv(ads,"ADNS_LOCALDOMAIN")); if (ads->configerrno && ads->configerrno != EINVAL) { r= ads->configerrno; init_abort(ads); return r; } r= init_finish(ads); if (r) return r; adns__consistency(ads,0,cc_entex); *ads_r= ads; return 0; }