Exemplo n.º 1
bool MkStorage::store(string alias, SymKey *mk, Token *tok) {
	if(exist(alias)) {
		printf("Failed to store :: EMK already exists for %s\n",
				return false;

	EncItem *payload = pbkdf_create_mkek(tok);
	SymKey *mkek = pbkdf_derive_mkek(payload, tok);
	EncKey *emk = aes_gcm_encrypt(mk, mkek);

	shared_ptr<SerializedItem> sEmk = emk->serialize();
	shared_ptr<SerializedItem> sPayload = payload->serialize();

	delete payload;
	delete mkek;
	delete emk;

	shared_ptr<SqlRecord> rec(new SqlRecord());
	rec->push(shared_ptr<SqlValue>(new SqlString(EMK_COL_ALIAS, alias)));
	rec->push(shared_ptr<SqlValue>(new SqlString(EMK_COL_EMK, sEmk->getItem())));
	rec->push(shared_ptr<SqlValue>(new SqlString(EMK_COL_EMK_AUTH_TAG, sEmk->getAuthTag())));
	rec->push(shared_ptr<SqlValue>(new SqlString(EMK_COL_EMKEK, sPayload->getItem())));
	rec->push(shared_ptr<SqlValue>(new SqlString(EMK_COL_EMKEK_AUTH_TAG, sPayload->getAuthTag())));
	rec->push(shared_ptr<SqlValue>(new SqlString(EMK_COL_SALT, sPayload->getSalt())));

	return mSqlHelper->insertRec(mDb, EMK_TBL_NAME, rec);
Exemplo n.º 2
void encrypt(struct cipher c, unsigned char *d, int dlen, unsigned char *oiv) {
	unsigned char out[1000], tag[16];
	int outlen,i;

	unsigned char newiv[12];
	unsigned char cnt[10];
	*(long long*)cnt = c.recvcnt;
	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
	for (i=0;i<8;i++)
	aes_gcm_encrypt(c.recvkey, newiv, cnt, 10, d, dlen, out, &outlen, tag ,16);
	printf("%d ", outlen);
	for (i=0; i<outlen; i++)
		printf("%c", out[i]);
	for (i=0; i<16; i++)
		printf("%c", tag[i]);
	for (i=0;i<8;i++)
		printf("%c", oiv[i]);
Exemplo n.º 3
void FileBase::setxattr(const char* name, const char* value, size_t size, int flags)
    if (!name || !value)
        throw OSException(EFAULT);

    std::unique_ptr<byte[]> buffer(new byte[size]);
    byte* ciphertext = buffer.get();

    byte* iv = meta;
    byte* mac = iv + XATTR_IV_LENGTH;
    generate_random(iv, XATTR_IV_LENGTH);

    auto name_len = strlen(name);
    std::unique_ptr<byte[]> header(new byte[name_len + ID_LENGTH]);
    memcpy(header.get(), get_id().data(), ID_LENGTH);
    memcpy(header.get() + ID_LENGTH, name, name_len);

                    name_len + ID_LENGTH,

    auto rc = fsetxattr_wrapper(file_descriptor(), name, ciphertext, size, flags);
    if (rc < 0)
        throw OSException(errno);
    rc = fsetxattr_wrapper(m_meta_fd, name, meta, sizeof(meta), flags);
    if (rc < 0)
        throw OSException(errno);
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char **argv)  
        unsigned char *plain;
	int i;
	pt_len = atoi(argv[1]);
	plain = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*pt_len);
        gcm_pt = plain;
//        printf("plain size: %d gcm_pt size: %d\n",sizeof(gcm_pte),sizeof(plain));
	cycle_t tStart, tEnd;
	printf("Encrypt time: %lf us\n",(tEnd-tStart)/2600.0);
    	printf("tEnd  :%ld\n",tEnd);
    	printf("Decrypt time: %lf us\n",(tEnd-tStart)/2600.0); 

	printf("orignal plain text:");
	printf("encrypt text:\n");
	BIO_dump_fp(stdout, enbuf, pt_len);
	printf("plain text:\n");
	BIO_dump_fp(stdout, gcm_pt, pt_len);
	printf("decrypt text:\n");
	BIO_dump_fp(stdout, debuf, pt_len); 
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	uint8 buf[4096];
	uint8 tag[GCM_BLOCK_SZ];
	status_t res;


	memcpy(buf, p0, plen0);
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k0, klen0, n0, nlen0, a0, alen0, buf, plen0,
		tag, sizeof(tag));
	res = !memcmp(tag, t0, tlen0) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK)
		TAG_ERR(res, t0, tag, tlen0);
	ENDT(0, res);

	memcpy(buf, p1, plen1);
	aes_gcm_mac(k1, klen1,  n1, nlen1, a1, alen1, buf, plen1,
		tag, sizeof(tag));
	res = !memcmp(tag, t1, tlen1) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK)
		TAG_ERR(res, t1, tag, tlen1);
	ENDT(1, res);

	memcpy(buf, p1, plen1);
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k1, klen1, n1, nlen1, a1, alen1, buf, plen1,
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(c1, buf, plen1) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK) {
		CTXT_ERR(res, c1, buf, plen1);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(tag, t1, tlen1) ? OK : ERR;
		if (res != OK) 
			TAG_ERR(res, t1, tag, tlen1);
	ENDT(2, res);

	memcpy(buf, p3, plen3);
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k3, klen3, n3, nlen3, a3, alen3, buf, plen3, 
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(c3, buf, plen3) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK) {
		CTXT_ERR(res, c3, buf, plen3);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(tag, t3, tlen3) ? OK : ERR;
		if (res != OK) 
			TAG_ERR(res, t3, tag, tlen3);
	ENDT(3, res);

	gcm_hash(hk4, ac4, aclen4, buf, TRUE);
	res = !memcmp(hac4, buf, haclen4) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK) 
		TAG_ERR(res, hac4, buf, haclen4);
	ENDT(4, res);

	memcpy(buf, p5, plen5);
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k5, klen5, n5, nlen5, a5, alen5, buf, plen5,
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(c5, buf, plen5) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK) {
		CTXT_ERR(res, c5, buf, plen5);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(tag, t5, tlen5) ? OK : ERR;
		if (res != OK) 
			TAG_ERR(res, t5, tag, tlen5);
	ENDT(5, res);

	memcpy(buf, p5, plen5);
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k5, klen5, n6, nlen6, a5, alen5, buf, plen5,
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(c6, buf, plen5) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK) {
		CTXT_ERR(res, c6, buf, plen5);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(tag, t6, tlen6) ? OK : ERR;
		if (res != OK) 
			TAG_ERR(res, t6, tag, tlen6);
	ENDT(6, res);

	memcpy(buf, c6, plen5);
    res = aes_gcm_decrypt(k5, klen5, n6, nlen6, a5, alen5, buf, plen5,
		t6, tlen6) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_decrypt returned error", NULL, 0);
	} else {
    	res = !memcmp(p5, buf, plen5) ? OK : ERR;
    	if (res != OK)
        	PTXT_ERR(res, p5, buf, plen5);
	ENDT(7, res);

	memcpy(buf, p5, plen5);
    res = aes_gcm_verify(k5, klen5, n6, nlen6, a5, alen5, buf, plen5,
		t6, tlen6) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_verify returned error", NULL, 0);
    ENDT(8, res);

	memcpy(buf, p5, plen5);
    aes_gcm_mac(k5, klen5,  n6, nlen6, a5, alen5, buf, plen5,
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(tag, t6, tlen6) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK)
    	TAG_ERR(res, t6, tag, tlen6);
    ENDT(9, res);

	/* validate encrypt */
	memcpy(buf, p10, plen10)	;
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k10, klen10, n10, nlen10, a10, alen10, buf, plen10,
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(c10, buf, plen10) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
        CTXT_ERR(res, c10, buf, plen10);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(tag, t10, tlen10) ? OK : ERR;
		if (res != OK)
			TAG_ERR(res, t10, tag, tlen10);

	/* validate (just) mac  */
	memcpy(buf, p10, plen10);
	aes_gcm_mac(k10, klen10, n10, nlen10, a10, alen10, buf, plen10,
		tag, sizeof(tag));
	res = !memcmp(tag, t10, tlen10) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK)
            TAG_ERR(res, t10, tag, tlen10);

	/* validate decrypt */
	memcpy(buf, c10, clen10);
	res = aes_gcm_decrypt(k10, klen10, n10, nlen10, a10, alen10, buf, clen10,
		t10, tlen10) ? OK : ERR;

	if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_decrypt returned error", NULL, 0);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(p10, buf, plen10) ? OK : ERR;
    	if (res != OK) {
        	PTXT_ERR(res, p10, buf, plen10);

	/* validate verify */
	memcpy(buf, p10, plen10);
    res = aes_gcm_verify(k10, klen10, n10, nlen10, a10, alen10, buf, plen10,
        t10, tlen10) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_verify returned error", NULL, 0);
	ENDT(10, res);

	/* validate encrypt */
	memcpy(buf, p10, plen10)	;
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k11, klen11, n10, nlen10, a10, alen10, buf, plen10,
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(c11, buf, plen10) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
        CTXT_ERR(res, c11, buf, plen10);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(tag, t11, tlen11) ? OK : ERR;
		if (res != OK)
			TAG_ERR(res, t11, tag, tlen11);

	/* validate (just) mac  */
	memcpy(buf, p10, plen10);
	aes_gcm_mac(k11, klen11, n10, nlen10, a10, alen10, buf, plen10,
		tag, sizeof(tag));
	res = !memcmp(tag, t11, tlen11) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK)
            TAG_ERR(res, t11, tag, tlen11);

	/* validate decrypt */
	memcpy(buf, c11, clen11);
	res = aes_gcm_decrypt(k11, klen11, n10, nlen10, a10, alen10, buf, clen11,
		t11, tlen11) ? OK : ERR;

	if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_decrypt returned error", NULL, 0);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(p10, buf, plen10) ? OK : ERR;
    	if (res != OK) {
        	PTXT_ERR(res, p10, buf, plen10);

	/* validate verify */
	memcpy(buf, p10, plen10);
    res = aes_gcm_verify(k11, klen11, n10, nlen10, a10, alen10, buf, plen10,
        t11, tlen11) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_verify returned error", NULL, 0);
	ENDT(11, res);

	/* validate encrypt */
	memcpy(buf, p12, plen12)	;
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k12, klen12, n12, nlen12, a12, alen12, buf, plen12,
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(c12, buf, plen12) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
        CTXT_ERR(res, c12, buf, plen12);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(tag, t12, tlen12) ? OK : ERR;
		if (res != OK)
			TAG_ERR(res, t12, tag, tlen12);

	/* validate (just) mac  */
	memcpy(buf, p12, plen12);
	aes_gcm_mac(k12, klen12, n12, nlen12, a12, alen12, buf, plen12,
		tag, sizeof(tag));
	res = !memcmp(tag, t12, tlen12) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK)
            TAG_ERR(res, t12, tag, tlen12);

	/* validate decrypt */
	memcpy(buf, c12, clen12);
	res = aes_gcm_decrypt(k12, klen12, n12, nlen12, a12, alen12, buf, clen12,
		t12, tlen12) ? OK : ERR;

	if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_decrypt returned error", NULL, 0);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(p12, buf, plen12) ? OK : ERR;
    	if (res != OK) {
        	PTXT_ERR(res, p12, buf, plen12);

	/* validate verify */
	memcpy(buf, p12, plen12);
    res = aes_gcm_verify(k12, klen12, n12, nlen12, a12, alen12, buf, plen12,
        t12, tlen12) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_verify returned error", NULL, 0);
	ENDT(12, res);

	/* validate encrypt */
	memcpy(buf, p12, plen12)	;
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k13, klen13, n12, nlen12, a12, alen12, buf, plen12,
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(c13, buf, plen12) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
        CTXT_ERR(res, c13, buf, plen12);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(tag, t13, tlen13) ? OK : ERR;
		if (res != OK)
			TAG_ERR(res, t13, tag, tlen13);

	/* validate (just) mac  */
	memcpy(buf, p12, plen12);
	aes_gcm_mac(k13, klen13, n12, nlen12, a12, alen12, buf, plen12,
		tag, sizeof(tag));
	res = !memcmp(tag, t13, tlen13) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK)
            TAG_ERR(res, t13, tag, tlen13);

	/* validate decrypt */
	memcpy(buf, c13, clen13);
	res = aes_gcm_decrypt(k13, klen13, n12, nlen12, a12, alen12, buf, clen12,
		t13, tlen13) ? OK : ERR;

	if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_decrypt returned error", NULL, 0);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(p12, buf, plen12) ? OK : ERR;
    	if (res != OK) {
        	PTXT_ERR(res, p12, buf, plen12);

	/* validate verify */
	memcpy(buf, p12, plen12);
    res = aes_gcm_verify(k13, klen13, n12, nlen12, a12, alen12, buf, plen12,
        t13, tlen13) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_verify returned error", NULL, 0);
	ENDT(13, res);

	/* validate encrypt */
	memcpy(buf, p14, plen14)	;
	aes_gcm_encrypt(k14, klen14, n14, nlen14, a14, alen14, buf, plen14,
		tag, sizeof(tag));

	res = !memcmp(c14, buf, plen14) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
        CTXT_ERR(res, c14, buf, plen14);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(tag, t14, tlen14) ? OK : ERR;
		if (res != OK)
			TAG_ERR(res, t14, tag, tlen14);

	/* validate (just) mac  */
	memcpy(buf, p14, plen14);
	aes_gcm_mac(k14, klen14, n14, nlen14, a14, alen14, buf, plen14,
		tag, sizeof(tag));
	res = !memcmp(tag, t14, tlen14) ? OK : ERR;
	if (res != OK)
            TAG_ERR(res, t14, tag, tlen14);

	/* validate decrypt */
	memcpy(buf, c14, clen14);
	res = aes_gcm_decrypt(k14, klen14, n14, nlen14, a14, alen14, buf, clen14,
		t14, tlen14) ? OK : ERR;

	if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_decrypt returned error", NULL, 0);
	} else {
		res = !memcmp(p14, buf, plen14) ? OK : ERR;
    	if (res != OK) {
        	PTXT_ERR(res, p14, buf, plen14);

	/* validate verify */
	memcpy(buf, p14, plen14);
    res = aes_gcm_verify(k14, klen14, n14, nlen14, a14, alen14, buf, plen14,
        t14, tlen14) ? OK : ERR;
    if (res != OK) {
		DBG("aes_gcm_verify returned error", NULL, 0);
	ENDT(14, res);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
/** @brief Process an encrypt packet.
 * An encrypt packet consists of a uint32 J and an uninterpreted array
 * of MESSAGE_SIZE bytes. To be well-formed,
 * J must identify a channel in the CSS_OPEN state.
 * [uint32 J][MESSAGE_SIZE bytes of uninterpreted data]
 * On success, the response is simply
 * [CR_CIPHERTEXT][SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE bytes of uninterpreted data]
 * @param ctx Non-null. The chat context.
 * @param pkt Non-null. The incoming login packet. On success, this
 *            pointer re-used to format the outgoing reply message.
 * @return 0 on success.
int chat_process_encrypt(chat_context_t *ctx, ffs_packet_t *pkt, uint32_t *pos) {
    int err = 0;

    uint32_t channel = 0;
    err = uint32_deserialize(pkt->data, FFS_DATA_SIZE, pos, &channel);
    if (err) goto cleanup;
    if (channel >= SESSIONS_SIZE) {
        err = -1;
        goto cleanup;
    if (CSS_OPEN != ctx->sessions[channel].state)
        err = -1;
        goto cleanup;

    /* Format our response. */
    uint32_t out_pos = 0;
        /* [SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN nonce] */
        uint8_t nonce[SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN];
        for (int i = 0; i < SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN; i += AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
            prng_output(&ctx->prng, &nonce[i]);
        sha256_hash(nonce, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN, nonce);
        msel_memcpy(&ctx->session_buffer[out_pos], nonce, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN);
        out_pos += SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN;
        msel_memset(nonce, 0, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN);
        /* [CR_CIPHERTEXT] */
        err = ChatResponse_serialize(ctx->session_buffer, SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE, &out_pos, CR_CIPHERTEXT);
        if (err) goto cleanup;
        /* [MESSAGE_SIZE The message] */
        msel_memcpy(&ctx->session_buffer[out_pos], &pkt->data[*pos], MESSAGE_SIZE);
        out_pos += MESSAGE_SIZE;
        /* Encrypt seek string */
        aes_gcm_ctx_t gcm;
        msel_memset(&gcm, 0, sizeof(gcm));
        aes_gcm_setkey(&gcm, AES_GCM_128, ctx->sessions[channel].send_key, ctx->sessions[channel].send_iv, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN);
        aes_gcm_aad(&gcm, NULL, 0);
        aes_gcm_encrypt(&gcm, ctx->session_buffer, SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE, ctx->session_buffer);
        msel_memset(&gcm, 0, sizeof(gcm));
        /* Format the packet */
        uint32_t length = 0;
        msel_memset(pkt->data, 0, FFS_DATA_SIZE);
        /* [CR_CIPHERTEXT] */
        err = ChatResponse_serialize(pkt->data, FFS_DATA_SIZE, &length, CR_CIPHERTEXT);
        if (err) goto cleanup;
        /* SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE bytes of uninterpreted data */
        msel_memcpy(&pkt->data[length], ctx->session_buffer, SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE);
        length += SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE;

    /* Advance the key and IV */
    sha256_hash(ctx->sessions[channel].send_key, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN, ctx->sessions[channel].send_key);
    sha256_hash(ctx->sessions[channel].send_iv, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN, ctx->sessions[channel].send_iv);

    /* Send the response */
    while (msel_svc(MSEL_SVC_SESSION_SEND, pkt) != MSEL_OK)
        msel_svc(MSEL_SVC_YIELD, NULL);

    return err;
Exemplo n.º 8
/** @brief Process a get-exchange packet.
 * A get-exchange packet consists of a uint32 J. To be well-formed,
 * J must identify a channel in the CSS_LISTENING or CSS_OPEN state.
 * [uint32 J]
 * On success, the response is simply
 * [CR_EXCHANGE][SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE bytes of uninterpreted data]
 * @param ctx Non-null. The chat context.
 * @param pkt Non-null. The incoming login packet. On success, this
 *            pointer re-used to format the outgoing reply message.
 * @return 0 on success.
int chat_process_getexchange(chat_context_t *ctx, ffs_packet_t *pkt, uint32_t *pos) {
    int err = 0;

    uint32_t channel = 0;
    err = uint32_deserialize(pkt->data, FFS_DATA_SIZE, pos, &channel);
    if (err) goto cleanup;
    if (channel >= SESSIONS_SIZE) {
        err = -1;
        goto cleanup;
    if ((CSS_LISTENING != ctx->sessions[channel].state) &&
            (CSS_OPEN != ctx->sessions[channel].state))
        err = -1;
        goto cleanup;

    /* Format our response. */
    uint32_t out_pos = 0;
        /* [SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN nonce] */
        uint8_t nonce[SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN];
        for (int i = 0; i < SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN; i += AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
            prng_output(&ctx->prng, &nonce[i]);
        sha256_hash(nonce, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN, nonce);
        msel_memcpy(&ctx->session_buffer[out_pos], nonce, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN);
        out_pos += SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN;
        msel_memset(nonce, 0, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN);
        /* [CR_EXCHANGE] */
        err = ChatResponse_serialize(ctx->session_buffer, SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE, &out_pos, CR_EXCHANGE);
        if (err) goto cleanup;
        /* [SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN The pubkey hash] */
        msel_memcpy(&ctx->session_buffer[out_pos], ctx->sessions[channel].local_key_pub_hash, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN);
        out_pos += SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN;
        /* [ECC_POINT_LEN The pubkey itself] */
        msel_memcpy(&ctx->session_buffer[out_pos], ctx->sessions[channel].local_key_pub, ECC_POINT_LEN);
        out_pos += ECC_POINT_LEN;
        /* TODO: ECDSA signature of the pubkey hash */
        /* TODO: hmac */
        /* Encrypt exchange string */
        aes_gcm_ctx_t gcm;
        msel_memset(&gcm, 0, sizeof(gcm));
        aes_gcm_setkey(&gcm, AES_GCM_128, ctx->sessions[channel].xchg_key, ctx->sessions[channel].xchg_iv, SHA256_OUTPUT_LEN);
        aes_gcm_aad(&gcm, NULL, 0);
        aes_gcm_encrypt(&gcm, ctx->session_buffer, SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE, ctx->session_buffer);
        msel_memset(&gcm, 0, sizeof(gcm));
        /* Format the packet */
        uint32_t length = 0;
        msel_memset(pkt->data, 0, FFS_DATA_SIZE);
        /* [CR_EXCHANGE] */
        err = ChatResponse_serialize(pkt->data, FFS_DATA_SIZE, &length, CR_EXCHANGE);
        if (err) goto cleanup;
        /* SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE bytes of uninterpreted data */
        msel_memcpy(&pkt->data[length], ctx->session_buffer, SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE);
        length += SESSION_BUFFER_SIZE;

    /* Send the response */
    while (msel_svc(MSEL_SVC_SESSION_SEND, pkt) != MSEL_OK)
        msel_svc(MSEL_SVC_YIELD, NULL);

    return err;
Exemplo n.º 9
bool KekStorage::store(string alias, Key *key, Token *tok){
	if(exist(alias, KeyName::getName(key))) {
		printf("Failed to store :: key[%s] already exists for %s\n",
				KeyName::getName(key), alias.c_str());
				return false;

	shared_ptr<SqlRecord> rec(new SqlRecord());
	shared_ptr<SerializedItem> sItem;

	if(key->type == KeyType::PUB) {
		// don't encrypt the key
		sItem = key->serialize();

				new SqlString(KEK_COL_ALIAS, alias)));
				new SqlString(KEK_COL_KEK_NAME, KeyName::getName(key))));
				new SqlInteger(KEK_COL_KEK_TYPE, KeyType::PUB)));
				new SqlInteger(KEK_COL_ENCRYPTED_BY, CryptAlg::PLAIN)));
				new SqlString(KEK_COL_EKEK, (string )sItem->getItem())));
	} else {
		if(tok->len > 32) {
			printf("Token length cannot be more than 32 bytes [%d]\n", tok->len);
			return false;

		SymKey *symKey = new SymKey(32);
		memcpy(symKey->getData(), tok->getData(), tok->len);

		EncKey *eKey = aes_gcm_encrypt((Item *)key, symKey);
		if(eKey == NULL) {
			printf("Encryption failed!\n");
			delete symKey;
			return false;

		sItem = eKey->serialize();

				new SqlString(KEK_COL_ALIAS, alias)));
				new SqlString(KEK_COL_KEK_NAME, KeyName::getName(key))));
				new SqlInteger(KEK_COL_KEK_TYPE, key->type)));
				new SqlInteger(KEK_COL_ENCRYPTED_BY, CryptAlg::AES)));
				new SqlString(KEK_COL_EKEK, (string )sItem->getItem())));
				new SqlString(KEK_COL_AUTH_TAG, (string )sItem->getAuthTag())));

		delete eKey;
		delete symKey;

	sItem->dump("KekStorage::store - serializedItem");
	bool rc = mSqlHelper->insertRec(mDb, KEK_TBL_NAME, rec);

	return rc;