Exemplo n.º 1
	Handle the outcome of the SDP register request if we're initialising the
	HFP profile lib.
void aghfpHandleSdpInternalRegisterInit(AGHFP *aghfp, const AGHFP_INTERNAL_SDP_REGISTER_CFM_T *cfm)
	if (cfm->status == aghfp_success)
		/* Service record register succeeded */
		aghfpSendInternalInitCfm(&aghfp->task, aghfp_init_success, 0);
		/* Service record register failed - we don't get more detail than this! */
		aghfpSendInternalInitCfm(&aghfp->task, aghfp_init_sdp_reg_fail, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
 Rfcomm channel has been allocated.
void aghfpHandleRfcommRegisterCfm(AGHFP *aghfp, const CL_RFCOMM_REGISTER_CFM_T *cfm)
	/* Check the result code */
	if (cfm->status == success)
		/* Rfcomm channel allocation succeeded send an init cfm */
		aghfpSendInternalInitCfm(&aghfp->task, aghfp_init_success, cfm->server_channel);
		/* Send an init cfm with error code indicating channel alloc failed */
		aghfpSendInternalInitCfm(&aghfp->task, aghfp_init_rfc_chan_fail, 0);