Exemplo n.º 1
static int incomingim_ch4(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, guint16 channel, aim_userinfo_t *userinfo, aim_tlvlist_t *tlvlist, guint8 *cookie)
	aim_bstream_t meat;
	aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;
	aim_tlv_t *block;
	struct aim_incomingim_ch4_args args;
	int ret = 0;

	 * Make a bstream for the meaty part.  Yum.  Meat.
	if (!(block = aim_gettlv(tlvlist, 0x0005, 1)))
		return -1;
	aim_bstream_init(&meat, block->value, block->length);

	args.uin = aimbs_getle32(&meat);
	args.type = aimbs_getle16(&meat);
	args.msg = (char *)aimbs_getraw(&meat, aimbs_getle16(&meat));

	if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype)))
		ret = userfunc(sess, rx, channel, userinfo, &args);


	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Subtype 0x0003 - Response to 0x0015/0x002, contains an ICQesque packet.
static int icqresponse(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs)
	int ret = 0;
	aim_tlvlist_t *tl;
	aim_tlv_t *datatlv;
	aim_bstream_t qbs;
	fu32_t ouruin;
	fu16_t cmdlen, cmd, reqid;

	if (!(tl = aim_tlvlist_read(bs)) || !(datatlv = aim_tlv_gettlv(tl, 0x0001, 1))) {
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "corrupt ICQ response\n");
		return 0;

	aim_bstream_init(&qbs, datatlv->value, datatlv->length);

	cmdlen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
	ouruin = aimbs_getle32(&qbs);
	cmd = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
	reqid = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);

	faimdprintf(sess, 1, "icq response: %d bytes, %ld, 0x%04x, 0x%04x\n", cmdlen, ouruin, cmd, reqid);

	if (cmd == 0x0041) { /* offline message */
		struct aim_icq_offlinemsg msg;
		aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

		memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));

		msg.sender = aimbs_getle32(&qbs);
		msg.year = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		msg.month = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.day = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.hour = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.minute = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.type = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.flags = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.msglen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		msg.msg = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, msg.msglen);

		if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_OFFLINEMSG)))
			ret = userfunc(sess, rx, &msg);


	} else if (cmd == 0x0042) {
		aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

		if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_OFFLINEMSGCOMPLETE)))
			ret = userfunc(sess, rx);

	} else if (cmd == 0x07da) { /* information */
		fu16_t subtype;
		struct aim_icq_info *info;
		aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

		subtype = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		aim_bstream_advance(&qbs, 1); /* 0x0a */

		/* find other data from the same request */
		for (info = sess->icq_info; info && (info->reqid != reqid); info = info->next);
		if (!info) {
			info = (struct aim_icq_info *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct aim_icq_info));
			info->reqid = reqid;
			info->next = sess->icq_info;
			sess->icq_info = info;

		switch (subtype) {
		case 0x00a0: { /* hide ip status */
			/* nothing */
		} break;

		case 0x00aa: { /* password change status */
			/* nothing */
		} break;

		case 0x00c8: { /* general and "home" information */
			info->nick = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->first = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->last = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->email = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->homecity = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->homestate = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->homephone = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->homefax = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->homeaddr = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->mobile = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->homezip = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->homecountry = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			/* 0x0a 00 02 00 */
			/* 1 byte timezone? */
			/* 1 byte hide email flag? */
		} break;

		case 0x00dc: { /* personal information */
			info->age = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
			info->unknown = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
			info->gender = aimbs_getle8(&qbs); /* Not specified=0x00, Female=0x01, Male=0x02 */
			info->personalwebpage = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->birthyear = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			info->birthmonth = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
			info->birthday = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
			info->language1 = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
			info->language2 = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
			info->language3 = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
			/* 0x00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 */
		} break;

		case 0x00d2: { /* work information */
			info->workcity = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->workstate = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->workphone = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->workfax = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->workaddr = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->workzip = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->workcountry = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			info->workcompany = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->workdivision = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->workposition = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			aim_bstream_advance(&qbs, 2); /* 0x01 00 */
			info->workwebpage = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
		} break;

		case 0x00e6: { /* additional personal information */
			info->info = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs)-1);
		} break;

		case 0x00eb: { /* email address(es) */
			int i;
			info->numaddresses = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			info->email2 = (char **)calloc(info->numaddresses, sizeof(char *));
			for (i = 0; i < info->numaddresses; i++) {
				info->email2[i] = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
				if (i+1 != info->numaddresses)
					aim_bstream_advance(&qbs, 1); /* 0x00 */
		} break;

		case 0x00f0: { /* personal interests */
		} break;

		case 0x00fa: { /* past background and current organizations */
		} break;

		case 0x0104: { /* alias info */
			info->nick = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->first = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->last = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			aim_bstream_advance(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs)); /* email address? */
			/* Then 0x00 02 00 */
		} break;

		case 0x010e: { /* unknown */
			/* 0x00 00 */
		} break;

		case 0x019a: { /* simple info */
			aim_bstream_advance(&qbs, 2);
			info->uin = aimbs_getle32(&qbs);
			info->nick = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->first = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->last = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			info->email = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, aimbs_getle16(&qbs));
			/* Then 0x00 02 00 00 00 00 00 */
		} break;
		} /* End switch statement */

		if (!(snac->flags & 0x0001)) {
			if (subtype != 0x0104)
				if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_INFO)))
					ret = userfunc(sess, rx, info);

			if (info->uin && info->nick)
				if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_ALIAS)))
					ret = userfunc(sess, rx, info);

			if (sess->icq_info == info) {
				sess->icq_info = info->next;
			} else {
				struct aim_icq_info *cur;
				for (cur=sess->icq_info; (cur->next && (cur->next!=info)); cur=cur->next);
				if (cur->next)
					cur->next = cur->next->next;


	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * The relationship between AIM_CAPS_ICQSERVERRELAY and AIM_CAPS_ICQRTF is 
 * kind of odd. This sends the client ICQRTF since that is all that I've seen
 * SERVERRELAY used for.
 * Note that this is all little-endian.  Cringe.
 * This cap is used for auto status message replies, too [ft]
static void incomingim_ch2_icqserverrelay(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_userinfo_t *userinfo, struct aim_incomingim_ch2_args *args, aim_bstream_t *servdata)
	guint16 hdrlen, msglen, dc;
	guint8 msgtype;
    guint8 *plugin;
    int i = 0, tmp = 0;
    struct im_connection *ic = sess->aux_data;

    /* at the moment we just can deal with requests, not with cancel or accept */
    if (args->status != 0) return;

	hdrlen = aimbs_getle16(servdata);

    aim_bstream_advance(servdata, 0x02); /* protocol version */
    plugin = aimbs_getraw(servdata, 0x10); /* following data is a message or 
                                              something plugin specific */
    /* as there is no plugin handling, just skip the rest */
    aim_bstream_advance(servdata, hdrlen - 0x12);

	hdrlen = aimbs_getle16(servdata);
    dc = aimbs_getle16(servdata); /* save the sequence number */
	aim_bstream_advance(servdata, hdrlen - 0x02);

    /* TODO is it a message or something for a plugin? */
    for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) {
        tmp |= plugin[i];

    if (!tmp) { /* message follows */

        msgtype = aimbs_getle8(servdata);
        aimbs_getle8(servdata); /* msgflags */

        aim_bstream_advance(servdata, 0x04); /* status code and priority code */

        msglen = aimbs_getle16(servdata); /* message string length */
	args->info.rtfmsg.rtfmsg = aimbs_getstr(servdata, msglen);

        switch(msgtype) {
            case AIM_MTYPE_PLAIN:

                args->info.rtfmsg.fgcolor = aimbs_getle32(servdata);
                args->info.rtfmsg.bgcolor = aimbs_getle32(servdata);

                hdrlen = aimbs_getle32(servdata);
                aim_bstream_advance(servdata, hdrlen);

                /* XXX This is such a hack. */
                args->reqclass = AIM_CAPS_ICQRTF;

            case AIM_MTYPE_AUTOAWAY: 
            case AIM_MTYPE_AUTOBUSY:
            case AIM_MTYPE_AUTONA:
            case AIM_MTYPE_AUTODND:
            case AIM_MTYPE_AUTOFFC:
	    case 0x9c:	/* ICQ 5 seems to send this */
                aim_send_im_ch2_statusmessage(sess, userinfo->sn, args->cookie,
                        ic->away ? ic->away : "", sess->aim_icq_state, dc);

    } /* message or plugin specific */

	args->destructor = (void *)incomingim_ch2_icqserverrelay_free;

Exemplo n.º 4
 * Receive the response from an ICQ status message request.  This contains the 
 * ICQ status message.  Go figure.
static int clientautoresp(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs)
	int ret = 0;
	aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;
	guint16 channel, reason;
	char *sn;
	guint8 *ck, snlen;

	ck = aimbs_getraw(bs, 8);
	channel = aimbs_get16(bs);
	snlen = aimbs_get8(bs);
	sn = aimbs_getstr(bs, snlen);
	reason = aimbs_get16(bs);

	switch (reason) {
		case 0x0003: { /* ICQ status message.  Maybe other stuff too, you never know with these people. */
			guint8 statusmsgtype, *msg;
			guint16 len;
			guint32 state;

			len = aimbs_getle16(bs); /* Should be 0x001b */
			aim_bstream_advance(bs, len); /* Unknown */

			len = aimbs_getle16(bs); /* Should be 0x000e */
			aim_bstream_advance(bs, len); /* Unknown */

			statusmsgtype = aimbs_getle8(bs);
			switch (statusmsgtype) {
				case 0xe8:
					state = AIM_ICQ_STATE_AWAY;
				case 0xe9:
				case 0xea:
				case 0xeb:
				case 0xec:
					state = AIM_ICQ_STATE_CHAT;
					state = 0;

			aimbs_getle8(bs); /* Unknown - 0x03 Maybe this means this is an auto-reply */
			aimbs_getle16(bs); /* Unknown - 0x0000 */
			aimbs_getle16(bs); /* Unknown - 0x0000 */

			len = aimbs_getle16(bs);
			msg = aimbs_getraw(bs, len);

			if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype)))
				ret = userfunc(sess, rx, channel, sn, reason, state, msg);

		} break;

		default: {
			if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype)))
				ret = userfunc(sess, rx, channel, sn, reason);
		} break;
	} /* end switch */


	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Response to 15/2, contains an ICQ packet.
static int icqresponse(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs)
	int ret = 0;
	aim_tlvlist_t *tl;
	aim_tlv_t *datatlv;
	aim_bstream_t qbs;
	fu32_t ouruin;
	fu16_t cmdlen, cmd, reqid;

	if (!(tl = aim_readtlvchain(bs)) || !(datatlv = aim_gettlv(tl, 0x0001, 1))) {
		faimdprintf(sess, 0, "corrupt ICQ response\n");
		return 0;

	aim_bstream_init(&qbs, datatlv->value, datatlv->length);

	cmdlen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
	ouruin = aimbs_getle32(&qbs);
	cmd = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
	reqid = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);

	faimdprintf(sess, 1, "icq response: %d bytes, %ld, 0x%04x, 0x%04x\n", cmdlen, ouruin, cmd, reqid);

	if (cmd == 0x0041) {
		fu16_t msglen;
		struct aim_icq_offlinemsg msg;
		aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

		memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));

		msg.sender = aimbs_getle32(&qbs);
		msg.year = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		msg.month = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.day = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.hour = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.minute = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.type = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		msglen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		msg.msg = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, msglen);

		if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_OFFLINEMSG)))
			ret = userfunc(sess, rx, &msg);


	} else if (cmd == 0x0042) {
		aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

		if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_OFFLINEMSGCOMPLETE)))
			ret = userfunc(sess, rx);
	} else if (cmd == 0x07da) {
		fu16_t subtype;

		subtype = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);

		if (subtype == 0x019a) {
			fu16_t tlen;
			struct aim_icq_simpleinfo info;
			aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

			memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));

			aimbs_getle8(&qbs); /* no clue */
			aimbs_getle16(&qbs); /* no clue */
			info.uin = aimbs_getle32(&qbs);
			tlen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			info.nick = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, tlen);
			tlen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			info.first = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, tlen);
			tlen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			info.last = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, tlen);
			tlen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			info.email = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, tlen);
			/* no clue what the rest of it is */

			if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_SIMPLEINFO)))
				ret = userfunc(sess, rx, &info);

		else if (subtype == 100 || subtype == 150) {
			fu16_t tlen;
			struct aim_icq_smsresponse response;
			aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

			memset(&response, 0, sizeof(response));

			for(tlen = 0; tlen < 7; tlen++)
				aimbs_getle8(&qbs); /* no clue */

			response.type = subtype;
			tlen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			response.tag = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, tlen);
			tlen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
			response.xml = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, tlen);

			if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_SMSRESPONSE)))
				ret = userfunc(sess, rx, &response);

		else faimdprintf(sess, 1, "unknown subtype 0x%04x\n", subtype);


	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Subtype 0x0003 - Response to 0x0015/0x002, contains an ICQesque packet.
static int icqresponse(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs)
	int ret = 0;
	aim_tlvlist_t *tl;
	aim_tlv_t *datatlv;
	aim_bstream_t qbs;
	guint32 ouruin;
	guint16 cmdlen, cmd, reqid;

	if (!(tl = aim_readtlvchain(bs)) || !(datatlv = aim_gettlv(tl, 0x0001, 1))) {
		imcb_error(sess->aux_data, "corrupt ICQ response\n");
		return 0;

	aim_bstream_init(&qbs, datatlv->value, datatlv->length);

	cmdlen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
	ouruin = aimbs_getle32(&qbs);
	cmd = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
	reqid = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);

	if (cmd == 0x0041) { /* offline message */
		guint16 msglen;
		struct aim_icq_offlinemsg msg;
		aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

		memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));

		msg.sender = aimbs_getle32(&qbs);
		msg.year = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		msg.month = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.day = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.hour = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.minute = aimbs_getle8(&qbs);
		msg.type = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		msglen = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		msg.msg = aimbs_getstr(&qbs, msglen);

		if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_OFFLINEMSG)))
			ret = userfunc(sess, rx, &msg);


	} else if (cmd == 0x0042) {
		aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

		if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_ICQ, AIM_CB_ICQ_OFFLINEMSGCOMPLETE)))
			ret = userfunc(sess, rx);
	} else if (cmd == 0x07da) { /* information */
		guint16 subtype;
		struct aim_icq_info *info;
		aim_rxcallback_t userfunc;

		subtype = aimbs_getle16(&qbs);
		aim_bstream_advance(&qbs, 1); /* 0x0a */

		/* find another data from the same request */
		for (info = sess->icq_info; info && (info->reqid != reqid); info = info->next);

		if (!info) {
			info = g_new0(struct aim_icq_info, 1);
			info->reqid = reqid;
			info->next = sess->icq_info;
			sess->icq_info = info;