Exemplo n.º 1
// return an airspeed estimate if available
bool AP_AHRS_DCM::airspeed_estimate(float *airspeed_ret) const
    bool ret = false;
    if (airspeed_sensor_enabled()) {
        *airspeed_ret = _airspeed->get_airspeed();
        return true;

    if (!_flags.wind_estimation) {
        return false;

    // estimate it via GPS speed and wind
    if (have_gps()) {
        *airspeed_ret = _last_airspeed;
        ret = true;

    if (ret && _wind_max > 0 && _gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) {
        // constrain the airspeed by the ground speed
        // and AHRS_WIND_MAX
        float gnd_speed = _gps.ground_speed();
        float true_airspeed = *airspeed_ret * get_EAS2TAS();
        true_airspeed = constrain_float(true_airspeed,
                                        gnd_speed - _wind_max,
                                        gnd_speed + _wind_max);
        *airspeed_ret = true_airspeed / get_EAS2TAS();
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
// update our wind speed estimate
void AP_AHRS_DCM::estimate_wind(void)
    if (!_flags.wind_estimation) {
    const Vector3f &velocity = _last_velocity;

    // this is based on the wind speed estimation code from MatrixPilot by
    // Bill Premerlani. Adaption for ArduPilot by Jon Challinger
    // See http://gentlenav.googlecode.com/files/WindEstimation.pdf
    Vector3f fuselageDirection = _dcm_matrix.colx();
    Vector3f fuselageDirectionDiff = fuselageDirection - _last_fuse;
    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();

    // scrap our data and start over if we're taking too long to get a direction change
    if (now - _last_wind_time > 10000) {
        _last_wind_time = now;
        _last_fuse = fuselageDirection;
        _last_vel = velocity;

    float diff_length = fuselageDirectionDiff.length();
    if (diff_length > 0.2f) {
        // when turning, use the attitude response to estimate
        // wind speed
        float V;
        Vector3f velocityDiff = velocity - _last_vel;

        // estimate airspeed it using equation 6
        V = velocityDiff.length() / diff_length;

        Vector3f fuselageDirectionSum = fuselageDirection + _last_fuse;
        Vector3f velocitySum = velocity + _last_vel;

        _last_fuse = fuselageDirection;
        _last_vel = velocity;

        float theta = atan2f(velocityDiff.y, velocityDiff.x) - atan2f(fuselageDirectionDiff.y, fuselageDirectionDiff.x);
        float sintheta = sinf(theta);
        float costheta = cosf(theta);

        Vector3f wind = Vector3f();
        wind.x = velocitySum.x - V * (costheta * fuselageDirectionSum.x - sintheta * fuselageDirectionSum.y);
        wind.y = velocitySum.y - V * (sintheta * fuselageDirectionSum.x + costheta * fuselageDirectionSum.y);
        wind.z = velocitySum.z - V * fuselageDirectionSum.z;
        wind *= 0.5f;

        if (wind.length() < _wind.length() + 20) {
            _wind = _wind * 0.95f + wind * 0.05f;

        _last_wind_time = now;
    } else if (now - _last_wind_time > 2000 && airspeed_sensor_enabled()) {
        // when flying straight use airspeed to get wind estimate if available
        Vector3f airspeed = _dcm_matrix.colx() * _airspeed->get_airspeed();
        Vector3f wind = velocity - (airspeed * get_EAS2TAS());
        _wind = _wind * 0.92f + wind * 0.08f;
Exemplo n.º 3
// return airspeed estimate if available
bool AP_AHRS::airspeed_estimate(float *airspeed_ret) const
    if (airspeed_sensor_enabled()) {
        *airspeed_ret = _airspeed->get_airspeed();
        if (_wind_max > 0 && _gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) {
            // constrain the airspeed by the ground speed
            // and AHRS_WIND_MAX
            float gnd_speed = _gps.ground_speed();
            float true_airspeed = *airspeed_ret * get_EAS2TAS();
            true_airspeed = constrain_float(true_airspeed,
                                            gnd_speed - _wind_max,
                                            gnd_speed + _wind_max);
            *airspeed_ret = true_airspeed / get_EAS2TAS();
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
// perform drift correction. This function aims to update _omega_P and
// _omega_I with our best estimate of the short term and long term
// gyro error. The _omega_P value is what pulls our attitude solution
// back towards the reference vector quickly. The _omega_I term is an
// attempt to learn the long term drift rate of the gyros.
// This drift correction implementation is based on a paper
// by Bill Premerlani from here:
//   http://gentlenav.googlecode.com/files/RollPitchDriftCompensation.pdf
AP_AHRS_DCM::drift_correction(float deltat)
    Vector3f velocity;
    uint32_t last_correction_time;

    // perform yaw drift correction if we have a new yaw reference
    // vector

    // rotate accelerometer values into the earth frame
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<_ins.get_accel_count(); i++) {
        if (_ins.get_accel_health(i)) {
              by using get_delta_velocity() instead of get_accel() the
              accel value is sampled over the right time delta for
              each sensor, which prevents an aliasing effect
            Vector3f delta_velocity;
            float delta_velocity_dt;
            _ins.get_delta_velocity(i, delta_velocity);
            delta_velocity_dt = _ins.get_delta_velocity_dt(i);
            if (delta_velocity_dt > 0) {
                _accel_ef[i] = _dcm_matrix * (delta_velocity / delta_velocity_dt);
                // integrate the accel vector in the earth frame between GPS readings
                _ra_sum[i] += _accel_ef[i] * deltat;

    //update _accel_ef_blended
    if (_ins.get_accel_count() == 2 && _ins.use_accel(0) && _ins.use_accel(1)) {
        float imu1_weight_target = _active_accel_instance == 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
        // slew _imu1_weight over one second
        _imu1_weight += constrain_float(imu1_weight_target-_imu1_weight, -deltat, deltat);
        _accel_ef_blended = _accel_ef[0] * _imu1_weight + _accel_ef[1] * (1.0f - _imu1_weight);
    } else {
        _accel_ef_blended = _accel_ef[_ins.get_primary_accel()];

    // keep a sum of the deltat values, so we know how much time
    // we have integrated over
    _ra_deltat += deltat;

    if (!have_gps() ||
            _gps.status() < AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D ||
            _gps.num_sats() < _gps_minsats) {
        // no GPS, or not a good lock. From experience we need at
        // least 6 satellites to get a really reliable velocity number
        // from the GPS.
        // As a fallback we use the fixed wing acceleration correction
        // if we have an airspeed estimate (which we only have if
        // _fly_forward is set), otherwise no correction
        if (_ra_deltat < 0.2f) {
            // not enough time has accumulated
        float airspeed;
        if (airspeed_sensor_enabled()) {
            airspeed = _airspeed->get_airspeed();
        } else {
            airspeed = _last_airspeed;
        // use airspeed to estimate our ground velocity in
        // earth frame by subtracting the wind
        velocity = _dcm_matrix.colx() * airspeed;

        // add in wind estimate
        velocity += _wind;

        last_correction_time = AP_HAL::millis();
        _have_gps_lock = false;
    } else {
        if (_gps.last_fix_time_ms() == _ra_sum_start) {
            // we don't have a new GPS fix - nothing more to do
        velocity = _gps.velocity();
        last_correction_time = _gps.last_fix_time_ms();
        if (_have_gps_lock == false) {
            // if we didn't have GPS lock in the last drift
            // correction interval then set the velocities equal
            _last_velocity = velocity;
        _have_gps_lock = true;

        // keep last airspeed estimate for dead-reckoning purposes
        Vector3f airspeed = velocity - _wind;
        airspeed.z = 0;
        _last_airspeed = airspeed.length();

    if (have_gps()) {
        // use GPS for positioning with any fix, even a 2D fix
        _last_lat = _gps.location().lat;
        _last_lng = _gps.location().lng;
        _position_offset_north = 0;
        _position_offset_east = 0;

        // once we have a single GPS lock, we can update using
        // dead-reckoning from then on
        _have_position = true;
    } else {
        // update dead-reckoning position estimate
        _position_offset_north += velocity.x * _ra_deltat;
        _position_offset_east  += velocity.y * _ra_deltat;

    // see if this is our first time through - in which case we
    // just setup the start times and return
    if (_ra_sum_start == 0) {
        _ra_sum_start = last_correction_time;
        _last_velocity = velocity;

    // equation 9: get the corrected acceleration vector in earth frame. Units
    // are m/s/s
    Vector3f GA_e;
    GA_e = Vector3f(0, 0, -1.0f);

    if (_ra_deltat <= 0) {
        // waiting for more data
    bool using_gps_corrections = false;
    float ra_scale = 1.0f/(_ra_deltat*GRAVITY_MSS);

    if (_flags.correct_centrifugal && (_have_gps_lock || _flags.fly_forward)) {
        float v_scale = gps_gain.get() * ra_scale;
        Vector3f vdelta = (velocity - _last_velocity) * v_scale;
        GA_e += vdelta;
        if (GA_e.is_inf()) {
            // wait for some non-zero acceleration information
            _last_failure_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
        using_gps_corrections = true;

    // calculate the error term in earth frame.
    // we do this for each available accelerometer then pick the
    // accelerometer that leads to the smallest error term. This takes
    // advantage of the different sample rates on different
    // accelerometers to dramatically reduce the impact of aliasing
    // due to harmonics of vibrations that match closely the sampling
    // rate of our accelerometers. On the Pixhawk we have the LSM303D
    // running at 800Hz and the MPU6000 running at 1kHz, by combining
    // the two the effects of aliasing are greatly reduced.
    Vector3f error[INS_MAX_INSTANCES];
    float error_dirn[INS_MAX_INSTANCES];
    Vector3f GA_b[INS_MAX_INSTANCES];
    int8_t besti = -1;
    float best_error = 0;
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<_ins.get_accel_count(); i++) {
        if (!_ins.get_accel_health(i)) {
            // only use healthy sensors
        _ra_sum[i] *= ra_scale;

        // get the delayed ra_sum to match the GPS lag
        if (using_gps_corrections) {
            GA_b[i] = ra_delayed(i, _ra_sum[i]);
        } else {
            GA_b[i] = _ra_sum[i];
        if (GA_b[i].is_zero()) {
            // wait for some non-zero acceleration information
        if (GA_b[i].is_inf()) {
            // wait for some non-zero acceleration information
        error[i] = GA_b[i] % GA_e;
        // Take dot product to catch case vectors are opposite sign and parallel
        error_dirn[i] = GA_b[i] * GA_e;
        float error_length = error[i].length();
        if (besti == -1 || error_length < best_error) {
            besti = i;
            best_error = error_length;
        // Catch case where orientation is 180 degrees out
        if (error_dirn[besti] < 0.0f) {
            best_error = 1.0f;


    if (besti == -1) {
        // no healthy accelerometers!
        _last_failure_ms = AP_HAL::millis();

    _active_accel_instance = besti;

    // step 2 calculate earth_error_Z
    float earth_error_Z = error.z;

    // equation 10
    float tilt = norm(GA_e.x, GA_e.y);

    // equation 11
    float theta = atan2f(GA_b[besti].y, GA_b[besti].x);

    // equation 12
    Vector3f GA_e2 = Vector3f(cosf(theta)*tilt, sinf(theta)*tilt, GA_e.z);

    // step 6
    error = GA_b[besti] % GA_e2;
    error.z = earth_error_Z;

    // to reduce the impact of two competing yaw controllers, we
    // reduce the impact of the gps/accelerometers on yaw when we are
    // flat, but still allow for yaw correction using the
    // accelerometers at high roll angles as long as we have a GPS
    if (AP_AHRS_DCM::use_compass()) {
        if (have_gps() && is_equal(gps_gain.get(), 1.0f)) {
            error[besti].z *= sinf(fabsf(roll));
        } else {
            error[besti].z = 0;

    // if ins is unhealthy then stop attitude drift correction and
    // hope the gyros are OK for a while. Just slowly reduce _omega_P
    // to prevent previous bad accels from throwing us off
    if (!_ins.healthy()) {
    } else {
        // convert the error term to body frame
        error[besti] = _dcm_matrix.mul_transpose(error[besti]);

    if (error[besti].is_nan() || error[besti].is_inf()) {
        // don't allow bad values
        _last_failure_ms = AP_HAL::millis();

    _error_rp = 0.8f * _error_rp + 0.2f * best_error;

    // base the P gain on the spin rate
    float spin_rate = _omega.length();

    // sanity check _kp value
    if (_kp < AP_AHRS_RP_P_MIN) {
        _kp = AP_AHRS_RP_P_MIN;

    // we now want to calculate _omega_P and _omega_I. The
    // _omega_P value is what drags us quickly to the
    // accelerometer reading.
    _omega_P = error[besti] * _P_gain(spin_rate) * _kp;
    if (use_fast_gains()) {
        _omega_P *= 8;

    if (_flags.fly_forward && _gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D &&
            _gps.ground_speed() < GPS_SPEED_MIN &&
            _ins.get_accel().x >= 7 &&
            pitch_sensor > -3000 && pitch_sensor < 3000) {
        // assume we are in a launch acceleration, and reduce the
        // rp gain by 50% to reduce the impact of GPS lag on
        // takeoff attitude when using a catapult
        _omega_P *= 0.5f;

    // accumulate some integrator error
    if (spin_rate < ToRad(SPIN_RATE_LIMIT)) {
        _omega_I_sum += error[besti] * _ki * _ra_deltat;
        _omega_I_sum_time += _ra_deltat;

    if (_omega_I_sum_time >= 5) {
        // limit the rate of change of omega_I to the hardware
        // reported maximum gyro drift rate. This ensures that
        // short term errors don't cause a buildup of omega_I
        // beyond the physical limits of the device
        float change_limit = _gyro_drift_limit * _omega_I_sum_time;
        _omega_I_sum.x = constrain_float(_omega_I_sum.x, -change_limit, change_limit);
        _omega_I_sum.y = constrain_float(_omega_I_sum.y, -change_limit, change_limit);
        _omega_I_sum.z = constrain_float(_omega_I_sum.z, -change_limit, change_limit);
        _omega_I += _omega_I_sum;
        _omega_I_sum_time = 0;

    // zero our accumulator ready for the next GPS step
    memset(&_ra_sum[0], 0, sizeof(_ra_sum));
    _ra_deltat = 0;
    _ra_sum_start = last_correction_time;

    // remember the velocity for next time
    _last_velocity = velocity;