Exemplo n.º 1
bool TrashImpl::move( const TQString& src, const TQString& dest )
    if ( directRename( src, dest ) ) {
        // This notification is done by TDEIO::moveAs when using the code below
        // But if we do a direct rename we need to do the notification ourselves
        KDirNotify_stub allDirNotify( "*", "KDirNotify*" );
        KURL urlDest; urlDest.setPath( dest );
        urlDest.setPath( urlDest.directory() );
        allDirNotify.FilesAdded( urlDest );
        return true;
    if ( m_lastErrorCode != TDEIO::ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION )
        return false;

    KURL urlSrc, urlDest;
    urlSrc.setPath( src );
    urlDest.setPath( dest );
    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << urlSrc << " -> " << urlDest << endl;
    TDEIO::CopyJob* job = TDEIO::moveAs( urlSrc, urlDest, false );
    job->setInteractive( false );
    connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result(TDEIO::Job *) ),
             this, TQT_SLOT( jobFinished(TDEIO::Job *) ) );

    return m_lastErrorCode == 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void KonqSidebarTree::addURL(KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem* item, const KURL & url)
    QString path;
    if (item)
       path = item->path();
       path = m_dirtreeDir.dir.path();

    KURL destUrl;

    if (url.isLocalFile() && url.fileName().endsWith(".desktop"))
       QString filename = findUniqueFilename(path, url.fileName());
       KIO::NetAccess::copy(url, destUrl, this);
       QString name = url.host();
       if (name.isEmpty())
          name = url.fileName();
       QString filename = findUniqueFilename(path, name);

       KDesktopFile cfg(filename);
       cfg.writeEntry("Encoding", "UTF-8");
       cfg.writeEntry("URL", url.url());
       QString icon = "folder";
       if (!url.isLocalFile())
          icon = KMimeType::favIconForURL(url);
       if (icon.isEmpty())
          icon = KProtocolInfo::icon( url.protocol() );
       cfg.writeEntry("Icon", icon);
       cfg.writeEntry("Name", name);
       cfg.writeEntry("Open", false);

    KDirNotify_stub allDirNotify( "*", "KDirNotify*" );
    destUrl.setPath( destUrl.directory() );
    allDirNotify.FilesAdded( destUrl );

    if (item)
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    TDECmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, "ktrash",
                        I18N_NOOP( "ktrash" ),
                        I18N_NOOP( "Helper program to handle the TDE trash can\n"
				   "Note: to move files to the trash, do not use ktrash, but \"kfmclient move 'url' trash:/\"" ),
                        TDE_VERSION_STRING );
    TDECmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
    TDEApplication app;

    TDECmdLineArgs* args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
    if ( args->isSet( "empty" ) ) {
        // We use a tdeio job instead of linking to TrashImpl, for a smaller binary
        // (and the possibility of a central service at some point)
        TQByteArray packedArgs;
        TQDataStream stream( packedArgs, IO_WriteOnly );
        stream << (int)1;
        TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::special( "trash:/", packedArgs );
        (void)TDEIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun( job, 0 );

        // Update konq windows opened on trash:/
        KDirNotify_stub allDirNotify("*", "KDirNotify*");
        allDirNotify.FilesAdded( "trash:/" ); // yeah, files were removed, but we don't know which ones...
        return 0;

#if 0
    // This is only for testing. KDesktop handles it automatically.
    if ( args->isSet( "migrate" ) ) {
        TQByteArray packedArgs;
        TQDataStream stream( packedArgs, IO_WriteOnly );
        stream << (int)2;
        TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::special( "trash:/", packedArgs );
        (void)TDEIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun( job, 0 );
        return 0;

    TQCString restoreArg = args->getOption( "restore" );
    if ( !restoreArg.isEmpty() ) {

        if (restoreArg.find("system:/trash")==0) {
            restoreArg.remove(0, 13);

        KURL trashURL( restoreArg );
        if ( !trashURL.isValid() || trashURL.protocol() != "trash" ) {
            kdError() << "Invalid URL for restoring a trashed file:" << trashURL << endl;
            return 1;

        TQByteArray packedArgs;
        TQDataStream stream( packedArgs, IO_WriteOnly );
        stream << (int)3 << trashURL;
        TDEIO::Job* job = TDEIO::special( trashURL, packedArgs );
        bool ok = TDEIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun( job, 0 );
        if ( !ok )
            kdError() << TDEIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString() << endl;
        return 0;

    return 0;