Exemplo n.º 1
int RowMatrixToHandle(FILE * handle, const Epetra_RowMatrix & A) {

  Epetra_Map map = A.RowMatrixRowMap();
  const Epetra_Comm & comm = map.Comm();
  int numProc = comm.NumProc();

  if (numProc==1 || !A.Map().DistributedGlobal())
    writeRowMatrix(handle, A);
  else {
    int numRows = map.NumMyElements();
    Epetra_Map allGidsMap((int_type) -1, numRows, (int_type) 0,comm);
    typename Epetra_GIDTypeVector<int_type>::impl allGids(allGidsMap);
    for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++) allGids[i] = (int_type) map.GID64(i);
    // Now construct a RowMatrix on PE 0 by strip-mining the rows of the input matrix A.
    int numChunks = numProc;
    int stripSize = allGids.GlobalLength64()/numChunks;
    int remainder = allGids.GlobalLength64()%numChunks;
    int curStart = 0;
    int curStripSize = 0;
    typename Epetra_GIDTypeSerialDenseVector<int_type>::impl importGidList;
    if (comm.MyPID()==0) 
      importGidList.Size(stripSize+1); // Set size of vector to max needed
    for (int i=0; i<numChunks; i++) {
      if (comm.MyPID()==0) { // Only PE 0 does this part
	curStripSize = stripSize;
	if (i<remainder) curStripSize++; // handle leftovers
	for (int j=0; j<curStripSize; j++) importGidList[j] = j + curStart;
	curStart += curStripSize;
      // The following import map will be non-trivial only on PE 0.
      if (comm.MyPID()>0) assert(curStripSize==0);
      Epetra_Map importGidMap(-1, curStripSize, importGidList.Values(), 0, comm);
      Epetra_Import gidImporter(importGidMap, allGidsMap);
      typename Epetra_GIDTypeVector<int_type>::impl importGids(importGidMap);
      if (importGids.Import(allGids, gidImporter, Insert)!=0) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); }

      // importGids now has a list of GIDs for the current strip of matrix rows.
      // Use these values to build another importer that will get rows of the matrix.

      // The following import map will be non-trivial only on PE 0.
      Epetra_Map importMap(-1, importGids.MyLength(), importGids.Values(), map.IndexBase64(), comm);
      Epetra_Import importer(importMap, map);
      Epetra_CrsMatrix importA(Copy, importMap, 0);
      if (importA.Import(A, importer, Insert)!=0) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); }
      if (importA.FillComplete(A.OperatorDomainMap(), importMap)!=0) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1);}

      // Finally we are ready to write this strip of the matrix to ostream
      if (writeRowMatrix(handle, importA)!=0) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1);}
int CopyRowMatrix(mxArray* matlabA, const Epetra_RowMatrix& A) {
  int valueCount = 0;
  //int* valueCount = &temp;

  Epetra_Map map = A.RowMatrixRowMap();
  const Epetra_Comm & comm = map.Comm();
  int numProc = comm.NumProc();

  if (numProc==1) 
    DoCopyRowMatrix(matlabA, valueCount, A);
  else {
    int numRows = map.NumMyElements();
    //cout << "creating allGidsMap\n";
    Epetra_Map allGidsMap(-1, numRows, 0,comm);
    //cout << "done creating allGidsMap\n";
    Epetra_IntVector allGids(allGidsMap);
    for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++) allGids[i] = map.GID(i);
    // Now construct a RowMatrix on PE 0 by strip-mining the rows of the input matrix A.
    int numChunks = numProc;
    int stripSize = allGids.GlobalLength()/numChunks;
    int remainder = allGids.GlobalLength()%numChunks;
    int curStart = 0;
    int curStripSize = 0;
    Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector importGidList;
    int numImportGids = 0;
    if (comm.MyPID()==0) 
      importGidList.Size(stripSize+1); // Set size of vector to max needed
    for (int i=0; i<numChunks; i++) {
      if (comm.MyPID()==0) { // Only PE 0 does this part
	curStripSize = stripSize;
	if (i<remainder) curStripSize++; // handle leftovers
	for (int j=0; j<curStripSize; j++) importGidList[j] = j + curStart;
	curStart += curStripSize;
      // The following import map will be non-trivial only on PE 0.
      //cout << "creating importGidMap\n";
      Epetra_Map importGidMap(-1, curStripSize, importGidList.Values(), 0, comm);
      //cout << "done creating importGidMap\n";
      Epetra_Import gidImporter(importGidMap, allGidsMap);
      Epetra_IntVector importGids(importGidMap);
      if (importGids.Import(allGids, gidImporter, Insert)) return(-1); 

      // importGids now has a list of GIDs for the current strip of matrix rows.
      // Use these values to build another importer that will get rows of the matrix.

      // The following import map will be non-trivial only on PE 0.
      //cout << "creating importMap\n";
      //cout << "A.RowMatrixRowMap().MinAllGID: " << A.RowMatrixRowMap().MinAllGID() << "\n";
      Epetra_Map importMap(-1, importGids.MyLength(), importGids.Values(), A.RowMatrixRowMap().MinAllGID(), comm);
      //cout << "done creating importMap\n";
      Epetra_Import importer(importMap, map);
      Epetra_CrsMatrix importA(Copy, importMap, 0);
      if (importA.Import(A, importer, Insert)) return(-1); 
      if (importA.FillComplete()) return(-1);

      // Finally we are ready to write this strip of the matrix to ostream
      if (DoCopyRowMatrix(matlabA, valueCount, importA)) return(-1);

  if (A.RowMatrixRowMap().Comm().MyPID() == 0) {
	// set max cap
	int* matlabAcolumnIndicesPtr = mxGetJc(matlabA);
	matlabAcolumnIndicesPtr[A.NumGlobalRows()] = valueCount;

int BlockMapToHandle(FILE * handle, const Epetra_BlockMap & map) {

  const Epetra_Comm & comm = map.Comm();
  int numProc = comm.NumProc();
  bool doSizes = !map.ConstantElementSize();

  if (numProc==1) {
    int * myElements = map.MyGlobalElements();
    int * elementSizeList = 0;
    if (doSizes) elementSizeList = map.ElementSizeList();
    return(writeBlockMap(handle, map.NumGlobalElements(), myElements, elementSizeList, doSizes));

  int numRows = map.NumMyElements();
  Epetra_Map allGidsMap(-1, numRows, 0,comm);
  Epetra_IntVector allGids(allGidsMap);
  for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++) allGids[i] = map.GID(i);
  Epetra_IntVector allSizes(allGidsMap);
  for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++) allSizes[i] = map.ElementSize(i);
  // Now construct a Map on PE 0 by strip-mining the rows of the input matrix map.
  int numChunks = numProc;
  int stripSize = allGids.GlobalLength()/numChunks;
  int remainder = allGids.GlobalLength()%numChunks;
  int curStart = 0;
  int curStripSize = 0;
  Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector importGidList;
  Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector importSizeList;
  if (comm.MyPID()==0) {
    importGidList.Size(stripSize+1); // Set size of vector to max needed
    if (doSizes) importSizeList.Size(stripSize+1); // Set size of vector to max needed
  for (int i=0; i<numChunks; i++) {
    if (comm.MyPID()==0) { // Only PE 0 does this part
      curStripSize = stripSize;
      if (i<remainder) curStripSize++; // handle leftovers
      for (int j=0; j<curStripSize; j++) importGidList[j] = j + curStart;
      curStart += curStripSize;
    // The following import map will be non-trivial only on PE 0.
    Epetra_Map importGidMap(-1, curStripSize, importGidList.Values(), 0, comm);
    Epetra_Import gidImporter(importGidMap, allGidsMap);
    Epetra_IntVector importGids(importGidMap);
    if (importGids.Import(allGids, gidImporter, Insert)) return(-1); 
    Epetra_IntVector importSizes(importGidMap);
    if (doSizes) if (importSizes.Import(allSizes, gidImporter, Insert)) return(-1); 
    // importGids (and importSizes, if non-trivial block map)
    // now have a list of GIDs (and sizes, respectively) for the current strip of map.
    int * myElements = importGids.Values();
    int * elementSizeList = 0;
    if (doSizes) elementSizeList = importSizes.Values();
    // Finally we are ready to write this strip of the map to file
    writeBlockMap(handle, importGids.MyLength(), myElements, elementSizeList, doSizes);
int CopyMultiVector(double** matlabApr, const Epetra_MultiVector& A) {

  Epetra_BlockMap bmap = A.Map();
  const Epetra_Comm & comm = bmap.Comm();
  int numProc = comm.NumProc();

  if (numProc==1)
    DoCopyMultiVector(matlabApr, A);
  else {

    // In the case of more than one column in the multivector, and writing to MatrixMarket
    // format, we call this function recursively, passing each vector of the multivector
    // individually so that we can get all of it written to file before going on to the next 
    // multivector
    if (A.NumVectors() > 1) {
      for (int i=0; i < A.NumVectors(); i++)
	if (CopyMultiVector(matlabApr, *(A(i)))) return(-1);

    Epetra_Map map(-1, bmap.NumMyPoints(), 0, comm);
    // Create a veiw of this multivector using a map (instead of block map)
    Epetra_MultiVector A1(View, map, A.Pointers(), A.NumVectors());
    int numRows = map.NumMyElements();
    Epetra_Map allGidsMap(-1, numRows, 0,comm);
    Epetra_IntVector allGids(allGidsMap);
    for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++) allGids[i] = map.GID(i);
    // Now construct a MultiVector on PE 0 by strip-mining the rows of the input matrix A.
    int numChunks = numProc;
    int stripSize = allGids.GlobalLength()/numChunks;
    int remainder = allGids.GlobalLength()%numChunks;
    int curStart = 0;
    int curStripSize = 0;
    Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector importGidList;
    int numImportGids = 0;
    if (comm.MyPID()==0) 
      importGidList.Size(stripSize+1); // Set size of vector to max needed
    for (int i=0; i<numChunks; i++) {
      if (comm.MyPID()==0) { // Only PE 0 does this part
	curStripSize = stripSize;
	if (i<remainder) curStripSize++; // handle leftovers
	for (int j=0; j<curStripSize; j++) importGidList[j] = j + curStart;
	curStart += curStripSize;
      // The following import map will be non-trivial only on PE 0.
      Epetra_Map importGidMap(-1, curStripSize, importGidList.Values(), 0, comm);
      Epetra_Import gidImporter(importGidMap, allGidsMap);
      Epetra_IntVector importGids(importGidMap);
      if (importGids.Import(allGids, gidImporter, Insert)) return(-1); 

      // importGids now has a list of GIDs for the current strip of matrix rows.
      // Use these values to build another importer that will get rows of the matrix.

      // The following import map will be non-trivial only on PE 0.
      Epetra_Map importMap(-1, importGids.MyLength(), importGids.Values(), 0, comm);
      Epetra_Import importer(importMap, map);
      Epetra_MultiVector importA(importMap, A1.NumVectors());
      if (importA.Import(A1, importer, Insert)) return(-1); 

      // Finally we are ready to write this strip of the matrix to ostream
      if (DoCopyMultiVector(matlabApr, importA)) return(-1);
Exemplo n.º 5
// FIXME long long
Epetra_Util::Create_Root_Map(const Epetra_Map& usermap,
         int root)
  int numProc = usermap.Comm().NumProc();
  if (numProc==1) {
    Epetra_Map newmap(usermap);

  const Epetra_Comm & comm = usermap.Comm();
  bool isRoot = usermap.Comm().MyPID()==root;

  //if usermap is already completely owned by root then we'll just return a copy of it.
  int quickreturn = 0;
  int globalquickreturn = 0;

  if (isRoot) {
    if (usermap.NumMyElements()==usermap.NumGlobalElements64()) quickreturn = 1;
  else {
    if (usermap.NumMyElements()==0) quickreturn = 1;
  usermap.Comm().MinAll(&quickreturn, &globalquickreturn, 1);
  if (globalquickreturn==1) {
    Epetra_Map newmap(usermap);
  // Linear map: Simple case, just put all GIDs linearly on root processor
  if (usermap.LinearMap() && root!=-1) {
    int numMyElements = 0;
    if (isRoot) numMyElements = usermap.MaxAllGID64()+1; // FIXME long long
    Epetra_Map newmap(-1, numMyElements, usermap.IndexBase(), comm);

  if (!usermap.UniqueGIDs()) 
    throw usermap.ReportError("usermap must have unique GIDs",-1);

  // General map

  // Build IntVector of the GIDs, then ship them to root processor
  int numMyElements = usermap.NumMyElements();
  Epetra_Map allGidsMap(-1, numMyElements, 0, comm);
  Epetra_IntVector allGids(allGidsMap);
  for (int i=0; i<numMyElements; i++) allGids[i] = usermap.GID64(i);
  int numGlobalElements = usermap.NumGlobalElements64();
  if (root!=-1) {
    int n1 = 0; if (isRoot) n1 = numGlobalElements;
    Epetra_Map allGidsOnRootMap(-1, n1, 0, comm);
    Epetra_Import importer(allGidsOnRootMap, allGidsMap);
    Epetra_IntVector allGidsOnRoot(allGidsOnRootMap);
    allGidsOnRoot.Import(allGids, importer, Insert);
    Epetra_Map rootMap(-1, allGidsOnRoot.MyLength(), allGidsOnRoot.Values(), usermap.IndexBase(), comm);
  else {
    int n1 = numGlobalElements;
    Epetra_LocalMap allGidsOnRootMap(n1, 0, comm);
    Epetra_Import importer(allGidsOnRootMap, allGidsMap);
    Epetra_IntVector allGidsOnRoot(allGidsOnRootMap);
    allGidsOnRoot.Import(allGids, importer, Insert);
    Epetra_Map rootMap(-1, allGidsOnRoot.MyLength(), allGidsOnRoot.Values(), usermap.IndexBase(), comm);
