Exemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int minsize = -1, maxsize = -1, repeats = -1;
    int c;

    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );

    while( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "i:a:r:" ) ) != -1 ) {
	switch( c ) {
	case 'i':
	    if( sscanf( optarg, "%d", &minsize ) != 1 )
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	case 'a':
	    if( sscanf( optarg, "%d", &maxsize ) != 1 )
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	case 'r':
	    if( sscanf( optarg, "%d", &repeats ) != 1 )
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    allgather( minsize, maxsize, repeats );


    exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Exemplo n.º 2
void blocking_spike(data& d, MPI_Datatype spike){
    //gather how many spikes each process is sending
    //set the displacements
    //next distribute items to every other process using allgatherv
    allgatherv(d, spike);
Exemplo n.º 3
    void allgather_and_gate::compute(int num_loops)
        for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i)
            // do some stuff
            double value = rank_ * 3.14159 * (i+1);

            // now hit the barrier
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  pami_result_t result = PAMI_ERROR;

  /* initialize the second client */
  char * clientname = "";
  pami_client_t client;
  result = PAMI_Client_create(clientname, &client, NULL, 0);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_create");

  /* query properties of the client */
  pami_configuration_t config[4];
  config[0].name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_TASKS;
  config[1].name = PAMI_CLIENT_TASK_ID;
  config[2].name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_CONTEXTS;
  config[3].name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_LOCAL_TASKS;
  result = PAMI_Client_query(client, config, 4);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_query");
  const size_t world_size      = config[0].value.intval;
  const size_t world_rank      = config[1].value.intval;
  const size_t num_contexts    = config[2].value.intval;
  const size_t num_local_tasks = config[3].value.intval;

  int ppn    = (int)num_local_tasks;
  int nnodes = world_size/ppn;
  int mycore = world_size%nnodes;
  int mynode = (world_rank-mycore)/ppn;

  if (world_rank==0)
    printf("hello world from rank %ld of %ld, node %d of %d, core %d of %d \n", 
           world_rank, world_size, mynode, nnodes, mycore, ppn );

  /* initialize the contexts */
  contexts = (pami_context_t *) safemalloc( num_contexts * sizeof(pami_context_t) );

  result = PAMI_Context_createv( client, NULL, 0, contexts, num_contexts );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_createv");

  /* setup the world geometry */
  pami_geometry_t world_geometry;
  result = PAMI_Geometry_world(client, &world_geometry );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Geometry_world");

  int status = pthread_create(&Progress_thread, NULL, &Progress_function, NULL);
  TEST_ASSERT(status==0, "pthread_create");


  for (int n=1; n<=(256*1024); n*=2)
    if (world_rank==0) 
        printf("starting n = %d \n", n);

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    double * sbuf = safemalloc(world_size*n*sizeof(double));
    double * rbuf = safemalloc(world_size*n*sizeof(double));

    for (int s=0; s<world_size; s++ )
      for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
        sbuf[s*n+k] = world_rank*n+k;

    for (int s=0; s<world_size; s++ )
      for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
        rbuf[s*n+k] = -1.0;

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    size_t bytes = world_size * n * sizeof(double), bytes_out;

    pami_memregion_t shared_mr;
    result = PAMI_Memregion_create(contexts[1], rbuf, bytes, &bytes_out, &shared_mr);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS && bytes==bytes_out,"PAMI_Memregion_create");
    pami_memregion_t local_mr;
    result = PAMI_Memregion_create(contexts[0], sbuf, bytes, &bytes_out, &local_mr);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS && bytes==bytes_out,"PAMI_Memregion_create");
    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    pami_endpoint_t * target_eps = (pami_endpoint_t *) safemalloc( world_size * sizeof(pami_endpoint_t) );
    for (int target=0; target<world_size; target++)
        result = PAMI_Endpoint_create(client, (pami_task_t) target, 1 /* async context*/, &(target_eps[target]) );
        TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Endpoint_create");

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    pami_memregion_t * shmrs = (pami_memregion_t *) safemalloc( world_size * sizeof(pami_memregion_t) );

    result = allgather(world_geometry, contexts[0], sizeof(pami_memregion_t), &shared_mr, shmrs);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"allgather");

    if (world_rank==0) 
        printf("starting A2A \n");

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    done_t active = { .local  = world_size, 
                      .remote = world_size  };
    int active = world_size;

    uint64_t t0 = GetTimeBase();

    for (int count=0; count<world_size; count++)
        int t = world_rank+count;
        int target = t%world_size;

        //printf("%ld: attempting Rput to %ld (bytes=%ld,loff=%ld, roff=%ld) \n", 
        //       (long)world_rank, (long)target, bytes, n*sizeof(double),
        //       target*n*sizeof(double), world_rank*n*sizeof(double));
        //printf("%ld: attempting Rput to %ld \n", (long)world_rank, (long)target),

        pami_rput_simple_t parameters;
        parameters.rma.dest           = target_eps[target];
        //parameters.rma.hints          = ;
        parameters.rma.bytes          = n*sizeof(double);
        parameters.rma.cookie         = &active;
        parameters.rma.done_fn        = cb_done_local;
        parameters.put.rdone_fn       = cb_done_remote;
        parameters.rma.done_fn        = NULL;
        parameters.put.rdone_fn       = cb_done;
        parameters.rdma.local.mr      = &local_mr;
        parameters.rdma.local.offset  = target*n*sizeof(double);
        parameters.rdma.remote.mr     = &shmrs[target];
        parameters.rdma.remote.offset = world_rank*n*sizeof(double);

        result = PAMI_Rput(contexts[0], &parameters);
        TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Rput");

    while (active.local>0)
      result = PAMI_Context_trylock_advancev(&(contexts[0]), 1, 1000);
      TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_trylock_advancev");

    uint64_t t1 = GetTimeBase();
    double  dt1 = (t1-t0)*tic;

    while (active.remote>0)
    while (active>0)
      result = PAMI_Context_trylock_advancev(&(contexts[0]), 1, 1000);
      TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_trylock_advancev");

    uint64_t t2 = GetTimeBase();
    double  dt2 = (t2-t0)*tic;

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    double megabytes = 1.e-6*bytes;

    printf("%ld: PAMI_Rput A2A: %ld bytes per rank, local %lf seconds (%lf MB/s), remote %lf seconds (%lf MB/s) \n", 
           (long)world_rank, n*sizeof(double), 
           dt1, megabytes/dt1,
           dt2, megabytes/dt2 );

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    for (int s=0; s<world_size; s++ )
      for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
        if (rbuf[s*n+k]!=(1.0*s*n+1.0*k))
          printf("%4d: rbuf[%d] = %lf (%lf) \n", (int)world_rank, s*n+k, rbuf[s*n+k], (1.0*s*n+1.0*k) );

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    result = PAMI_Memregion_destroy(contexts[0], &shared_mr);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Memregion_destroy");
    result = PAMI_Memregion_destroy(contexts[0], &local_mr);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Memregion_destroy");


  void * rv;

  status = pthread_cancel(Progress_thread);
  TEST_ASSERT(status==0, "pthread_cancel");

  status = pthread_join(Progress_thread, &rv);
  TEST_ASSERT(status==0, "pthread_join");

  result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

  /* finalize the contexts */
  result = PAMI_Context_destroyv( contexts, num_contexts );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_destroyv");


  /* finalize the client */
  result = PAMI_Client_destroy( &client );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_destroy");

  if (world_rank==0)
    printf("%ld: end of test \n", world_rank );

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Wrapper for avoiding duplicate code - performs Allgathers for all particle
 * data */
void synchronize() {
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    pami_result_t result = PAMI_ERROR;

    /* initialize the second client */
    char * clientname = "";
    pami_client_t client;
    result = PAMI_Client_create(clientname, &client, NULL, 0);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_create");

    /* query properties of the client */
    pami_configuration_t config[3];
    size_t num_contexts;

    config[0].name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_TASKS;
    config[1].name = PAMI_CLIENT_TASK_ID;
    config[2].name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_CONTEXTS;
    result = PAMI_Client_query(client, config, 3);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_query");
    world_size   = config[0].value.intval;
    world_rank   = config[1].value.intval;
    num_contexts = config[2].value.intval;

    if (world_rank==0)
        printf("hello world from rank %ld of %ld \n", world_rank, world_size );

    /* initialize the contexts */
    contexts = (pami_context_t *) safemalloc( num_contexts * sizeof(pami_context_t) );

    result = PAMI_Context_createv( client, NULL, 0, contexts, num_contexts );
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_createv");

    /* setup the world geometry */
    pami_geometry_t world_geometry;
    result = PAMI_Geometry_world(client, &world_geometry );
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Geometry_world");

    int status = pthread_create(&Progress_thread, NULL, &Progress_function, NULL);
    TEST_ASSERT(status==0, "pthread_create");


    int n = (argc>1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 1000000);

    size_t bytes = n * sizeof(int);
    int *  shared = (int *) safemalloc(bytes);
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        shared[i] = world_rank;

    int *  local  = (int *) safemalloc(bytes);
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        local[i] = -1;

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    int ** shptrs = (int **) safemalloc( world_size * sizeof(int *) );

    result = allgather(world_geometry, contexts[0], sizeof(int*), &shared, shptrs);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"allgather");

    int target = (world_rank>0 ? world_rank-1 : world_size-1);
    pami_endpoint_t target_ep;
    result = PAMI_Endpoint_create(client, (pami_task_t) target, 1, &target_ep);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Endpoint_create");

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    int active = 1;
    pami_get_simple_t parameters;
    parameters.rma.dest     = target_ep;
    //parameters.rma.hints    = ;
    parameters.rma.bytes    = bytes;
    parameters.rma.cookie   = &active;
    parameters.rma.done_fn  = cb_done;
    parameters.addr.local   = local;
    parameters.addr.remote  = shptrs[target];

    uint64_t t0 = GetTimeBase();

    result = PAMI_Get(contexts[0], &parameters);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Rget");

    while (active)
        //result = PAMI_Context_advance( contexts[0], 100);
        //TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_advance");
        result = PAMI_Context_trylock_advancev(&(contexts[0]), 1, 1000);
        TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_trylock_advancev");

    uint64_t t1 = GetTimeBase();
    uint64_t dt = t1-t0;

    /* barrier on non-progressing context to make sure CHT does its job */
    barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);

    printf("%ld: PAMI_Get of %ld bytes achieves %lf MB/s \n", (long)world_rank, bytes, 1.6e9*1e-6*(double)bytes/(double)dt );

    int errors = 0;

    //target = (world_rank<(world_size-1) ? world_rank+1 : 0);
    target = (world_rank>0 ? world_rank-1 : world_size-1);
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        if (local[i] != target)

    if (errors>0)
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            if (local[i] != target)
                printf("%ld: local[%d] = %d (%d) \n", (long)world_rank, i, local[i], target);
                printf("%ld: no errors :-) \n", (long)world_rank);


    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");



    void * rv;

    status = pthread_cancel(Progress_thread);
    TEST_ASSERT(status==0, "pthread_cancel");

    status = pthread_join(Progress_thread, &rv);
    TEST_ASSERT(status==0, "pthread_join");

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    /* finalize the contexts */
    result = PAMI_Context_destroyv( contexts, num_contexts );
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_destroyv");


    /* finalize the client */
    result = PAMI_Client_destroy( &client );
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_destroy");

    if (world_rank==0)
        printf("%ld: end of test \n", world_rank );

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  pami_result_t result = PAMI_ERROR;

  /* initialize the second client */
  char * clientname = "";
  pami_client_t client;
  result = PAMI_Client_create(clientname, &client, NULL, 0);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_create");

  /* query properties of the client */
  pami_configuration_t config[4];
  config[0].name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_TASKS;
  config[1].name = PAMI_CLIENT_TASK_ID;
  config[2].name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_CONTEXTS;
  config[3].name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_LOCAL_TASKS;
  result = PAMI_Client_query(client, config, 4);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_query");
  const size_t world_size      = config[0].value.intval;
  const size_t world_rank      = config[1].value.intval;
  const size_t num_contexts    = (config[2].value.intval > 32) ? 32 : config[2].value.intval; /* because I only need 16+16 contexts in c1 mode */
  const size_t num_local_tasks = config[3].value.intval;

  const int ppn    = (int)num_local_tasks;
  const int nnodes = world_size/ppn;
  const int mycore = world_size%nnodes;
  const int mynode = (world_rank-mycore)/ppn;

  const int num_sync            = num_contexts/2;
  const int num_async           = num_contexts/2;
  const int async_context_begin = num_sync+1;
  const int async_context_end   = num_contexts;

  if (world_rank==0)
    printf("hello world from rank %ld of %ld, node %d of %d, core %d of %d \n", 
           world_rank, world_size, mynode, nnodes, mycore, ppn );
    printf("num_contexts = %ld, async_context_begin = %d, async_context_end = %d \n",
            num_contexts, async_context_begin, async_context_end);

  /* initialize the contexts */
  contexts = (pami_context_t *) safemalloc( num_contexts * sizeof(pami_context_t) );

  result = PAMI_Context_createv( client, NULL, 0, contexts, num_contexts );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_createv");

  /* setup the world geometry */
  pami_geometry_t world_geometry;
  result = PAMI_Geometry_world(client, &world_geometry );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Geometry_world");


  for (int n=1; n<=(256*1024); n*=2)
    if (world_rank==0) 
        printf("starting n = %d \n", n);

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    double * sbuf = safemalloc(world_size*n*sizeof(double));
    double * rbuf = safemalloc(world_size*n*sizeof(double));

    for (int s=0; s<world_size; s++ )
      for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
        sbuf[s*n+k] = world_rank*n+k;

    for (int s=0; s<world_size; s++ )
      for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
        rbuf[s*n+k] = -1.0;

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    size_t bytes = world_size * n * sizeof(double), bytes_out;

    pami_memregion_t * local_mr  = safemalloc(num_sync * sizeof(pami_memregion_t) );
    pami_memregion_t * shared_mr = safemalloc(num_sync * sizeof(pami_memregion_t) );
    for (int i=0; i<num_sync; i++)
        result = PAMI_Memregion_create(contexts[i], rbuf, bytes, &bytes_out, &(local_mr[i]));
        TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS && bytes==bytes_out,"PAMI_Memregion_create");

        result = PAMI_Memregion_create(contexts[async_context_begin+i], sbuf, bytes, &bytes_out, &(shared_mr[i]));
        TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS && bytes==bytes_out,"PAMI_Memregion_create");
    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    pami_endpoint_t * target_eps = (pami_endpoint_t *) safemalloc( num_async * world_size * sizeof(pami_endpoint_t) );
    for (int target=0; target<world_size; target++)
        for (int i=0; i<num_async; i++)
            result = PAMI_Endpoint_create(client, (pami_task_t) target, i, &(target_eps[target*num_async+i]) );
            TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Endpoint_create");

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    pami_memregion_t * shmrs = (pami_memregion_t *) safemalloc( num_async * world_size * sizeof(pami_memregion_t) );

    result = allgather(world_geometry, contexts[0], num_async * sizeof(pami_memregion_t), shared_mr, shmrs);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"allgather");

    /* check now that count will not iterate over an incomplete iteration space */
    int remote_targets_per_thread = world_size/num_sync;

    if (world_rank==0) 
        printf("starting A2A \n");

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    int active = world_size;

    uint64_t t0 = GetTimeBase();

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    /* GCC prior to 4.7 will not permit const variables to be private i.e. firstprivate */
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) firstprivate(n, num_async, num_sync)
#ifdef _OPENMP
        int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
        int tid = 0;

        for (int count=0; count<remote_targets_per_thread; count++)
          int target = remote_targets_per_thread*tid + count;
          target += world_rank;
          target  = target % world_size;
          //printf("%ld: attempting Rget to %ld \n", (long)world_rank, (long)target);
          int local_context  = tid; /* each thread uses its own context so this is thread-safe */
          int remote_context = target % num_async;

          pami_rget_simple_t parameters;
          parameters.rma.dest           = target_eps[target*num_async+remote_context];
          //parameters.rma.hints          = ;
          parameters.rma.bytes          = n*sizeof(double);
          parameters.rma.cookie         = &active;
          parameters.rma.done_fn        = cb_done;
          parameters.rdma.local.mr      = &local_mr[local_context];
          parameters.rdma.local.offset  = target*n*sizeof(double);
          parameters.rdma.remote.mr     = &shmrs[target*num_async+remote_context];
          parameters.rdma.remote.offset = world_rank*n*sizeof(double);
          result = PAMI_Rget(contexts[local_context], &parameters);
          TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Rget");

    uint64_t t1 = GetTimeBase();
    double  dt1 = (t1-t0)*tic;

    while (active>0)
      result = PAMI_Context_trylock_advancev(&(contexts[0]), num_sync+num_async, 1000);
      TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_trylock_advancev");

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    uint64_t t2 = GetTimeBase();
    double  dt2 = (t2-t0)*tic;

    //result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    //TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    double megabytes = 1.e-6*bytes;

    printf("%ld: PAMI_Rget A2A: %ld bytes per rank, local %lf seconds (%lf MB/s), remote %lf seconds (%lf MB/s) \n", 
           (long)world_rank, n*sizeof(double), 
           dt1, megabytes/dt1,
           dt2, megabytes/dt2 );

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    for (int s=0; s<world_size; s++ )
      for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
        if (rbuf[s*n+k]!=(1.0*s*n+1.0*k))
          printf("%4d: rbuf[%d] = %lf (%lf) \n", (int)world_rank, s*n+k, rbuf[s*n+k], (1.0*s*n+1.0*k) );

    result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

    for (int i=0; i<num_async; i++)
        result = PAMI_Memregion_destroy(contexts[i], &(local_mr[i]) );
        TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Memregion_destroy");

        result = PAMI_Memregion_destroy(contexts[async_context_begin+i], &(shared_mr[i]) );
        TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Memregion_destroy");


  result = barrier(world_geometry, contexts[0]);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"barrier");

  /* finalize the contexts */
  result = PAMI_Context_destroyv( contexts, num_contexts );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_destroyv");


  /* finalize the client */
  result = PAMI_Client_destroy( &client );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_destroy");

  if (world_rank==0)
    printf("%ld: end of test \n", world_rank );

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  pami_result_t result = PAMI_ERROR;

  /* initialize the client */
  pami_client_t client;
  char * clientname = "";
  result = PAMI_Client_create(clientname, &client, NULL, 0);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_create");

  /* query properties of the client */
  pami_configuration_t config;
  size_t num_contexts;

  config.name = PAMI_CLIENT_NUM_TASKS;
  result = PAMI_Client_query( client, &config,1);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_query");
  world_size = config.value.intval;

  config.name = PAMI_CLIENT_TASK_ID;
  result = PAMI_Client_query( client, &config,1);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_query");
  world_rank = config.value.intval;
  printf("hello world from rank %ld of %ld \n", world_rank, world_size );

  result = PAMI_Client_query( client, &config, 1);
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_query");
  num_contexts = config.value.intval;

  /* initialize the contexts */
  pami_context_t * contexts;
  contexts = (pami_context_t *) malloc( num_contexts * sizeof(pami_context_t) );

  result = PAMI_Context_createv( client, &config, 0, contexts, num_contexts );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_createv");

  printf("%ld contexts were created by rank %ld \n", num_contexts, world_rank );

  /* setup the world geometry */
  pami_geometry_t world_geometry;
  result = PAMI_Geometry_world( client, &world_geometry );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Geometry_world");



  int n = 1000;
  char * in  = (char *) malloc(n);
  char * out = (char *) malloc(n);
  memset(in,  '\0', n);
  memset(out, '\a', n);

  allgather(n, in, out);




  /* finalize the contexts */
  result = PAMI_Context_destroyv( contexts, num_contexts );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Context_destroyv");


  /* finalize the client */
  result = PAMI_Client_destroy( &client );
  TEST_ASSERT(result == PAMI_SUCCESS,"PAMI_Client_destroy");

  printf("%ld: end of test \n", world_rank );

  return 0;