Exemplo n.º 1
SEXP do_abuswap(SEXP x, SEXP nsim, SEXP thin, SEXP direct)
    int nr = nrows(x), nc = ncols(x), ny = asInteger(nsim),
	ithin = asInteger(thin), idirect = asInteger(direct);
    size_t i, N = nr*nc;

    SEXP out = PROTECT(alloc3DArray(REALSXP, nr, nc, ny));
    double *rout = REAL(out);
    if(TYPEOF(x) != REALSXP)
	x = coerceVector(x, REALSXP);

    double *rx = (double *) R_alloc(N, sizeof(double));

    /* sequential swap as in do_swap */
    memcpy(rx, REAL(x), N * sizeof(double));
    for(i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
	abuswap(rx, &nr, &nc, &ithin, &idirect);
	memcpy(rout + i * N, rx, N * sizeof(double));
    return out;
Exemplo n.º 2
SEXP do_curveball(SEXP x, SEXP nsim, SEXP thin)
    int nr = nrows(x), nc = ncols(x), ny = asInteger(nsim),
	ithin = asInteger(thin);
    size_t i, N = nr*nc;

    SEXP out = PROTECT(alloc3DArray(INTSXP, nr, nc, ny));
    int *iout = INTEGER(out);
    if(TYPEOF(x) != INTSXP)
	x = coerceVector(x, INTSXP);

    /* difference to do_swap: need a work vector */
    int *iwork = (int *) R_alloc(2*nc, sizeof(int));
    int *ix = (int *) R_alloc(N, sizeof(int));

    /* sequential trialswap of ix and save result to the iout
       array */
    memcpy(ix, INTEGER(x), N * sizeof(int));
    for(i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
	/* different call than in do_swap */
	curveball(ix, &nr, &nc, &ithin, iwork);
	memcpy(iout + i * N, ix, N * sizeof(int));
    return out;
Exemplo n.º 3
SEXP do_rcfill(SEXP n, SEXP rs, SEXP cs)
    int nrow = length(rs), ncol = length(cs), nmat = asInteger(n);
    int *rfill, *cfill, *rind, *cind;
    int rlen, clen, i, j, k, offset;

    if(TYPEOF(rs) != INTSXP)
	rs = coerceVector(rs, INTSXP);
    if(TYPEOF(cs) != INTSXP)
	cs = coerceVector(cs, INTSXP);
    int *rowsum = INTEGER(rs);
    int *colsum = INTEGER(cs);
    rfill = (int *) R_alloc(nrow, sizeof(int));
    cfill = (int *) R_alloc(ncol, sizeof(int));
    rind = (int *) R_alloc(nrow, sizeof(int));
    cind = (int *) R_alloc(ncol, sizeof(int));
    SEXP out = PROTECT(alloc3DArray(INTSXP, nrow, ncol, nmat));
    int *x = INTEGER(out);
    memset(x, 0, nmat * nrow * ncol * sizeof(int));

    /* collect matrices */
    for (k = 0; k < nmat; k++) {
	offset = k * nrow * ncol;
	/* initialize fills (0) and indices (0..n) */
	for (i = 0, rlen = -1; i < nrow; i++) {
	    if (rowsum[i] > 0) /* skip empty rows */
		rind[++rlen] = i;
	    rfill[i] = 0;
	for (j = 0, clen = -1; j < ncol; j++) {
	    if (colsum[j] > 0)
		cind[++clen] = j;
	    cfill[j] = 0;
	/* items 0..rlen/clen of rind/cind have the indices of
	 * rows/columns which still can be filled. When the row/column
	 * gets full, replace its index with the last index and reduce
	 * rlen/clen by one */
	while (rlen >= 0) {
	    i = IRAND(rlen);
	    j = IRAND(clen);
	    x[offset + rind[i] + nrow * cind[j]]++;
	    if (++rfill[rind[i]] >= rowsum[rind[i]])
		rind[i] = rind[rlen--];
	    if (++cfill[cind[j]] >= colsum[cind[j]])
		cind[j] = cind[clen--];
    return out;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Simulate a sample of random matrices from a Wishart distribution
 * @param ns Number of samples to generate
 * @param nuP Degrees of freedom
 * @param scal Positive-definite scale matrix
 * @return
rWishart(SEXP ns, SEXP nuP, SEXP scal)
    SEXP ans;
    int *dims = INTEGER(getAttrib(scal, R_DimSymbol)), info,
	n = asInteger(ns), psqr;
    double *scCp, *ansp, *tmp, nu = asReal(nuP), one = 1, zero = 0;

    if (!isMatrix(scal) || !isReal(scal) || dims[0] != dims[1])
	error(_("'scal' must be a square, real matrix"));
    if (n <= 0) n = 1;
    // allocate early to avoid memory leaks in Callocs below.
    PROTECT(ans = alloc3DArray(REALSXP, dims[0], dims[0], n));
    psqr = dims[0] * dims[0];
    tmp = Calloc(psqr, double);
    scCp = Calloc(psqr, double);

    Memcpy(scCp, REAL(scal), psqr);
    memset(tmp, 0, psqr * sizeof(double));
    F77_CALL(dpotrf)("U", &(dims[0]), scCp, &(dims[0]), &info);
    if (info)
	error(_("'scal' matrix is not positive-definite"));
    ansp = REAL(ans);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	double *ansj = ansp + j * psqr;
	std_rWishart_factor(nu, dims[0], 1, tmp);
	F77_CALL(dtrmm)("R", "U", "N", "N", dims, dims,
			&one, scCp, dims, tmp, dims);
	F77_CALL(dsyrk)("U", "T", &(dims[1]), &(dims[1]),
			&one, tmp, &(dims[1]),
			&zero, ansj, &(dims[1]));

	for (int i = 1; i < dims[0]; i++)
	    for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
		ansj[i + k * dims[0]] = ansj[k + i * dims[0]];

    Free(scCp); Free(tmp);
    return ans;
Exemplo n.º 5
SEXP do_swap(SEXP x, SEXP nsim, SEXP thin, SEXP method)
    int nr = nrows(x), nc = ncols(x), ny = asInteger(nsim),
	ithin = asInteger(thin);
    size_t i, N = nr*nc;

    /* trialswap, swap and swapcount have identical function signature */
    const char *cmethod = CHAR(STRING_ELT(method, 0));
    if (strcmp("trialswap", cmethod) == 0)
	swap_fun = trialswap;
    else if (strcmp("swap", cmethod) == 0)
	swap_fun = swap;
    else if (strcmp("swapcount", cmethod) == 0)
	swap_fun = swapcount;
	error("unknown sequential null model \"%s\"", cmethod);

    SEXP out = PROTECT(alloc3DArray(INTSXP, nr, nc, ny));
    int *iout = INTEGER(out);
    if(TYPEOF(x) != INTSXP)
	x = coerceVector(x, INTSXP);

    int *ix = (int *) R_alloc(N, sizeof(int));

    /* sequential trialswap of ix and save result to the iout
       array */
    memcpy(ix, INTEGER(x), N * sizeof(int));
    for(i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
	swap_fun(ix, &nr, &nc, &ithin);
	memcpy(iout + i * N, ix, N * sizeof(int));
    return out;
Exemplo n.º 6
SEXP do_backtrack(SEXP n, SEXP rs, SEXP cs)
    int i, fill, nr = length(rs), nc = length(cs), nmat = asInteger(n);
    int N = nr * nc;

    /* check & cast */
    if(TYPEOF(rs) != INTSXP)
	rs = coerceVector(rs, INTSXP);
    if(TYPEOF(cs) != INTSXP)
	cs = coerceVector(cs, INTSXP);
    int *rowsum = INTEGER(rs);
    int *colsum = INTEGER(cs);

    /* initialize work arrays for backtrack()*/
    int *ind = (int *) R_alloc(nr * nc, sizeof(int));
    int *rfill = (int *) R_alloc(nr, sizeof(int));
    int * cfill = (int *) R_alloc(nc, sizeof(int));
    for (i = 0, fill = 0; i < nr; i++)
	fill += rowsum[i];
    int *x = (int *) R_alloc(nr * nc, sizeof(int));

    SEXP out =  PROTECT(alloc3DArray(INTSXP, nr, nc, nmat));
    int *iout = INTEGER(out);

    /* Call static C function */
    for(i = 0; i < nmat; i++) {
	backtrack(x, rowsum, colsum, fill, nr, nc, rfill, cfill, ind);
	memcpy(iout + i * N, x, N * sizeof(int));

    return out;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: transAJ.c Projeto: cran/TPmsm
	SEXP object,
	SEXP nboot)
	SEXP data, T1, E1, S, E;
	data = VECTOR_ELT(object, 0);
	T1 = VECTOR_ELT(data, 0);
	E1 = VECTOR_ELT(data, 1);
	S = VECTOR_ELT(data, 2);
	E = VECTOR_ELT(data, 3);
	int len = GET_LENGTH(T1), nt = GET_LENGTH(UT), t, nth = 1;
	SEXP P, list;
	PROTECT( P = alloc3DArray(REALSXP, *INTEGER(nboot), nt, 4) );
	PROTECT( list = NEW_LIST(2) );
	if (*INTEGER(nboot) > 1) nth = global_num_threads;
	int **index0 = (int**)malloc( nth*sizeof(int*) ); // allocate memory block
	if (index0 == NULL) error("TransPROBAJ: No more memory\n");
	int **index1 = (int**)malloc( nth*sizeof(int*) ); // allocate memory block
	if (index1 == NULL) error("TransPROBAJ: No more memory\n");
	double **WORK0 = (double**)malloc( nth*sizeof(double*) ); // allocate memory block
	if (WORK0 == NULL) error("TransPROBAJ: No more memory\n");
	int **WORK1 = (int**)malloc( nth*sizeof(int*) ); // allocate memory block
	if (WORK1 == NULL) error("TransPROBAJ: No more memory\n");
	for (t = 0; t < nth; t++) { // allocate per thread memory
		if ( ( index0[t] = (int*)malloc( len*sizeof(int) ) ) == NULL ) error("TransPROBAJ: No more memory\n");
		if ( ( index1[t] = (int*)malloc( len*sizeof(int) ) ) == NULL ) error("TransPROBAJ: No more memory\n");
		if ( ( WORK0[t] = (double*)malloc( len*2*sizeof(double) ) ) == NULL ) error("TransPROBAJ: No more memory\n");
		if ( ( WORK1[t] = (int*)malloc( len*sizeof(int) ) ) == NULL ) error("TransPROBAJ: No more memory\n");
	#ifdef _OPENMP
	#pragma omp parallel num_threads(nth) private(t)
		int b;
		#ifdef _OPENMP
		t = omp_get_thread_num();
		t = 0;
		#ifdef _OPENMP
		#pragma omp single
			b = 0;
			indx_ii(&len, index0[t], index1[t]); // initialize indexes
			order_di(REAL(T1), INTEGER(E1), index0[t], len, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, WORK0[t], WORK1[t]); // get permuation
			order_di(REAL(S), INTEGER(E), index1[t], len, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, WORK0[t], WORK1[t]); // get permuation
			transAJI(&len, REAL(T1), INTEGER(E1), REAL(S), INTEGER(E), index0[t], index1[t], &nt, REAL(UT), INTEGER(nboot), REAL(P), &b, WORK0[t]); // compute transition probabilities
		#ifdef _OPENMP
		#pragma omp for
		for (b = 1; b < *INTEGER(nboot); b++) {
			boot_ii(RngArray[t], &len, index0[t], index1[t]); // bootstrap indexes
			order_di(REAL(T1), INTEGER(E1), index0[t], len, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, WORK0[t], WORK1[t]); // get permuation
			order_di(REAL(S), INTEGER(E), index1[t], len, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, WORK0[t], WORK1[t]); // get permuation
			transAJI(&len, REAL(T1), INTEGER(E1), REAL(S), INTEGER(E), index0[t], index1[t], &nt, REAL(UT), INTEGER(nboot), REAL(P), &b, WORK0[t]); // compute transition probabilities
	for (t = nth-1; t >= 0; t--) {
		free(index0[t]); // free memory block
		free(index1[t]); // free memory block
		free(WORK0[t]); // free memory block
		free(WORK1[t]); // free memory block
	free(index0); // free memory block
	free(index1); // free memory block
	free(WORK0); // free memory block
	free(WORK1); // free memory block
	SET_ELEMENT(list, 0, P);
	SET_ELEMENT(list, 1, R_NilValue);
	return list;
} // TransPROBAJ