void doAllInOne(tree *tr, analdef *adef) { int i, n, bestIndex, bootstrapsPerformed; #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI int bootStopTests = 1, j, bootStrapsPerProcess = 0; #endif double loopTime; int *originalRateCategories; int *originalInvariant; #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI int slowSearches, fastEvery; #else int slowSearches, fastEvery = 5; #endif int treeVectorLength = -1; topolRELL_LIST *rl; double bestLH, mlTime, overallTime; long radiusSeed = adef->rapidBoot; FILE *f; char bestTreeFileName[1024]; hashtable *h = (hashtable*)NULL; unsigned int **bitVectors = (unsigned int**)NULL; boolean bootStopIt = FALSE; double pearsonAverage = 0.0; pInfo *catParams = allocParams(tr); pInfo *gammaParams = allocParams(tr); unsigned int vLength; n = adef->multipleRuns; #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI if(n % processes != 0) n = processes * ((n / processes) + 1); #endif if(adef->bootStopping) { h = initHashTable(tr->mxtips * 100); treeVectorLength = adef->multipleRuns; bitVectors = initBitVector(tr, &vLength); } rl = (topolRELL_LIST *)rax_malloc(sizeof(topolRELL_LIST)); initTL(rl, tr, n); originalRateCategories = (int*)rax_malloc(tr->cdta->endsite * sizeof(int)); originalInvariant = (int*)rax_malloc(tr->cdta->endsite * sizeof(int)); initModel(tr, tr->rdta, tr->cdta, adef); if(adef->grouping) printBothOpen("\n\nThe topologies of all Bootstrap and ML trees will adhere to the constraint tree specified in %s\n", tree_file); if(adef->constraint) printBothOpen("\n\nThe topologies of all Bootstrap and ML trees will adhere to the bifurcating backbone constraint tree specified in %s\n", tree_file); #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI long parsimonySeed0 = adef->parsimonySeed; long replicateSeed0 = adef->rapidBoot; n = n / processes; #endif for(i = 0; i < n && !bootStopIt; i++) { #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI j = i + n * processID; tr->treeID = j; #else tr->treeID = i; #endif tr->checkPointCounter = 0; loopTime = gettime(); #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI if(i == 0) { if(parsimonySeed0 != 0) adef->parsimonySeed = parsimonySeed0 + 10000 * processID; adef->rapidBoot = replicateSeed0 + 10000 * processID; radiusSeed = adef->rapidBoot; } #endif if(i % 10 == 0) { if(i > 0) reductionCleanup(tr, originalRateCategories, originalInvariant); if(adef->grouping || adef->constraint) { FILE *f = myfopen(tree_file, "rb"); assert(adef->restart); if (! treeReadLenMULT(f, tr, adef)) exit(-1); fclose(f); } else makeParsimonyTree(tr, adef); tr->likelihood = unlikely; if(i == 0) { double t; onlyInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 1); t = gettime(); modOpt(tr, adef, FALSE, 5.0); #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI printBothOpen("\nTime for BS model parameter optimization on Process %d: %f seconds\n", processID, gettime() - t); #else printBothOpen("\nTime for BS model parameter optimization %f\n", gettime() - t); #endif memcpy(originalRateCategories, tr->cdta->rateCategory, sizeof(int) * tr->cdta->endsite); memcpy(originalInvariant, tr->invariant, sizeof(int) * tr->cdta->endsite); if(adef->bootstrapBranchLengths) { if(tr->rateHetModel == CAT) { copyParams(tr->NumberOfModels, catParams, tr->partitionData, tr); assert(tr->cdta->endsite == tr->originalCrunchedLength); catToGamma(tr, adef); modOpt(tr, adef, TRUE, adef->likelihoodEpsilon); copyParams(tr->NumberOfModels, gammaParams, tr->partitionData, tr); gammaToCat(tr); copyParams(tr->NumberOfModels, tr->partitionData, catParams, tr); } else { assert(tr->cdta->endsite == tr->originalCrunchedLength); } } } } computeNextReplicate(tr, &adef->rapidBoot, originalRateCategories, originalInvariant, TRUE, TRUE); resetBranches(tr); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 1); computeBOOTRAPID(tr, adef, &radiusSeed); #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI saveTL(rl, tr, j); #else saveTL(rl, tr, i); #endif if(adef->bootstrapBranchLengths) { double lh = tr->likelihood; if(tr->rateHetModel == CAT) { copyParams(tr->NumberOfModels, tr->partitionData, gammaParams, tr); catToGamma(tr, adef); resetBranches(tr); onlyInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 2.0); gammaToCat(tr); copyParams(tr->NumberOfModels, tr->partitionData, catParams, tr); tr->likelihood = lh; } else { treeEvaluate(tr, 2.0); tr->likelihood = lh; } } printBootstrapResult(tr, adef, TRUE); loopTime = gettime() - loopTime; writeInfoFile(adef, tr, loopTime); if(adef->bootStopping) #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI { int nn = (i + 1) * processes; if((nn > START_BSTOP_TEST) && (i * processes < FC_SPACING * bootStopTests) && ((i + 1) * processes >= FC_SPACING * bootStopTests) ) { MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); concatenateBSFiles(processes, bootstrapFileName); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); bootStopIt = computeBootStopMPI(tr, bootstrapFileName, adef, &pearsonAverage); bootStopTests++; } } #else bootStopIt = bootStop(tr, h, i, &pearsonAverage, bitVectors, treeVectorLength, vLength, adef); #endif } #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); bootstrapsPerformed = i * processes; bootStrapsPerProcess = i; concatenateBSFiles(processes, bootstrapFileName); removeBSFiles(processes, bootstrapFileName); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #else bootstrapsPerformed = i; #endif rax_freeParams(tr->NumberOfModels, catParams); rax_free(catParams); rax_freeParams(tr->NumberOfModels, gammaParams); rax_free(gammaParams); if(adef->bootStopping) { freeBitVectors(bitVectors, 2 * tr->mxtips); rax_free(bitVectors); freeHashTable(h); rax_free(h); } { double t; printBothOpenMPI("\n\n"); if(adef->bootStopping) { if(bootStopIt) { switch(tr->bootStopCriterion) { case FREQUENCY_STOP: printBothOpenMPI("Stopped Rapid BS search after %d replicates with FC Bootstopping criterion\n", bootstrapsPerformed); printBothOpenMPI("Pearson Average of %d random splits: %f\n",BOOTSTOP_PERMUTATIONS , pearsonAverage); break; case MR_STOP: printBothOpenMPI("Stopped Rapid BS search after %d replicates with MR-based Bootstopping criterion\n", bootstrapsPerformed); printBothOpenMPI("WRF Average of %d random splits: %f\n", BOOTSTOP_PERMUTATIONS, pearsonAverage); break; case MRE_STOP: printBothOpenMPI("Stopped Rapid BS search after %d replicates with MRE-based Bootstopping criterion\n", bootstrapsPerformed); printBothOpenMPI("WRF Average of %d random splits: %f\n", BOOTSTOP_PERMUTATIONS, pearsonAverage); break; case MRE_IGN_STOP: printBothOpenMPI("Stopped Rapid BS search after %d replicates with MRE_IGN-based Bootstopping criterion\n", bootstrapsPerformed); printBothOpenMPI("WRF Average of %d random splits: %f\n", BOOTSTOP_PERMUTATIONS, pearsonAverage); break; default: assert(0); } } else { switch(tr->bootStopCriterion) { case FREQUENCY_STOP: printBothOpenMPI("Rapid BS search did not converge after %d replicates with FC Bootstopping criterion\n", bootstrapsPerformed); printBothOpenMPI("Pearson Average of %d random splits: %f\n",BOOTSTOP_PERMUTATIONS , pearsonAverage); break; case MR_STOP: printBothOpenMPI("Rapid BS search did not converge after %d replicates with MR-based Bootstopping criterion\n", bootstrapsPerformed); printBothOpenMPI("WRF Average of %d random splits: %f\n", BOOTSTOP_PERMUTATIONS, pearsonAverage); break; case MRE_STOP: printBothOpenMPI("Rapid BS search did not converge after %d replicates with MRE-based Bootstopping criterion\n", bootstrapsPerformed); printBothOpenMPI("WRF Average of %d random splits: %f\n", BOOTSTOP_PERMUTATIONS, pearsonAverage); break; case MRE_IGN_STOP: printBothOpenMPI("Rapid BS search did not converge after %d replicates with MR_IGN-based Bootstopping criterion\n", bootstrapsPerformed); printBothOpenMPI("WRF Average of %d random splits: %f\n", BOOTSTOP_PERMUTATIONS, pearsonAverage); break; default: assert(0); } } } t = gettime() - masterTime; printBothOpenMPI("Overall Time for %d Rapid Bootstraps %f seconds\n", bootstrapsPerformed, t); printBothOpenMPI("Average Time per Rapid Bootstrap %f seconds\n", (double)(t/((double)bootstrapsPerformed))); if(!adef->allInOne) { printBothOpenMPI("All %d bootstrapped trees written to: %s\n", bootstrapsPerformed, bootstrapFileName); #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI MPI_Finalize(); #endif exit(0); } } /* ML-search */ mlTime = gettime(); double t = mlTime; printBothOpenMPI("\nStarting ML Search ...\n\n"); /***CLEAN UP reduction stuff */ reductionCleanup(tr, originalRateCategories, originalInvariant); /****/ #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI restoreTL(rl, tr, n * processID); #else restoreTL(rl, tr, 0); #endif resetBranches(tr); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); modOpt(tr, adef, TRUE, adef->likelihoodEpsilon); #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI if(bootstrapsPerformed <= 100) fastEvery = 5; else fastEvery = bootstrapsPerformed / 20; for(i = 0; i < bootstrapsPerformed; i++) rl->t[i]->likelihood = unlikely; for(i = 0; i < bootStrapsPerProcess; i++) { j = i + n * processID; if(i % fastEvery == 0) { restoreTL(rl, tr, j); resetBranches(tr); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 1); optimizeRAPID(tr, adef); saveTL(rl, tr, j); } } #else for(i = 0; i < bootstrapsPerformed; i++) { rl->t[i]->likelihood = unlikely; if(i % fastEvery == 0) { restoreTL(rl, tr, i); resetBranches(tr); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 1); optimizeRAPID(tr, adef); saveTL(rl, tr, i); } } #endif printBothOpenMPI("Fast ML optimization finished\n\n"); t = gettime() - t; #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI printBothOpen("Fast ML search on Process %d: Time %f seconds\n\n", processID, t); j = n * processID; qsort(&(rl->t[j]), n, sizeof(topolRELL*), compareTopolRell); restoreTL(rl, tr, j); #else printBothOpen("Fast ML search Time: %f seconds\n\n", t); qsort(&(rl->t[0]), bootstrapsPerformed, sizeof(topolRELL*), compareTopolRell); restoreTL(rl, tr, 0); #endif t = gettime(); resetBranches(tr); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); modOpt(tr, adef, TRUE, adef->likelihoodEpsilon); slowSearches = bootstrapsPerformed / 5; if(bootstrapsPerformed % 5 != 0) slowSearches++; slowSearches = MIN(slowSearches, 10); #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI if(processes > 1) { if(slowSearches % processes == 0) slowSearches = slowSearches / processes; else slowSearches = (slowSearches / processes) + 1; } for(i = 0; i < slowSearches; i++) { j = i + n * processID; restoreTL(rl, tr, j); rl->t[j]->likelihood = unlikely; evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 1.0); thoroughOptimization(tr, adef, rl, j); } #else for(i = 0; i < slowSearches; i++) { restoreTL(rl, tr, i); rl->t[i]->likelihood = unlikely; evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 1.0); thoroughOptimization(tr, adef, rl, i); } #endif /*************************************************************************************************************/ if(tr->rateHetModel == CAT) { catToGamma(tr, adef); modOpt(tr, adef, TRUE, adef->likelihoodEpsilon); } bestIndex = -1; bestLH = unlikely; #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI for(i = 0; i < slowSearches; i++) { j = i + n * processID; restoreTL(rl, tr, j); resetBranches(tr); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 2); printBothOpen("Slow ML Search %d Likelihood: %f\n", j, tr->likelihood); if(tr->likelihood > bestLH) { bestLH = tr->likelihood; bestIndex = j; } } /*printf("processID = %d, bestIndex = %d; bestLH = %f\n", processID, bestIndex, bestLH);*/ #else for(i = 0; i < slowSearches; i++) { restoreTL(rl, tr, i); resetBranches(tr); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 2); printBothOpen("Slow ML Search %d Likelihood: %f\n", i, tr->likelihood); if(tr->likelihood > bestLH) { bestLH = tr->likelihood; bestIndex = i; } } #endif printBothOpenMPI("Slow ML optimization finished\n\n"); t = gettime() - t; #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI printBothOpen("Slow ML search on Process %d: Time %f seconds\n", processID, t); #else printBothOpen("Slow ML search Time: %f seconds\n", t); #endif t = gettime(); restoreTL(rl, tr, bestIndex); resetBranches(tr); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); treeEvaluate(tr, 2); Thorough = 1; tr->doCutoff = FALSE; treeOptimizeThorough(tr, 1, 10); evaluateGenericInitrav(tr, tr->start); modOpt(tr, adef, TRUE, adef->likelihoodEpsilon); t = gettime() - t; #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI printBothOpen("Thorough ML search on Process %d: Time %f seconds\n", processID, t); #else printBothOpen("Thorough ML search Time: %f seconds\n", t); #endif #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI bestLH = tr->likelihood; printf("\nprocessID = %d, bestLH = %f\n", processID, bestLH); if(processes > 1) { double *buffer; int bestProcess; buffer = (double *)rax_malloc(sizeof(double) * processes); for(i = 0; i < processes; i++) buffer[i] = unlikely; buffer[processID] = bestLH; for(i = 0; i < processes; i++) MPI_Bcast(&buffer[i], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD); bestLH = buffer[0]; bestProcess = 0; for(i = 1; i < processes; i++) if(buffer[i] > bestLH) { bestLH = buffer[i]; bestProcess = i; } rax_free(buffer); if(processID != bestProcess) { MPI_Finalize(); exit(0); } } #endif printBothOpen("\nFinal ML Optimization Likelihood: %f\n", tr->likelihood); printBothOpen("\nModel Information:\n\n"); printModelParams(tr, adef); strcpy(bestTreeFileName, workdir); strcat(bestTreeFileName, "RAxML_bestTree."); strcat(bestTreeFileName, run_id); Tree2String(tr->tree_string, tr, tr->start->back, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, adef, SUMMARIZE_LH, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); f = myfopen(bestTreeFileName, "wb"); fprintf(f, "%s", tr->tree_string); fclose(f); if(adef->perGeneBranchLengths) printTreePerGene(tr, adef, bestTreeFileName, "w"); overallTime = gettime() - masterTime; mlTime = gettime() - mlTime; printBothOpen("\nML search took %f secs or %f hours\n", mlTime, mlTime / 3600.0); printBothOpen("\nCombined Bootstrap and ML search took %f secs or %f hours\n", overallTime, overallTime / 3600.0); printBothOpen("\nDrawing Bootstrap Support Values on best-scoring ML tree ...\n\n"); freeTL(rl); rax_free(rl); calcBipartitions(tr, adef, bestTreeFileName, bootstrapFileName); overallTime = gettime() - masterTime; printBothOpen("Program execution info written to %s\n", infoFileName); printBothOpen("All %d bootstrapped trees written to: %s\n\n", bootstrapsPerformed, bootstrapFileName); printBothOpen("Best-scoring ML tree written to: %s\n\n", bestTreeFileName); if(adef->perGeneBranchLengths && tr->NumberOfModels > 1) printBothOpen("Per-Partition branch lengths of best-scoring ML tree written to %s.PARTITION.0 to %s.PARTITION.%d\n\n", bestTreeFileName, bestTreeFileName, tr->NumberOfModels - 1); printBothOpen("Best-scoring ML tree with support values written to: %s\n\n", bipartitionsFileName); printBothOpen("Best-scoring ML tree with support values as branch labels written to: %s\n\n", bipartitionsFileNameBranchLabels); printBothOpen("Overall execution time for full ML analysis: %f secs or %f hours or %f days\n\n", overallTime, overallTime/3600.0, overallTime/86400.0); #ifdef _WAYNE_MPI MPI_Finalize(); #endif exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ pthread_t r, c; pthread_t g[NUM_GRIDS]; int puzzle_num; int i; int isValid = 1; // set by default if(argc != 2){ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./sudoku_val <puzzle_number>\n"); exit(-1); } puzzle_num = atoi(argv[1]); if(puzzle_num < 0 || puzzle_num > 3){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: <puzzle_number> must be between 0 and 3 inclusive\n"); exit(-1); } select_puzzle(puzzle_num); init_valid_array(); parameters *data; parameters **dptr; allocParams(&data, &dptr); pthread_create(&r, NULL, check_rows, (void *)data); pthread_create(&c, NULL, check_cols, (void *)data); for(i=0; i<NUM_GRIDS; i++){ pthread_create(&g[i], NULL, check_grids, (void *)dptr[i]); } pthread_join(r, NULL); pthread_join(c, NULL); for(i=0; i<NUM_GRIDS; i++){ pthread_join(g[i], NULL); } // check valid array for(i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++){ if(valid[i] == 0){ isValid = 0; break; } } if(!isValid){ printf("This puzzle is invalid\n"); } else{ printf("This puzzle is valid\n"); } // free all malloc's for(i=0; i<NUM_GRIDS; i++){ free(dptr[i]); } free(dptr); free(data); return 0; }