Exemplo n.º 1
 * This program demonstrates use of the Ethernet in the DE2i-150 board.
int main(void){

	// Open the sgdma transmit device
	sgdma_tx_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_tx");
	if (sgdma_tx_dev == NULL) {
		alt_printf ("Error: could not open scatter-gather dma transmit device\n");
		//return -1;
	} else alt_printf ("Opened scatter-gather dma transmit device\n");

	// Open the sgdma receive device
	sgdma_rx_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_rx");
	if (sgdma_rx_dev == NULL) {
		alt_printf ("Error: could not open scatter-gather dma receive device\n");
		//return -1;
	} else alt_printf ("Opened scatter-gather dma receive device\n");

	// Set interrupts for the sgdma receive device
	alt_avalon_sgdma_register_callback( sgdma_rx_dev, (alt_avalon_sgdma_callback) rx_ethernet_isr, 0x00000014, NULL );

	// Create sgdma receive descriptor
	alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_stream_to_mem_desc( &rx_descriptor, &rx_descriptor_end, (alt_u32 *)rx_frame, 0, 0 );

	// Set up non-blocking transfer of sgdma receive descriptor
	alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_rx_dev, &rx_descriptor );

	// Triple-speed Ethernet MegaCore base address
	volatile int * tse = (int *) TSE_BASE;

	// Specify the addresses of the PHY devices to be accessed through MDIO interface
	*(tse + 0x0F) = 0x10;

	// Disable read and write transfers and wait
	*(tse + 0x02) = *(tse + 0x02) | 0x00800220;
	while ( *(tse + 0x02) != ( *(tse + 0x02) | 0x00800220 ) );

	//MAC FIFO Configuration
	*(tse + 0x09 ) = TSE_TRANSMIT_FIFO_DEPTH-16;
	*(tse + 0x0E ) = 3;
	*(tse + 0x0D ) = 8;
	*(tse + 0x07 ) =TSE_RECEIVE_FIFO_DEPTH-16;
	*(tse + 0x0C ) = 8;
	*(tse + 0x0B ) = 8;
	*(tse + 0x0A ) = 0;
	*(tse + 0x08 ) = 0;

	// Initialize the MAC address
	*(tse + 0x03) = 0x17231C00;
	*(tse + 0x04) = 0x0000CB4A;

	// MAC function configuration
	*(tse + 0x05) = 1518;
	*(tse + 0x17) = 12;
	*(tse + 0x06) = 0xFFFF;
	*(tse + 0x02) = 0x00800220;

	// Software reset the PHY chip and wait
	*(tse + 0x02) =  0x00802220;
	while ( *(tse + 0x02) != ( 0x00800220 )  ) alt_printf( "Hi" );

	// Enable read and write transfers, gigabit Ethernet operation and promiscuous mode
	*(tse + 0x02) = *(tse + 0x02) | 0x0080023B;

	while ( *(tse + 0x02) != ( *(tse + 0x02) | 0x0080023B ) ) ;

	while (1) {

		in= IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SWITCH_BASE); //read the input from the switch
		IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(LED_BASE, in); //switch on or switch off the LED

		if (in==1){

			if (print != in){
				alt_printf( "Switch on LED \n" );		
			if (print != in) {
				alt_printf( "Switch off LED \n" );

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: fpga-tom/cad
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	char c;
	int uart_fd = open("/dev/uart", O_RDWR);
	if (uart_fd == NULL) {
		printf("Error opening uart\n");
		return 1;
	alt_sgdma_dev *transmit_dma = alt_avalon_sgdma_open("/dev/sgdma_0");
	receive_dma = alt_avalon_sgdma_open("/dev/sgdma_1");
	alt_sgdma_descriptor *transmit_descriptors[2],
//	alt_sgdma_descriptor *receive_descriptors[2], *receive_descriptors_copy[2];

	alt_u32 *transmit_ptr, *receive_ptr;
	if (transmit_dma == NULL) {
		printf("Could not open transmit SG-DMA");
		return 1;
	if (receive_dma == NULL) {
		printf("Could not open the receive SG-DMA\n");
		return 1;

	alt_u32 return_code = descriptor_allocation(&transmit_descriptors[0],
			&transmit_descriptors_copy[0], &receive_descriptors[0],

	if (return_code == 1) {
		printf("Allocating the descriptor memory failed... exiting\n");
		return 1;

	return_code = descriptor_allocation(&transmit_descriptors[1],
			&transmit_descriptors_copy[1], &receive_descriptors[1],

	if (return_code == 1) {
		printf("Allocating the descriptor memory failed... exiting\n");
		return 1;

	printf("Transmit descriptor: 0x%08x\n", transmit_descriptors[0]);
	printf("Receive descriptor: 0x%08x\n", receive_descriptors[0]);


	alt_avalon_sgdma_register_callback(receive_dma, &receive_callback_function,

	printf("Starting up the SGDMA engines\n");

	alt_u32* transmit_ptrs[2][NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS];
	int i, j;
	for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS; i++) {
			transmit_ptr = (alt_u32 *) malloc(MAXIMUM_BUFFER_LENGTH); // this descriptor will point at a buffer of length (temp_length)
			if (transmit_ptr == NULL) {
				printf("Allocating a transmit buffer region failed\n");
				return 1;
			transmit_ptrs[j][i] = transmit_ptr;
		for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS; i++) {
					&transmit_descriptors[j][i],  // descriptor
					&transmit_descriptors[j][i + 1], // next descriptor
					transmit_ptrs[j][i],  // read buffer location
					(alt_u16) MAXIMUM_BUFFER_LENGTH,  // length of the buffer
					0, // reads are not from a fixed location
					0, // start of packet is enabled for the Avalon-ST interfaces
					0, // end of packet is enabled for the Avalon-ST interfaces,
					0);  // there is only one channel
//	alt_u32* receive_ptrs[2][NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS];
	for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS; i++) {
			receive_ptr = (alt_u32 *) malloc(MAXIMUM_BUFFER_LENGTH); // this descriptor will point at a buffer of length (temp_length)
			if (receive_ptr == NULL) {
				printf("Allocating a receive buffer region failed\n");
				return 1;
			receive_ptrs[j][i] = receive_ptr;
		for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS; i++) {
					&receive_descriptors[j][i],  // descriptor
					&receive_descriptors[j][i + 1], // next descriptor
					receive_ptrs[j][i],  // read buffer location
					(alt_u16) MAXIMUM_BUFFER_LENGTH,  // length of the buffer
					0);  // there is only one channel

	if (alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer(receive_dma,
			&receive_descriptors[dbufr][0]) != 0) {
				"Writing the head of the receive descriptor list to the DMA failed\n");
		return 1;

	int buffer_counter = 0;
	int dbuft = 0;

	int char_count = 0;

	while (1) {
		int num_read = readall(uart_fd, transmit_ptrs[dbuft][buffer_counter],
		if (num_read > 0) {
					&transmit_descriptors[dbuft][buffer_counter], // descriptor
					&transmit_descriptors[dbuft][buffer_counter + 1], // next descriptor
					transmit_ptrs[dbuft][buffer_counter], // read buffer location
					(alt_u16) num_read, // length of the buffer
					0, // reads are not from a fixed location
					0, // start of packet is enabled for the Avalon-ST interfaces
					0, // end of packet is enabled for the Avalon-ST interfaces,
					0);  // there is only one channel
			if (buffer_counter >= NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS) {
				buffer_counter = 0;
				if (dbuft > 1) {
					dbuft = 0;
				if (tx_done) {
					if (alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer(transmit_dma,
							&transmit_descriptors[dbuft][0]) != 0) {
								"Writing the head of the transmit descriptor list to the DMA failed\n");
						return 1;
					tx_done = 0;
		 if ((IORD(UART_BASE,2) & 0x80)) {
		 c = IORD(UART_BASE, 0);
		 *transmit_ptr++ = c;
		 if (char_count >= MAXIMUM_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
		 char_count = 0;
		 transmit_ptr = transmit_ptrs[dbuft][buffer_counter];
		 &transmit_descriptors[dbuft][buffer_counter], // descriptor
		 &transmit_descriptors[dbuft][buffer_counter + 1], // next descriptor
		 transmit_ptrs[dbuft][buffer_counter], // read buffer location
		 (alt_u16) MAXIMUM_BUFFER_LENGTH, // length of the buffer
		 0, // reads are not from a fixed location
		 0, // start of packet is enabled for the Avalon-ST interfaces
		 0, // end of packet is enabled for the Avalon-ST interfaces,
		 0);  // there is only one channel
		 if (buffer_counter >= NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS) {
		 buffer_counter = 0;
		 if (dbuft > 1) {
		 dbuft = 0;
		 if (tx_done) {
		 if (alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer(transmit_dma,
		 &transmit_descriptors[dbuft][0]) != 0) {
		 "Writing the head of the transmit descriptor list to the DMA failed\n");
		 return 1;
		 tx_done = 0;
		if (rx_done) {
			for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS; i++) {
				write(uart_fd, receive_ptrs[dbufr][i],
			rx_done = 0;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main (int argc, char* argv[], char* envp[])
	static struct ip_addr   ip_zero = { 0 };
 * Deklaracja adresu MAC w netif( dla wersji z uzyciem pelnego lwIP)
	TSE1netif.hwaddr[0] = 0x11;
	TSE1netif.hwaddr[1] = 0x6E;
	TSE1netif.hwaddr[2] = 0x60;
	TSE1netif.hwaddr[3] = 0x01;
	TSE1netif.hwaddr[4] = 0x0F;
	TSE1netif.hwaddr[5] = 0x02;

printf("Rozpoczecie dzialania programu\n");

	//Otworzenie SGDMA transmitujacego dane do TSE0
	sgdma_tx_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_tx");
	if (sgdma_tx_dev == NULL) {
		printf ("Error: nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma transmit device dla TSE0\n");
		return -1;
	} else printf ("Otworzono scatter-gather dma transmit device dla TSE0\n");
	//Otworzenie SGDMA odbierajacego dane z TSE0
	sgdma_rx_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_rx");
	if (sgdma_rx_dev == NULL) {
		printf ("Error:  nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma receive device dla TSE0\n");
		return -1;
	} else printf ("Otworzno scatter-gather dma receive device dla TSE0\n");
	printf ("System uruchomiony\n");
	//Zarejestrowanie wywo³ywania funkcji przy odebraniu danych z TSE0
	alt_avalon_sgdma_register_callback( sgdma_rx_dev, (alt_avalon_sgdma_callback) rx_ethernet_isr, 0x00000014, NULL );
	// Utworzenie odbiorczego deskryptora sgdma
	alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_stream_to_mem_desc( &rx_descriptor, &rx_descriptor_end, (alt_u32 *)rx_frame, 0, 0 );
	// Uruchomienie wykonywania nie blokuj¹cego zapisu z SGDMA TSE0
	alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_rx_dev, &rx_descriptor );

	//Otworzenie SGDMA transmitujacego dane do TSE1
	alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_rx_dev1, &rx_descriptor1 );
	sgdma_tx_dev1 = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_tx1");
	if (sgdma_tx_dev1 == NULL) {
		printf ("Error: nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma transmit device dla TSE1\n");
			return -1;
		} else printf ("Otworzono scatter-gather dma transmit device dla TSE1\n");

	//Otworzenie SGDMA odbierajacego dane z TSE1
	sgdma_rx_dev1 = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_rx1");
	if (sgdma_rx_dev1 == NULL) {
		printf ("Error:  nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma receive device dla TSE1\n");
		return -1;
	} else printf ("Otworzno scatter-gather dma receive device dla TSE1\n");
	printf ("System uruchomiony\n");
	//Zarejestrowanie wywo³ywania funkcji przy odebraniu danych z TSE1
	alt_avalon_sgdma_register_callback( sgdma_rx_dev1, (alt_avalon_sgdma_callback) rx_ethernet_isr1, 0x00000014, NULL );
	//// Utworzenie odbiorczego deskryptora sgdma
	alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_stream_to_mem_desc( &rx_descriptor1, &rx_descriptor_end1,(alt_u32 *) rx_frame1, 0, 0 );
	// Uruchomienie wykonywania nie blokuj¹cego zapisu z SGDMA TSE1
	alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_rx_dev1, &rx_descriptor1 );

	//Utworzenie SGDMA dla szyfratora potokowego Triple DES
	sgdma_out_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_3des_out");
	if (sgdma_out_dev == NULL) {
		printf ("Error: nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma odbieraj¹cego zaszyfrowane dane 3DES\n");
		return -1;
	} else printf ("Otworzono scatter-gather dma source-sink odberaj¹cy zaszyfrowane dane z szyfratora 3DES\n");

	sgdma_in_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_3des_in");
	if (sgdma_in_dev == NULL) {
		printf ("Error: Nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma przesy³aj¹ce dane do zaszyfrowania do szyfratora 3DES\n");
		return -1;
	} else alt_printf ("Otworzono scatter-gather dma sink-source device wysy³aj¹cy dane do szyfratora 3DES\n");
	// Utworzenie odbiorczego deskryptora sgdma
	alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_stream_to_mem_desc( &tdesout_descriptor, &tdesout_descriptor_end, (alt_u32 *)blok_wynikow, 0, 0 );
	// Uruchomienie wykonywania nie blokuj¹cego zapisu danych z SGDMA szyfratora 3des
	alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_out_dev, &tdesout_descriptor );

	//Uruchomienie SGDMA dla deszyfratora Triple DES
	sgdma_out_decrypt_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_3desdecrypt_out");
	if (sgdma_out_decrypt_dev == NULL) {
		printf ("Error: nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma odbieraj¹cego zdeszyfrowane dane 3DES\n");
		return -1;
	} else alt_printf ("Otworzono scatter-gather dma source-sink odberaj¹cy odkodowane dane z deszyfratora 3DES\n");

	sgdma_in_decrypt_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_3desdecrypt_in");
	if (sgdma_in_decrypt_dev == NULL) {
		printf ("Error: Nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma przesy³aj¹ce dane do zdeszyfrowania do deszyfratora 3DES\n");
		return -1;
	} else printf ("Otworzono scatter-gather dma sink-source device wysy³aj¹cy dane do deszyfratora 3DES\n");

	// Utworzenie odbiorczego deskryptora sgdma
	alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_stream_to_mem_desc( &tdesdecryptout_descriptor,
			&tdesdecryptout_descriptor_end, (alt_u32 *)blok_wynikow_deszyfracja, 0, 0 );
	// Uruchomienie wykonywania nie blokuj¹cego zapisu danych z SGDMA deszyfratora 3des
	alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_out_decrypt_dev, &tdesdecryptout_descriptor );

	printf ("Cale SGDMA uruchomione\n");

	// adresy bazowe komponentów Triple-speed Ethernet MegaCore
	volatile int * tse = (int *) ETH_TSE_BASE;
	volatile int * tse1 = (int *) ETH_TSE1_BASE;

	// Ustawienie adresu MAC 01-60-6E-11-02-0F na oba moduly TSE
	*(tse + 0x03) = 0x116E6001;
	*(tse + 0x04) = 0x00000F02;
	*(tse1 + 0x03) = 0x116E6001;
	*(tse1 + 0x04) = 0x00000F01;
	printf ("Ustalenie adresu MAC\n");
	//Okreslenie adresow urzadzen PHY do ktorych dostep odbywac sie bedzie przez interfejs MDIO
	*(tse + 0x0F) = 0x10;
	*(tse + 0x10) = 0x11;
	//Okreslenie adresow urzadzen PHY do ktorych dostep odbywac sie bedzie przez interfejs MDIO
	 *(tse1 + 0x0F) = 0x10;
	 *(tse1 + 0x10) = 0x11;
	 // Ustawienie crossoveru dla obu PHY
	 *(tse + 0x94) = 0x4000;
	 *(tse1 + 0x94) = 0x4000;

	 //Uruchomienie crosoveru dla PHY
	  *(tse + 0x90) = *(tse + 0x90) | 0x0060;
	 // Wprowadzenie opoznienia zegara wejsciowego i wyjsciowego
	  *(tse + 0x94) = *(tse + 0x94) | 0x0082;
	  *(tse1 + 0x94) = *(tse1 + 0x94) | 0x0082;

	  // Software reset obu chipow PHY
	  *(tse + 0x80) = *(tse + 0x80) | 0x8000;
		while ( *(tse + 0x80) & 0x8000  )
	 *(tse1 + 0x02) = *(tse1 + 0x02) | 0x2000;
	 while ( *(tse1 + 0x02) & 0x2000  ) ; //sprawdzenie czy reset sie zakonczyl (sw_reset=0)
		 *(tse1 + 0xA0) = *(tse1 + 0xA0) | 0x8000;
 		while ( *(tse1 + 0xA0) & 0x8000  ) 			 ;

		printf("Udany reset obu modulow");
	// Umozliwienie zapisu i odczytu ramek z blednie wyliczonym CRC
	 *(tse + 2) = *(tse + 2) |0x040001F3;
	 *(tse1 + 2) = *(tse1 + 2) |0x040001F3;

	// printf( "send> \n" );
	 text_length = 0;
	// wprowadzenie_kluczy(); //Wprowadzenie wartosci kluczy ktore mialy byc uzywane przy transmisji Ethernet
	 weryfikacja_szyfrowania (); //tutaj ustawione zostaja wartosci kluczy szyfratora 3des
	 weryfikacja_deszyfrowania();//tutaj ustawione zostaja wartosci kluczy deszyfratora 3des
	 // TODO odkomentowac jezeli chce sie przeprowadzic test wydajnosci szyfrowania na ukladzie FPGA
	 test_wydajnosc ();
	printf("adres udp_Data: %i", &blok_wynikow);
if (ifdecipher_udp==2)


	return 0;

Exemplo n.º 4
int main (int argc, char* argv[], char* envp[])

	 * Inicjalizacja danych do szyfrowania

printf("Rozpoczecie dzialania programu\n");
	//init_3des ( key11,  key12,  key21,  key22,  key31,  key32);

	//Otworzenie transmitujacego SGDMA dla TSE0
		sgdma_tx_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_tx");
		if (sgdma_tx_dev == NULL) {
			alt_printf ("Error: nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma transmit device dla TSE0\n");
			return -1;
		} else alt_printf ("Otworzono scatter-gather dma transmit device dla TSE0\n");

		//Otworzenie odbierajacego SGDMA dla TSE0
		sgdma_rx_dev = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_rx");
		if (sgdma_rx_dev == NULL) {
			alt_printf ("Error:  nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma receive device dla TSE0\n");
			return -1;
		} else alt_printf ("Otworzno scatter-gather dma receive devicedla TSE0\n");
		printf ("System uruchomiony\n");
		alt_avalon_sgdma_register_callback( sgdma_rx_dev, (alt_avalon_sgdma_callback) rx_ethernet_isr, 0x00000014, NULL );

		// Utworzenie odbiorczego deskryptora sgdma
		alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_stream_to_mem_desc( &rx_descriptor, &rx_descriptor_end, (alt_u32 *)rx_frame, 0, 0 );

		alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_rx_dev, &rx_descriptor );

		// Uruchomienie drugiego SGDMA
		//Otworzenie transmitujacego SGDMA dla TSE1
		alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_rx_dev1, &rx_descriptor1 );
		sgdma_tx_dev1 = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_tx1");
			if (sgdma_tx_dev1 == NULL) {
				alt_printf ("Error: nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma transmit device dla TSE1\n");
					return -1;
				} else alt_printf ("Otworzono scatter-gather dma transmit device dla TSE1\n");

			//Otworzenie odbierajacego SGDMA dla TSE1
			sgdma_rx_dev1 = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_rx1");
			if (sgdma_rx_dev1 == NULL) {
				alt_printf ("Error:  nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma receive device dla TSE1\n");
				return -1;
			} else alt_printf ("Otworzno scatter-gather dma receive devicedla TSE1\n");
			printf ("System uruchomiony\n");

			alt_avalon_sgdma_register_callback( sgdma_rx_dev1, (alt_avalon_sgdma_callback) rx_ethernet_isr1, 0x00000014, NULL );

			//// Utworzenie odbiorczego deskryoptora sgdma
			alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_stream_to_mem_desc( &rx_descriptor1, &rx_descriptor_end1,(alt_u32 *) rx_frame1, 0, 0 );

			// Set up non-blocking transfer of sgdma receive descriptor
			alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_rx_dev1, &rx_descriptor1 );

		//Uruchomienie trzeciego SGDMA

			//Otworzenie SGDMA memory to memory dla obslugi wymiany pamieci pomiedzy SRAM a glowna pamiecia
			/*sgdma_read_3des = alt_avalon_sgdma_open ("/dev/sgdma_0");
			if (sgdma_read_3des == NULL) {
				alt_printf ("Error: Nie mozna otworzyc scatter-gather dma memory-memory device dla obslugi pamieci SRAM\n");
				return -1;
			} else alt_printf ("Otworzono scatter-gather dma memory-memory device dla obslugi pamieci SRAM\n");
		printf ("Cale SGDMA uruchomione\n");
		 * weryfikacja_szyfrowania ();
		test_wydajnosc ();
		// adresy bazoweTriple-speed Ethernet MegaCore
		volatile int * tse = (int *) ETH_TSE_BASE;
		//volatile int * tse = (int *) 0x103400;
		volatile int * tse1 = (int *) ETH_TSE1_BASE;
		//volatile int * tse1 = (int *) 0x103000;
		// Ustawienie adresu MAC 01-60-6E-11-02-0F na oba moduly TSE
		*(tse + 0x03) = 0x116E6001;
		*(tse + 0x04) = 0x00000F02;
		*(tse1 + 0x03) = 0x116E6001;
		*(tse1 + 0x04) = 0x00000F01;
	//	alt_tse_mac_set_common_speed(ETH_TSE_BASE,2);
		printf ("Ustalenie adresu MAC\n");
	// Okreslenie adresow urzadzen PHY do ktorych dostep odbywac sie bedzie przez interfejs MDIO
		 *(tse + 0x0F) = 0x10;
		*(tse + 0x10) = 0x11;
		// Okreslenie adresow urzadzen PHY do ktorych dostep odbywac sie bedzie przez interfejs MDIO
		/// *(tse1 + 0x0F) = 0x10;
		/// *(tse1 + 0x10) = 0x11;
		 // Write to register 20 of the PHY chip for Ethernet port 0 to set up line loopback
		 //*(tse + 0x94 ) = 0x4000;
		 // Ustawienie crossoveru dla obu PHY
		// *(tse + 0xA0) = *(tse + 0xA0) | 0x0060;
		/// *(tse1 + 0xB0) = *(tse1 + 0xB0) | 0x0060;
		*(tse + 0x94) = 0x4000;

		 //Uruchomienie crosoveru dla PHY
		  *(tse + 0x90) = *(tse + 0x90) | 0x0060;
			//  *(tse1 + 0xB0) = *(tse1 + 0xB0) | 0x0060;
			 // Wprowadzenie opoznienia zegara wejsciowego i wyjsciowego

			///	 *(tse1 + 0xB4) = *(tse1 + 0xB4) | 0x0082;
		  *(tse + 0x94) = *(tse + 0x94) | 0x0082;

		 // *(tse + 2) = *(tse + 2) | 0x02000043;
		  // Software reset obu chipow PHY
		  *(tse + 0x80) = *(tse + 0x80) | 0x8000;
		  	while ( *(tse + 0x80) & 0x8000  )
		 		// *(tse + 0x02) = *(tse + 0x02) | 0x2000;
		 	//	 while ( *(tse + 0x02) & 0x2000  ) ; //sprawdzenie czy reset sie zakonczyl (sw_reset=0)
	///	 		 *(tse1 + 0xA0) = *(tse1 + 0xA0) | 0x8000;
	///	 		while ( *(tse1 + 0xA0) & 0x8000  ) 			 ;
		 // Umozliwienie zapisu i odczytu oraz przesylania ramek z blednie wyliczonym CRC
		 	printf("Udany reset obu modulow");
///		 *(tse1 + 2) = *(tse1 + 2) | 0x02000043;
		// *(tse + 2 ) = *(tse + 2) | 0x0000004B;
		 *(tse + 2) = *(tse + 2) |0x040001F3;
		 alt_printf( "send> " );
		 text_length = 0;
		// wprowadzenie_kluczy(); //Wprowadzenie wartosci kluczy ktore mialy byc uzywane przy transmisji Ethernet

		while (1) {

			char new_char;
		//	tx_frame[16] = '\0';

			while ( (new_char = alt_getchar()) != '\n'  ) {

				if (new_char == 0x08 && text_length > 0) {
					alt_printf( "%c", new_char );

					// Maintain the terminal character after the text
					tx_frame[16 + text_length] = '\0';

				} else if (text_length < 45) {
					//alt_printf( "%c", new_char );
					unsigned int bajt1, tmp;
					unsigned char bajt2=0x1024000;
					unsigned char szyfr_new_char;

					// Add the new character to the output text
					tx_frame[16 + text_length] = new_char;
					//printf ("wewnatrz tu	 tu");
					tx_frame[16 + text_length] = '\0';
					//alt_printf( "%c", szyfr_new_char );
				//	printf( "x%2X", new_char);
			//		printf( "x%2X", szyfr_new_char);
				//	printf( "x%2X", bajt2);
				//	printf ("%s", rx_frame);
					//printf( "x%2X", bajt2);
		//	*phy1 = *(tse + 0x2C);
			//printf("Liczba odebranych pakietow: %X",phy1);
			alt_printf( "\nsend> " );
			text_length = 0;

			//alt_avalon_sgdma_construct_mem_to_stream_desc( &tx_descriptor, &tx_descriptor_end, rx_frame, 90, 0, 1, 1, 0 );
			//alt_avalon_sgdma_do_async_transfer( sgdma_tx_dev, &tx_descriptor );
			//while (alt_avalon_sgdma_check_descriptor_status(&tx_descriptor) != 0)
			//	;

		 {	//printf("petla while odbieranie i wysylanie");

		//	 while (alt_avalon_sgdma_check_descriptor_status(&rx_descriptor) != 0);

			// printf("petla while odbieranie i wysylanie");

		return 0;
