Exemplo n.º 1
*  Function: TestFlash
*  Purpose: Opens the specified flash device.  If the mode
*           parameter is TEST, the function finds an erased 
*           block, then tests it.  If the mode parameter is 
*           SHOWMAP, the function lists all blocks in the flash and
*           indicates which ones are erased.  The flash is closed
*           at the end of the function.
static void TestFlash(int mode)
  alt_flash_fd* fd;
  int number_of_regions;
  int block;
  flash_region* regions;
  int ret_code = 0x0;
  alt_u8 entry[3];
  char ch = 23;
  alt_u8 flashname[30];
  ret_code = GetFlashName(flashname);

  fd = alt_flash_open_dev(flashname);
  if (fd)
    printf(" -Successfully opened %s\n", flashname);
    /* Get some useful info about the flash */
    ret_code = alt_get_flash_info(fd, &regions, &number_of_regions);
    if (!ret_code)
      printf(" -Region 0 contains %d blocks.\n", regions->number_of_blocks);
      block = FlashFindErasedBlocks(fd, regions, number_of_regions, mode);
      /* If we're in TEST mode, ask if this block is okay to test. */
      if(mode == TEST)
        printf(" -Block %d, at address 0x%X is erased.\n", block, (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size)));
        printf(" -Would you like to test this block? (y/n)");
        fgets(entry, sizeof(entry), stdin);
        if(sscanf(entry, "%c\n", &ch))
          if (ch == 'y')
            /* Test that Flash! */
            FlashRunTests(fd, block, regions);
            printf(" -Closing flash device \"%s\".\n", flashname);
    printf(" -ERROR: Could not open %s\n", flashname);   
Exemplo n.º 2
FLASH_HANDLE Flash_Open(char *pFlashName){
    int error_code;
    bool bSuccess = FALSE;
    FLASH_INFO *pFlash=NULL;
    pFlash = (FLASH_INFO *)malloc(sizeof(FLASH_INFO));
    pFlash->fd_flash = alt_flash_open_dev(pFlashName);
    if (pFlash->fd_flash){
        error_code = alt_get_flash_info(pFlash->fd_flash,&pFlash->regions_flash,&pFlash->number_of_regions_flash);
        if (error_code == 0){
            bSuccess = TRUE;
    if (!bSuccess){
        pFlash= NULL;
    return pFlash;
Exemplo n.º 3
alt_u32 Flash_Size(char *pFlashName){
    alt_u32 FlashSize = 0;
    flash_region *regions, *nextreg;
    alt_flash_fd* fd;
    int number_of_regions;
    int ret_code, i;
    /* Set write_data to all 0xa */
    fd = alt_flash_open_dev(pFlashName);
    if (fd){
        ret_code = alt_get_flash_info(fd,&regions,&number_of_regions);
        if (ret_code == 0 && number_of_regions >= 1){
            nextreg = regions;
                FlashSize += nextreg->region_size;
    return FlashSize;
Exemplo n.º 4
int FindLastFlashSectorOffset(
    alt_u32                     *pLastFlashSectorOffset)
    alt_flash_fd                *fd;
    flash_region                *regions;
    int                         numRegions;
    flash_region                *pLastRegion;
    int                         lastFlashSectorOffset;
    int                         n;
    int                         error = 0;

    /* Open the flash device. */
    fd = alt_flash_open_dev(EXT_FLASH_NAME);
    if (fd <= 0)
        error = -1;

    /* Get the flash info. */
    if (!error)
        error = alt_get_flash_info(fd, &regions, &numRegions);

    /* Find the last flash sector. */
    if (!error)
        pLastRegion = &(regions[0]);
        for (n = 1; n < numRegions; n++)
            if (regions[n].offset > pLastRegion->offset)
                pLastRegion = &(regions[n]);
        lastFlashSectorOffset =   pLastRegion->offset
                                + pLastRegion->region_size
                                - pLastRegion->block_size;

    /* Return results. */
    if (!error)
        *pLastFlashSectorOffset = lastFlashSectorOffset;

    return (error);
Exemplo n.º 5
bool Flash_InfoDump(char *pFlashName){
    bool bSuccess = FALSE;
    flash_region *regions, *nextreg;
    alt_flash_fd* fd;
    int number_of_regions;
    int ret_code;
    /* Set write_data to all 0xa */
    fd = alt_flash_open_dev(pFlashName);
    if (fd){
        ret_code = alt_get_flash_info(fd,&regions,&number_of_regions);
        if (ret_code == 0){
            int i;
            bSuccess = TRUE;
            nextreg = regions;
            FLASH_DEBUG(("number_of_regsion:%d\r\n", number_of_regions));
                FLASH_DEBUG(("regsion[%d]\r\n", i));
                FLASH_DEBUG(("  offset:%d\r\n", nextreg->offset));
                FLASH_DEBUG(("  region_size:%d\r\n", nextreg->region_size));
                FLASH_DEBUG(("  number_of_blocks:%d\r\n", nextreg->number_of_blocks));
                FLASH_DEBUG(("  block_size;:%d\r\n", nextreg->block_size));
            FLASH_DEBUG(("alt_get_flash_info error, ret_code:%d fail\r\n", ret_code));
        FLASH_DEBUG(("alt_flash_open_dev fail\r\n"));
    if (!bSuccess)        
        FLASH_DEBUG(("Flash_InfoDump fail\r\n"));

    return bSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 6
*  Function: ProgFlash
*  Purpose: This function asks for the name of a flash device,
*  a pointer to a data buffer, and the size of the data buffer.
int ProgFlash(struct flash_inf_struct *flash_info, int target_addr,
              char* data, int data_len)

  // Flash device variables
  alt_flash_fd* fd;
  int number_of_regions;
  flash_region* regions;
  alt_u8 flashname[40]; /* Be conservative on the size of the string. */
	alt_u8* flashname_ptr = (alt_u8*) &flashname;
  int new_flash_block = -1;
  // General purpose variables
  unsigned int sw_offset = 0;
  int ret_code = 0x0;
   * flash_info->device contains the flash device name
   * from the multipart form.
   * - If you want your flash name to be an option, you must change the 
   * upload_image form in index.html to include your flash device's name 
   * in the pick list.  
  flashname_ptr += sprintf( flashname_ptr, "/dev/%s", flash_info->device );  
	*(flashname_ptr+1) = '\0';
  fd = alt_flash_open_dev(flashname);
  if (fd)
    /* Get some useful info about the flash */
    ret_code = alt_get_flash_info(fd, &regions, &number_of_regions);
    /* To which flash block is the SREC data destined? */
    /* new_flash_block = target_addr / regions->block_size; */
    /* Ahhh, but what happens if a line spans the end of one block and the 
     * beginning of another? 
     *  - Better to handle this case well...as well!
    new_flash_block = (target_addr + data_len) / regions->block_size;
    if( current_flash_block == -1 )
      /* Output various flash information when programming the first line. */
      printf( "\nFlash Name is %s.\nBlock size is %d bytes.\n\nProgramming Flash...\n", flashname, regions->block_size );
    /* if it's a new block, we need to erase it first. */
    if(new_flash_block != current_flash_block)
      printf("\nFlash Block %d", new_flash_block);
      /* Blindly erase the new flash block */
      alt_erase_flash_block(fd, (new_flash_block * regions->block_size), regions->block_size);
      current_flash_block = new_flash_block;
    alt_write_flash_block(fd, (current_flash_block * regions->block_size), target_addr, data, data_len);
    /* This just gives us some zippy dots so we know hard work is being done */
    if ((target_addr - sw_offset) % (regions->block_size / 8) < data_len)
      printf("\n 0x%8.8X: ", (target_addr & 0xFFFFFF00));
    /*if ((target_addr - sw_offset) % (regions->block_size / 256) < data_len)
    printf("Error Opening flash device. Exiting.");

  return (ret_code);  
Exemplo n.º 7
*  Function: FlashErase
*  Purpose: Erases 1 or all blocks in the specified flash device.
static void FlashErase(void)
  alt_flash_fd* fd;
  int test_offset;
  int ret_code;
  flash_region* regions;
  int number_of_regions;
  alt_u8 entry[3];
  alt_u8 flashname[30];
  unsigned int block;
  /* Get the name of the flash we are erasing */
  ret_code = GetFlashName(flashname);
  fd = alt_flash_open_dev(flashname);
  if (fd)
    /* Find out some useful stuff about the flash */
    ret_code = alt_get_flash_info(fd, &regions, &number_of_regions);
    if (!ret_code)
      printf(" -Region has %d blocks.\n", regions->number_of_blocks);
      printf(" -Which block would you like to erase?\n");
      printf(" -> ");
      fgets(entry, sizeof(entry), stdin);
      if(entry[0] == 'a')
        printf(" -Erase ALL blocks? (y/n) ");
        fgets(entry, sizeof(entry), stdin);
        if(entry[0] == 'y')
          /* Erase all blocks */
          printf(" -Erasing %d blocks.  Please Wait.\n", (regions->number_of_blocks));
          for(block = 0; block < regions->number_of_blocks; block++)
            /* Dont erase it if it's already erased silly. */
            if ((FlashCheckIfBlockErased(fd->base_addr, block, regions)) == 0)
              test_offset = (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size));
              alt_erase_flash_block(fd, test_offset, regions->block_size);
            /* Just a simple progress meter so we dont get bored waiting for the flash to erase. */
            if(((block + 1) % 80) == 0)
          printf("\n -All Blocks Erased.\n");
          printf("Erased zero blocks.\n");
      /* Just erase one block */
      if(sscanf(entry, "%d\n", &block))
        if ((block >= 0) && (block <= (regions->number_of_blocks - 1)))
          test_offset = (regions->offset + (block * regions->block_size));
          alt_erase_flash_block(fd, test_offset, regions->block_size);
          printf(" -Block %d erased.\n", block);
          printf(" -Block number entered is %d\n", block);
          printf(" -Block number must be between 0 and %d.\n", (regions->number_of_blocks - 1));
    printf(" -Closing flash \"%s\".\n", flashname);