Exemplo n.º 1
static VALUE rwire_amq_client_session_consume(VALUE self,
	VALUE queuename,
	VALUE consumer_tag,
	VALUE no_local,
	VALUE no_ack,
	VALUE exclusive)
	int result;
	amq_client_session_t *session = NULL;
	char *_queuename              = NULL;
	char *_consumer_tag           = NULL;
	bool _no_local   = (no_local != Qfalse);
	bool _no_ack     = (no_ack != Qfalse);
	bool _exclusive  = (exclusive != Qfalse);

	if (queuename != Qnil)
		_queuename = StringValuePtr(queuename);

	if (consumer_tag != Qnil)
		_consumer_tag = StringValuePtr(consumer_tag);

	Data_Get_Struct(self, amq_client_session_t, session);
	result = amq_client_session_basic_consume(session, 0, _queuename, _consumer_tag, _no_local, _no_ack, _exclusive, NULL);
//TODO check for a more useful value to return
	return self;
Exemplo n.º 2
        inline openamq_t (const char *host_, const char *send_rk_,
            const char *receive_rk_, bool direct)
	    //  Store routing keys.
            strncpy (send_rk, send_rk_, 256);
	    strncpy (receive_rk, receive_rk_, 256);

            //  Initialise iCL.
            icl_system_initialise (0, NULL);

            //  Open a connection.
            icl_longstr_t *auth_data =
                amq_client_connection_auth_plain ("guest", "guest");
            connection = amq_client_connection_new (
                (char*) host_, "/", auth_data, "perf", 0, 30000);
            assert (connection);
            icl_longstr_destroy (&auth_data);

            //  Switch into direct mode if required.
            if (direct)
                connection->direct = TRUE;

            //  Open a channel.
            session = amq_client_session_new (connection);
            assert (session);

           //  Create a private queue.
           amq_client_session_queue_declare (
               session, 0, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);

           //  Bind the queue to the exchange.
           amq_client_session_queue_bind (session, 0, NULL, "amq.direct",
               (char*) receive_rk, NULL);

           //  Consume from the queue.
           amq_client_session_basic_consume (
               session, 0, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);