	// (parameter names commented out to prevent compiler warning from "-W")
	void Pedestrian::annotateAvoidNeighbor (const AbstractVehicle& threat,
		const float /*steer*/,
		const osVector3& ourFuture,
		const osVector3& threatFuture)
		const Color green (0.15f, 0.6f, 0.0f);

		annotationLine( position(), ourFuture, green );
		annotationLine( threat.position(), threatFuture, green );
		annotationLine( ourFuture, threatFuture, gRed );
		annotationXZCircle( radius(), ourFuture,    green, 12 );
		annotationXZCircle( radius(), threatFuture, green, 12 );
Exemplo n.º 2
OpenSteer::SimpleVehicle::annotationVelocityAcceleration (float maxLengthA, 
                                                          float maxLengthV)
    const float desat = 0.4f;
    const float aScale = maxLengthA / maxForce ();
    const float vScale = maxLengthV / maxSpeed ();
    const Vec3& p = position();
    const Vec3 aColor (desat, desat, 1); // bluish
    const Vec3 vColor (    1, desat, 1); // pinkish

    annotationLine (p, p + (velocity ()           * vScale), vColor);
    annotationLine (p, p + (_smoothedAcceleration * aScale), aColor);
	// xxx perhaps this should be a call to a general purpose annotation for
	// xxx "local xxx axis aligned box in XZ plane" -- same code in in
	// xxx CaptureTheFlag.cpp
	void Pedestrian::annotateAvoidObstacle( const float minDistanceToCollision )
		const osVector3 boxSide = side() * radius();
		const osVector3 boxFront = forward() * minDistanceToCollision;
		const osVector3 FR = position() + boxFront - boxSide;
		const osVector3 FL = position() + boxFront + boxSide;
		const osVector3 BR = position()            - boxSide;
		const osVector3 BL = position()            + boxSide;
		const Color white( 1,1,1 );
		annotationLine( FR, FL, white );
		annotationLine( FL, BL, white );
		annotationLine( BL, BR, white );
		annotationLine( BR, FR, white );
	OpenSteer::Vec3 OpenSteer::SimpleVehicleAnnotated::steerForPursuit(const OpenSteer::AbstractVehicle& quarry, 
		const float maxPredictionTime)
		int forward, parallel;
		Vec3 target, colour;
		Vec3 ret = SimpleVehicle_2::steerForPursuit(quarry, maxPredictionTime, forward, parallel, target);

		switch (forward)
		case +1:
			switch (parallel)
			case +1:          // ahead, parallel
				colour = gBlack;
			case 0:           // ahead, perpendicular
				colour = gGray50;
			case -1:          // ahead, anti-parallel
				colour = gWhite;
		case 0:
			switch (parallel)
			case +1:          // aside, parallel
				colour = gRed;
			case 0:           // aside, perpendicular
				colour = gYellow;
			case -1:          // aside, anti-parallel
				colour = gGreen;
		case -1:
			switch (parallel)
			case +1:          // behind, parallel
				colour= gCyan;
			case 0:           // behind, perpendicular
				colour= gBlue;
			case -1:          // behind, anti-parallel
				colour = gMagenta;

		// annotation
		annotationLine (position(),
			gaudyPursuitAnnotation ? colour : gGray40);

		return ret;
	// called when steerToFollowPath decides steering is required
	void Pedestrian::annotatePathFollowing (const osVector3& future,
		const osVector3& onPath,
		const osVector3& target,
		const float outside)
		const Color yellow (1, 1, 0);
		const Color lightOrange (1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
		const Color darkOrange  (0.6f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
		const Color yellowOrange (1.0f, 0.75f, 0.0f);

		// draw line from our position to our predicted future position
		annotationLine (position(), future, yellow);

		// draw line from our position to our steering target on the path
		annotationLine (position(), target, yellowOrange);

		// draw a two-toned line between the future test point and its
		// projection onto the path, the change from dark to light color
		// indicates the boundary of the tube.
		const osVector3 boundaryOffset = (onPath - future).normalized() * outside;
		const osVector3 onPathBoundary = future + boundaryOffset;
		annotationLine (onPath, onPathBoundary, darkOrange);
		annotationLine (onPathBoundary, future, lightOrange);
Exemplo n.º 6
steerForPursuit (const AbstractVehicle& v, 
				 const AbstractVehicle& quarry,
                 const float maxPredictionTime)
    // offset from this to quarry, that distance, unit vector toward quarry
    const float3 offset = float3_subtract(make_float3(quarry.position()), make_float3(v.position()));
	const float distance = float3_length(offset);
    const float3 unitOffset = float3_scalar_divide(offset, distance);

    // how parallel are the paths of "this" and the quarry
    // (1 means parallel, 0 is pependicular, -1 is anti-parallel)
    const float parallelness = float3_dot(make_float3(v.forward()), make_float3(quarry.forward()));

    // how "forward" is the direction to the quarry
    // (1 means dead ahead, 0 is directly to the side, -1 is straight back)
    const float forwardness = float3_dot(make_float3(v.forward()), unitOffset);

    const float directTravelTime = distance / v.speed ();
    const int f = intervalComparison (forwardness,  -0.707f, 0.707f);
    const int p = intervalComparison (parallelness, -0.707f, 0.707f);

    float timeFactor = 0; // to be filled in below
    float3 color;           // to be filled in below (xxx just for debugging)

    // Break the pursuit into nine cases, the cross product of the
    // quarry being [ahead, aside, or behind] us and heading
    // [parallel, perpendicular, or anti-parallel] to us.
    switch (f)
    case +1:
        switch (p)
        case +1:          // ahead, parallel
            timeFactor = 4;
            color = gBlack;
        case 0:           // ahead, perpendicular
            timeFactor = 1.8f;
            color = gGray50;
        case -1:          // ahead, anti-parallel
            timeFactor = 0.85f;
            color = gWhite;
    case 0:
        switch (p)
        case +1:          // aside, parallel
            timeFactor = 1;
            color = gRed;
        case 0:           // aside, perpendicular
            timeFactor = 0.8f;
            color = gYellow;
        case -1:          // aside, anti-parallel
            timeFactor = 4;
            color = gGreen;
    case -1:
        switch (p)
        case +1:          // behind, parallel
            timeFactor = 0.5f;
            color= gCyan;
        case 0:           // behind, perpendicular
            timeFactor = 2;
            color= gBlue;
        case -1:          // behind, anti-parallel
            timeFactor = 2;
            color = gMagenta;

    // estimated time until intercept of quarry
    const float et = directTravelTime * timeFactor;

    // xxx experiment, if kept, this limit should be an argument
    const float etl = (et > maxPredictionTime) ? maxPredictionTime : et;

    // estimated position of quarry at intercept
    const float3 target = quarry.predictFuturePosition (etl);

    // annotation
    annotationLine (make_float3(v.position()),
                    gaudyPursuitAnnotation ? color : gGray40);

    return steerForSeek (v, target);