Exemplo n.º 1
void av1_vaq_frame_setup(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
  AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
  struct segmentation *seg = &cm->seg;
  int i;

  int resolution_change =
      cm->prev_frame && (cm->width != cm->prev_frame->width ||
                         cm->height != cm->prev_frame->height);
  if (resolution_change) {
    memset(cpi->segmentation_map, 0, cm->mi_rows * cm->mi_cols);
  if (frame_is_intra_only(cm) || cm->error_resilient_mode ||
      cpi->refresh_alt_ref_frame ||
      (cpi->refresh_golden_frame && !cpi->rc.is_src_frame_alt_ref)) {
    cpi->vaq_refresh = 1;



    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SEGMENTS; ++i) {
      int qindex_delta =
          av1_compute_qdelta_by_rate(&cpi->rc, cm->frame_type, cm->base_qindex,
                                     rate_ratio[i], cm->bit_depth);

      // We don't allow qindex 0 in a segment if the base value is not 0.
      // Q index 0 (lossless) implies 4x4 encoding only and in AQ mode a segment
      // Q delta is sometimes applied without going back around the rd loop.
      // This could lead to an illegal combination of partition size and q.
      if ((cm->base_qindex != 0) && ((cm->base_qindex + qindex_delta) == 0)) {
        qindex_delta = -cm->base_qindex + 1;

      av1_set_segdata(seg, i, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q, qindex_delta);
      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, i, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q);
Exemplo n.º 2
void av1_vaq_frame_setup(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
  AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
  struct segmentation *seg = &cm->seg;
  int i;

  if (frame_is_intra_only(cm) || cm->error_resilient_mode ||
      cpi->refresh_alt_ref_frame ||
      (cpi->refresh_golden_frame && !cpi->rc.is_src_frame_alt_ref)) {
    cpi->vaq_refresh = 1;


    seg->abs_delta = SEGMENT_DELTADATA;


    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SEGMENTS; ++i) {
      int qindex_delta =
          av1_compute_qdelta_by_rate(&cpi->rc, cm->frame_type, cm->base_qindex,
                                     rate_ratio[i], cm->bit_depth);

      // We don't allow qindex 0 in a segment if the base value is not 0.
      // Q index 0 (lossless) implies 4x4 encoding only and in AQ mode a segment
      // Q delta is sometimes applied without going back around the rd loop.
      // This could lead to an illegal combination of partition size and q.
      if ((cm->base_qindex != 0) && ((cm->base_qindex + qindex_delta) == 0)) {
        qindex_delta = -cm->base_qindex + 1;

      // No need to enable SEG_LVL_ALT_Q for this segment.
      if (rate_ratio[i] == 1.0) {

      av1_set_segdata(seg, i, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q, qindex_delta);
      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, i, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q);
Exemplo n.º 3
double aom_get_ssim_metrics(uint8_t *img1, int img1_pitch, uint8_t *img2,
                            int img2_pitch, int width, int height, Ssimv *sv2,
                            Metrics *m, int do_inconsistency) {
  double dssim_total = 0;
  double ssim_total = 0;
  double ssim2_total = 0;
  double inconsistency_total = 0;
  int i, j;
  int c = 0;
  double norm;
  double old_ssim_total = 0;
  // We can sample points as frequently as we like start with 1 per 4x4.
  for (i = 0; i < height;
       i += 4, img1 += img1_pitch * 4, img2 += img2_pitch * 4) {
    for (j = 0; j < width; j += 4, ++c) {
      Ssimv sv = { 0 };
      double ssim;
      double ssim2;
      double dssim;
      uint32_t var_new;
      uint32_t var_old;
      uint32_t mean_new;
      uint32_t mean_old;
      double ssim_new;
      double ssim_old;

      // Not sure there's a great way to handle the edge pixels
      // in ssim when using a window. Seems biased against edge pixels
      // however you handle this. This uses only samples that are
      // fully in the frame.
      if (j + 8 <= width && i + 8 <= height) {
        ssimv_parms(img1 + j, img1_pitch, img2 + j, img2_pitch, &sv);

      ssim = ssimv_similarity(&sv, 64);
      ssim2 = ssimv_similarity2(&sv, 64);

      sv.ssim = ssim2;

      // dssim is calculated to use as an actual error metric and
      // is scaled up to the same range as sum square error.
      // Since we are subsampling every 16th point maybe this should be
      // *16 ?
      dssim = 255 * 255 * (1 - ssim2) / 2;

      // Here I introduce a new error metric: consistency-weighted
      // SSIM-inconsistency.  This metric isolates frames where the
      // SSIM 'suddenly' changes, e.g. if one frame in every 8 is much
      // sharper or blurrier than the others. Higher values indicate a
      // temporally inconsistent SSIM. There are two ideas at work:
      // 1) 'SSIM-inconsistency': the total inconsistency value
      // reflects how much SSIM values are changing between this
      // source / reference frame pair and the previous pair.
      // 2) 'consistency-weighted': weights de-emphasize areas in the
      // frame where the scene content has changed. Changes in scene
      // content are detected via changes in local variance and local
      // mean.
      // Thus the overall measure reflects how inconsistent the SSIM
      // values are, over consistent regions of the frame.
      // The metric has three terms:
      // term 1 -> uses change in scene Variance to weight error score
      //  2 * var(Fi)*var(Fi-1) / (var(Fi)^2+var(Fi-1)^2)
      //  larger changes from one frame to the next mean we care
      //  less about consistency.
      // term 2 -> uses change in local scene luminance to weight error
      //  2 * avg(Fi)*avg(Fi-1) / (avg(Fi)^2+avg(Fi-1)^2)
      //  larger changes from one frame to the next mean we care
      //  less about consistency.
      // term3 -> measures inconsistency in ssim scores between frames
      //   1 - ( 2 * ssim(Fi)*ssim(Fi-1)/(ssim(Fi)^2+sssim(Fi-1)^2).
      // This term compares the ssim score for the same location in 2
      // subsequent frames.
      var_new = sv.sum_sq_s - sv.sum_s * sv.sum_s / 64;
      var_old = sv2[c].sum_sq_s - sv2[c].sum_s * sv2[c].sum_s / 64;
      mean_new = sv.sum_s;
      mean_old = sv2[c].sum_s;
      ssim_new = sv.ssim;
      ssim_old = sv2[c].ssim;

      if (do_inconsistency) {
        // We do the metric once for every 4x4 block in the image. Since
        // we are scaling the error to SSE for use in a psnr calculation
        // 1.0 = 4x4x255x255 the worst error we can possibly have.
        static const double kScaling = 4. * 4 * 255 * 255;

        // The constants have to be non 0 to avoid potential divide by 0
        // issues other than that they affect kind of a weighting between
        // the terms.  No testing of what the right terms should be has been
        // done.
        static const double c1 = 1, c2 = 1, c3 = 1;

        // This measures how much consistent variance is in two consecutive
        // source frames. 1.0 means they have exactly the same variance.
        const double variance_term =
            (2.0 * var_old * var_new + c1) /
            (1.0 * var_old * var_old + 1.0 * var_new * var_new + c1);

        // This measures how consistent the local mean are between two
        // consecutive frames. 1.0 means they have exactly the same mean.
        const double mean_term =
            (2.0 * mean_old * mean_new + c2) /
            (1.0 * mean_old * mean_old + 1.0 * mean_new * mean_new + c2);

        // This measures how consistent the ssims of two
        // consecutive frames is. 1.0 means they are exactly the same.
        double ssim_term =
            pow((2.0 * ssim_old * ssim_new + c3) /
                    (ssim_old * ssim_old + ssim_new * ssim_new + c3),

        double this_inconsistency;

        // Floating point math sometimes makes this > 1 by a tiny bit.
        // We want the metric to scale between 0 and 1.0 so we can convert
        // it to an snr scaled value.
        if (ssim_term > 1) ssim_term = 1;

        // This converts the consistency metric to an inconsistency metric
        // ( so we can scale it like psnr to something like sum square error.
        // The reason for the variance and mean terms is the assumption that
        // if there are big changes in the source we shouldn't penalize
        // inconsistency in ssim scores a bit less as it will be less visible
        // to the user.
        this_inconsistency = (1 - ssim_term) * variance_term * mean_term;

        this_inconsistency *= kScaling;
        inconsistency_total += this_inconsistency;
      sv2[c] = sv;
      ssim_total += ssim;
      ssim2_total += ssim2;
      dssim_total += dssim;

      old_ssim_total += ssim_old;
    old_ssim_total += 0;

  norm = 1. / (width / 4) / (height / 4);
  ssim_total *= norm;
  ssim2_total *= norm;
  m->ssim2 = ssim2_total;
  m->ssim = ssim_total;
  if (old_ssim_total == 0) inconsistency_total = 0;

  m->ssimc = inconsistency_total;

  m->dssim = dssim_total;
  return inconsistency_total;
Exemplo n.º 4
int av1_receive_compressed_data(AV1Decoder *pbi, size_t size,
                                const uint8_t **psource) {
  AV1_COMMON *volatile const cm = &pbi->common;
  BufferPool *volatile const pool = cm->buffer_pool;
  RefCntBuffer *volatile const frame_bufs = cm->buffer_pool->frame_bufs;
  const uint8_t *source = *psource;
  int retcode = 0;
  cm->error.error_code = AOM_CODEC_OK;

  if (size == 0) {
    // This is used to signal that we are missing frames.
    // We do not know if the missing frame(s) was supposed to update
    // any of the reference buffers, but we act conservative and
    // mark only the last buffer as corrupted.
    // TODO(jkoleszar): Error concealment is undefined and non-normative
    // at this point, but if it becomes so, [0] may not always be the correct
    // thing to do here.
    if (cm->frame_refs[0].idx > 0) {
      assert(cm->frame_refs[0].buf != NULL);
      cm->frame_refs[0].buf->corrupted = 1;

  pbi->ready_for_new_data = 0;

  // Find a free buffer for the new frame, releasing the reference previously
  // held.

  // Check if the previous frame was a frame without any references to it.
  // Release frame buffer if not decoding in frame parallel mode.
  if (!cm->frame_parallel_decode && cm->new_fb_idx >= 0 &&
      frame_bufs[cm->new_fb_idx].ref_count == 0)

  // Find a free frame buffer. Return error if can not find any.
  cm->new_fb_idx = get_free_fb(cm);
  if (cm->new_fb_idx == INVALID_IDX) return AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR;

  // Assign a MV array to the frame buffer.
  cm->cur_frame = &pool->frame_bufs[cm->new_fb_idx];

  pbi->hold_ref_buf = 0;
  if (cm->frame_parallel_decode) {
    AVxWorker *const worker = pbi->frame_worker_owner;
    frame_bufs[cm->new_fb_idx].frame_worker_owner = worker;
    // Reset decoding progress.
    pbi->cur_buf = &frame_bufs[cm->new_fb_idx];
    pbi->cur_buf->row = -1;
    pbi->cur_buf->col = -1;
  } else {
    pbi->cur_buf = &frame_bufs[cm->new_fb_idx];

  if (setjmp(cm->error.jmp)) {
    const AVxWorkerInterface *const winterface = aom_get_worker_interface();
    int i;

    cm->error.setjmp = 0;
    pbi->ready_for_new_data = 1;

    // Synchronize all threads immediately as a subsequent decode call may
    // cause a resize invalidating some allocations.
    for (i = 0; i < pbi->num_tile_workers; ++i) {

    // Release all the reference buffers if worker thread is holding them.
    if (pbi->hold_ref_buf == 1) {
      int ref_index = 0, mask;
      for (mask = pbi->refresh_frame_flags; mask; mask >>= 1) {
        const int old_idx = cm->ref_frame_map[ref_index];
        // Current thread releases the holding of reference frame.
        decrease_ref_count(old_idx, frame_bufs, pool);

        // Release the reference frame holding in the reference map for the
        // decoding of the next frame.
        if (mask & 1) decrease_ref_count(old_idx, frame_bufs, pool);

      // Current thread releases the holding of reference frame.
      for (; ref_index < REF_FRAMES && !cm->show_existing_frame; ++ref_index) {
        const int old_idx = cm->ref_frame_map[ref_index];
        decrease_ref_count(old_idx, frame_bufs, pool);
      pbi->hold_ref_buf = 0;
    // Release current frame.
    decrease_ref_count(cm->new_fb_idx, frame_bufs, pool);

    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 5
// Setup cyclic background refresh: set delta q and segmentation map.
void av1_cyclic_refresh_setup(AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
  const RATE_CONTROL *const rc = &cpi->rc;
  CYCLIC_REFRESH *const cr = cpi->cyclic_refresh;
  struct segmentation *const seg = &cm->seg;
  const int apply_cyclic_refresh = apply_cyclic_refresh_bitrate(cm, rc);
  if (cm->current_video_frame == 0) cr->low_content_avg = 0.0;
  // Don't apply refresh on key frame or enhancement layer frames.
  if (!apply_cyclic_refresh || cm->frame_type == KEY_FRAME) {
    // Set segmentation map to 0 and disable.
    unsigned char *const seg_map = cpi->segmentation_map;
    memset(seg_map, 0, cm->mi_rows * cm->mi_cols);
    if (cm->frame_type == KEY_FRAME) {
      memset(cr->last_coded_q_map, MAXQ,
             cm->mi_rows * cm->mi_cols * sizeof(*cr->last_coded_q_map));
      cr->sb_index = 0;
  } else {
    int qindex_delta = 0;
    int qindex2;
    const double q = av1_convert_qindex_to_q(cm->base_qindex, cm->bit_depth);
    // Set rate threshold to some multiple (set to 2 for now) of the target
    // rate (target is given by sb64_target_rate and scaled by 256).
    cr->thresh_rate_sb = ((int64_t)(rc->sb64_target_rate) << 8) << 2;
    // Distortion threshold, quadratic in Q, scale factor to be adjusted.
    // q will not exceed 457, so (q * q) is within 32bit; see:
    // av1_convert_qindex_to_q(), av1_ac_quant(), ac_qlookup*[].
    cr->thresh_dist_sb = ((int64_t)(q * q)) << 2;

    // Set up segmentation.
    // Clear down the segment map.
    // Select delta coding method.
    seg->abs_delta = SEGMENT_DELTADATA;

    // Note: setting temporal_update has no effect, as the seg-map coding method
    // (temporal or spatial) is determined in
    // av1_choose_segmap_coding_method(),
    // based on the coding cost of each method. For error_resilient mode on the
    // last_frame_seg_map is set to 0, so if temporal coding is used, it is
    // relative to 0 previous map.
    // seg->temporal_update = 0;

    // Segment BASE "Q" feature is disabled so it defaults to the baseline Q.
    av1_disable_segfeature(seg, CR_SEGMENT_ID_BASE, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q);
    // Use segment BOOST1 for in-frame Q adjustment.
    av1_enable_segfeature(seg, CR_SEGMENT_ID_BOOST1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q);
    // Use segment BOOST2 for more aggressive in-frame Q adjustment.
    av1_enable_segfeature(seg, CR_SEGMENT_ID_BOOST2, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q);

    // Set the q delta for segment BOOST1.
    qindex_delta = compute_deltaq(cpi, cm->base_qindex, cr->rate_ratio_qdelta);
    cr->qindex_delta[1] = qindex_delta;

    // Compute rd-mult for segment BOOST1.
    qindex2 = clamp(cm->base_qindex + cm->y_dc_delta_q + qindex_delta, 0, MAXQ);

    cr->rdmult = av1_compute_rd_mult(cpi, qindex2);

    av1_set_segdata(seg, CR_SEGMENT_ID_BOOST1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q, qindex_delta);

    // Set a more aggressive (higher) q delta for segment BOOST2.
    qindex_delta = compute_deltaq(
        cpi, cm->base_qindex,
               0.1 * cr->rate_boost_fac * cr->rate_ratio_qdelta));
    cr->qindex_delta[2] = qindex_delta;
    av1_set_segdata(seg, CR_SEGMENT_ID_BOOST2, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q, qindex_delta);

    // Update the segmentation and refresh map.