Exemplo n.º 1
  * Concat src1 and src2 using the approprate path seperator for the platform. 
static char * make_full_path(pool *a, const char *src1, const char *src2)
#ifdef WIN32
    register int x;
    char * p ;
    char * q ;

    x = strlen(src1);

    if (x == 0) {
	    p = ap_pstrcat(a, "\\", src2, NULL);
    else if (src1[x - 1] != '\\' && src1[x - 1] != '/') {
	    p = ap_pstrcat(a, src1, "\\", src2, NULL);
    else {
	    p = ap_pstrcat(a, src1, src2, NULL);

    q = p ;
    while (*q)
        if (*q == '/') {
	        *q = '\\' ;

    return p ;
    return ap_make_full_path(a, src1, src2);
Exemplo n.º 2
static int
check_request_acl(request_rec *r, int req_access) {
    char *dir_path, *acl_path;
    apr_finfo_t acl_finfo;

    const char *req_uri, *dir_uri, *acl_uri, *access;
    const char *port, *par_uri, *req_file;

    librdf_world *rdf_world = NULL;
    librdf_storage *rdf_storage = NULL;
    librdf_model *rdf_model = NULL;
    librdf_parser *rdf_parser = NULL;
    librdf_uri *rdf_uri_acl = NULL,
               *rdf_uri_base = NULL;

    int ret = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;

    // dir_path: parent directory of request filename
    // acl_path: absolute path to request ACL
    dir_path = ap_make_dirstr_parent(r->pool, r->filename);
    acl_path = ap_make_full_path(r->pool, dir_path, WEBID_ACL_FNAME);

    if (apr_filepath_merge(&acl_path, NULL, acl_path, APR_FILEPATH_NOTRELATIVE, r->pool) != APR_SUCCESS) {
        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, r,
                      "Module bug?  Request filename path %s is invalid or "
                      "or not absolute for uri %s",
                      r->filename, r->uri);
        return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;

    // acl_path: 403 if missing
    if ((apr_stat(&acl_finfo, acl_path, APR_FINFO_TYPE, r->pool) != APR_SUCCESS) ||
        (acl_finfo.filetype != APR_REG)) {
        return HTTP_FORBIDDEN;

    // req_uri: fully qualified URI of request filename
    // dir_uri: fully qualified URI of request filename parent
    // acl_uri: fully qualified URI of request filename ACL
    // access: ACL URI of requested access
    port = ap_is_default_port(ap_get_server_port(r), r)
           ? "" : apr_psprintf(r->pool, ":%u", ap_get_server_port(r));
    req_uri = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s://%s%s%s%s",
                           ap_http_scheme(r), ap_get_server_name(r), port,
                           (*r->uri == '/') ? "" : "/",
    par_uri = ap_make_dirstr_parent(r->pool, r->uri);
    dir_uri = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s://%s%s%s%s",
                           ap_http_scheme(r), ap_get_server_name(r), port,
                           (*par_uri == '/') ? "" : "/",
    acl_uri = ap_make_full_path(r->pool, dir_uri, WEBID_ACL_FNAME);

    if (req_access == WEBID_ACCESS_READ) {
        access = "Read";
    } else if (req_access == WEBID_ACCESS_WRITE) {
        if ((req_file = strrchr(r->filename, '/')) != NULL &&
            strcmp(++req_file, WEBID_ACL_FNAME) == 0)
            access = "Control";
            access = "Write";
    } else {
        access = "Control";

    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, r,
                  "[ACL] %s (%s) %s | URI: %s | DIR: %s (%s) | ACL: %s (%s) | status: %d",
                  r->method, access, r->uri, req_uri, dir_uri, dir_path, acl_uri, acl_path, r->status);

    if ((rdf_world = librdf_new_world()) != NULL) {
        if ((rdf_storage = librdf_new_storage(rdf_world, "memory", NULL, NULL)) != NULL) {
            if ((rdf_model = librdf_new_model(rdf_world, rdf_storage, NULL)) != NULL) {
                if ((rdf_parser = librdf_new_parser(rdf_world, "turtle", NULL, NULL)) != NULL) {
                    if ((rdf_uri_base = librdf_new_uri(rdf_world, (unsigned char*)acl_uri)) != NULL) {
                        if ((rdf_uri_acl = librdf_new_uri_from_filename(rdf_world, acl_path)) != NULL) {
                            if (!librdf_parser_parse_into_model(rdf_parser, rdf_uri_acl, rdf_uri_base, rdf_model)) {
                                //log_stream_prefix(r, librdf_model_as_stream(rdf_model), "[ACL] [model]");
                                if (query_results(r, rdf_world, rdf_model,
                                    apr_psprintf(r->pool, SPARQL_URI_MODE_AGENT, "accessTo", req_uri, access, r->user)) > 0 || \
                                    query_results(r, rdf_world, rdf_model,
                                    apr_psprintf(r->pool, SPARQL_URI_MODE_AGENTCLASS, "accessTo", req_uri, access, r->user)) > 0 || \
                                    query_results(r, rdf_world, rdf_model,
                                    apr_psprintf(r->pool, SPARQL_URI_MODE_WORLD, "accessTo", req_uri, access)) > 0 || \
                                    ( ( query_results(r, rdf_world, rdf_model,
                                        apr_psprintf(r->pool, SPARQL_URI_ACL_EXISTS, "accessTo", req_uri )) == 0 ) &&
                                      ( query_results(r, rdf_world, rdf_model,
                                        apr_psprintf(r->pool, SPARQL_URI_MODE_AGENT, "defaultForNew", dir_uri, access, r->user)) > 0 || \
                                        query_results(r, rdf_world, rdf_model,
                                        apr_psprintf(r->pool, SPARQL_URI_MODE_AGENTCLASS, "defaultForNew", dir_uri, access, r->user)) > 0 || \
                                        query_results(r, rdf_world, rdf_model,
                                        apr_psprintf(r->pool, SPARQL_URI_MODE_WORLD, "defaultForNew", dir_uri, access)) > 0 ) ) ) {
                                    apr_table_set(r->headers_out, "Link", apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s; rel=meta", acl_uri));
                                    ret = OK;
                            } else
                                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "librdf_parser_parse_into_model failed");
                        } else
                            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "librdf_new_uri_from_filename returned NULL");
                    } else
                        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "librdf_new_uri returned NULL");
                } else
                    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "librdf_new_parser returned NULL");
            } else
                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "librdf_new_model returned NULL");
        } else
            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "librdf_new_storage returned NULL");
    } else
        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "librdf_new_world returned NULL");

    return ret;